Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-08

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Entries and Past Performances CHURCHILL DOWNS I . SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 I WEATHER CLEAR : TRACK FAST. 85558 Sea Court, 4 Mn 109 1:44 G 105X705 Tho figures under the heading "Rec." in 85514 Moorfield, C ..La 101 l:50h 3 100 X 700 th entries holow show the hest time of each horse at the distance since January 1, ,., T-XT- Ha,c? 3-41 Mll , . . 1922, no matter where it finished. In cases rurse ,100. 3-year-olds and upward Claiming, Track record: May 24, 1921 1:11 6 12S. where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track con- 85276 PURE DEE, C La 111 1:11 4 109.. 750 dltl0C3, 85517 bEastcr Hells, 3 1 Lx 99 1:11 4 109X740 85517 Kittie Jim, l..La 95 1:11 3 102X 740 7CIC0 IS FITtST INDEX OF 1921. 85468 bltapid Dnv, 2 La 103 1:12 8 109 740 81J23 IS THE FIRST INDEX OF OCTOIJETt. 85517 Huon Pine, 7 La 95 1:11 3 105 X 735 . . 85276 Ponjola, 5 . Ti 105 1:12 3 105.. 735 Racing T, starts at 1:30 t. ,i p. m. Chicago time, 1:30. 855173 Sayn0f 4 Im 1Q7 1:12 3 108x735 Superior mud runner. XOood mud runner. 85517 Odd Seth, S ..Mil 100 1:12 3 107X730 Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice llowances. b Blinkers. Fourth Race 1 Mile. Shawnee Park Handicap. The following abbreviations are used o designate Purse ,700. 3-year-olds and upward, tracks at which time records shown in entiles Track record: May 19, 1921 1:36 S 104. were made: 855381 Val,cy UbM Mucduct Aq Park JP .Jefferson - 100 00 138 3 m0 ton Park KP BetaS,tpVrk ll m BP ?-n:1Tth King Edward a .Ki 85538 bPogasus 2 .....I 107 1:37 5 107X743 BnL 85518 Sunsporo 3 ..iLa 108 1:37 3 1OSX740 fcinDowns::::.cD aSi".:::::::::::::S 85560 i. mn 3 05..735 Columbus Co Lexington Lx Fifth Race 7-8 Mile. Connaught Park ....CP Maple Heights MH Fifteenth Running Golden Rod Handicap. Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb ,000 added. 2-year-olds. Dado Park DP Mobile Mo Track record: May 21, 1921 1:23 1110. Devonshire Do Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om 85381 Lee O. Cotner, 4. Dufferin Du Pimlico Pm CD 10S 1:2C 123X750 Empire Em Raceland ....Rd 85245 Captain Hal, 14CD 122 1:25 127.. 745 Fair Grounds FG Reno Ro 85492 King Nadl, 13.CD 9S 1:25 110.. 740 Fort Erie KE Saratoga Sa 85492s Deeming, 7 ...CD 95 1:25 105 X740 Hamilton Hm Tanforan Ta 85540 Little Visitor, 0.. Havre de Grace HG Thorncliffe Th CD 115 1:20 119 X 740 Hawthorne Hw Tijuana ., Ti 8E540 Bignonia, 3 ...CD 110 1:20 109X735 Havana Hv Toledo To 84886 Riviera, 5 10GX735 Huntington Hu Windsor Wi 85540 Rural Route, 11.. Jamaica Ja. "Woodbine Wo CD 108 1:27 112X735 85492 Blue Ridge. 10. CD 10GJ1:27 113X730 First Race 1 Mile. 85492 Cream Puff, LCD 102 1:30 110X725 rurse ,100. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 85561 Lad oMine, 2 . . . . 109.. 725 Track record: May 19, 1921 1:30 S 104. 84877 Annihilator, 8 109X725 Todays 85442 Abstract, 9 110X725 Ind. ncrsc. Wt.Roc. A.Wt.Han. 85540 Buttress, 12 ...CD 10S 1:27 103X725 85438 Wapiti, 11 . ...FG 115 1:39 0 103X725 . .. . . .... 85168 Dorius, 7 CD 107 1:3S, 5 103X720 SiXv, Kact 3-4 Mlle 85520 Wrangler, 8 ..BB 102 1:42 4 105X715 , ,Llncrest VuTS,e: 85343 Roldgold, 2 ..CD 99 l:40s 4 105x715 rurse . 2-year-olds. Fillies. 85487 Piedmont, C ..CD 104 1:41 4 10SX715 ,, , , U,0Woa,nccOi , -m n ioc v 85535 Sister Josella, 9 Track record: May 24, 19211:110128. CD 111 1:42 4 105X71and 85492s Deeming, 3 ...La 101 1:12 10GX725 85516 Jupiter, 10 ...;La 111 1:42s 4 113 x 710 85347 Speckled Beauty, 85343 Harry B., 12 DP 10S 1:39 7 111X710 4 La 109 1:13 103.. 720 85493 bHalu. 15 BP 111 1:39 C 10SX710 85540 Bridesmaid, 8 La 10511:12 111X71, 85558 Pequot, 19 ...CD 110 1:40 4 108x710 85519 Midnight Rose, 7 85535 Teds Plum. 3... 4 10SX705 La 112 1:13 103X715 85558 bIJepeater, 14 ..CD 114 1:40 7 110X705 83394 Wanderlust, G 103X710 85438 Macbeth, 1 ...CD 114 l:42m 4 100X700 85519 Maximaneh, 2 85558 Huonec, 4 ...CD 110 1:40 0 10SX700 La 107 1:13 109 X705 854S7 bMolinero. 5 ..Hv 104 1:41 G 103. .700 85492 Cream Puff, 5 10GX70b 85487 bSands of Pleasure, Beach Talk, 1 10G .13 La 113 1:39 11 10SX700 8537G nullo, 10 CD 104J1:43 G 105X700 Seventh c Race 1 11ur.. Mile. 85558 Kennmare. 17 FG 105 1:44 4 100X700 Vu S,1100 ?"j;e;lr-llIs ?nJ?, uaJi PVB 85468 Vanishing Boy, 18 Track record: May 19, 1921 1:36 S 104. CD 110 1:41 4 1 03 X 700 85520 Parader, 8 .. .CD 119 1:37 C 114X725 85516 La Planche de c it, i i m mm oJr , 7 , Mlle? , . . Briante, 2 ..CD 102 1:39 3 100.. 720 rurse ,200. 3-ycar-olds and upward Claiming. 85541 Cloister, 5 .. .La 107 1:38 3 110X71D Track record: May 24, 19221:444113. 85487 Paul Micou, 4 CD 112 1:40 5 107X715 85520 Ramkin, 3 .. .nw 113 1:47 G 112. .725 85514 Nimrnd. 3 ...CD 107 1:40 3 110X715 85314 Hoy, 1 Hw 112 1:40 4 110X720 85558 Wild Life, G ..CD 105 1:39 4 110X710 5516 Randel, 2 Hv 105 1:47 5 112X715 84589 Privilege, 7 ..CD 105 1:39 3 100X710 85469 Bugler, 5 CD 100 1:47 3 105X710 85493 Little Clair, 9 84394 Cheer Leader, 7 Mil 10S 1:40 3 9SX705 La 105 1:4G 10 105X703 85541 bQuesada, .1 .. .Aq 105 1:38 5 113X700 lSt RACE 1 i1-10 i 4-"ear01,ls and upward. Claiming. May 19, ltlll Index Course Dlst Time Tck Odds Wt St A Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish WAPITI, ch. g, 6 103 By Harmonicon Catacomb II., by Ladas. Trainer. W. H. Hall. Owner, W. H. Hall. Breeder. W. R. Coe. 85138 Churchill 7-8 l:26fast 27-10 106 7 3 5 31 Iv Hglandl3 J.Q.Kelly, UncleBert, WarPrizc 85240 Churchill 7-8 l:27fast 61f 103 12 4 31 2t K Hglandl5 Kindred, War Prize, Eddie Jr. 850G3 Latonia ImTOy l:434fast 19-5 1101 3 5 51 5s E Martin 8 Belzoni, Diomed, Untried 84941 Latonia ImTOy l:"43fast 41 105 8 5 41 51 E Blind 12 Randel, Beautiful Addie, Coyne S4585 Latonia 1 1-8 l:52fast 9 103 8 3 5 61 D Merglerll Ramkin, Opulent. Randel 790G7 Churchill 1 l:3Sfast 8J 112. 5 4 4 3s J Wood 7 EdPdlcton. P.Politicn, Al.Ochs DORIUS, b. h. 5 103 By Sain Latifa, by Hamburg. Trainer, J. Hedderman. Owner, J. Hedderman. Breeder. G. J. Lonir. S54G8 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 07 103 7 G 41 3s R Zccliini 7 Rapid Day, Cobweb, Sympathy 85178 Churchill 1 1-1G l:46fast 30f 112 11 11 11 11 J Heupel 11 P.loln, Midwestn, WhoKsMe 84520 Aurora lm70y l:45fast 21 114 8 2 21 3s F ChvettalO PaulMicou, Elias O., Mar. Ware 8442G Aurora 1 1-1G l:48fast 14-5 107 1 6 51 41 K Ericksn S LadyChoco, Marg.Ware, EliasO. 