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J3AIIJY" RACING FORM I I BOWIE | Copyright. 1926. by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. ■ — — 0 BOWIE. MD.. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7. 1926. Prince Georges Park 1 Mile. Sixth day. Southern „ Maryland Agricultural and Fair Association. Spring meeting of 11 days. Weather clear. u — " g Steward Representing Maryland Stale Racing Commission. George Brown. Jr. Jud;:e-at-I.arge. "arlos If. do Garmendia. Inspector General. W. Bradley Carr. Stewards. P. J. Miles, Baker Waters and George Itrown. Jr. Judges. John P. Turner. J. H. Anderson. Joseph Mclennan and John It. Campbell. s Starter. James Milton. Racing Secretary, Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1 :30 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and j weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. /WXErQ-f FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 5. 1924— :47*i— ■— 109. Purae ,200. 2-year-olds. Maid- ,, UvOOl ens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 00; fomth. 0. " "" r. Index Horses AWtlPSt |f Mr Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Str t 00530 NOON w 107 |] 5 l1 li 1* J Chalmrs Wm Garth 1S5-100 MM UIM.IK K wb US 9 10 5; 4»k 21 C Robson W Keating 280-100 00403 »G NOME MPOOUP w 110; 7 4 4J H 3- W Smith Pastime Stable 170-100 00440M AID OP INDIA ws 106 4 I 9j »J 4J L Steinht Swingalong Stable 11355-100 99219MATILDA B. wb 1041 2 1 6 6 53 V Stott Revilo Stable 3535-100 O044O DKXTKIt w 118 8 9 10- 71 61 W Harvey R W Carter 1445-100 9980 1 "si K BARLEY w 106 fi 7 7= 91 71! L I.ang ,T Arthur 3235-100 _ 99789 BEAFII. FLoWRwb 111 I I V 281 L MeAtM .1 W Bean 7fiO-100 O0O90 KM JCNIOR w 110 11 C 21 8 9» P Croos J H Buseher 10790-100 | •I.OO.NKY wb 104 3 8 11 11 10»* B Thpson R T Wilson fl240-10O _ 00403 ENCAMP wb 114 1 11 S1 101 11 C Turner R T Wilson t i Coupled as R. T. Wilson entry. n Time. :24. :49«i. Track heavy. v muttiels paid— Noon. .70 straight. .90 place, .00 show; Willie K., .20 place. .00 show; _ Gnome Second. .20 show. J i:.|nivalent iKKikinj; MM Noon. IS." to 100 straight. 95 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; Willie K.. 110 to UK place. 4.". to lOil show: Gnome Second. 110 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f. by Meridian— Miss Micau. by Aureus trained by W. Garth; bred by Mr. W. Garth. Went to iHist at 2:32. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third _ driving. NOON was rush»d up on the outside shortly after the start into a good lead and easily kept | it to the end. WII.I.IK K. was huiti| cd aliout at the start, but dosed up fast when clear and finished g gamelv. GNOMK SKCOND ran a good race all the way. MAID OF INDIA was on the inside throughout and closed a big gap. MATILDA B. ran well. BEAl TIFCI. FLOWER had a rough lace and ran well to the stretch. JOB JCNIOR showed early speed. Scratched 00405 Fly Hawk. 110: Frank Andrews. IIS. , Overweights Oanm« Second, "j pound: Matilda It., ■... E? OO EEC0ND RACE— 6 i-2 Furlongs. Nov. 17. 1924—1:19—6—109. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds I WOOI and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 |f Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 90206 -BLACKSMITH wn 4 108. 9 1 4- 2J l"k 1*1 D Krogtte J J Smith 305-10 00442 MUTTKRCl "1* wn S 1001 4 7 fi- 0-2* I* V Wallis A Schiro 135-10 • 00404 MAXIK wb 5 113 .» 