Daily Racing Form Charts: Orlando, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-08


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_ | _ n v _ J _ | g , I • _ ■ J I I t t • « I - i " I i | ■ : . - - 1 j , i | [ ; - . 1 I 1 | j ! , , j I 1 I ! ORLANDO ORLANDO. FLA.. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7. 1926 Seminola 1 Milei. Sixteenth day. Seminole Jockey Club. Inaugural meeting of 19 days. Weather clear. Ircsiding Steward. A. G. Leonard. Judges. K. C. Knebelkamp. S. J. Kohl and Dr F. F. l.ranl. Starter. W. Harris. Racing Secretary. E. C. Knebelkamp. Racing starts at 2:50 p. in. Chicago time. 1:50 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figures in parentheses follcwing the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse ami weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. f/erOQ FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. March 20. 1926— 1:04S— 6— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and ""9JOO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner £450; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt » i-_. Str Fin Jokes Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 00538 -WILTN FLANAws 7 K3 3 2 1» 1* 1» 1=1 HL White WC Daly Jr 90-100 S04M**BSX3 PARDON wb 8 110 I 3 21 2J 23 V G McGinis H T Palmer 140-100 0049 1 SALLY JONKS w 4 106 4 5 5- 4 34 S* A Anrson S 11 BM wards SMS-SM 00491 SKIP LITE XNwsb 3 104 1 1 4= 5J 5s 4= W Rausser C R Middleton JJM SW 00417 FANOC WB 3 10a 6 4 2l P 4 »1 I. Aron L H Silver 4990-10O 00491 =CHEF wb 3 106 5 6 6 6 6 6 A Tryon Mrs C Alexandra 7S0-1OO Time. :24«i. :50«s. 1:05. Track fast. certificates earned— Wilton Flanna, .80 straight. .40 place. .20 show: Beg Pardon. .10 place. .40 show; Sally Jones, .00 show. Equivalent booking Wilton Flanna, 90 to 100 straight. 20 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show: Beg Pardon. 20 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show: Sally Jones. 50 to 100 show. Winner --It. m, by Danger Rock- Very Apt. by Ardington trained by W. C. Daly: bred by Mr. G. P. Finnigan. Weut to post at 2:55. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but CHEF. Won easily; second and third driving. WILTON FLANNA made the pace easily and resjioiided well when shaken up In the stretch. BEG PARDON raced closest unci finished gamely. SALLY JONES was outrua. but finished well. The hairier caught in CHEFS bridle. Scratched -00419 Hampton Lady. 103. Overweights — Sally Jones. 3 pounds; Fanoc. 4: Chef. 5. A|~KSCCQ SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. March 20. 1926— 1: 17*—4— 100. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and VFVf«-90«7 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt i i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Book. Strt 00457 FELICITOUS wsB fi 108 IS V V 1* 1| H I. White F B Poll! OMM 00542 QUOTA w 5 111 3 1 2h 2 2= 2 L Aron H C Rumage 150-l" i 00537 "BLACK FRIDAY*! 9 Ml 4 7 7J 5J 4i S" GMcGinis C Cr Kindle IJO-lOO 00542 JIM DAISY w 8 111 3 5 6l 6"i 5i 4"k A Tryon F A Tatum MS-SM 00538-OR.IZLEIGH w fi 108 7 4 4» 4- 6- 55 G Mthews C C Pool 4700-1 no 00537STARt;t w 5 HIS I S 5h 7= 7" fi1 W Murphy T V Mountjov SlMH 00423 COTTAGER w 4 108 0 I 3" PI X 7"= A McDald Sunflower Stabl- IMS IM 00351 ILA w 10 107 fi I S S 8 8 M Hall-sal! W Lyons pre 100 Time, :245. :50«5. 1:1914. Track fast. certificates earned Felicitous. 0.40 straight. 1926.sh.20 place, . SO show; Quota. 40 pla.-e. $."..L-u -.how; Black Friday. .20 show. Kquivalent booking Felicitous. 720 to 100 straight. 210 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show: Quota. IM to 100 place. 