84332 Aurora 1 1-1C 1:52 slow 7 102 3 3 3 3"! K Eckson 3 Tangerine, Rocky Mountain 84055 Aurora 1 1-16 l:4Sfast S 112 3 4 45 2 K Ericksn 5 Dandybrush, Virginius, Yorick WRANGLER, b. c. 4 105 By Wrack Bold Lady, by Ogden. Trainer. J. M. Brown. Owner, L. J. Brown. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 85520 Churchill 1 1-10 l:47fast 18 106 2 2 4 4i A Franco 10 Parader, JohnnyJewell, Ramkin 8537G Churchill 7-S l:2Gfast 22 105 4 B sa E10 R Zcchintl5 Kindred, Sequel, Jupiter 79794 Latonia lm70y l:44good 5i 109 3 6 7 7" J Pevic 7 Napoo, Lieut. Colonel, Sway 79720 Latonia lm"0y 1:48 mud 19 10S 3 1 Is l1, J Pevic 11 Quesada, Sway, Tan Son 77844 Jefferson 1 1-1G l:5o good 4 109 G 3 5l 8" F Thyke 12 KentL., St.Donard, Royal Duck 77579 F.Grnds 1 1-S l:55mud 41 97 1 2 2" 2" F Thdyke 8 Llewellyn, Huonec, Fantoche ROLDGOLD, ch; f. 4 1C5 By Mentor Rustle, by Russell. Trainer. J. H. Moody. Owner. T. E. Mueller. Bred by estate of O. F. Stelfel. 85343 Churchill 1 l:40fast 15 111 10 G 41 45J A Terrat 10 Parader, Lugs, Trapnet 85308 Churchill 3-4 1:11 fast 7f 110 15 9 Gl 451 A Terrat 15 P.Prince, J.Q.Kelly, UncleBert 85240 Churchill 7-S l:27fast lf 110 7 9 9 910 A Yerrat 15 Kindred, Wapiti, War Prize 85172 Churchill 3-4 l:14fast 72 102 11 7 8 7 A Terrat 13 Jupiter, John Q. Kelly, Rubien 84347 Latonia 1 1-16 1:50 mud 41 110 7 I 1 7 H Long 8 Ramkin, SisterFlo, Escarpolette 84031 Latonia 3-4 1:1G hvy 33f 117 9 8 8 7" A Terrat 11 Newmarket, Jupiter, R.E.Clark PIEDMONT, ch. g, 4 108 By Dick Finnell Day Dream, by Ballot. Trainer, M Shapoff. Ownsr, M. Shapoff. Breeder. S. K. Nichols. 85487 Churchill 7-8 l:26fast 100 111 5 1 51 G W Fronk 9 PaulMicou, Parader, S.ofPlurc K5308 Churchill 3-4 1:14 fast 57 111 12 12 12 138 A Peternell.". P.Prince, J.Q.Kelly, UncleBert 85172 Churchill 3-t l:14fast 19-5 110 G G 71 6 W Fronk 13 Jupiter, John Q. Kelly, Rubien 84435 Latonia 3-4 l:lGhvy 22 99 8 9 8 S13 S Griffin 9 Asaph. Hullo, Allie Ochs 84280 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 147 107 9 11 11 ll1 S Griffin 12 Barn Dollar, Glyn, Easter Bells 83G20 Aurora 3-4 l:13fast 10 112 4 4 71 9J J Eaton 10 Theo. LorenaMarcellia, Lierre SISTER JCSELLA, b. f, 4 105 By Meelick Regea. by Margrave. Trainer. J. J. Duggan. Owner, C. B. Shafer. Breeder. C. E. McCarthy. K5535 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 26 112 5 9 C 75 W Fronk 12 Sequel, Uncle Bert, Body Guard 85343 Churchill 1 l:40fast 22 111 G 4 G1 G10 F Shame 10 Parader, Lugs, Trapnet 8471G Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 11 112 11 10 81 8s F Sharpe 14 Cl.Thsen, SeaSd, Dr.Ch.Wells 8 1353 H.deGce 1 1-4 2:13mud 11 102 9 3 5h 7 S Larence 9 Smuts, V.-Chairman, Npolitan 83924 B.Bonts 3-4 l:13fast 7-5 111 1 1 lii 2 F Sharpe 9 Exit, Dr.Chas.Wells, Play On 83751 B.Bonts 7-8 l:28good 8-5 107 2 3 11 21 F Sharpe 8 Jacques, W. Charm, Miss Claire JUPITER, ch. c, 4 113 By Ormondale One Star, by Star Snoot, Trainer. J. J. Troxler. Owner. J- P. Young, Breeder. J. E. Madden. S551G Churchill 1 1-1G l:49fast 8 110 4 2 3J 4i E Martin 10 L.P.deBrintc. Repeater, Pequot 85487 Churchill 7-S l:2Gfast 14 HG 9 9 9 9 J D Mney 9 PaulMicou, Parader, S.oflTure 8537C Churchill 7-8 l:2Gfast 4 115 1 4 4t 310 H Stutts 15 Kindred, Sequel, Hysteria 85308 Churchill 3-4 1:11 fast 31 HG 9 8 7 61 H Stutts 15 P.Prince, J.Q.Kelly, UncleBert 85172 Churchill 3-4 l:14fast 6 108 7 4 31 l1! H Stutts 13 John Q. Kelly, Rubien, Ruby 8443G Latonia 1 1-1G l:51hvy 1 103 2 2 2 2 D Jones G Tender Seth. Reel Foot. Phenol HARRY B., ch. g, 7 111 By Jim Gaffnoy Flying Frances, by Planudea. Trainer. R. McGarvey. Owner, Four Oaks Stock Farm. Breeder. D. W. Scott. 85343 Churchill 1 l:40fast 44 HG 7 9 9l 9ls II Long 10 Parader, Lugs, Trapnet K50G3 Latonia lm70y l:43fast 18 111 2 8 8 8 II Long 8 Belzoni, Diomed, Untried 84 789 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 74 11112 12 12 ll1 E Kummerl2 Spats, B.ofElizabethtown, Coyne 83919 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 37-10 112 4 4 4 3 H Hilton 8 TedsPlum, WhoKsMe, Roldgold 83801 Latonia 3-4 l:14good 1G 122 4 3 lt 1and H Hilton G R.E.Clark, Ruby, JohnQ.Kelley fc3G40 Latonia ImTOy 1:45 good 17f 113 8 11 11 1011 II Hiltonl2 Jouett, Plus Ultra, Opulent HALU, b. g, 6 108 By King James Adelinette, by Melton. Trainer, J. S. Everman. Owner, A. S. Eastman. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 85493 Churchill 1 l:39fast 13f 107 8 5 ll1 11" E McClnglS New Gold, Gorget, Boy O Boy 8537G Churchill 7-8 l:2Cfast Glf 111 14 13 81 912 E Martin 15 Kindred, Sequel, Jupiter 79029 M.Hghts 1 1-8 l:53slow 3 107 5 2 4l 41 P Groos 5 Proceeds, Tingling, Fincastle 79553 M.Hghts 1 1-1G 1:48 slop 2 101 6 3 2 2 P Groos G Lady Inez, Murray, YoungAdain 7940G r.Hghts lm70y l:43good 5 113 1 G 54 5 G Wiams 7 Louanna, Eunice Bailey, Murray 79110 Map.Hts 11-8 1:53 slow 71 111 o 2 51 61 G Wliams 7 Fannie Bean,. KentL.. St.Donard PEQUOT, ch. c, 4 108 By Hilarious Halesia, by Martinet. Trainer. R. T. Watts. Owner, R. T, Watts. Breeders. Williams Bros. 85558 Seo todays chart. 8551G Churchill 1 1-1G l:49fast 13-5 102 3 1 21 313 S Griffin 10 L.P.deBriante, Repeater, Jupiter S5487 Churchill 7-S l:2Gfast 5 103 2 8 6 5J L McDott 9 PaulMicou, Parader, S.ofPlurc 85314 Churchill 1 1-8 l:55fast 33-10 111 3 1 2 3 M Garner 12 II.E.Colcman, Malt, T.Comtor 85209 Churchill 1 l:39fast lOf 110 9 5 5 4s Ji ZcchlnilS Lily M., Belzoni, Paul Micou 84983 Latonia 1 1-1G l:4Gfast 25 107 2 7 G G II Hay 8 Elias O., Parader. Tender Seth TEDS PLUM, ch. f, 4 108 By Trevlsco Plum Pudding, by Plaudit. Trainer, S. West. Owner. Borgman and Bills. Breeder. X. D. Alexander. 85535 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 41 107 10 5 9 9 F McGuirel2 Sequel, Uncle Bert, Body Guard S5172 Churchill 3-4 l:14fast 19-5f 100 1 9 11 11" F McGuirel3 Jupiter, John Q. Kelly, Rubien 83919 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 10 91 1 1 1 ! F McGuire v mmmmsJIc, Harry U.. Rldgld 82927 Bl.Grass 3-4 l:llfast 15 97 4 F McGuire 5 MissRdalc. Deltable. EterBell? 82780 B.GrassF. 3-4 l:13fast 7-5 104 li F McGuire 9 Great Lady, Dlekneil, New Pink 82252 Uungton 51 f l:07fast 13-10 101 U F McGuire G MamieoJane, Rajah, GypsyLiht REPEATER, ch. g, 7 110 By Ballot Sweet Lavender, by Goldfinch. Trainer. R. T. Runnels, Owner. F. Swain. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 8555S Seo todays chart. 