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DUPFEEIN PAEK TORONTO. Ont.. Wednesday. June 10. 1925— Diirf.riii Park 112 Milel. First day. Metropolitan Racing As*tociation. Spring Meeting of 7 ehijs Wsither cloudy. Judges. Ed W Cole. P E. Callen and W. It Norie-ll Slarter, G. I»almer. Racing Secretary. W It Norvell. Bat ing starts at 2:30 p m. Chicago time. 1:30 •iudi. ates apprentice allowance. 90354 FIEST RACE— About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 0; fourth. 0. Eq Odds Ind. Horae. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight I 85037 Assyrian Qunlll D W Lancet tM-tM 89778 Lily K-lix P1D 2" N Foden M8-M3 I 89778Almirantl 115 3 A Yerrat M..-1 1 81973 Ann K. 103 4 j It McAIaney 1775-100 81950 Lady BinmorelOJ 51 u M. Crann MM-MO 90001 low.ler Flask lOT 6 I. Aron 5370-10 89944 sGaaM Serappcrlll Fell.C Frost 930-10 90251 Atlaat la 111 L.n.lerH Holme. Time. 1:02V Track fast. •2 mutuels paid Assyrian Jue-e-n. .40 straight. j $::. 45 place, .70 show: Lady Fclfx. place, , 60 -how: Almirnnte. .K5 show. Equivalent looking odd- Assyrian Queen 120 to 10O straight. 72/, to 101 place. 35 to 100 show I ■! Felix. 200 tee 100 pi ice. SO to 100 show; Al- ■mate, H% to 100 show. Winner — P. ololians c h. m. 7. by Prince Ahmed Ll I»oI.ri. by Loaiicrge- llrained by W Col Irs. I r.-.l he Mr. J. K. L. Ross. Went to |tost at 2:31. At |eost 3 minutes. Start m "I and slow. Wou easily, second and thirl Iriv-uig S, ratched -90145 Punketa, 103: S9973 P. Moody, 90355 SECOND RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. aud upward. Claim-iH?. ,Nct valuc t0 Wlnn« 00: second. 00; third $•0; fcuith. 0. . . Eq. Odds In.l Horae. wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 90l97:Doetor Cc.rl.-ttUO 1» N Fo.len to-h - i:l25 Florence DeenlOS 3 It M.AIaney OM-MI ,.„;. ,",rah lft* 3 I Fisher sMt-Ma I900HI l en,ze!os 11.1 45 J Cl,,„n C.-1C-, 88.01 Praae Ttrcnr Kf • It M. Crann 46«0-i.0 i.o!VS" i,en •• •■ » McDanat BM-MI 89945, tie. Fox 11:5 7 A Yerrat 760-100 Time. 128. Track fast. mutu.-i- p.i..l Dovtor orhett. .15 straight ,., place. i 5 show; Florence Dee-u 115 I1 ■ 05 show: Fe-hrnh. ; 20 show Equivalent booking odds Ik, t.-r 1 orbelt 3",7i to lis. straight. S7-i to 100 place. 52, to 10J .how Horone-e Been. 457, to 100 place. 302.. to 100 show F.hrah. 210 to 100 show. Winner— L. It. Kmf.vngs b. g. 12. by Rapid Water Bridal Light, by lamplighter trailed by I. It Knifonc: bred by Mr. T. II. Jones .:.t lo is st at 3 05. At post 1 minute stirt goo.l :,nd -|.,w. «on easily; second and third dnv ing s,r.,t-h..l 901 12 N:,n. y McKay. 110: 90190-High as, 103, joi4i Cloamiiifs Anna. 108. 90356 THIHD RACE-6 12 Furlomrs. Purse $.00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second 00- third 0: fourth. 0. Eq Odds Ind. Horae. Wt Fin. Jockey. straight. 90080 Aren.lal He 1J N r I ilia 206-h" M1M*D v, ,111.. 105 2» J Mann IMVMI 901111, Jit Joe 106 3» A Yerrat EM-Ml 91212 I-h.-ituus 110 4« L Aron 1105-100 90256 Silv-r Mai.I 105 5» A Hunt 2420-10. 90197 Mains jij 6 T Bonham 3930-bX 90197 Rualaisk 106 7 H Miller 4080-10 90196, are Free g] p ,,,, ,, MlCrann 140-Kx Time 1 26S- Track fast. mutuels paid Arendal. 10 straight. 1, , ! place. SO show: Deronite, .70 place, .4, shoe. . Joe Joe. $.1 M Show. Equivalent booking odds- Arendal, 205 to 100 ■trahjat, 82J to 10O place. 40 to 100 ahow; Devon -He. 335 to 100 place, 120 to 100 allow; Joe Joe, 75 to luo ahow. Winner W J Campbells b. g. 5, by IMludit or Star Shoot -Pyrope. by Sir Wilfred trained by W. G. Campbell, bred by Mr. John H. Madden. Went to post at 3:44. At post 4 m.nutea. Start j good aud alow. Won driving, second aod third the I same. Scratched 90196 Velma M., 104; 87022 Tally I.eigbton. 108. tlverweight Silver Maid. 1 pound: Athlete. 3. 90357 FOURTH RACE— 8 l-» Furlonga. Pane 30. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 25; third, 0: fourth, *40. Eq Odds Ind Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. 