00 to 100 show: Black Friday, M to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, by Ultimatum Felicitation, by Delhi trained by C. H. Neal: bred by Mr. Samuel Ross . Went to post at 5;00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driviug; second and third the same. FKLIOTOCS showed the most speed and finished gamely, but tiriug. QCOTA rued in closest pursuit and was wearing the leader down at the end. BLACK FRIDAY was outrun, but saved ground on the last turn and finished fast. JIM DAISY also finished well. ORM/.LKIGII ami COT-TAGKR quit. Scratched— 00504 Room Mate. 113. Overweight — Cla, 1 ]K und. AftChQA THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. March 20. 1926— l:17*i— 4— 100. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and VvOt/U upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt , -_. Str fin . ■ -.v- Owners Kquiv. Book. Strt 00543 FAST BOY w 5 109 5 2 2 l« V l3 L Aron A Antoniades P.O-tOl 00494 SPONTANEOUS w 5 111 5 I li l*| 1» 2 C Karnes C. Drake 260-100 00539 MERRY O. w 4 102 4 4 3J 3- .!« 3" W Eprson W M Palmer BSMSS 00457MARBLE w 7 107 1 6 fi 5i 41 41!G McGinis C G Kindle . S20-100 00541 HERBERT! S w 5 109 I I 4J 4- 5« 5* A Tryon R McKeever BMSW 00350CLEAN w 4 104 fi 5 5~ « « l W Rausser C R Middl-toti SMV1N Time, :2535, :52i. 1:21%. Track sloppy. certificates earned— Fast Boy, . JO straight, .80 place, .40 show: Spontaneous. .60 place. .20 show: Merry ».. .80 show. Kquivalent booking Fast Boy. MS to 100 straight. 40 to 100 place. LO to 100 show: Spontat Us. 50 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show: Merry O.. 40 to 100 show. Winner B. g. by Meridian Tc otsie. by Hessian 1 trained by J. V. Pons; bred by Mrs. Rieii:i:d F. Carman I . Went to jiost at 5:27. At ] ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. FAST ROY was outrun to the stretch, but gained steadily into the lead and was going awav at the end. SIONTANKOCS made the pace to the last eighth and tired when hallenged MKRKY O. was always outpaced. MA UP. I K finished well. HKRr.KRTIS quit. Overweights — Spontaneous. 4 pounds; Clean. 3. fifiQI FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. March 20. 1926— 1:17%— 4—100. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and UUOl/1. upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt , |4j Str Fin Jo-keys Owners Kquiv. Book. M *l 00490 * PORTO DE OROw 5 107 2 S 21 2* 1 1» W Ha— M A L Gaal MM 00560 DONNA SANTAws 1 107 4 6 6 5 5: 2 A M. D"ald Sunflower Stablw HlO-loi 00090 BlDDlE BROWN wb I 110 :. 1 1= l1 2- 55 I, Aron Mrs C Alexandra IMVSM 00540HAYA ELECTRICw fi 105 1 4 51 3 4« 41 HI, White K Keller MS-MI 00451 MARY WILLIAMw 10 107 i 2 4 k 4 5« 5= A Anrson Mrn M Prescott MS-SM IB; 145 FROSTY DAWN w 4 110 fi 5 S* fi i C, , Tryon K E Hitt S3S M Time. :25*s. :52:V5. 1:2135. Track sloppy. *;! certificates earned Porto de Oro. .2« straight, .80 place. . JO show; Donna Santa. .60 place. $.;.40 show: Buddie Brown. .20 show. Kquivalent booking -Porto de Oro, 00 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place. 60 to 100 show: Donna Santa. 380 to KM place. 70 to KM -how; Buddie Brown, 100 to WO show. Winner B. g. by Honey wood - Km y. by Keiiilworth drained by A. L. Gaal: bred by Nevada Stock Fa rm 1 . Went to post at .".:59. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. PORTO DK ORO. 1 doses t up from the start, raced BI DDIK I.ltOWN into defeat in the stretch and won going away. DONNA SANTA began sowly. but saved ground on the last turn and finished fast Bl DDIK BROWN set a good pace-, but tired when challenged. HAVANA KI.KCTRIC was alwa s itilrun. AnQQ FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 27. 1926— 2. 02*5— 7—109. Purse 00. 3-year-olds UvP9il7 m and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. ! . Index Horses AWtlISt , .. % Str Fin Jch keys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 00457NORTII PINK w 7 103 I 2 4« 43 4* 9 V H L White Oklahoma Bf Ml S3S-SH 00 157CONSCKIPT w 5 111 I 1 lni Ink y. V 21 L Aron A Hulhoat :;tn-100 00355 WISK GUT w r, 111 4 4 3i 3; V ■: ■ ."