8551 G Churchill 1 1-1G l:49fast 23 1071 5 6 4 2nfc H Stutts 10 Briante, Pequot, Jupiter 85438 Churchill 7-8 l:2Gfast 28 113 5 6 5l 7" M Garner 13 J. Q. Kelly, Uncle Bert, Wapiti 85343 Churchill 1 l:40fast 22 109 9 8 8 7" S Griffin 10 Parader, Lugs, Trapnet 85308 Churchill 3-4 1:11 fast 7f 108 8 10 101 8" It ZcchlnilS P.Prince, J.Q.Kelly, UncleBert 8524 0 Churchill 7-S l:27fast 19 108 2 11 10 10 R Yelton 15 Kindred, Wapiti, War Prize 84280 Latonia lm70y l:44fast U 107 5 6 Cand 71 R Yelton 10 Flower Shop, Asaph, Randel MACBETH, b. c, 4 103 By Tony Bonero A. M. J., by Boanerges. Trainer, L. Gentry. Owner, L. Gentry. Breeder. T. B. Jones.. 85438 Churchill 7-8 l:26fast 21 111 4 9 9 8 L McDottl3 J. Q. Kelly, Uncle Bert, Wapiti 83G95 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 7 111 3 10 4l 4s! L McDottl2 PureDee, Newmkct, BtherJohn 8084G Latonia 11-16 1:45 fast 22 109 1 7 7 71" H Stutts 8 J.G.Denny, RfastlSell. WildL.fe 79987 Latonia lm70y 1:49 muu 18-5 109 1 1 1 1 L McDottlO B.Bubbles, S.Court, Escarpoletto 79793 Latonia 3-4 l:12good 9-5 111 2 4 45 4 R Hoffmn 7 Sandalwd, WhoKsMe, DoubleT. 79423 Churchill 1 l:42mud 11-5 114 4 2 3 31 R Hoffmn G Napoo. S.ofPleasure, Blue Bird HUONEC. br. g, 6 108 By Huon Anecdote, by Tom Ochiltree. Trainer. F. Rusche. Owner, Mrs. J. Diebold. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 85558 Seo todays chart. 85520 Churchill 1 1-1G l:47fast 10 103110 8 8 7" W Fronk 10 Parader, JohnnyJewell, Ramkin 85314 Churchill 1 1-S l:55fast 8f 107 11 9 Gi 61 J Wallace 12 n.E.Coleman, Malt, Pequot 85209 Churchill 1 l:39fast 91 107 14 10 12h 81 IC HglandlS Lily M., Belzoni, Paul Micou S4G72 "Latonia 1 1-4 2:01fast 21 102 6 6 6 6" D Mergler 7 Arabian, H.E.Colen, Sagamook 84585 Latonia 1 1-S l:52fast lOf 111 6 6 81 72 A Francoll Ramkin, Opulent, Randel MOLINERO, b. g, 6 103 By Tim Payne Cloudlight, by Bright Phoebus. Trainer. A. Goldblatt. Owner, A. J. Molera. 3reeder. A. J. Molero. 85487 Churchill 7-8 l:2Gandfast 2G 103 1 7 71 7" S Griffin 9 raulMicou, Parader, S.ofPlurc 84987 Latonia 1 1-1G l:46fast 32 115 1 6 8 8" J Gormleyll Miss Mazie, Yorick, Kindred 8408G Aurora ImTOy l:4Gfast 21 111 .4 2 11 2and J Gormley 9 Molinero, Lothair. Voogeria 84024 Aurora lm70y l:49slow 7 108 4 2 21 2"k R Zccliini 9 Proceeds, Hasty Miss, Lendonia 83791 Aurora ImTOy l:45fast 8 102 2 4 4 3J H Yelton 7 BessieLeighton, Liege, Lothair 83G23 Aurora 5-8 l:00fast G 111 9 11 10l 7 R Telton 12 Big Sapp, Crescent, Ontario SANrS OF PLEASURE, b. g, 11 108 By Fair Play Golden Sand, by Rock Sand. Trainer. J. M. Goode. Owner. J. T. Looney. Breeder. A. Belmont. 85487 Churchill 7-8 l:2Gfast 62 103 7 6 41 31 A Franco 9 Paul Micou. Parader, Lugs 8537G Churchill 7-S l:2Gfast 41 110 13 9 9 8 A Francol5 Kindred, Sequel, Jupiter 82759 Hthorno 1 1-16 l:46fast 20 114 12 12 13 13" W Fronk 13 Glentilt, RoyalDuck, Mar.Mooro 81943 Hthorno 1 1-8 1:58 mud 5 111 4 4 4l 6" W Fronk G Huonec, War Winner, Proceeds 81G2G Hthorne 1 1-8 l:52fast 12 111 9 8 8s 4" F Weiner 10 Yorick, Flying Prince, Poppye 814GG Hthorno 1 1-8 l:5Shvy 15 111 9 3 8 651 A Collins 11 Al Stehler, Ramkin, The Reaper HULLO, ch. m. 6 105 By Huon Some Kid, by Boanerges. Trainer. W. L. Drake. Owner. W. L. Drake. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 8537G Churchill 7-8 l:2Gfast GH 107 8 10 101 10 W BogskilS Kindred, Sequel, Jupiter 84707 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 77 112 3 10 91! 9 W LancetlO JohnS.Reardon, J.Q.Kelly, Coyne 84435 Latonia 3-4 l:16hvy 8 101 2 6 2 2 J A Mney 9 Asaph, Allb Ochs, Haleakalu 82121 Devshiro 51 f 1:07 fast 21 110 9 7 7 7 J McCoy 12 Royal Dick, Sea-Wolf, Manna 81224 Windsor 3-4 l:14fast 37 106 8 11 111 12 J A Mneyl2 Fehrah, Metson, Sea-Wolf 79937 Latonia 3-4 l:15mud 14-5 110 4 4 41 3" A Pickens 7 Volt, Phil McCann, Sister Flo KENNMARE, ch. f. 4 109 By Ballot Illwill. by Sir Dixon. Trainer, C. Rusche. Owner, Mrs. C. Rusche. Breeder. A. J. Corey. 85558 Seo todays chart. 85520 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47fast 69 9G G 4 61 6" F McGuIrelO Parader, JohnnyJewell, Ramkin 85438 Churchill 7-S l:26fast 21f 103 11 8 81 C91 F McGuirel3 J. Q. Kelly. Uncle Bert, Wapiti S5308 Churchill 3-4 1:11 fast 7f 103 7 15 13 12" S Griffin 15 P.Prince, J.Q.Kelly, UncleBert 77500 F.Grnds 1 1-1G 1:49 good 15 103 2 11 11 11 B Brenir.gl2 Waywassamo, MockOrange, Tex 77449 F.Grnds 1 1-1G 1:50 mud 25 105 9 9 9 9 B Brening 9 Permarco, St. Paul, Yorick VANISHING BOY. blk. g, 4 103 By Smoke House The Widow Moon, by Stalwart. Trainer, F. Henze. Owner, F. Henze. Breeder. R. P. Marshall. 854G8 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 157 1043 4 3 5h G1 J Gormley 7 Rapid Day, Cobweb, Dorius 85438 Churchill 7-S l:26fast 21f 108 10 11 13 13 J GormleylS J. Q. Kellv, Uncle Bert, Wapiti 85172 Churchill 3-4 l:14fast 63 103 3 3 51 8 IC Hglandl3 Jupiter, John Q. Kelly, Rubien 84 127 Aurora 1 1:42 fast 8 110 5 5 5s 510 A Peternel G Lt. Colonel, Lit.Andy, Voogeria 84331 Aurora 3-4 l:lGslow 20 109 4 3 3l 31 J Smith 9 BootBlack. EddicJr., B.Lcigbton 83905 Aurora lm70y 1:48 hvy 4 101 1 2 3l 4 R Zccliini 7 Lierre; Lugs, Lendonia 2nd RACE 1 lO"" l1 l"yiy""ldS antI TU,TVard Claiming?. May 4, RAMKIN, ch. g. 6 112 By Olambala Carlnya. by William the Third. Trainer. E. R. Anderson. Owner, Wright and Anderson. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 85520 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47fast 11 107 9 6 31 31 J A Mney 10 Parader, JonyJewell, Wrangler 85348 Churchill 1 1-4 2:07fast 10 102 12 7 8and 91 J A Mneyl2 Gcorgie, Frank Gailor, Provident 85240 Churchill 7-8 l:27fast 21 116 15 8 7and 62 J A Mnej-15 Kindred, Wapiti, War Prize 84912 Latonia 1 1-4 2:04fast 6 101 8 6 5 59 J A Mney 8 Wild Life, Tippo Sahib, Arabian 84795 Latonia 1 1-2 2:32fast 21 112 8 2 5" 5" J A Mney S Sagamook, H.E.Cman, F.Orient 84585 Latonia 1 1-8 l:52fast 8 116 10 7 3H 1J J A Mney 11 Opulent, Randel, Fair Orient HOY. b. g. 4 110 By Wrack Anyday, by Locohatchoe. Trainer, M. Shapoff. Owner, M. Shapoff. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 85314 Churchill 1 1-3 l:55fast 27 110 10 8 81 72 W Fronk 12 n.E.Coleman, Malt. Tequot 85209 Churchill 1 l:39fast lOf U3 13 9 9 71 W Fronk 15 Lily M., Belzoni, Paul Micou 84585 Latonia 1 1-8 l:52fast lOf HG 1 5 4and 51 W Fronk 11 Ramkin, Opulent, Randel 84488 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 51 100 4 5 5l 5J L McDott 8 ColoredBoy, Fantoche, M.Carrel 841G0 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 14 107 5 6 41 41 L McDott G Victoire, Sayno, Plus Ultra 83G24 Aurora 1 1-16 1:47 fast 4 110 6 5 5l 2n R Zcchini 8 FlygPrce, Marg.Ware, Ddybsh RANDEL, b. g. 5 112 By Jack Atkin Niko, by Ossary. Trainer, J. H. Moody. Owner. T. E. Mueller. Breeder. D. W. Scott. 