8 71 63 4 1 3 W Smith D L Rice S 5-100 00479 BCTTON BRIGHT w 4 113 2 3 2" 41 Ci 4= A Hunt I C Bennett 1075-100 975I«DR. C» WELLSwn S 103 fi 9 9 8= 8* 5» J Tamaro Wr S Murray 3095-100 00404 POLE STAR wn 4 107 1 4 V 3* 61 6 ■ Beach J V Richardson 3055-100 _ O0."i31*SLATK wb 4 105 7 I 8= 71 7"k "» L Steinht F P Robie 16185-100 ■ 0044? JIMM1K TRIMS wb 3 10U 8 2 l*| U 35 8» J Chalmrs C Oraffagini 855-100 J 004 13 liCK TROXLERwsB 4 104 3 6 5" 9 9 9 B Thpson ■ C Grog-.m 3180-100 Time. :24. :49V 1:17. 1:23%. Track heavy. mtitiiels paid Blacksmith. .10 straight. .20 place, $.1.10 show: Buttercup. .70 place, .30 show: Maie. . SO show. K iuivalent booking odds Iliac ksmitli. MS to 100 straight, CO to 100 place. 55 to 100 show; Butter- I cup. M to 100 place. M to 100 show: Maxie. IM to 100 show. I Winner Br. c. by Yuleaiii-Galanta. by William the Third trained by E. J Furman: bred by Mr. Charles A. Stoiicham i. Went to |H»st at 3:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third t driving. BLACKSMITH followed the early pacemaker elosely and. racing into the lead while rounding t the stretch turn, won going away. BCTTKRt IT" was outrun for the first half mile, then worked her way up on the inside and finished fast and gamely. MAXIK also began slowy. but finished with a ru-h. BUTTON BRIGHT ran a good race and had no mishaps. DR. CIIARLKS WKLLS lacked early s|M-ed. Inn made up ground. JIMMIK TRIN/ and POLK STAR piit badly. Overweights Buttercup, 2 i i ounds; Bole Star. 3; Slate. 2: Jiminie Trinz. .! -.; Grace Troxler, 3. AAsXQ THIRD RACE — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 17. 1924 — 1:19 — 6 — 109. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds • VFVr«30«I and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner £0: second. 00; third. 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 0053I MACBKTH w fi 110 S 1 1- V 1- l5 I Krogtte V H Smith 2C.-100 « «7."»2I KYKLASII w 4 M I fi I* 51 V 2» W Munden Mrs T .1 Donohue 1935-100 I 00443*GOCRSKR w 5 106 6 2 4J 2«k 31 31 V Wallis R Pending 170-100 00442 SKA SAND W 7 111 2 5 6" k 7« 5nt 411 ff Harvey Mrs ■ Trueman 755-100 00531 KKKKMASON w 4 1071 5 4 •* *h •* 51 J Josiali Mrs W H Denbatu 7055-10; 99tiO~ BLlK RIDGK w 4 111.. 7 7 7" 9 6= 6« C Turner V Marlow 375-10" - !703."»«CTAII wb 7 107 4 I 3- 6 1 7» V D Randall J Manley 19005-10 " i llttl TAKNRBLM wb 2 101?. 3 S 8 8 8 8 .1 Chalmrs Mrs B M McKachren 5075-100 Time. :24*5. :49*j. 1:16V4. l:23l4. Track heavy. J- mutuels paid - Macbeth. .30 straight, .00 place, .."0 show; Eyelash. 2.80 place. .70 show: Courser. .30 show. Equivalent liooking odds Mad eth. MS to KlO straight. UK to 100 place. 2.". to 100 show; Kyelash. " 40 to 100 place. ST. to 100 show: Courser. IS to 100 show. I Winner 15. h. by Touy Bonero A. M. J., by Boanerges drained by P. I. Mapham: bred by Mr. T B. Jones I i Went to iwist at IL.TO At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third | driving. MACBKTH liegan fast and at once raced into an easy lead and won in a canter. KYKI.ASII ra.e.l cose up throughout and. slipping through on the inside when entering the stretch, finished gamely. OIllSKIi. en the outside all the way. ran well, but pulled up lame. SEA SAND was always outrun. FKKKMASON showed early speed. BLlK RIDGK ran poorly. Scratched HOKilN-McCrinimon. 108. o.i weight Freemason. :!•_. pounds: Blue Ridge. 4: Utah. 3: Tarnhelm. -j. fkfltTQ ,4 FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Nov. 20. 