- C Eames C Drak- SM-SM 00459 "GRANDSON w B 7 IO4 | 5 5 5 5 | 4« Sf Rausser F ttmmf SS-SM 00543 ATT PACT I YE vtM I I I i 2* 3 4- 5 H tJlick R Guicard.. 2l:50-10o Time. :27. M**. 125. 1:54*5. 2:085. Track sloppy. S2 certificates earned N. rib Iine. 0.4 straight. .40 place, .40 show: Conscript. .10 pla.e. SS.M show; Wise tiny. 40 show. Equivalent liooking North line. 920 to 100 straight. 17l to 100 place. 70 to 1 0 Mv; CMMftet, 12 to 1¥ place, .".0 to MS -how: Wise Guy. 211 to MS show Winner B. g, by Bla. k Pine Little Spray. I.y Mallory itiain.-l by . loud: bred by Mr. I. C. SI..anl. Went to |iost at 4:.!0 At post 1 inintitc Start so.id and --low W.ni handily: coetid and third driving. KOStTH IINK was outrun early, but pass..! the leaders in the stretch aud won going away CONSCRIPT made the pa.e gamely while racing ATTIt At "li K into defeat, btit tired near the encF. WISK OUT saved ground 011 the turns and raced into the lead, but tired. GRANDSON iM-gau slowly 1, u»uil aud finvhecl fast A] "li; At II V K cpnt. Overweights North Pine. 2 pounds; Grandson, 1. rk/TkCrQO SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 27. 1926— 1:45*!— 7—103. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and UUtll/O upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt , .. ■", Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv Book. Strt 10543 -ADMIRER w S IM I 4 4* 3= 1» 1* 1« A Tryon Concord Firm fllllll 60-10.1 00504 VANISHING ROT w fi 107 1 1 3* 4 9 2 2- A Anrson S H IMwarls 240-100 MMS* MOON BROOK w 1 M 3 5 5 and 5 4 S W Rausser ■ A 1 recliiis SS0-P» 00541 IKUAl.iING Willi I I 1*1 and SI ■■. 41UA VLDald sunflower Stablo I2SO-100 00543,K E.NI.NC, STAR W S M I 1 U 1» 4 | | H L White Mrs G E Keller lpl-100 Time. :26. :52/s. 1:21%. 1:51%. Track sloppy. S2 certificates earned Admirer. .20 straight. J2.2K place. .40 show Vanishing Boy 4i» place .60 show: Moouhrook, $.3.00 show Kquivalent Uiokiug Admirer. 110 to 100 straight. M to loo place. 20 to 100 bow Vanishing BM 20 to HID place. 511 to MMI show; Moolibr.sik. HO to HHI show Winwr I, h. b Prince llerinis Faiui Kemble, by Souipronius trained bv F C Frisbie br.-d hv Mr Corse I l.li.kfc.rdl I ontiii" ct on eighth page ORLANDO Continued from third page. WVut to iKjst Ht 4 54. At post 1 minute. Start good and alow. Won easily: second ami third driving. ADMIBBB took the lead easily when Ixui mi i n u the final half mile and won casing up. VANISHING R4»Y wma under stout restraint to the stret.h. hut eould not get to the Naders when ealled on. MOONKKOOK made up ground and finished well. HOPADOXO tired. EVKNING STAR quit after setting the early pace. Overweight- Vanishing Hoy, 1 pound. AAPQI SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. April 2. 1926— 1:56 V— 7— 106.1 Furse 00. 3-year-olds "UOut: and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 00; second. 25: third. 5. Index Horses AWtllSt , j % Str Fin lactajt Owners Equiv. Dook. Strt 00562 • 111 II AM RDTWtlM I 4 f V P 2« lj A AnYson C C Kindle 220-100 00386 MILD BUDADWAYw 4 112 I 1 1 1- 1" l1 2: D Aron H C Rumage 70 100 00542 NETTIE MAY vv I 104 2 I ."» I 4" :. f S Holi. k J Kalb"rt 24SO-100 00563MARIE MAXIM wn 9 107 1 2 4:- 4 5 4 41 A McDald Sunflower St.tl. If 2010-10 . 00459*KIMAX w I 1 H 4 I 3" f :!r- I E : Mrlimis II T Palmer EIMM Time. :25V :52 1:21V 1:50«5. 1:58V Track sloppy- cortifi.ateo carn-d Rough and Keady. $«:.40 straight, .G0 plaee, .80 show: Old Pro.ulway. .20 place. .40 show: Nettie May, .00 show. Equivalent bonking Rough and Keady. 2211 to lot straight. .50 to 100 plaee, 40 to 100 show; Old Broadway. 