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I ■ Entries and Past Performances BOWIE THURSDAY, APRIL 8 WKATHKR OUUBl TRACK HKAVT. Dip figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the hest time of oaeh hise at the d:stance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was on other than a fast cr good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 9ss.7 is FIKST INDEX OF 1926. ■MM IS FIRST INIIF.X OF APRIL ha. inp start* at 2.30 a. m. Chicago time, lxn.i S Super or mini runner. y Good mud n.nnrr. ::Fair mud runner. M Maiden. • A|i|iici.t i « ! llMMKt. The following f.bbrcvintions are used to designate track* at which time records si. own in entries were made: tttna Ak tKing Edward Ki Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park Lg Auroia Au Laasdowne Park LP B-slmont Park BP I.atonla La Bine Bonnet: BB Lanrel Lu Mm Grass BG Lexington Lx I Bowie Bo tLong Branch LB BrtgV.--se Park Bs Ma pl» Heights MH , ■tBrcoklyn Park Br tMaxlboro Mb Churchill Downs CD Miami Mi tColnmbrs Co tMobile Mo Coney Island CI Mount Roval MR Connaught Park CP tNia?ara Falls NF tConneaut Lake CL Oraihi Om Dade Pnrk DP Orlando .-. Or tDelorimior Park Bl tPhoenix Ph Devor.shiro De Pimlico Pm | Dorval Do Raceland Rd ! Duffenn Park Du Reno Re Empire En ISalt Lake SL Fair Grourds FG Saratoga Sa Fairmr.ur.t Park FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD , Hamlton Hm Thomcliffe Th I tHastings Park HP Tijuana Ti : Havre de Grace... HG ITinionium Tm Hawthorne Hw Toledo To ; Havana Hv United Hunts UH I Huntington Hn Wheeling Wh Jamaica J a i Willows Park WP Jefferson Park J? Windsor Wi Kempton Park HP Wood tine Wc Kenilworth Ke tYoungstown Yo tl» siKiiat-s li.ilf -niilo track. Prince Georges Park 1 Mile. First Rac— 1-2 Mile. Magnolia Purse. Purse ,200. 2 year olds Allowances. Track record: April ... MM 47«r. 1! IM. Mo * Ind. HorscandP«*tP.s Wt. Bar. A Wt.llnn 0O403 Miniator. ft. ...B.. 118 52 ,h 118x7...". 00093 Ked Rocket. HUP 112 :4ft 118 7.«l OW.?3 Sphere Mi. 8 Ito U1J M% IM. .US 0C551 Sweeping Ann. :t II" in; :4S;:. 109x720 00410 Edith V.. 2.. Hi 1« S. 411 IM. .tU 00403 Golden Ieuuant Mi. I Bo UK :B%k loft..7lo 0O403 Fly Hawk Ml. 7 Bo US :ut 1«ft 707. 00403 Mariuer Ml. 4Bo IIS .".3.-,h IM. .IM Liberation. 1 IM..4H Kounder, 5 10ft .690 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse ,200 3 year olds. Claiming Track record: Nov. 20. MM -4:12% " Ml O0C-31s *B »f Blazes. .".Mi 102 1:13 107,73.". MK Teluride. 4 Mi 100 1:14-. 112. .7*! 00441 Cliff. 1 IF 110 1:131:. 107. .72.".! 02556 •Crand Bev. 8. . Bo 1 1t 1 :14 107.720 96414 Murygraee. ft ..Mi 111 1:14 109 X 71.-. I 00441 Caroline S tMl.10 FG 112 1:19 107. 70 0O5S2 Ktxchcuer. 1 1 . . JP 1 12 1 :14 .-. 114..7n." j 00534 •t:i:tnce. K .11 112 1:14 111X1** 97493 •Forlorn iMi. 7 . A i 107 1 :1". K..tB8| 9MS0 Sligo Branch. 2... 114.. 690! 00552 Uaaa Baa i Mi. 3 Im 11.". 1.17.. MS..MSI | Third Race! — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,200. 4 ear-olds utid upward. Claimiug. I Track re.-ord: Nov. 17. 1924 1:19 0 1 K. | ; 00404 M-rcam of IM Valley. 4 Bo 111 1 21 «.-. !» 108x733 j j 99 91 •ScrclK-r. 7 4 112x730 9S831 »MiKs Bosedalc. II S 10772r. . 98371 Insulate. ■ SMC. CM I 00531 Elemental. 1 . . Bo 102 1 tlf£ 108x715 j 99116 Tod Kencsor. :".Bo IM 1 21 ., 4 1OS®710 00554 llarrtsii .M-.2.P.O 1 M ; 1 : 24 % ." 10S..70.". Fourth Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse pi. 200. 4 vear-olds and upward Claiming. Track record:" Nov. 17, 1924 1:19-45 109. 00531: Sin Rajah. 2. . Bo 110 1:21. 5 108x735 C3531 Johnnv Jewell. 7 Bo 110:i:2Hi B 1lS:j:7*t l 99393 M.-Cr minion. 3 ... 4 10S..72.".! 99C43 Chief James, 1... 5 111x720 I 00479 »Matel C. 4 Bo KtS 1 :23 r. 4 M»X71S| l 00331 lx.r.1 Baltimore II.. ■ BP IM 1 :21 % .". 1 BIX 710 j S«865 Catesl.y. 7. 4 111 M5| Fifth Race— 1 1-1G Miles. Fane .100 S-j ear-olds and upward. Claiming Triick record: Nov. 2". 191.". 1 :4S 4 110. : 00481 Mm Hill. ...... BP 112 l:M%a B lltXttS 00408 •Kacnxa. 6 Wi 104 1 :4H»- I IttXtt*] 00481 *illac«r. 4 Pin OS 1 :47*r. 4 112x72.".! 00535 Modo. :i FK 107 1 47-S 7 107x720 0041 «Cli |ii-. 2 Hv. Ill 1:47-:, 4 |UX71S j 00402 Kfcac of Fortune. 1 IP 108 1 :4J-:, .". IN • 711 I Eixth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. l"ur-e ,200. 4 year -olds und upwanl. Claiming. ! Track iciord: Nov. 17. 1924 laVVj -3 -Mt. Mat Kl IKK. 1 . . JP 109 1 :.V. - B lltX74»| 03482 •WOM-aam, UP Ml i:."t4lr. . MtxTWI 00483 Clear View. 4 Bo 104U:.".S 4 111x72". 9089V Seggarth Anion. 3 BP. 100 1 :7AA:. f. 104 X 720 00482 i;nix toil.les. A.Iai 109 1:53 9 10 -7K, Ssventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse SI. 201. 3 -year olds and upward. Claiming. Track recorl: April 10. 1919 1 :4.r.,r, t 107. 03222 •Calatia. .". la Ml 1:4-,-. 4 10;x7.*C. 0D478 HfcajtF, 1 TI IM 1 :4«S I MtXtM 00341 Cen Cadorna. 4Au 10". 1:47 9 110x72". 0557 •Jimson. 7 K ; 114 1 :.r 3!i ." 108x720 03536 •Ciinuy Sack. 2. Bo 91 l:4Si 3 HXTU 0344C Kernier Sou. 8 8 108x710 03C52 »KirNt H!itiouiMl.3 3 M. .TM C0553 Sound. 0 Ja 103.1:46 8 9J x 700