3rd Race [3rd Huntington, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-08

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3nl ***** ****** - RclCG * ■«• l*Ml«gl 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. April 28, 1323— ItMjfc I Mfcl Index. Course. Dist. Time. Track. Odda. Wt.St. *x Str. Fid Jockey. Started. Order of Finish. BRANDEIS. br. r. 5 108 Bv CaUract— May Ellen, by Cesarton. Trailer, J. E. Johnson. Owrer. Johnson tc Rogers. Breeder. R. K. Nichols. 00565 Hungton 5 8 l: i2%good 2 110 2 1 1- - L Saucier 8 KkLariy. I-.it. Hetty, MoveOnSeth 94349 Saltlike Gi f llMfcfMt 3* 118 1" P Martinez C I.allyncw, JosieM., Wnldont 93000 StLake Ab 3-4 MlUftl 7i 114 1J G Abel 8 Dust Itrush. Josie M.. footers 9J889 Saltl-uke 51 f 1 OUfast 14 112 1" O Atwell ItaML, Kcdlartor. P.allynew 91190 FaltLake 01 f l: 9fast 5 113 -:1 O Atwell 0 Phill.Lngo, LBffare, Can. Lady STAY OH. ch. g. 4 117 By Ormondale or St. Rock — Play Toy. by Star Shoot. Trainer. P. Nicholson. Owner J. W. Riley. Breeder. E. E. Marshall. O0-JG8 Mobile 61 f I MWHJ 3-3 116 5 1 3i l*| C. Mangan .". IYterDVy. Slvlini, 15thlmStl •MSI Mobil;; All M 1:01 hvy 3-5 IIS 2 1 P Vi CI Mangan •" Private-Set h, Korblv, ThcPIsman 00109 Mobile Ab 5-8 1 :l%mud 19-5 IIS I 1 1» 1* G Siangan 0 MissEmern, A-k.Iessi,.. KkLady 99804 .leffers.m 8-4 l:17Vfcmud 5 111 6 7 7117,5D Hum 10 Itlonrbast. l.Clayn, T.Witchet 99392 Jefferson 51 f 1:07 fast 17-5 110 2 2 2J 23 D Hum 11 Sylvnuis, Clydelhi. Orphelin 98630 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14"ifast 44f 106 6 6 SIO" J Chalnicrsl2 Lupine. Sizzle. Wild Hen tlier 98333 F.Grnds 3-1 l:lt.*good 24f 106 5 11 llJll1* J Chalmrsl2 Lutxck, Porto de Oro, Cad 97945 Jefferson 3-4 l:ll35tast S4f llo 9 5 46 4"! J Chalmersll Nanyhtj Nisba, Porto deOro. Can 95299 Dorval 51 f I ITTtlslJ 17 110 4 5 5* Si A Collins u I . Iiainbow, Tease, Gonwithim 94924 RConnets 3-4 l:14 32 107 4 6 573 5» T Bums 5 Warehtnan, Pr.Theo., Muskalg* 94758 B.Bonnets 51fl:0tHfast 13 112 13 3* 4:i A Collins 7 P.nn Vista. NthernStar. B.Nash »4 6fiR B.Bonnets B f 1:07 fast 29 115 7 6 6"! 65J A Abel 8 Barrow. PrceTiieo, Lydia Drew 94589 Cnaught £1 f l:0S%fast 10 105 8 6 7« 63 F Smith 8 Bengore, Smooth Ice, Bee Bee FLOY LILLIE. ch. f, 4 110 By Wormleighton— Bessie Moore, by Hastings. Trainer. W. M. Cr.in. Owner. W. M. Cain. Breeder. L. A. Lyne. 00568 Hungton PC l:12%good 2-5 108 3 1 1! 1! D Smith 7 Widgeon, Avispa. Menage 00510 Hungton 5Jfl:09Hslow 7-10 1 4 1 1 1- I" D Smith ■ Bniel/zie, ItayDgie, FiyingLnla 00030 Jefferson 5Jf 1:08 mud 101 93 7 7 9"10 « D Smith 11 Sutler. Flyiug Spark, Annie Lyle 99768 Jeff.rs.ni B f 1 OTfast 36 9. 6 7 7»3 7"J U Smith 8 KnyalPrins, PtoDeOro, Lupine 99689 Jc-fferson 5 f MB%MM 61 102 10 9 63!J C-J D Smith O Queer, Porto De Oro, Nell Jo 99320 Jefferson u f l:0CHfast fj 102 8 10 10MO" L Pichon 12 I.upine. Hole Card. Reward 97762 Jefferson M llttfcftut 46 104 10 8 R»l SIS D Tyler 11 Porto deOro, NtyNisba. B.Wand 9 7605 Jefferson 3-4 l:1434fast 11 101 1 7 91 i » W Garner 12 Pat Casey. Rodeo, Theo IAVINIA, br. m, 6 110 By Jim Gaffney — Sweetheart Sue. by Peter Quince. Trainer, H. E. Brown. Owner, H. E. Brown. Breeder. W. S. Thrclkeld. 