10 to UK plaee. yo to 100 show: Nettie May. M to 100 show. Winner l!r. g. I.y Heurl. ss— Itwk of Cold, bf Bat* Sand trained hy .1. Kindle; hred l y Mr. August l.elniontl. Went to post at 5:20. At post 1 minute. Start pond and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MUGH AND KKAIY la.cd lose up U the last eighth, then headed OLD RROADWAY and won drawing •dear in a hard drive. OLD BROADWAY showed the way easily, but tired when challenged. NETTIE MAY was outrun, hut finished well. The others quit. Scratched 00500 ;ail Ford. 106. Overweights — Hough ami Keady. :, pounds: Marie Maim. 2: Kiinax, 1. * HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON. W. VA.. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7. 1926. 1 Mile. Fourth day. West Virginia Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 21 days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward. K. C. Smith, Presiding Judge, W. E. Phillips. Starter, A. McKnight. Racing Secretary. W. H. Booker. Racing starts at 2:.!0 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each ra.-o indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance. ffVjrQpr FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Aug-. 15. 1924—1:00—2—117. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and JvrO«T7 3 upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 80: second. 0: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt t la Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 410547 MIRIAM WOOD w 5 HI 1 1 li I1 1h l1 D Saucier See and Frazer 410-100 1 ■BBM OKPHF.PIN wb 4 112 2 2 2t 21 I* 2 F Kehrt C V Chaniol 2010-100 0054 7iASSHS wb 5 113 4 3 31 P 3= .i* C B Allen H B Drown 80-10.* 40546 SAN HEDDON wn 7 113 f C fi 6 6 4= S Kirk C P Drant MM-M | 00545*ZOONA w 6 106 3 f. 51 51 5J H C AVel-b J S Dahlwin 840-10 i 06509 CUBA ENCANTO »n 7 113 E 4 4* 41 4 ti 1 Powers II W Miller 420-100 i Time. :24. :48»5. 1:02. Track fast. mutuels- paid Miriam Wood, 0.80 straight, . SO place, .00 show; Orpin din, .60 place. .40 show: assius. .20 show. Equivalent hooking odds Miriam Woo.l. 440 to 100 straight. 140 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Or phelin. 230 to 100 paee. 70 to 100 show; C-assius. 10 to 100 show. Winner It. m, by Opera Class Fledgling, by Peter Fan trained by H. Frazer; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones. Went to post at 2:34. At i ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. MIRIAM WOOD took the lead at once and s-t a good pace throughout. ORPHKDIN was j losest up from the start, but came a trifle wide when entering the stretch and was held safe I.y the winner. 4 .A SSI! IS saved ground on the turn for home, but Lumped against ORPHKDIN a couple of times in the stretch and tired near the end. The others were badly outpaced, but CUBA ENCANTO showed s|ieed. Scratched WO IT II 113: 04 571 Dr. K. T. Adams. 108. AAQ££ SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. Aug;. 15. 1924— 1 00— 2— 117. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and ■ WOOO upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 80: second, 0; third, 0. Index Hortet AAYtPPSt If t* Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt I 0©544U"MBKIl JACK wr. 4 113 5 1 2 I" V- P* C B All-n II B Arnold 160-100 I 00501 T. H. EVERITT wb 4 113 13 42 :: 3 2 P Dowers C H Kveritt 8t;0 100 1 O0546*APRES MOI til I 1 I IS 25 21 V 1 Smith B P M.-Clain Jr 140-100 » 97446 NOKO w 4 113 4 I •- •" 4i 4* P Kehrt D J Kuss 10:10-100 1 1 00544 KOSKKKRRT w 4 101 6 ■ V V ol H Q Webb J Dahlwin 2090-UH i ] j MBM**8HUU/Y I/PISKwb 4 106 3 7 7 T 7 t| T M -Klroy Done Star Stable 1020-100 . 00544 BSD PKP w 4 111 7 4 "h 4- t.1 7 .1 Moran H C Wilbum "040-1O.1 Time. :24=5. :49, l:02«j. Track fast. mutuels paiil Dumber Jack. $."i.24l straight. $::.otl pia.e. ftM show- T. II. Everitt, .00 place, .00 show: Apres Moi. .40 show. KquDalent booking odd- l.unilier .la. k. 100 to 14K straight. H to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; T. II. Everitt. 