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I " v Entries and Past Performances ■ HUNTINGTON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 WnATIir.ll CLBARl TRACK FAST. • The figures under the headi.ig "Rec." in the entries below show the best tims of each horse at the distance sine* January 1. 1924. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or pood track, abbreviations show track conditions. MMI IS TOST IMIKX OF 192.%. SS4S7 IS FIRST IN DFX OF APRIL. Racing start* at 2 .U p. m. i Chicago time, 1:30V I O Superior mud runner. X Cood mud runner. :■: Fair mud runner. M Muidcns. •Apprentice ! allowance, b BUafcata, Tlie following nM ro iat leaf are used to designate 1 t r .-1 ks at which time records shown in entries i wcic m:id -: Aqueduct Aq Kemnton Paik KP Aurora An Ke-.ilworth Ke Belmont Park BP King Edward Ki I Blue Bor.nct; BE I atonia la Bowie Bj Laurel Lu Ercoklyn Park Br Lexington Lx Churchill Downs CD Maple Heights MH Oolurr.Vjs Ct Marlboro Mb Connausht Park . . CP Miami Mi Conncaut Lake CL Mobile Mo • Dado Park DP Mount Royal MR Bevo-shiro Do Omi ha Om Dsrval Dj Pimlica Pm Dufferin Du Raceland Rd Empire Em Reno Re Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Fort Erie FE Tanf oran Ta Hamilton Hm Thistle Down TD j Havre de Grace HG Thorncliffe Th I Hawthorne Hw Tiiuana Ti Havana Hv Toledo To Huntington Hu Windsor Wi Jamaica Ja Woodbine Wo Jefferson Park JP First Racs— 1-2 Mile. Purse $.V* . 2-year-olds. Allowances. • Track record: April 10, 1924 48- 2-120. Todays Ind. Horse* Post Tos. Wt. Rec. A.WMIan. 8S237r Pretty Bill. 7 Mi 103 :4» „ 112x72-". 85311 J B.-tty C. till. 8. . JP 109 :4?!i 112. .720 SC748 Martha ltoo . «.».. 113X713 88311 Seths Premium Mi. r. .11* in :49=i 112.. 710 £8162 Roberta C. Mi. 4 Hv 109 :.l"r. 11".. 70.. S77C9 Fred Hatch M, 2 I1S..TM Rissell. 1 1M Topsy. | 112 Our Seth, 5 112 Second Race — 5-8 Mile. rurse $.".00. 3-v ear olds and upward. Claiming. Trn.k record: Aug. 15, 1924-1:00— 2 117. 88542- Joe Joe. 4 Hu 112 1:02.-, 9 109X725 88579= l.ouisc Wagner, 6. Au 97 1:01 i 4 107. .721 885771 Whirlwind. 11 Hu 107 1:02 5 109. .71:. 8854.".» The OM. S ...Hu 107 1:01V. 5 107.. 71". 88544 Bus de tiuisc, Rl 101 Isftftlfc 9 109. .71." 88590 Josephine C. 7o 10S 1:0-0 ■ 107X71.". 8*?96- Seths Bream. 2. 4 107.. 710 88590- Flov IJllie 1.M1, 5 3 9S. .710 88343= Betty Mae, 1 5 107. .700 I ! 1 i I • j I 87657 Prin-iss Ahmed * M . 9 Mi 9S 1:05 .is 3 98. .709 R 87C67 Novelty Ml, 10. 3 10J..700 * Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. « Purse $.". 0. 3-vi-ar -olds and upward. Claiming. . R Track record:" Apr:i 26, 1923 1 :•»%—•— 109. I 883C7 Messin.s. 4 Ti 107 1 .07 V, 7 105X725 _ 83342 Calleon. 13 . . . Hv 100 1 :07=f. 4 10S..720| 8854. l ora Lata, 11. MH IIS 1:07*. 3 92..715|_ 87535 Kclnetli. 8 Hv 105 1 :0Sts 5 105. .715 £ 88390 CaaateM Claridge. „ 12 Hv 101 1:07 4 106.. 715 ? 88314 Cottager. II ..Hv 105 1:08 3 94.710 J 8811C Blue Miss. ■ . .Hv 97 LOS 4 101 . .710 J 8S390 Richard Murray. H 13 Hv 109 1:072b I 10SX710J" 885T7 Chow. 7 Mil00 1:OSj 7 103x705 J 83542 BtoCB Monkey. 9. Hu 100 1:09 5 103X705! J 88544 In the Bag iM, 1 Ja 107 1 :09i 3 102. .700 I R 8S54C Dolor Tubbs, 2.. 8 MH 99 l:0R«r.s 6 103x700,8 88590 M Garrison. 3M1I 108 1 :••% 11 105x700. H 82819 Cappv Kicks ill, | 8 5 5 108. .709 ! 8 8S410 Verdi Loon. 10 IIv 109 l:13Sis 8 103x70"! 8 ■ Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. j, 1 ronton Purse. Purse £600. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. S Track record: April 21, 1923— 1:12%— 5— 104. 88547 JKRRIRGH AP.- 8 BEY. 1 IF 103 1:14% I 107X725 p 88547" Remnant. 5 ..Mi 101 1:13- 4 112x715 ■ 87C9S Rorathv P.uckner. 8 C PC 111 1:14% 6 111X710, 8 874S4 Idle Seth. 4. .Hi 108 1 :14% 3 101X710: || 88101 Kuby Marsh. 2Ht 101 1:13% 3 95.. 705 i8 88547 Rcntaria. 3 ..Hu US 1:16% 5 114..700!8 j Fifth Race— 1 Mile. Barky Trial. * Purse 00. 3 -year -olds. Allowances. Track record: Oct. 13, 1923 1:38 — 4 — 103. ■ 88236 Belpre, 4 112x725 8 ■ 88322 Itrilliant. 2 112x720, 1 j, 1 88591= Bed Seth. 3 106x715 j ft 88547 Rosamond, I 111.. 710 1 8 88307 Retts Bacon, 5Ti 911:41 106. 705 j 8 Sixth Raoe— 1 Mile. | 8 Pans 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming, . f Track record: Oct. 13, 1923—1:38 — 4 — 103 .J 8 88255 Clansman. 3 6 110x725 88581 •Panorel. 7 LulOSl:421i 4 102x720 „ 88581» Apology. 2 ...BP 100 l:41*;,m 4 100x715" 88578 The Almoner. 1... 6 107x715 : S 88578 Roval Charlie. 5 RP 107 1:39 6 107X715 I 1 8 1 88580s Kthel P.. 4 I 90x710 I 88546 Black Deer, 6 6 102. .705 j Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. j I Purse 00. 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. | I Track record: Oct. 17. 1923-1:43—4—107. J 88347 Link. 4 Hv 113 1:46% 5 10fi X 725 * 88580- •IxK-.irno. 6 ...Hv 110 1:45% 7 110x720 j j * 85928 Comme Ci. 8 . .I„u 114 1:49 9 104x715 I8 88132 •Water Girl. 7 . .Ja 1 : 1:44% I 97X710 j 88410 Black Top. 5 Hv 112 1:46% 7 109 x 710 88160 •Antilles. 1 Hv 103 1:46% 7 97x705 m 88548 Roval Siring, 3 Hv 109 1 46 i 104 .. 705 1 5 88158 I.i Orb. 2 FG 108 1:47% I 107. .700 J 88592 Whippet, «J ...Hv 112 l:46j 7 107x700 1