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VAILV RACING FOHM TOLUXE XXXX NUMBER 151 Entcrc.1 :ik m ond -1 l:iss u atter, April *J, lbBtl. a the kitifflli at Chicago, Illinois, under Act ! Man a. isT9. W. J. McM:irr»j, Fubliiher and Qaneral Manager I-iIlT n.irMf Winter Months Dall/ Except Sunday r.ilance of the Year. A Dallj Hello lion of the American Turf by MMi DAILV RA.CINC FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COTJBT - CHICAGO. ILL 157-16S EAST S2nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT S20 EAST THIRD STREET. CINCINNATI. OHIO ■OMrmimoH by fiust-class mail: ».i» to November. Inclusive *4 00 per month December to April. Inrlmilvc 00 per mouth IAYAIII.R IS ADVANCE. I1ACK NtMIIERS ItY MAIL. IS CENTS BACH TEI.FIIIOXE MR llAItKISON. For titieinesa nnd cliculation purposes onlrl This tclepltone has no connection with the nee.» •r editorial departments and cannot b* uaed to CMtitimnlcate with them. 86,508 is first index of 1S25