100 to 14H place. M to 100 show: Apres Moi. 20 to 1 » show. Winner 15. g. by The Manager -Penance, by Ssiin ittaincil by H. K. Arnod: bred by Mr. B, 4omlis. Went to Baal al .t:t»."i. Al Kist 2 minules. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. I IMl.KK JACK passed APKKS MOI while rounding I he stretch turn and drew away midway of the stretch, but was hard ridden total near he end to outfinish T. H BYBBITT. The latter closed up rapidly ta I he outside in tin- stretch ami was rapidh overhauling the winner at the end. APRES MOI set the early BatV, hut t ire«l in the final eighth. KOKO closed up sonic ground. KED PEP tired. S rat. bed HSM Imi erial. 10.1. AARLOT raiRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. Aug;. 15. 1924—1:00—2—117. Purse 00. 3-yoar-olds and up-"LrVrOJj 4 ward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 80: second. 0; third, 0. Index Horses AWtlISt ,» j Str Fin Jockeys 4ncrs Equiv. Odds Strt 00565 CHIDE wn C Mi I I " V 21 1- C B Allen H K Drown 100-100 I HIIILOTTO w 4 101 II I1 li r 2 I Smith T t»Drien 280-100 MMB*MACHIAVB7LU wnSld:; r. 4 4 :V ::■ " 1 Morar Mrs AT Ciagin 1210-100 I 0-9l AMKHAN SOl.Dltw S 108 7 7 7 0 4J 41 C tiMney C p Knight BMMM I 01544 RBQUK8T w 4 108 f, | W 7 H andi P Kckrt P P Wilson 540-100 i 4»054! MISS UDOAMINC. w .". 106 4 6 5= f.h i- C- l Pnble Willie and. Mi Don. .1.1 3010-100 I j 00507 BERMUDA DIDY WB 4 Ml 2 2 3» 4 7 7 J Moran Kelly ,t Wilson 1240-100 I Time. :242-,. :4925. I4B%. Track fast. J2 mutuels i :,id Chile, .00 straight, .60 place, .10 v|.0w; Ixitto. .20 place, .00 show; Ma- h av.-ri. show. Kquivabnt booking odds Chile, 100 to 100 straight. 30 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; I-otto, 60 to , 100 place. 50 to 100 show; Ma hiavclli. SO to HH» show. Winner D. g. by Dick Finnell - Starland, by Star Shoot traiued by H. E. Drown; lired by Messrs. Murphy A Shropshire. Went to post at :.:;.".. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third I driving. CHILE raced closest up on the iiitside of LOTTO until midway of the stretch, then took the lead and won going awaj LOTTO set a aaai pa. « to the last eighth and tired. MAtHIA V WDL1 dosed up mu. h ground from I slow beginning and saved ground on tfet stretch turn. DEKMlDA DIDY : showed early speed. ] AAQfi FOURTH RACE— Futurity Course 170 Feet Less Than 3-4 Mile. April 6. 1926— . VfvJOttJO 1:12::5 — 4 — 108.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner • ! 50; second, 00: third. !50. . I Index Horses AWtPPSI , % Str Fin Jockeys 4wners Equiv. Odds Strt 00510?DNN1F. DI/.Z1K w 5 111 .". 2 3 H 3- li C E Allen O L Foster 220-100 , 0054».*NKU MOON w 4 112 I 1 InkPJD 2= D Smith W M Cain 100-100 97141 WINK JUG w 4 109 4 3 2 21 V M- J Connors M H Jordan BW-M4 96256DrrTDK CLAIR w a 11". 1 :. 4- 4- 4s V D Saucier Johnson and Hog.-i a MO-100 MM"BVN MAKKD w 4 10S I ♦; ti I •. $■ C lhah H B Drown 2010-100 , 00344 BBA -NET w :: 105 I 4 55 It T. i; p Miller l K Wishar.l 3020-HKt , Time. :24. :484b. 1:12 mew tra.k re ord I . Track fast. mill mis paid Doiinie Di//.ie, 1926.sh.40 straight. |S.tt place, .40 show; Xew Moon, .40 place, .20 show: Wine Jug. 10 show. Equivalent iKH.king aMt llonnie Liz/.ie. 220 to 100 str.,iyl.t. 40 to 100 pla. e, 20 to 100 show; New Mo, n. 24 to OKI place, 10 to 100 show: Wine Jug. 70 to 100 show. Winner D. m, by Setback Miss P.lair, by Howling i.reen itrainod by 4. D. Foster: bred by Dr. I. E. Clark ». W nt to post at 4:03. At l ost 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. HONNIE Dl/./IE saved ground while rounding the stretch turn and. coming on the outside when in the stretch, headed the leaders near the end and won drawing dear. NEW MOON drew away from WINE JIO after entering the stretch, but failed to with-tand the winn. r- challenge. WINE JUO raced well for the first half, but tired in the stretch. FIN MAKER stumbled afW all but fell at the . htart. AAC1QQ FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Oct. 13. 