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I— = DAILY RACING FORM VOLUTCE XXXI. MTTKBER 111 Entered M second -class matter. April i 1S9C a tlie post -of fire at Chicago, Illiiw-s uutler Act f Xlaixh 3. ls78. W. J. McMurray. PuWUher and General Manager llaily Diirlac Winter llonths. INWj ItUiK Manda; ltalanee of tlte Year. A Daily Ueflectitia of tlie American Ttirf by T.-le-nirh DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT - CHICAGO ILL 157-1** EAST 3*nd ST.. MEW YORK CITY. N. Y. 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT. SC« EAST 1H1RD STREET. CLNCIMNATI. OHIO srnaruiiTioN by first-class mail: May to RtNBkK iurlosire .00 per month Eeceuiber to April, inclnsirc .00 iht uiontli PAYAItl-K IN ADVANCE. BACK NCMUEES BY XJALU 1$ CENTS BACH. RUPMJtl MM HAKIMSON. For MM and rlrrulatlou purposes only. This t»lep4ioi.e u»« m» connectl«»n wiik tbe Bens •r editorial deparliuenU aiul cannot be used to oimuiiu i ilf « tbea. T« be considered anj answered, all queries to D.jr llarinc Form mu»t he sent orer the full n:- and wilb the addrr** of writer. The »■■* ri 4 n--dre ■..«..••- are subject to a local and foreign d «e orj test. __ 86508 is first index of 1925