8551G Churchill 1 1-16 l:49fast 1G 104 G G Gi G2 A Yerrat 10 L.P.deBrinte, Repeater, Pequot 85314 Churchill 1 1-8 l:55fast 19 107 5 11 ll1 10i A Yerrat 12 n.E.Coleman, Malt, Pequot S5212 Churchill 1 1-8 l:53fast 41 107 3 6 7 71S A Yerrat 12 Arabian, Georgie, FrankGailor 84941 Latonia lm70y l:43fast 8 103 3 6 5 lb A Yerrat 12 BeautifulAddio, Coyne, Finday 84585 Latonia 1 1-S l:52fast 18 103 4 2 21 31 A Yerrat 11 Ramkin, Opulent, Fair Orient 84394 Latonia 1 1-1G l:50mud 41 107 7 5 G1 510 A Yerrat 7 Colored Boy, Jupiter, Broomflax BUGLER, b. g, 3 105 By Polymelian Early Morning, by Ecouen. Trainer. J. J. Troxler. Owner, J. J. Troxler. Breeder. B. Combs. 854G9 Churchill 1 1:39 fast 26 10S 8 6 91 918 J Gormleyll Watchful, Isaman, LaP.deBnto 85274 Churchill 1 l:41fast 19 112 6 3 4 42 H Stutts 10 P.McCann, Ex.Edition, Isaman 85174 Churchill 1 l:41fast 35 113 9 9 10 10 H Stutts 13 AnnieLyle, JohyJell, SwMden 84908 Latonia 3-4 l:12fasc 20 113 11 11 91 82 II Stutts 12 Mad.Vnie. MissRdale, QnBess 84 748 Latonia 3-4 :12fast 53 108 5 6 5l 41 H Stutts 7 Q.Charg, Col.Wagr, G.Beglnr 84485 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 64 102 7 7 7 7 D Jones 9 Q. Charming, C.Wagner, B.Klair CHEER LEADER, b. g, 10 105 By Ogden Bolle of Ashland, by Ornament. Trainer, R. L. Rogers. Owner. R. L. Rogers. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 84394 Latonia 1 1-16 l:50mud 11 103 5 7 7 7" D Jones 7 Colored Bo3 Jupiter, Broomflax 8128G Latonia ImTOy l:44fast 40 107 6 2 3l 41 D Jones 10 Flower Shop, Asaph, Randel 83978 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Smud 9 101 2 3 3 3 G Ellis 7 Escpolettc, N.Secundus, RIFoot 82508 Hthorne 1 1-1G l:52mud 18-5 111 1 2 2 1 II Stutts 6 GrcatLady, Kufiya, WhirlingDn 82354 Hthorno 1 1-16 1:48 fast 6 106 4 8 7 62 R Yelton 9 Elias O., Glentilt, Slanderer 81987 Hthorne 11-16 1:56 hvy 7 108 5 5 5 5 W Fronk 7 JackFrost, Dghoregan, GrtLady SEA COURT, b. g. 6 105 By Sea King Lady Hillington, by Garry Herrmann. Tiainer. R. McGarvey. Owner, Four Oaks Stable. Broeder. G. D. Widener. 85558 Seo todays chart. 85516 Churchill 1 1-16 l:49fast 32 99 10 10 10 8 K HglandlO L.P.deBrinte. Repeater, Pequot 85468 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 84 105 6 7 7 7" H Long 7 Rapid Day, Cobweb, Dorius 8524 G Churchill 1 3-16 2:00fast 51 117 6 7 6 61 II Long 8 Untried, Tippo Sahib, Provident 85172 Churchill 3-4 l:14fast 19-5f 10G 13 13 13 13" H Long 13 Jupiter, John Q. Kelly, Rubien K50G9 Latonia 1 1-8 1:52 fast 18 107 3 6 6 61 H Long 7 Nogales, Frank Gailor, Elias O. 84912 Latonia 1 1-4 2:01fast 24 102 3 5 7 7" H Long 8 Wild Life, Tippo Sahib, Arabian MOORFIELD, b. g, 3 100 By Astrommer MIrka. by Peter Quince. Trainer. T. P. Hayes. Owner. T. P. Hayes. Rreeder. K. P. Shipp. 85514 Churchill 1 1:40 fast 13 112 1 7 61 6l H Stutts 7 Nimrod, Climax, Miss Rosedale 85274 Churchill 1 l:41fast 7 112 1 4 Gh 8 J Heupel 10 P.McCann, Ex.Edition, Isaman 85242 Churchill 11:41 fast 81 110 G 10 91 8JM Garner 12 LextonMaid, LyChoco, Trapnet 84709 Latonia lm70y l:42fast 11 103 1 5 6 5" L McDott G Eminent, Max Brick, Firetoma 84441 Latonia 11-16 1:50 hvy 5 104 3 3 3 31 D Mergler 7 Krishna, Privilege, Ex.Edition 3rd RACE S4 lll "y,lT0yils anl "Para, Claiming. May 24, lOlil PURE DEE, b. c, 4 109 By Martinet Lady Sebree, by Yo Puedo Trainer, C. H. Trotter. Ownsr, C. H. Trotter. Breeder. C. W. Sebree. 8527G Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 33-10 125 5 2 2h l" J Wallace 10 Max Brfck, Huon Pine, Minus 84535 Latonia ImTOy l:43fast 8-5 111 6 1 51 8 M Garner 8 Plus Ultra, Lily M., Wida 84219 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast W 111 5 3 3 11 D McAufel2 Brother John, Spats, Coyne 83G95 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 31 109 8 2 21 11 D McAufel2 Newmket, BtherJohn, Macbeth 812G0 Raceland 3-4 l:13fast 1 105 2 1 l1! 11 D McAufe 8 Orlova, Lieut. Colonel, The Girl 81130 Raceland 3-4 l:19slow 8-5 104 1 1 2 2 D McAue 7 Sandalwd, TedsPlum, M.Rdalo EASTER BELLS, b. c, 4 109 By Black Toney Mission Bell, by Peep oDay. Trainer, W. E. Caskey, Jr. Owner, W. E. Caskey, Jr.. Breeder. H. H. Hewitt. 85517 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 7-5 112 1 1 1 41 W Frnk 8 Huon Pine, Queer, Sayno 85023 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 4 108 3 1 11 1 B Harvey 8 J.Pryor, B.ofEIizabethtn, Spats 84945 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 10 114 3 1 11 2 W Fronk 11 Glyn, Gorget, Marvin May 84789 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 14-5 115 8 4 95 12" B Harvey 12 Spats, B.ofElizabethtown, Coyno 84710 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 15 110 5 6 61 61 B Harvey 8 Brunswick, Pegasus, ChildsPlay 84280 Latonia 3-4 l:12Jfast 51 112 1 1 11 3 D McAiffel2 BnDolr, Glyn, B.of Elizatown KITTIE JIM, b. f, 3 102 By Hessian Countess Wilmot, by Peter Quince. Trainer, G. V. Barnes. Owner. Xohn and Theisen. Breeder. J. J. Wilmot. 85517 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 3 9S 3 4 5 51 K Hgland 8 Huon Pine, Queer, Sayno 84344 Latonia 3-4 l:14mud 5 105 3 2 41 5" G Ellis 7 Audacious, S.Bradley, Q.Garden 841G2 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 4 99 7 7 9 9l R Yelton 9 BleysToney. R.onTime. Bswk 83977 Latonia 3-4 1:15 mud 14-5 103 1 1 1 1 J Wallace 7 Midwtern, MtifrinKilla, St Cell 83G41 Latonia 3-4 1:13 good Gl 101 1111 2 G Ellis 9 StageCch, PtyPoliticn, MahJg 81318 Raceland 7-S l:27fast 61 1021 3 3 6 G H Long G J.G.Denny, PostDisch. Sayno RAPID DAY, ch. g, 8 109 By Rapid Water Sweet Day, by Peep oDay. Trainer. R. McGarvey. Owner. R. McGarvey. Breeder. F. D. Knight. 854 08 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 13-10 101 1 2 in V S Griffin 7 Cobweb, Dorius, Sympathy 8534G Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 57 111 3 6 650 61 E Blind 8 Brdalbane. Mar.May, Find Peel 85209 Churchill 1 l:39fast 71 113 12 3 4 51 H Stutts 15 Lily M., Belzoni, Paul Micou 84 872 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 18-5 111 8 6 li H H Stutts 9 Newmket, Kindred, Clghjordan 84G32 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 51 110 9 7 7 72 D McAiffalO Coyne, Kindred, Cloughjordan 8391G Latonia 3-4 l:14slow 19-5 109 7 7 7 7" II Stutts S C b-vti, t ighjrdn Sudlwood HUON PINE, br. c, 3 105 By Huon June Rose, by Myram. Trainer, J. Reed. Owner, Valentino Inn Stable. Breeder, W. B. Miller. 