1923— 1 36— 4 — 103. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up-■LrvFOiT/iU ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: recond. 00: thi:d. 0. Index Horses AWtPPStU .. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. :dds Strt 0054R-MASON TOWLK tllM S 1 l* 1 1- 1 1 .1 Connors M II Jordan 180-100 0051 1 M.IZ/.IK N wis 4 IP 1 2 2" 2 21 21 :»» 1 PrtMt llaniniat and Davis 540-14K ! 0051 I •MtiLINKDO w 8 103 I .". V "- V 2" 25 1 Smith A J Molei.i ltiO-100 0054H* AMDIDANCE w 4 KD I 4 »J :. • 41 4 4- Q Webji M Kosenstone 1240-100 1 1 00549 1 "SJI APT CI Y wb 9 M I G 41 41 ■- ..« il O MaJtttM K P M. Clain Jr 4«J0-100 99933 BAVOY vv ti 11! 4 ". a1 ti 6 I 0 S Kirk J Dishop 1020-10 j Time. :24s. :493s. 1:16!5. 1:43. Track fast. mutuels paid Mataa. Taarlt, *" M sOaight. «SO place, .20 show; Lizzie X., .40 j.lace, t 0 show; Molmero. .20 show. Equivalent hooking odds Mason Towle. 180 to 100 straight. 1.30 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Lizzie X., 370 to 100 place. 100 to 1O0 show. Moliii.ro. 10 to 10O show . Winner 4h g. by Hoiirb s- II uin:.ii,t , by Yotir itraiio-d by M. H. Jordan: bred by Mr. Hrownell Combs. Went to post at 4:2.1. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third j driving. MASON TOWLK at once drew away into an easy had and won all the way. LI/./IK N. was 1 always in closest pursuit, but was tiring and doing her U-s| to outfinish MOI.INKKO. The latter tailed la improve over third place, but was going well at the end. Jlie others were always oulpaced. Otti weight — Savoy, :: pounds. flAfiAA SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 26 1923— 1 :05«and— 5—109. Purse 00. 3-year-UvUVU ■ olds and upward. Claiming. Net valut to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. - Index Horses AWtlPSt | i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt I • 90549* in st PtUOWBB w ti id 2 4 V B I* It c Haaljr H B Braara 3i0-ioo 9 WBBtBARBBRRY w and 10:: 4 3 2» 2 21 2- l smith D P M.CI.iiii Jr 400-1U0 » 00127 iCKKSTW 1 l.iiV a T10S | 6 b1 4 •* V P Kehi t M Katz 1270 loo I ! Hi.tf I 1. ASTRO w C !07 6 7 4J H 4- 4- 0 W«ka T J Al.rams 2040-100 d MBBBJOSOC M. w C 10.. 7 I 7 C ;".! T. I. Sau.ier Johnson A; Kojrers 210-MM M10B*DAHINDA w 10 im, 1 1 |t 7 7 N C ■ Allen o q-ipp 2010-100 D 00545MADY C w S lof. ;; :; f.i .; 7 J C. iniois M II Jordan I Ml I Time 24. :49. 1:085. Track fast. iiiutuels paid Dut Flower, i INI straight. $.". SO place, 44.4B show: P.niberrj. Mi pla.e, ti » show troMw.od Ih.y. 4 l show. Equivalent iHKiking Kids Dust Klow.r. IM to lot! straight. 190 to 100 place, 10O to 100 show; P.ar tarry, mu to 100 atarr, M la Ift show ISrcatataad Btjr, o la Ml atav. »a— a — — — — — — -mmirn u H — — — i— — mm Winner Cat, m, hy Peter Qaiarc Stick Pin, bv M. Ceo trained by H. B. Drown; bred by Mr. J. C. Milam ». Went to at«1 at .".:0"i. At Baal 1 minute. Star! go.nl and slow. Won driving: second anil third the same. DIST PLOWBR took the had at oikc and rated MAKY O, into defeat, but was doing her l»esl all through the stretch lo retain her slight advantage. BABBBBBY worke.l his way up next to the inner rail in the last quarter and finished fast and gamely. CKESTWOOD DOY cheed Bp reRolntely in the last quarter. ED ASTKO loomed up dangerously on the outside when entering the stretch, hot tired. Overweight Mary C. 3U pounds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926040801/drf1926040801_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1926040801_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800