Pimlico Track Notes, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-08


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PIMLICO TRACK NOTES BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 7. "W. "Wick claimed Red "Wine for ,800. C. Ponce arrived to ride Star Lore in the Futurity. L. A. Cassidy will be here Monday in the interests of the Miami meeting. My Own worked a mile this morning in 1 :43 and was repeated a half in :48. II. Pratt and IT. "W. Maxwell were among the early arrivals for the Futurity. "W. S. Kilmer came from Binghamton to root for Sunny Man in the Futurity. "W. Irvine will ship the stable of E. F. "Whitney to winter1 quarters at "Warrentbn, Va., after the Bowie meeting. F. J. Bruen is due to arrive in Baltimore this afternoon in the interest of the tenth annual meeting at Oriental Park. Dr. IT. J. McCarty this morning fired three Rapid "Water yearlings in the string of J. B. Statler. J. Callahan, who has ridden for the last two years at Oriental Park, will go tc Miami during the coming winter. T. R. Queen this morning sent the Joaquin Stables Horologe a mile and half under a strong pull in 2 :39. . Jack Adler is a belated arrival from New York. lie will be in New Orleans on November 22. E. Ambrose, who has been riding well throughout the summer and fall, will ply his vocation during the winter at Miami. With the exception of J. N. Camden and J. S. Cosden, each of the owners of a representative in the Futurity was present for the race. J. B. Campbell will have the condition books of the Miami meeting ready for distribution about the middle of the Bowie meeting. Max Silvers came from New York for two days and will return here next week to attend the sale of horses to be conducted by Charles F; Hill on November 13. Master Charlie galloped a mile .this morning handily in 1 :42 in preparation for the Pimlico Weight-for-Age Special No. 2 tomorrow.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924110801/drf1924110801_12_2
Local Identifier: drf1924110801_12_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800