85517 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 4 101 G 3 3 1 S Griffin S Queer, Sayno, Easter Bells 85400 Churchill 1 1:40 good 51 101 2 2 4h 51 S Griffin 8 Dtabout, LilyM.. PyPoliticlan 8527G Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 12 116 7 3 3 31 S Griffin 10 Pure Dee, Max Brick, Minus 84713 Latonia ImTOy l:44fast 14 102 1 3 41 4 S Griffin S RoyalMiss, Delectable, MahJong 84392 Latonia 3-4 1:15 mud 33 98 4 2 3 44i R Yelton C Pindar Peel, Certain, Hopeless 83907 Aurora 3-4 1:17 hvy 11-5 111 2 1 lh 2t A Pickens 4 Fretwell, Ponjola, Stake Me PONJOLA. ch. g, 3 105 By The Manager Milldale, by Miller. Trainer, L. Thompson. Owner, A. E. Barrett. Breeder. F. J. Xelley. 8527G Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 82 116 9 10 9 9 R ZcchinllO PureDee, MaxBrick, nuon Pine 8457 1 Aurora 51 f 1:08 slow 5 105 4 4 4h 41 R Zccliini 5 Pollymara, MissMisehief, Liege 84333 Aurora 3-4 l:lGslow 5 107 5 3 3 5 R Lbardo 5 M.Mattie, Fifty-Fifty, L.Choco 842G9 Aurora 3-4 l:13fast 3 102 7 5 3 lh R Lbardo 11 L. Smoke, Arrowhead, Eventide 84149 Aurora 3-4 l:12fast 12 115 5 6 6and 41 A Pickens G Lady Fox, Doc Horn, Dreamer 83907 Aurora 3-4 1:17 hvy 5 115 3 2 31 31 J Gormley 4 Fretwell, Huon Pine, Stake Me 83G21 Aurora ImTOy l:45fast 1G-5 101 1 2 21 542 R Yelton S Dobson, Battle Shot, Lady Choco SAYNO, ch. f, 3 108 By Ultimus Helen Barbee, by Peep oDay. Trainer, R. McGarvey. Owner, Four Oaks Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 1 85517 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 22 100 5 5 4l 3l R Yelton S Huon Pine, Queer, Easter Bell3 85382 Churchill l 1-1G l:4Tfast 21 108 4 5 61 610 H Lonir 10 Mary Ellen O., Gorget, Defiant 8534G Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 114 105. 4 5 61 41 H Long 8 Brdalbane, Mar.May, Pind.Peel 85277 Churchill 1 1:39 fast lit 106 8 10 13 13 II Long 14 Miss Cerina, Sunayr, Alledcn 84G35 Latonia . 3-4 l:10fast 56 106.6 6 51 5" C Kslnger G A. B.Gown, Columbia, MissCerina 8458G Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 63 102 Left at post. J A MneylO Pegasus. R.onTime, Qu.Garden ODD SETH. ch. f. 3 107 BySelh Odd Pose, by Oddfellow. Trainer, J. J. Duggan. Owner, C. B. Shafer. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 85517 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 14 103 7 6 G! GI A Franco S Huon Pine. Queer, Sayno 84885 Laurel 1 1-16 l:48fast 9-5 OS 1 1 1 21 L Lang 4 Quotafn, KgsRansom, Subban 84797 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 23-10 110 1 2 2s 3J J Wallace 12 Blackstone, Jolly. Carlton 84445 Il.deGce 3-4 l:13mud 5 10S 1 3 31 4 F Sharpe 5 Ltherwd, Pep toPp, Everglade 84288 Il.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 35 106 4 3 2s 2 F Sharpe 13 Caligula, Lcathcrwd, Everglade 83874 B.Bonnets 1 l:40fast 12-5 103 3 1 1 lk F Sharpe C Equity, Black Wand, Ebb Tide 4-U DA PC 1 Slile. Shawnee Parle Handicap. Il-ycar-olils ami upward, fill nHUll May 11, 1021 1-5 8 104. VALLEY LIGHT, b. g, 3 95 By Light Brigade Valeureuse. by Orsinl. Trainer. G. V. Barnes. Owner. G. V. Barnes. Breeder. C. W. Clark. 85538 Churchill 1 l:3Sfast 23-10 109 1 1 33 31 IC 11gland C Pegasus, PtyPolitician, BcslPal 85407 Churchill 3-4 1:13 good 29-10 10S 1 3 5 5" L McDott G Sunspero, Surf Rider, Lathrop 85311 Churchill 1 1:3S fast GJ 100 1 1 li 2J IC Hgland 7 Hopeless, Laveen, Mar.Winsor 85175 Churchill 1 1:39 fast 11 107 4 1 2s 2nt B Harvey 9 Laveen, King Tut, Starbeck 85025 Latonia 1 1-1G l:44fast 8 107 2 1 2 21 D Mergler 5 Eminent, Georgie. Dandybrush 84222 Latonia 3-4 l:12rast 9-5 111 4 4 4 5i H Stutts 8 Marionette, Gorget, ChlidsFlay HOPELESS, b. g. 4 111 By Huon Kolinsky, by Undo. Trainer. W. Buford. Owner, H. P. Headley. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 85470 Churchill 1 l:SSfast 9-5 103 2 2 21 2U J Heupel 7 Starbeck, Pegasus, Dnstabout 85311 Churchill 11:38 fast 5 113 6 2 25 15 J Heupel 7 ValleyLight, Laveen, M.Winsor 85244 Churchill 1 1-8 l:51tast 22 107 7 3 2 25 J Heupel 7 PrinssDorn, JustDavid, IVtPal 84909 Latonia 1 1-8 l:4Sfast 17 JOG 2 3 32 32 J Heupel 5 Chilhowee, Graeme, Dare Say 84752 Latonia 1 l:37fast 9 1011 4 3 21 lnt J Heupel 5 B.Play, BcginnersLuck. Bedfd 8458G Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 17 114J 9 7 ll 9" W W TorlO Pegasus, B.onTime, Qu.Garden PEGASUS, b. g. 5 107 By Golden Maxim Brightstono. by Deutschland. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner. Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. T. M. Murnhy. 85538 Churchill 1 l:3Sfast G-5 115 2 4 21 IS S ODnell C P.Politician, VlyLiglit, BestPal 85470 Churchill 1 l:38fast 41-10 108 5 4 33 31 H Stutts 7 Starbeck, Hopeless. Dustabout 85379 Churchill 3-4 1:12 fast 6 11G 3 5 3s 33 H Stutts G Audacious, Indian Trail. Nassau 85278 Churchill 7-8 1:26 fast 3 10S 6 6 31 2 H Stutts 7 Starbeck, B.sToney, Dustabout 55210 Churchill 3-4 l:llfast 4 108 6 7 6 5i H Stutts 7 Energy, Braedalbane, B.Toney 84985 Latonia 1 l:37rast 23-10 120 3 2 B 2 II Stutts 5 JustDavid, K.Gorinll.. Q.Garden SUNSPERO, b. c, S 108 By Sun Briar Espero, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. H. Unna. Owner, E. C. McGill. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 85518 Churchill 1 l:3Sfast 1 103 4 1 l1! I1! S Griffin 5 Brad.sToney, Chrycote, Starbk 85407 Churchill 3-4 1:13 good 21 105 4 2 ll lJ S Griffin G SurfRider. Lathrop, BdieysTy 5175 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 27 10S1 8 7 5" 31 B Harvey 11 Blotter, Miss Ccrina. BobCahill 8487G Latonia 3-4 l:10fast IS 110 2 3 31 4s F Lee 4 Zev, Baffling, Best Pal 84832 Latonia 3-4 l:10fast 20 108 3 4 6 4 B Harvey G Zev, Pegasus. Alice Blue Gown 8458G Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 31 108 5 3 41 5s L McDottlO Pegasus, R.onTimc, Qu.Garden PRICEMAKER. cli. c. 3 95 By Hourless Fair Prlscilla. by Fair Play. Trainer. C. R. Anderson. Owner, C. C. Wright. Breeder, Nursery Stud. 85560 Seo todays chart. r 85407 Churchill 3-4 1:13 good 27 103 G G G 6" J A Mney 0 Sunspero, Surf Rider, Lathrop 85278 Churchill 7-8 1:26 fast 23 100 5 5 6 5 J A Mney 7 Starbeck, Pegasus. B.s Toney 85175 Churchill 3-4 l:l2fast 68 103 10 9 91 9S1 J A Mneyll Blotter, Miss Cerina, Sunspero 84943 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 39 103 8 8 65 6s J A Mney 8 Postiln, Starbk, BdleysToncy 5th RACE 7S l 1Cj5I1n Rofl Handicap. 2-year-olds. May 21, 1021 LEE O. COTNER, b. c, 2 123 By Last Coin or High Time Precious Pearl, by Zeus. Trainer, L. Jones. Owner. S. W. Collins. Breeder. M. E. Cotner. 