Unexpected Finish: Marks Decision of Fridays Principal Race at Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-08


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UNEXPECTED FINISH 9 Marks Decision of Fridays Principal Race.at Churchill Downs. Fabian Comes From Rear and Snatches Victory in Final Strides of Race. LOUISVILLE. Ky.f Nov. 7. In the three-quarters feature at Churchill Downs this afternoon, six of the better grade of sprinters furnished the contest and it developed a royal finish, with an unexpected windup by the victory of Fabian, which had seemed hopelessly out of it an eighth from the end. At this stage Braedalbane, Bob Cahill and Pricemaker were battling it out stubbornly with the victory in doubt but seemingly between this trio. Suddenly Fabian, which had been far back, loomed up with a great rush and under the terrific urging from his diminutive rider he responded gamely and got up to land the purse in the last stride. Bob Cahill came in the final strides with his great rush and finished a few inches back and a neck before Braedalbane, which was given third place. Pricemaker was close enough up to cause some opinion that he had outstayed Braedalbane. Prospects of a downpour and a change in temperature did not result in a decreased attendance. On the contrary the crowd this afternoon compared favorably with the best that has been present during the present meeting. Small fields were again the rule and the players had somewhat the better of the speculative argument for favorites and well supported ones won a majority of the races. Three of the winners were outstanding favorites and they scored in their respective races in commanding fashion. 3TASSAT7 "ry BEST FORM. The one time crack Nassau showed a return of his best form when he led home a good band that started in the mile race. He was on his mettle throughout, began for-wardly, displayed a high order of speed and maintained his advantage throughout, to win easing in the last sixteenth in the good time of 1:38. The veteran. United Verde, made a gallant effort to wear down the winner, but he was not good enough though he had no difficulty holding Childs Play safe for second place. Jockey S. Griffin, who has rapidly come to the front here and is by far the outstanding lightweight now riding in these parts, was much in the limelight during the afternoon, having piloted three of the winners. He inaugurated his success with his energetic ride on Meddling Mattie and followed in succession on Fabian and Sir Peter. The latter was opposed by some good youngsters and he showed high speed to keep in front from the start and win with much in reserve over Broadway Jones and Step Along. The latter was favorite, but after following Sir Peter closely for half a mile began dropping back and Broadway Jones, saving much ground during the stretch run, beat him home handily for second place. The closing race, almost run in darkness on account of the heavy hanging clouds, brought together some of the better platers here to race a mile and a sixteenth and it resulted in a handy victory for Midwestern, one of the stoutly-backed ones. Miss Meise finished in second place and Mary Ellen O. held on long enough to outstay the weakly ridden Defiant. The winner was best and went to the front when called on and had much in reserve at the end. "WILD LIFE HOME FIRST. Wild Life, owned by D. B. Lester, was the pronounced favorite in the third race and was the winner. It was Garners first mount in some time and he kept him restrained for three-qua.-tars, but coming around the others with a rush just before reaching the stretch, wore down Lugs, the leader, steadily and crossed the finish half a length in advance. Lugs had been a sharp contender for the entire way and held to second place, beating homo Pequot, with Miss Mazie coming with a rush right at the end. Tho second race brought to the post a band of maiden two-year-olds, with Theo Red the overwhelming favorite. He won handily after having led from the start. Poinsettia was the runner-up and she performed impressively, for sho was away faultily and raced wide during the entire journey. Brinkley wound up in third place and would have been much more of a factor had Hay ridden him with better judgment and not had him in a pockot for most of the way -in the first half mile. The opening race produced a spirited finish, with Meddling Mattie grouped with others in tho field, but extensively-backed, the winner Continued, .on: twelfth, page. . . UNEXPECTED FINISH Continued from first page. by a small margin over Miss Ttosedale, with Madam Vennie in third place -The latter was claimed for ,600 by C. B. Siiafer. The start hero was ragged and favored the pair that fought it out at the finish, both racing almost on equal terms from the start and they made an interesting duel all during the stretch, with Griffins superiority being tho telling factor near the end.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110801/drf1924110801_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1924110801_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800