00570 Hungton 51 f LVsgood 6 10! 5 5 61 531 S Trenchd S Sq.MeMtrs. Sent.Tmie. MaryG. 00509 Hungton 5-8 l:03*islow 6-5 96 1 3 1and 1- D Smith 7 Irunetli. Quaver. Panorel 00059 Jefferson 3-4 1:16 mud 43-10 100 5 6 7" 7" D Smith 12 PrineeKeg t. .ImieTrinz, Tpdike 99544 Jefferson 51 f l:07Vifast 8 lol 6 2 62i 5rl I. Pichon 12 UoyaiPrinces-s, Futen. Cinnamon 98052 Jefferson 3-4 l:lfi%mud 8 104 6 9 5; 710 A Mtensnl2 Kingselere, I.ubeck, LittleAIfred 97237 Frmount 3-4 l:14V4fast 21-5 108 7 6 7» f" W Charles 8 Chopsticks, Keaolani, St.Maurice 97024 Frmount 51 f l:07%fast 12 105 2 7 7 i C»l V Wallis 12 Cliesterbk, M.Uoscdale, MyValt 96917 Frmount 3-4 1:15 slow 8 1071 1 1 21 ! * L xeal 12 Kendall, Mulcibcr, Old Top COL. PAT, ch. g. 6 101 By Pataud— «3olle, by Marta Santa. Trainer. A. T. Cragi- Owner, W. H. Hoist. Breeder. E. P. 0Meara. 96536 Ygstown 3 4 1:is%fast S5 111 2 4 6J3 6:1F Wstock 6 Little Roper, B. Ruler. Sagame 96423 Ystown Ab 5-8 69%fast 13-5 112 1 1 11 1" F W stock 7 Cassius, Amber Fly, Roseberry 9C0I1 Akron 3-4 1 :A%inud 14 112 13 6 6" C Dishmon 7 MaryG., Corenne, Sweet andPty 95590 Akron 3-4 l:15Vsfast 12 108 4 6 5» 612 H White 7 Dr.McArthur, Yaneo, The Plater 95526 Akron 6J f l:08%fast 71 106 1 1 VI 11 H "White 8 TheUlster. MarcattaK., llir.dk 95365 Alron 61 f l:09%fast 9 111 2 1 1» 31 P White 9 Red, Pomercne, Hoover C. T. WORTHINGTON, ch. g. 4 104 By Everest — Top All. by Top Gallant. Trainer. F. Raymond. Owner, J. T. Buckley. Breeder. A. E. Hundley and Son. 00567 Hungton 6J f l:09tfcgood 20 10S 2 4 3i 42 C Healy 7 Melvina. Wild Deuce, Air Mail 00357 Mobil* Ab 5-S l:05=ihvy 7-10 110 5 2 ll 1J C Phillips 6 Mspring, SisterSue, MsQnerson 00297 Mobile 61 f 1 :35 hvy 11 109 3 1 l2 2» C Phillips 5 Cromwell. Anna II.. Runpride 00159 Mobile Ab 5-8 1:01 hvy 67 115 8 8 Si 8» M Harson 8 Padlock, Million, Futen 98779 F.Grnds lmTuy l:49%hvy 22f 107 10 6 6 J 912 J Colen 12 Viburnum. Just. Gunnv Sack 98662 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :50%fast 65f 107 8 8 ll»H2« J Dillea 11 Feluali. IrisliPat, TliePlainsman 98575 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50%good 41f 105 11 10 10l2102l L Pichon 12 Jimson. Repeater. Dad Luck 98237 F.Grnds 3-4 l:19=£hvy 27 110 2 6 7«1 8" A MtensnLS Noel, Hootch. Medina 98051 Jefferson 3-4 1:18 mud 33 105 10 8 6» 7" V Stott 12 Tease. Newarket, Move on Seth 97924 Jefferson 3-4 l:15%good 44 107 U 6 10»1 9" A Mtensnl2 St. Quentin. Or.ibrage, I.ierra 97821 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:55ihvy 25 99 4 4 4» 412 A Mtensn 5 llobson. Mary Ellen O., Delusive 97121 Frmount 3 4 1 :i44ifast 17 108 3 4 t:J !:J L Keal 12 M.Em rt. M.Biltmore. Shanghai

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926040801/drf1926040801_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1926040801_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800