85381 Churchill 3-4 l:llfast 2-5 110 2 1 1 1 W Fronk 7 KingNadi. B.Bowers, StepAIong 85177 Churchill 7-8 l:2Gfast 51 108 6 2 1 1 W Fronk 9 Swope. Elsass, Blue Ridge S403G Latonia 1 l:45hvy 9-10 109 5 3 4l 5" W Frorik 5 Mark Master. Capt. Hal. Pyroot 8284G Hthorno 3-4 l:llfast 17-10 122 5 2 2s lJW Fronk 9 StepAIong, GdenLynn, BenrShot 82599 Hthorne 51 f l:0Sslow 21 122 3 3 3 11 W Fronk G M.Master, L.Rubstein, M.Magic 808G4 Hthorno 61 f 1:06 fast 1 122 7 4 2 2 W Fronk 8 PasSeul, RdPrinccss, BearSliot CAPTAIN HAL. blk. c, 2 127 By Black Toney Wavering, by Marta Santa. Trainer, W. S. Hopkins. Oyner, A. A. Kaiser. Breeder. G. B. Goring. 85245 Churchill 7-S l:25fast 3-3 122 1 1 l3 Is J Heupel 5 KtuckyCdinal, Swope, FasScul 84587 Latonia 1 1:38 fast 21-10 126 2 1 11 2l J Heupel 13 K.Cardinal, Almadel, M.Master 84283 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 7 123 3 1 1 Is J Heupel 11 Bl.Wbler, Anliilator. RuralRte 8403G Latonia 1 l:43hvy 2 110 2 1 11 22 M Garner 5 Mark Master, Fyroot, Uncle Jay 83G43 Latonia 3-4 l:12good 6-5 103 2 1 Is Is J Heupel 8 Eliz.K., StepAIong, Bridesmaid KING. NADI, br. c, 2 110 By King James Nadinette, by Fitz Herbert. Trainer, J. J. Troxler. Owner, J. J. Troxler. Breeders. A. B. Hancock and P. Laffoon. 85492 Churchill 7-8 1:25 fast 2 9S 2 1 l3 1 S Griffin 7 BlucRidgc, Deeming, BdyJones 85443 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 1 109 3 3 lt In M Garner 7 Step Along", Elector, Old Slip 85381 Churchill 3-4 l:llfast 43-10 110 4 2 21 2 M Garner 7 L.O.Cotner, B.Bowers, S.Along 84831 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 3-5 114 1 2 Is 1 M Garner 7 Cardiff, D. Waters, Sir Peter 84749 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 8-5 115 2 1 11 2 G Babin 9 FairyMaster, Friend, Singleband 84483 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 1 114 4 2 3 4 M Garner 12 BrierHill, Gaffney, FairyMaster DEEMING; b. f, 2 105 By Spanish Prince II. Pin Feather, by Dalhousie. Trainer. C. B. Dailey. Owner, C. B. Dailey. Breeder. J. W. Bailey. 85492 Churchill 7-8 1:25 fast 71 95 1 4 3 3 It Hgland 7 KgNadi, BlueRidge, BdyJones 85347 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 19 111 4 5 2s J Gormleyl2 LtleVisitir. I.inouia. AgnesCall 85211 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 15 1051 2 1 21 23 J Gormley 9 Bignonia, My Dream, Hessanna 84986 Laionia 3-4 l:12fast 29-10 104 2 3 5 5J A Franco 8 Riviera, Bridesmaid, Kitty Pat 84910 Latonia 51 f l:06fast 12 108 1 3 23 21 A Franco 8 Riviera, Rotliermcl, Bignonia 84835 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 41f 101 5 2 41 21 A FraVco 12 Rural Route, -Briar Hill, Pyroot LITTLE VISITOR, b. f. 2 119 By Sweep Margaret Hastings, by Hastings. Trainer. W. Perkins. Owner, J. L. Knight. Breeder, C. Nuckols. 85540 Churchill 7-8 1:26 fast 3-5 115 4 1 11 2" J A Mney 8 Bignonia, Lass oMine, Buttress 85347 Churchill 2-1 1:13 fast 9-10 114 2 1 l2 Is L McDottl2, Bignonia, Agnes Call 81988 Hthorne 51 f l:llandhvy 6-5 122 3 4 4 4 W Pool 5 L.Rubstein, MnMagic, Abstract 81182 Windsor 51 f l:05fast 6-5 124 3 1 1 H P Walls 12 B. Frietchie, StepAIong, BallGee 80458 Latonia 51 f l:06fast 1 115 3 2 23 11 E Pool G OliSusna, Bridesmd, Bkbitcr 80355 Latonia 51 f 1:08 mud 8-5 115 2 2 15 H E Pool 8 KittyPat, RuralRoute, OliSusna 80115 Latonia G-S 59fast 2-5 109 3 1 1 1 E Pool G CrmPuff. Don.Santa. F.Victoria BIGNONIA. b. f, 2 109 By Jim Gaffney Vignola. by Solitaire II. Trainer, J. McPherson. Owner. R. A. Fairbairn. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 85540 Churchill 7-8 1:26 fast 33 110 2 3 3J lt E Kummer S L. Visitor. Lass oMine, Buttress 85347 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 12 114 G 6 G 3s E Pool 12 LittleVisitor, Deeming, AgnesCl 55211 Churchill 3-4 l.:13?fast 9 102 1 2 1 l3 J Wallace 9 Deeming, MyDream. Hessanna S4910 Latonia 51 f l:06sfast 13 103 2 G 5l 431 D Mergler 8 Riviera, Deeming, Rothcrmel 84637 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 5 112 8 4 4s 4T E Kummerll Bridesmaid, Lass oMine, Balboa RIVIERA, oh. f. 2 106 By Frizzle Daisy Louise, by Abe Frank. Trainer, A. J. Hefferman. Owner. R. D. Robson. Breeder. R. E. Beatty. 84986 Latonia 3-4 l:12andfast 7 107 4 1 ll 1" J Heupel 8 Bridesmaid, KittyPat, AgnesCall 84910 Latonia 51 f l:06Hfast 17 105 7 1 ll 11 J Heupel 8 Deeming, Rothermel, Bignonia 84440 Latonia 3-4 l:14hvy 71 105 9 7 10 10" L McDottlO F.deCoursy, Rosabella, Deeming 84283 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 16f 109 7 10 II 11" D Jonc3 11 Cap.Hal, BlueWbler. Anliilator 82292 Hthorne 51 f l:07fast 7-5 110 Left at post. N Barrett 5 BrSliot, MkMter. L.Rubenstein 81988 Hthorne 51 f l:llhvy 2 112 1 2 5 5 N Barrett 5 L.Rubstein, MnMagic, Abstract RURAL ROUTE, ch. f. 2 112 By Ultimus Rustic Maid, by Ogden. Trainer, W. Buford. Owner, H. P. Headley. Breeder. 31. P. Headley. 85540 Churchill 7-8 1:26 fast S 108 7 5 6s 6" W Fronk 8 Bignonia, L.Visitor, Lass oMine 84835 Latonia 3-4 l:127sfast 51 100 2 5 3 11 J Heupel 12 Deeming, Briar Hill, Pyroot S4G71 Latonia 5?. f 1:03 fast 17-10 103 4 5 ll l2 J Heupel 8 Tesuque, Deeming. Hessanna 84534 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 31-10 112 8 5 51 5 E Pool 9 Rothermel, KittyPat, Dangerillo 84283 Latonia 3-4 l:llVfefast 22 113 9 5 5 41 W W Torll Cap.Hal, BlueWbler, Anliilator 83867 Latonia 51 f l:03fast 6 106 3 2 2 2s J Wallace G OhSusanna, Deeming, Hessanna BLUE RIDGE, ch. c, 2 113 By Friar Rock Blue Grass, by Hamburg. Trainer. W. V. Walsh. Owner. J. S. Ward. Breeder. J. H. Rosseter. 85492 Churchill 7-8 1:25 fast 9-5 106 7 5 41 2 S ODnell 7 KingNadi, Deeming, BrdyJones 85442 Churchill 1 l:38V4fast 14 122 7 8 6 6" S ODnell 9 M.Charlie, PasSeul, Ky.Cardinal 85313 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 13-5 108 9 5 4l 2l H Stutts 12 Reputation, B.Bowers, Supremus S5177 Churchill 7-8 l:26fast 43-10 1061 1 3 3" 451 S ODnell 9 Lee O. Cotner, Swope, Elsass 8427G Aqueduct 1 l:37andfast 7 10S1 9 2 1 2i S ODon1113 Star Lore, Senalado, Beatrice 83G27 Belmont 3-4 St l:10rast 30 122 29 16 10 61 E Haynes29 MotherGse, Stimulus, SglcFoot CREAM PUFF. ch. f. 2 110 3y Old Koenig Alberta True, by Chuctanunda. Trainer. S. J. Kelley. Owner, S. J. Kelley. Breeder. P. Laffoon. 