89222 Tho Abbot I 8 1"K P. Mc-Ahmey 4-2J-10,1 cn0147ilr.lB Jay 112 MV Mooro MM 90025 ••lloiden Lo. ks98 31 J J Mann 170-100 89912 Kosna 10 4« D Fisher 1725-100 90027 Armorer 111 51 K Mel rmt 13-i0-100 90141 Crinklo 1316 1 Colen 1=135-100 84402 Brier Hush 104 7 J Nicholl 6S»-10 Tims. 1:N. Track faat. mutuels paid— The Ablmt. 105 straight. 15 place. 50 show: Incle Jay. .0; pa.e. 30 show: ;o1den I... ks. .35 show. Etuivalent booking odds The Abbot. 452 to 100 straight. MVi to lejO place. 25 to 100 show: 1nle Jay. 50 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show: iolden Locks. 17* to 101 show. Winner J. Tracys ch. g. by Theo. Cook Irish AI.Imss. by Celt trained by J. Everest; bred by Mr. Edward F. Simmsl. Went to post at 4:16. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. Scratched- 90252 1 Postman, 113; 90254-Candy-niaker. 100. Overweights Rosita. 1 pound: Crinkle. 4V 90358 FIFIH RACE— 7-8 Mile. Purse ,030 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap-Net value to winner 00: second. 75; third. 5. fourth. 0. Il Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 90029 T •■ meri.-anlo": ■ A Yerrat OMM 90201 Meieutio 106 21 L Aron 915-lc 90199 Curlan.I 107 31 N Foden 24.1-lnl 90144 Intana 11"14 11 McDctt 15-10 MIUOmm Crest 97 J 5* J Mann 1780-101 85505 Golden Floss 106 8 B MlCrann 1125-100 Tima. 1 32S- Track fast. mutli Is laid Irin- American. 10 straight. .45 place. 65 show; Mercutio. .8. place. 85 show : Curland, JO shiw. Equivalent hooking odds — True American. 355 to 100 straight. 1721 to 10 place. 32 to 1C0 show; Mer. nt ice. ::m to 100 place. 02 to 100 show; Cur land. M t ■ Ml show. Winner Mrs .1. Drovers ch. g. 5. by Manager Waite True P.lue. by Hastings trained by P. Stire; bred by Mr. Thomas C McDowell. Went tee post at 4 50. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving, aeeond and third the same. ■lllll II I M Ktl- Villager. 95 Overweights Curland. 1 pound: Dentaria. 1%: Ocean Crest. .I-j: iolden Floss. 2. 90359 XTH RACE — 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3- yoar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third. 0. fourth. 0. Eq Odds Ind Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 901465Perhaps 114 1" It McAlaney S2J-100 90026 Beth llodder 105 2i J Nichols 2425-100 90026 I.casielo 109 3 M Foden 641-101 88707 yu-croek 105 41 B Me Crann 2070-190 9l»80;Kin m -an 113 5» T Bonham 435-1K S9998 Lucky I.un lf9 6» I, Aron .150-100 90141 Bo. ky H7 7 A Yerrat MM-MI Time. l:31Vi. Track fast. n.iiluels paid Perhaps. .65 straight. 40 place. .70 show: P.eth Hodder. 4. 9J place. .70 ehow: l.e.eside. .25 show. Ilqu valent booking odd-* Perhaps. 82V, to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place. 35 to 101 show; Belli 1145 to 100 place, 235 to 100 show; Leuside, OJh.lo 10 show. Winner Mrs. R. J. Howells ch. g. I. by Iaike M-Iuke- Miss Ceorgia. by Star Shoot I trained by K I. Howeil; bred by Mr. J. N. Markey. Went lo post at 5:25. At | ost 1 minute. Start good und slow. Won easily; second aud third driving. Scratched 90141 Piroutte, S8; 90202Sir I-onid. 112. 90360 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Ptini 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second. 25; third. 0; fourth. 0. Eq Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 90142 -Fair Howena 1C7 l* N Poden 657J-10 89977 Crass Maid 10S M 1. Aron 780-100 90686 K.-nt I. 106 34 B McAlaney 71 -100 90*57 "irk Fgartyllt 41 J Colen 110-100 90085 Superbum 108 5 D Fisher MM-MI 90001 l.a.k-t 108 6 A Hunt J5-10j Tims. 1:54V Track fast. mutuels paid Fair Itowena. 5.35 straight. $.25 .15 show; lirass Maid. .80 plac-e. 40 show: Kent 1... .15 show. Equivalent hooking c-d-ls Fair Rowena. f.074 to HO strn ght. 1021 to 10 place. 571 to 10 show: Irass Ma.d. 24tl to UO pla«., 120 to 100 show; Kent I I... 67 to 10«, show. W.iin- r Win. Wulkers b. f. 4, by Spanish Prince II Thiirieb-r.-loud. by Ogdeu trained by W. Walker: bred by Mr. John B. Madden. Went to |eost at 6:01. At Mist 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. , — 1