1924— 1:12*5— 3— 106. Valor Purse. Purse ,200. UUDO"! 3-vear-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second. ?200 : third. 00: fomth. 0. ■ Index Horses AWtPPSt K 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt »7tfifi NAT KYKNS w 101 5 4 Q Q 11 11 W Mund-n C C Hall 415-10 : 0040."» -RAPTl RK W 108" 4 I 4- 21 J . McAtee H P Whitney S,-100 . 97517 AlCILLA w 107 I I fi 51 4 3 A Hunt C C Smithson 312".-IOO 00407 GOI.DKN MAC wb 116 6 ■ V 4- 3- 4» P Groos J II Buscber 8jS»1M - OIMOSHAIIVY STKDM N w b 10s 1 1 l 3" 5= V .1 Chalmrs Mrs W J Howard S.5-100 ••9953 il.iiMi: AKDO wn1P» 3 I 2 fi fi « C Ralls P M Kelly 1440-100 - Time. :23*5. :48. 1:15Vand. Track heavy. 1 SJ iniitucK paid Nat Kvcns. |MtM straight. .20 place. . 00 show; Rapture. .50 place. . C hhow: Aucilla. $."..::tl show. l |iiivalent IxH.kin MM Nat Evens. 4 15 to 1 * straight. M to MS place. 50 to 100 show: Rapture, j 25 to 100 place. L"0 to 100 show: Aucilla. MS to 100 show. , Winner — Ch. c. by Flitlergold Mint Drop, by Irish lad drained by i. E. HMI; bred by Himyar Stud 1 Went to |K M at 3:5!. At post S minutes. Start g od and slow. Won driving: second and third; the same. NAT EYF.NS. away well and close up from the start, took the lead M the far turn and. i | w.thstanilinu a challenge from RAPTIUE. finished gamely. RAITI RE. on t h.- outside- throughout, moved up with a rush while rounding the stretch turn and. finishing res dutely. KM v.earin- the win- [ ; 11. -r Iowa. AIVII.LA was outrun for the first half mile, buf fini-h d with a ru h. IIOI.DKN MAC tired under his weight in the final rtjMb. II.UIVKY STKDMAN tir.d badly in the deep going. I.OMI.AKDO had no mishaps and ran a bad nice. Scratched MMS Punjab. MS. overweights Rapture, 31-.. pounds. An. ilia. 1. £k4~t?Qe? FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlomrs. Nor. 25. 1925 — 1:06*5 — 4 — 118. Princeton Handicap. VfJOOO Purse ,500. 3-year-clds and upward. Net value to winner ,000; second. 00; third. - 50; fourth. 0. . Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. OdIs Strt 0040« NOA1I wb 4 126 3 1 V- 1* I* l1 L McAtee H P Whitney 51-100 OOtOti STORM KING WB4 116 4 2 V 2- P| V J Shanks S K Davis ::IO-100 1 00407 3CCI GKLLKR w H 4 112 I 3 3nk 3 3" 3" « Turner II G Bedwell S7S-SM I NSSI CHINK w I WH 14 4 4 4 4 P Groos Mrs W J Howard OT.-IO 1 Time. :232s. :47«s, 1:07«5. Track heavy. _ nnituels paid S«ab, |I.M rtrataM, .:« place; Storm King. .7o pace; no slow muluels sold. Lciuiv.ilent U.H.kiiu MM N.ah. M to loci straight. 15 to 100 place: Storm King. 35 to 100 place. Winner Br. ••. b Peter lan First Flight, by Thrush trained by P. Hopkins bred by Mr Harry Pawie Whitney 1. Went to | ost at 1:31 At p.-t 2 |MM Start good ancl slow. Won ea~il. : second and third | driv.m: KOAB took the bad at once and. making the pa. .• fast. Mew away to win under restraint. SloRM KIM. raced in . 1. se pursuit of the leader all the way. but finished in IM .let p going on the j inside I ln.Kl.LKR was brought MM w In n entering the stretch and finished well CHINK »;i. out ! rem and. ■wvrrtag out through the KtratHl, was ea ~ed up. Sc rat. bed IMMIImM Norn-. 1L4. , OtWCWMgM think. I1.. poiincK. rirvrQ/J SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25. 1915— 1 .48— 4—116. j Purse SI. 200. 4-yoar-olds and WOOO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 5850; second. 00: third. 00; fourth. 