85492 Churchill 7-S 1:25 fast 16 102 3 G G4 G31 P Grosser 7 King Nadi, BlueRidge, Deeming 80219 Latonia 5-8 1:00 fast 9 112 4 1 l1 lot H Long 11 SsTrsurc, PasSeul, BattleField 8pil5 Latonia 5-S SOXfast 8 103 6 3 2l 2s H Long G L. Visitor, Don.Santa, F.Victoria 79891 Latonia 5-8 59fast 2S 11G 1 3 31 4i II Long 12 SwpPk, Lit.Visitor, DonnaSta 79385 Churchill 41 f 53fast 3 110 1 3 2- :! H Stutts 7 MissJennie, F.deCoursy, S.Girl 79090 Churchill 41 f 53fast 18 119 8 4 G 33 II Stutts 11 Kitty Pat, Lit. Visitor, It.Itoute 78801 Lexgton 41 f 53 fast 4 103 2 2 11 If1 H Stutts G ForeignRelatns, Tangara, Romp fDisqualified. LAD O MINE, b. c, 2 109 By Torchbearer Sly Wink, by Mordant. Trainer. W. E. Caskey, Jr. Owner, W. E. Caskey, Jr.. Breeder, Himyar Stud. 85561 Seo todays chart. 84587 Latonia 1 1:38 fast 47 113 4 10 9 10" B Harvey 13 K.Cardinal. Capt.IIal. Almadel 84159 Latonia 3-4 l:13andfast 2 115 1 1 1J 1 B Harv?yl2 Auburn. Pillager. Brownie ANNIHILATOR, b. o, 2 109 By Dick Finneil Alice Baird, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. P. Coyne. Owner, Anderson and Kendle. Breeder. R. H. Anderson. 84877 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 8-5 110 1 4 23 23 M Garner 8 Menifee, Tilka, Old Slip 84587 Latonia 1 1:38 fast 81 113 13 5 51 M Garner 13 K.Cardinal, Capt.IIal. Almadel 84283 Latonia 3-4 l:llandfast 20 114 1 6 3!" 31 M Garner 11 Cap.nal, Bl.Wbler, RuralRoute 81253 Hthorno 51 f l:06fast 16-5 115 2 3 3 ?. M Garner 8 Rkldlrincs, Tilka, llunolatue 81122 Hthorne 51 f l:077sfast 7-10 111 2 3 2" 2 M Garner C KittvPat, F.Victoria, M.Magic 81005 Hthorno 5-8 l:03slow 41 115 1 4 2l 21 M Garner G PasSeul. LouisRubcnsfu, Clique ABSTRACT, br. c. 2 110 By Delhi Temrs, by Dick Finneil. Trainer, P. Coyne. Owner. Anderson 8c Kendle. Breeder. R. H. Anderson. 85442 Churchill 1 l:3SVfast 31 122 9 7 41 4J M Garner 9 M.Charlie. PasSeul, Ky.Cardinal 85313 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 16 111 6 12 12 12 M Garner 12 Reputation, B.Ridge, B.Bowers 84712 Latonia 3-4 l:12Hfast 71 118 6 5 5 5JJ M Garner G KtuckyCardiual. OldSlip, Elsass 83982 Latonia 3-4 l:13mud 3-2 113 1 1 li l2 M Garner 11 Bear Shot. Balboa, Bridesmaid 83G98 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 16 115 3 2 21 2k M Gamer 10 Flyatit, Son of John. Tyroot 81988 Hthorne 51 f l:llhvy 8 112 4 3 21 3 M Garner 5 L.Rubsfn, MnMagic, L. Visitor 81G68 Hthorne Dl f l:0Smud 6 117 2 1 l2 U W Pool C Dutch Girl. Edmon, Tilka BUTTRESS, b. f, 2 103 By Wrack Kate Adams, by Martinet. Trainer, J. McPherson. Owner. R. A. Fairbairn. Breeder, A. B. Hancock. 85540 Churchill 7-8 1:26 fast 33 108 6 6 4 4i E Blind 8 Bignonia. L.Visitor, Lass oMine 8534 7 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 12 116 11 8 7! 5 E Kummerl2 LittleVisitor. Deeming, Bignonia 85211 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 9f 110 G 4 5h 671 E Kummer 9 Bignonia, Deeming, MyDream 84163 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 9 115 8 9 81 75 E Kummerll OhSusanna, Bignonia, Bridesmd 83917 Latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 12-5 115 8 1 1 1 E Kummer : s vi i slippers. Winroek. Brownie 80730 Latonia 51 f l:0Gfast 51 115 1 2 23 21 W W Torl2 BtySIave, Dangerillo, AVaterflg C4-h DA PC "-4 Mile. Pinccrcst Purse. 2-year-olds. FiIHe. Allowances. Dill nftUt May 24, 1021 1:11 G 12S. DEEMING, b. f, 2 100 By Spanish Prince II. Pin Feather, by Dalhousie. Trainer, C. B. Dailey. Owner, C. B. Dailey. Breeder, J. W. Bailey. 85492 Churchill 7-S 1:23 fast 71 95 1 4 3n 3 IC Hgland 7 KgNadi, BlueRidge, BdyJones 85347 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 19 111 4 5 3 23 J Gormley 12 LleVisitor. Bignonia, AgnesCall 85211 Churchill 3-4 l:135sfast 15 1051 2 1 21 21 J Gormley 9 Bignonia, My Dream, Hessanna 84986 Latonia 3-4 l:12andfast 29-10 101 2 3 52 5J A Franco 8 Riviera, Bridesmaid, Kitty Pat 84910 Latonia 51 f l:0Gandfast 12 10S 1 3 23 21 A Franco 8 Riviera, Rotliermcl. Bignonia 84835 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 41f 101 5 2 41 21 A Francol2 RuralRoute, Briar nill, Pyroot SPECKLED BEAUTY, br. f. 2 103 By Troutbeck Fair Charmer, by Von Tromp. Trainer, M. F. Shapoff. Owner, M. F. Shapoff. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 85347 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 71 114 7 12 12 12" W Fronk 12 LittleVisitor, Dooming, Bignonii 85207 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 4 115 5 1 1 1 W Fronk 15 Sola Mia, Menthol. Rocking 8498 Latonia 3-4 l:13Vfast 9-10 109 G 1 5l G5J W Kelsay 12 Dr. Tanner. Rocky, Bad Luck 84751 Latonia 3-4 l:12Vsfast 61 109 5 4 4i 3 W Kelsay 8 Rosabella. High Water, Dr.Tanr 845.10 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 9 113 4 2 2- 2 W Kelsay 12 Outcast, Sari, Betty Star I I BRIDESMAID, br. f. 2 111 By Chicle Rowea Bud, by Broomstick. Trainer. M. Goldblatt. Owner. H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 85540 Churchill 7-8 1:26 fast 10 100 3 4 5 5" H Hay 8 Bignmia, L.Visitor, Lass oMine 84 986 Latonia 3-4 l:12,fast 4 105 1 5 4l 2h L Fator 8 Riviera, Kitty Pat, Agnes Call 84910 Latonia 51 f l:06V4fast 71 111 3 4 72 6 E Pool 8 Riviera, Deeming, Rothermel 8i37 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 13-10 107 9 2 ll l3 H Stutts 11 Lass o Mine, Balboa, Bignonim MIDNIGHT ROSE. br. f. 2 103 By Huon Kopje, by Kroonstad. Trainer. G. V. Barnes. Owner, Kohn and Theisen. Breeder. Dr. D. B. Knox. 85519 Churchill 7-S l:26fast Gl 10S 5 5 G 5 J A Mney 10 Bar.Day, AgnesCall, Sil.SIippers 85345 Churchill 1 l:40fast 2S-10 113 7 3 2 21 J Wallace 15 Waterflag. Dr. Tanner, Spandoe 85208 Churchill 7-8 l:2Sfast 5 112 7 6 31 21 J Wallacel5 SamMengel, Backbiter, C.Donan 84940 Latonia 3-4 t:12fast G 112 2 4 21 2 L Fator 12 Lass oMine, Mimaneh, Talcqua WANDERLUST, b. f, 2 103 By Theo. Cook Gloire do Verdun, by LOsieau Lj . Trainer. H. Louden. Owner, L. P. Phelps. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 83394 Dorval 51 f 1:11 mud 3 104 6 3 41 21 E Renzetti 8 Sea Fairy, Trigger, Revolt 83287 Dorval 51 f 1:12 mud 31 108 3 1 in V E Renzetti G Petition. Aggie, Lydia Drew 83121 Cnaught 51 f l:09Vslow G 106 5 2 2 65 E Renzetli 6 Marie Dattncr. Revolt, Subtle 83000 Cnaught 51 f l:0Sfast 5 114 2 1 lh 42 E Renzetti 9 Prince Theo, Wine Jug, Trigger MAXIMANEH, ch. f, 2 109 By Golden Maxim Kharemaneh, by Sweep. Trainer, M. Shapoff. Owner, M. Shapoff. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 85519 Churchill 7-8 l:26andfast 14 109 S 8 8! 7s W Fronk 10 Bar.Day. AgnesCall, Sil.SIippers 85279 Churchill 7-S l:2SV 71 107 5 2 11 1 W Fronk 14 Piotccfs, F.DcCoursy, UoMine 85208 Churchill 7-S l:28fast 3-2 112 4 5 8 7J J Heupel 15 SamMengel. M.Rose, Backbiter 84940 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 19 107 12 11 31 3 K Hglandl2 L.oMine, Midnt Rose, Talcqua CREAM PUFF. ch. f. 2 10G By Old Koenig Alberta True, by Chuctanunda. Trainer, S. J. Kelley. Owner, S. J. Kelley. Breeder, P, Laffoon. 