Long Branch Statistics: Winners at Final Meeting of Year at Toronto -Mrs. A. E. Alesandra Tops the Owners, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-08

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LONG BRANCH STATISTICS Winners at Final Meeting of Year at Toronto Mrs. A. E-. Alexandra Tops the Owners. The second and final meeting of the year I at the new Long Branch track at Toronto j was held from October 11 to October 18 and during the seven days of racing 6,900, a daily average of ?5,271, was distributed among the horsemen. Of the owners participating in the meeting Mrs, A. E. Alexandra, with eight victories and ,700 to her credit, was the most successful. The following are the owners who won 00 or more each: Owner. 1st. 2il. 31. Amt. Alexandra, Mrs. A. E 3 3 3 ,700 ;iassco, E .... 4 0 0 :!,li25 Bedweil, II. G 4 11 2,170 Campbell, AV. G 3 3 2 2,01"i Munsou, II. L 2 1 1 1,200 Cain. V. M 1 3 5 1.250 I Clendenin Bros 2- 1 0 1,175 Don Valley Stable 1 2 4 1,055 Hazza, P 2 0 0 1,000 Hoy, A. X. 2 0 0 1,003 BriKSK, A. I, 1 3 0 825 Dunlup. A. 5 1 2 0 700 Ilesscltine. S. 1 1 0 700 Sclielke, V. - 1 . . 0 1 . 075 Morrow, E. J 0 2 3 030 Baillarseon, A 1 1 0 500 Demrese, G. 110 COO Pease. G 1 1 0 003 r.ilsou, II. Ii. 1 0 1 570 MiGraw, J : 1 0 1 570 Cloutier, G. A 10 1 500 Arthur, J 0 2 5 520 Mackenzie, .T. 1 0 3 510 oobenour, T. 1 0 0 500 Dodd. E. V 1 0 0 500 Grisham, M 1 0 0 500 Johnson, C. ....... 1 0 0 500 Joyce IK 1 0 0 503 I.ucas, IL 1 0 0 500 Mein, W 1 0 0 500 Missouri Stable 1 0 0 500 Ityan, F J 1 0 0 500 "War Man was the biggest winner among the horses, of which the following accounted for 50 or more each: Horse. 1st. 2rt. 3d. Amt War Man 3 0 0 ,525 Hiph Gear 2 0 0 1,075 ltriar Sweet . 2 0 0 1,000 Faith W 2 0 0 1.000 Miryachit . 2.0 0 1,000 Hoy 0. .2 0 0 1.030 Sweepstakes 2 0 0 1,000 Hartelle 1 2 0 725 Ere 1or 1 2 0 700 Doe Gaiety 1 0 0 700 Keenau 1 1 0 075 ISeljoy . ...i... ........ 1 1 1 070 Maypole . . .... 10 1 015 Omlirase 1 0 1 015 Marble. . 1 1 0 025 Avion . 1 1 0 000 Bleunerbassott ...... 1 10 COO Kellys Queen .... . 1 1 0 000 Warehouseman .. . ... 1 1- 0 000 Devonite . .... . ....... 1 0 0 575 Doctor Glenn 1 0 0 575 Walk Up 1 0 0 575 Servitor . 1 0 0 575 Seths Dream . 10 1 r75 Dr. Mayer .. 10 1 570 Apolosy 1 0 1 500 Clansman . . 10 1 500 Exit 10 1 500 Chief Sponsor 1 0 0 500 Collier IS. . 1 0 0 500 flouuty Times .... ,.. 1 0 0 500 Dellalnn . 1 0 0 500 Dnley Bon 1 0 0 500 Harp of Prophecy . . 1 0 0 500 Helen Duck ... I 0 -0 500 James F Ollara 1 0 0 500 Jota 1 0 0 500 Ceadijur I,ij;lit . 1 0 0 500 r.ydia Drew 1 0 0 500 Pretext . 1 0 0 500 Venizelos .... 1 0 0 500 N. Foden carried off the riding honors with twelve winners. to his credit, JL Moore being second .with, eleven. . .The following are the jockeys who rode one or more winners" Jockey. Jits. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.C. Foden, X. . 45 12 9 5 19 .27 Moore, It. 43 11 4 5 23 .20 OBrien, J. W-. 45 7 5 C 27 .10 Fator, E. ....... 33 4 4 5 20 .12 Abel. A 42 3 S 7 24 .07 McCraun, IL .23 3 3-4 13 .23 Young, G. .34 3 3 4 , 24 .09 McDermott. H. ....... 8 2 1 2 3 .25 Stevens, .T 0 2 1 0 3 .33 I.rysou. F. 21 1 G . 3 11 .05 Arou, Jj. ....12 1 1 0 10 .OS The following jockeys finished second or third with one or more of their mounts, but did not ride a winner: Jockey. Mts. 3d. 3d.Unr Frost, C 28 3 3 22 Wood, J. 17 1 1 15 McAlnriey, IL . 22 0 2 20 OMahoney, C. 12 0 2 10 The following jockeys were unplaced with all their mounts: Jockey. Mts. Jockey. . Mts. Glass, J. 1 Ward, I. 12 The trainers who saddled one or more winners follow: Trainer. Wins. Trainer. Wins. Alexandra. A. 15. 8 Hesseltine. S 1 Uedwell, IL G 4 Johnson. 0 1 Fox. F. 3 McDonald, II. 1 Munson. II. Iu 3 McGraw, J 1 Hoy, A. X 3 Mein. W. 1 CleudenniiL, W. L. .. 2 Montgomery, J. ..... 1 Franklin., I. ..... 2 Biee, B. P.. ....... 1 McDermid. D 2 Sabine, J. IL 1 Mulligan, W. 2 Sclielke. F 1 OBrien, W. -. 2 Sucrranl, T. 1 Dodd,. K. W 1 Sterling, IT. J 1 iDuulap, A. G 1 llriess, A. L. 1 GaUagher, II. 1 The percentage of winning favorites was just below normal, as shown in the subjoined tabulation: ..." Number of days 7 Number of races 49 Winning first choices ; 19 Winning second choices t Winning outsiders 21 Winning at odds-on 11 Defeated at odds-on 5 Percentage of winning choices 39

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110801/drf1924110801_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1924110801_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800