0. lndcv Horses AWtlISti, .. % Str Im .I.m keys O.Mieis Kquiv. Odds Sir t , 00531 i:GKR wn ■ PT | :; 5« 51 5nV- "i li I!. .1 D Wilson I i" 99«70MARY KLLKX Own S M 16 7 7 7 4 c L" W Muid-n t;raffagini IMVM j 00531 HIDALGO • • "•"• - t r.l :i "- 1" 31L Steinht. .1 No. hainkin HB9-M «01Hi MODB8TA wn t 11- I I 4" 4J 1 2*4" C Turn-r P B Codd Ml MS I 0053I INY VMIRKLL wb 4 M I 1 Ill 21 51 C W Ha .y f Rotunn.. IMi-SW|t 0«4H2*Y l-XTRICK w • W- 7 0- P 6l 6* 6* V Stott J T Johnson MS-MS DO.ISJM.KYnY wnl". t 4 H LnV. 41 7 7 B Thpson Mis P I.inar 3!0-10o| Time. :26si. :51%. l:"«i. 1:45. 1:52. Track h=avy. 1 mutuels pail I ag. r S10 M straight. $« K place, show. Mar Kll.n t.. ..H» place. . 40 Mm H.dalgo. |M.M Mr, Kquival-ut MM| clts li.r. i-M to 100 straight. LtlO to IM place. 245 to 10O b ,w ; Mary Kllen O 343 t,, HO phi. 520 lea Ho Mm«; Hidalgo, llisi to KM show. Bf imer Br g l Fair t*iaj Ardent In Uroomstick 1 train.-. I , T. II. WiLoti: br.-d by Mr. riiarllou H !:. • Weill t.. post at 5:NI Ai post I minute. Start good and fast. Won driving: second am] third I the ».un.- i:c.Klt -t«adily improved his ixjhit .11 the outside and. cumin- with a nt-li through tie- Hi nil. W» cliirtiin; .dear at the end MAKY KI.I.KN O «as far Ml - for the first half, then im ! I | 0 „ u g s j ,, r. proved her position steadily and ontgamed THDAI/tJO at the end. HIDALGO was close up from the start and came again in the final sixteenth. MODKSTA raced under stont restraint until on the far turn, then took the lend, but swerved out throughout the stretch aud was badly bumpe l nt the eighth post by the winner. JOHNNY CAMPBELL set a good pace, but tired. VAN PATRICK saved ground where possible. Overweight — Hidalgo. 1 Bound. flfkETOrf SEVENTH RACE— l 1-16 MUea. Nov. 25. 1915—1:48—4—116. Purae ,200. 3-year-olds W«lPO 4 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 50; second, 00; third, 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlPStV, £ V, Str Fin Jmkeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt MSMTOMUM! wn 7 104 3 I 6- 5" 21 2 . Ink p Thpson J Lawreno 1S5-HX 0O44««MARY CONTRARYw I 94 S 7 Q 4i 3* 3- V L K.lwnls J J Corcoran 1320-100 00557?,INVICTCS wb 5 109 1 I V 1* 1* l1 3* J Tamaro Mrs M ■ Merz 310-100 0044 2* HKX HANDLY w I 88 6 5 41 3 5- 4- V o Drown J D Wilson 3350-10O 00557 5,DlCKLLN ; wb 4 104 I 4 75 7- 6J 5 0- V Stott J Arthur 7S0-100 0047* SANDPILK w 4 107 4 S S S 7". 6J 6« I Krogrtte C. W I«e« 1155-10O 0044««IOCGHNIT w T 109 2 1 2» 2s 4= 7» 7« W Munden W C Trover 7S0-100 96361 ZAMA wb 5 107 7 I 3J 6* 8 S S A Hunt T V, Kengl 1 2725-W Time. :25%. :53%. 1:18, l:46«s. 2:00l5. Track heavy. mutuels paid— Yoshimi. .70 straight. .70 place. .70 show; Mary Contrary. ".50 place. MM show: Invictus. $.3.70 show. Kciuivtlent booking odds Yoshimi. 185 to 100 straight, 85 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Mary Contra ry. 275 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show: Invictus, 85 to 100 show. Winner B. g. by Ballot— Gold I.ady, by Goldcrcst trained by J. Ijiwrence: bred by Mr. C. H. Berrymanl. Went to post at 5:29. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. YOSHIMI showed decided improvement, worked his way up steadily and, passing the leader, held MARY CONTRARY safe in the final seventy yards. MARY CONTRARY, dose up throughout, finished gamely. INVICTIS raced into a long lead, but tired badly iu the deep going. BKN HANDLY raced well throughout. * Overweights Yoshimi, 2 pounds; Zama. 3.