85492 Churchill 7-8 1:23 fast 16 102 3 6 6 631 P Grosser 7 King Nadi, BlueRidge, Deeming 80219 Latonia 5-8 1:00 fast 9 112 4 1 ll lt II Long 11 SsTrsurc. PasSeul. BattleField 8.0115 Latonia 5-8 59fast S 103 6 3 2l 2 II Long G Visitor, Don.Santa, F.Victoria 79891 Latonia 5-8 53fast 28 116 1 3 3 4i H Long 12 SwpPk, Lit.Visitor, DonnaSta BEACH TALK, ch. f, 2 M 106 By Sundridge Miss Ronald, by Bay Ronald. Bred in England by Baron da Maurice de Rothschild. First Start. 7th RACE lG 1 CS r"104 jnd ,,lward Claiming. May 1J, li21 PARADER. ch. g. 6 114 By Whisk Broom II. Pageant, by Delhi. Trainer. X. Cahn. Owner. T. J. Fendergast. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 85520 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47fast 14-5 113 5 3 22 11 H Stutts 10 JonyJewell, Ramkin. Wrangler 85487 Churchill 7-8 l:26fast 27-10 116 3 4 22 21 II Stutts 9 PaulMicou, Sands ofPlure, Lug 85343 Churchill 1 l:40fast 9-5 116 8 3 2 ll H Stutts 10 Lugs, Trapnet, Roldgold 85240 Churchill 7-S l:27andfast 2 116 9 7 51 5J M Garner 15 Kindred, Wapiti, War Prize 84983 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 1 115 5 1 2l 2 M Garner 8 Elias O., Tender Seth, Haleakala LA PLANCHE DE BRIANTE, b. f, 10G By Negofol Presight. by Prestige. 3 . Bred in France by C. P. Gorin. Trainer, T. P. Hayes. Owner. J. W. Parrish. 85516 Churchill 1 1-16 l:49fast 14-5 103 7 3 lfc Ink H Hay 10 Repeater. Pequot, Jupiter S54G9 Churchill 1 1:39 fast 5 102 G 2 22 3? H Stutts 11 Watchful, Isaman. Snow Maiden 84984 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 45 103 8 8 5 4s A Franco 8 QueenCharming, N.Gold, Elusive 80350 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Smud 5 95 8 8 8 7" R Wiams 8 AnnieLyle. FlorenceW., BycBye 80181 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45andfast 10 105 1 2 2 2s D Hurn 7 Phidias, Hats Up, John linger CLOISTER, b. c, 3 110 By Friar Marcus Paloma, by Cyllene. Trainer. J. McGee. Owner, J. McGee. Bred in England by A. N. Reynolds. 85541 Churchill 1 1-4 2:07andfast 9 107 6 1 11 1 S Griun 9 Lexington Maid, Oo La La. Malt 85493 Churchill 1 l:39fast 15 110 13 10 G 7" R Yelton New Gold, Gorget. Boy O Boy 85348 Churchill 1 1-4 2:07fast 40 109 6 1 3i 51 M Garner 12 urgie, Frark Gailor, Provident 85212 Churchill 1 1-8 l:53fast 27 110 11 10 95 92 E Kummerl2 Arabian, Georgie, FrankGailor PAUL MICOU.b. g, 6 . 107 By Theo. Cook Kits Micou. by Aureus. Trainer. S. T. Baxter. Owner. S. T. Baxter. Breeder. J. D. Stark. 85487 Churchill 7-8 l:26fast 37-10 108 4 2 lh 11 J Gormley 9 Parader, Sands cfPleasnre, Lugs 85280 Churchill 1 1-16 1:48 fast 25 106 5 4 4h 5 J Gormley 8 Lily M., Colored Boy, Seclusion 85209 Churchill 1 l:39?4fast lOf 112 7 2 2 33 J Gormleyl5 Lily M., Belzoni, Pequot 84520 Aurora lm70y l:45ifast 4 109 7 1 lsi 1 J GormleylO Elias O., Dorius, MargaretWare 83G84 Aurora lm70y 1:45 fast 4 105 5 5 5 6 J Eaton 0 EliasO., Fretwell. Huon Pine NIMROD, b. g, 3 110 By Under Fire Adore, by Trap Rock. Trainer. P. Stanton. Owner. P. Stanton. , Breeder. Gallaher Bros. 85514 Churchill 1 1:40 fast 13 107 3 1 1 1 K Hgland 7 Climax. MissRosedale. Lady.Tana 85344 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 19 108 3 1 4 41 IC HglandlO MIRosedale, J.Jcwell. SpshRose 85242 Churchill 1 1:41 fast 37 105 2 7 71 123 K Hglandl2 LextonMaid, LyChoco. Trapnet 81597 Raceland 3-4 l:14Vfast 41-10 105 5 2 61 81 I Parke 8 Trafalgar, OurOption, Sis.Josella 8147G Raceland 3-4 1:14 fast 41 110 3 2 21 2 I Parke G Bemorecaref I, Buglr, BlBlkwl 81397 Raceland 61 f l:22slow 5 107 6 6 51 5J E Pool S Louunna. Waukulla. Noon Glidj WILD LIFE, ch. g, 4 116 By Master Robert Gliding Bello, by Belles Commoner. Trainer, P. Coyne. Owner, Rosemont Stable. Breeder, C. B. Head. 85558 Seo todays chart. 84912 Latonia 1 1-4 2:04fast 9-5 112 6 2 2 1 M Garner 8 TippoSahib. Arabian, Sagamoot 84284 Latonia 2 1-4 3:49 fast 2 109 4 4 32 3 M Garner 4 Altawood, My Play, Bob Tail S3G44 Latonia 1 1-8 l:53good 19-10 113 5 4 42 41 D McAiffe 7 Victoirc, Miss Meise, King Tut 81208 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:46Hfast 13-5 1081 2 3 31 2 M Garner 5 EthelClton. BlkGrkle. Eulalia 80846 Latonia 1 1-16 1:45 fast 6 113 8 5 4 31 M Garner 8 J.G.Denny. BfastBclI, P.Pciaa PRIVILEGE, ch. f, 3 100 By Mont dOr II. Independence, by Ballot. Trainer. M. Goldblatt. Owner. M. Goldblatt. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 84589 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45ifast 17 97 4 6 7 7J K Hgland 7 Sakali, PrettyPolitician. Kufiya 84441 Latonia 11-16 1:50 hvy 8-5 105 5 1 11 21 K Hgland 7 Krishna. Moorfield, Ex.Edition 84037 Latonia 1 1-16 l:52hvy 31-5 106 4 1 11 1 K Hgland 8 MaryE.O., II. E.Coleman, Tpnct 83922 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47hvy 32 108 2 3 3 3 IC Hg.anrt G RaltBrush. P.Politician, KgTut 83G99 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 24 100 5 6 7 6" IC Hgland 7 Tarader, Tost Dispatch, Sakah LITTLE CLAIR, b. f, 3 88 By Huon Gold Elsie, by McGee, Admonition ot Stalwart. Trainer. J. J. Duggan. Owner. C. B. Shaferl. Breeder. G. H. Clay. 85493 Churchill 1 l:39fast 91 10G 11 7 102 9" S 0Dnelll3 New Cold, Gorget, Boy O Boy 85378 Churchill 1 l:39fast 46r 111 1 4 61 3 F Sharpe 11 Lex. Maid, L.Choco. DustyMary 84994 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fa-Jt 16 100 9 3 t3! J McTgue 9 SghAroon, BabvGrand. SnpViit 84801 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast 61 101 2 2 2 21 R Fisher 4 Quotation. Just. Wood Lady 84592 H.deGce lm70y l:43fast 14 100 8 3 4 5 L Lang 8 Erica. Baby Grand, Gray Gables QUESADA. ch. g, 5 . 113 By Delhi Mistress Quickly, by Nasturtium. Trainer, M. Shapoff. Owner, M. Shapoff. Breeder. T. Piatt. 85541 Churchill 1 1-4 2:07andfast 52 1C9 1 2 4b 7" W Fronk 9 Cloister. Lexir.gtonMaid. OoLaLa S54G8 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 27 110 5 5 6 5s! W Fronk 7 Rapid Day, Cobweb, Dorius 81896 Hthorno 11-8 1:51 fast 7 111 2 4 31 33 L McDott 9 Sakah, RoekyMtain,. Sacamook 81352 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:51hvy 31 111 3 1 2 ll N Barrett 7 Tangerine, Doubtful, Pollymara 81010 Hthorno lm70y IUSsIqw 3 108 1 2 3 42 N Barrett 7 Virginius. Billy Star, Wong Bok 80958 Hthorne lmTOy 1:50 mud 13-20 111 2 1 l3 1 J Wood 5 Huonec, MarcellaBoy, AlStebler

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