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Entries and Past Performances ORLANDO THURSDAY, APRIL 8 WF.ATHKR CI.OIDY; TKUK HUAVY. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or rood track, abbreviations show track conditions. 9S9S7 IS FIRST IMIFX OF 19*6. 004M IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL Racing skirts at 2:.!0 p. in Chicago time l.JO. ® Superior mud runner. y Hood mild runner. :I:Kair mud runner. Ml Maiden. • Apprecti.e allowance. The following; ibbrpriations are used to iesiennte tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: tAkron Ak tKing Edward Ki Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park L Aurora Au Lansdowne Park LP Belmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Lavrel La Blue Grass BG Lexington Lx Bowie , . . . .Bo Long Branch LB Brighouse Park B« fa pie Heights MH ■Brooklyn Park Br tMarlboro Mb Churchill Downs CD Miami Mi tColumbus Co tMobile Mo Coney Island CI Mount Royal MR Connaught Park CP +N:agara Falls NF +Conneaut Lake CL Omaha Om Dade Park DP Orlando Or tDelorimier Park Dl tPhoenix Ph Devonshire De Pimlico Pm Dorral Do Raceland Rd I Duff erin Park Du Reno Re Empire Em tSalt Lake SL Fair Grounds FG Saratoga 8a Fairmount Park FF Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Dawn TD Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th tHastings Park HP Tijuana Ti Havre de Grace... HG tTimanium Tm Hawthorne Hw Toledo .To Havana H v United Hunts UII ! Huntington Hu -Wheeling Wh Jamaica Ja tWillows Park . .. . WP Jefferson Park . ... .JP Windsor Wi -Kempton Park KP Woodbine Wo Kenilworth Ka tYoungstown .To tD»iiznat.s half-mile track. Orlando Mile Track. First Race— 1-2 Mile. Purs.- BJBa _ ..Ids Mji.leus. A!iowaii«e . .Tra.k rccata : April 9, H9* :"- -111.1 Taaayi Ind norfcfAP.KstPos. Wt. Ke . A Wt 00561 Mary llausmuu.IIv 100 :."iO-"«r. 191 ■ 7j". C05611 l apliuger Or 111 2~. HW fB 00561 Nestle Mi MS .I. 10»»..71". 00168 Silver Bjaaa ..Mi !• .". -"iO 10»!..710 00661 Atr..|K,s Mi IIS .7,1 It*. 70:, BaCt Pile lot! .700 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse *HI. 4-year ..Ms ami upward riaiinins TBack lecord: Marili l 7. BB 1 H :t 1ut». 00588 Wilton Plaiiua.llu 107 1 U7 . 7 M • 7U1 00454 Sir QaM Au IU Il% and 107, 7JO 00589 •Stirgo Hv 107 1 :tlS % .". 107 ■ 71". 00559 Pokey Jane ...Hv MB 1 07 . ■ MiXtM 00588 *Uuota Sill ltw 1 t7 ." M9XT1S 00589 .lim Daisy 8 11.7X710 00497 Koyal Airman ... 9 11S..MS 00381 •Quiet I 107.700 00553 Kli/.a l!rown..llv Ills 1 t.t1-. 4 111 IK. 00537 »Aiiee Atkin ...JP l»9 1:09«i • MtXBM Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Iurse :: year olds and upward. Claimhaj. ■ Tra.k record: March 27. ltrjt; 1:10% .". 100 00492 •Dora I.utz....MII 110 1 07% 4 106 .7.70 00589 ottacer !lu 110 1:08 4 110. 7L. 00589 Itlaek Friday .Bit 108 I W-- l 108 . . 7JO 00558 Black Monkey Hu 112 1:00?; « 110 7I". 00539 Winnie OWynn All 102 1:07% 4 106 710 0O564 Country I.ife.TD 112 1 :084£ :! M XMi 00589 I la MH 10T. 1:08V; 10 108 700 Fourth Race — 5-8 Mile. Iurse SijOO :: year olds and upward. Imiinii. iTraek re.ord: March 20. 1»20 1:04% 6 102.1 00538 Oil Lady Ti 100 1:01; 4 112:-:7..0 00491 Outward Bound Or 107 1 :0tt%h I 108. 725 00539 French Canadian Or 11C LOT. 6 1124:720 00558; lU-mta TD 107 1:02 4 109.71., 00455 -la-ger Hv 107 1 :04 :i 101 710 97284 Koxtail 6 MB. Ml Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Sinfor.l Herald Hamlieap. Purse . 3-year-oMs ami upward Traek record: March 20. 192»; i:17% -4 MB. 00468 IABMBBAB . Mi 114 1:13% T MBXTM 00496 Sanola Hw Ml l:l»% ft 1 1 1 • 7:« 00421 Ijjng Point . . . Ja 107 1:12 I 110. 72.7 99698 Kau.lal s Koyal Hv 100 1:11% ", 1IM 720 00496 Silk Sox Hv 10K 1:12% 7 MBXTU 00458 BaaaMa DPii«i:i2% 4 M1..TM 00458 Creeu W.xhN. Mi 102 1:14V; 3 lirj Tor, Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse »i 3-year ;iti.| npward Claiming .Tra.k re. onl : March 20, 1926 1:17%- » H»» i j 00560 «II utiles Cmham H 101 1:12% • MftXTM 00543 Sliiu,H Hv 112 1:13«- .". 1 1 2 77a» 00562* •MasMcaataara Hw hv. 117 I iu ;.■:, 00594T Old Itrnatlway Mil 10T, 1:13% 4 107/720 00540 Hie Peruvian.. Hv 100 1:1.7% 7 lMXTIS 00560 S.otland Forever CD 110 1:1 l%s .". li*:; .;TI« 00495 S..x Hv ION 1 12% 7 l»» 70", 00384 Kene. k 3 HO 700 00460 Crystal Ford 10 ItzJtBM Seventh Race — 1 Mile. Purse 3 year olds and upward. Claiuin Ttari r.-.oid March 27. vkm l c. % 7 MB. 00542" Sujier l.ady Ti 8!l 1 »:: 4 100x735 00563 Aristotle u 118 I 47s :! tK 730 00642 Blossom HoiiaeKIt lOT, 1:43% 7 I01XT2T. 00594 Man.- Maxim TD 105 1:40% .» 109x729 00663 Zoie Ta MM 1 45% IO 1IW TI5 00604 Baaai Mat.- in Mi t:BBj 4 iw tm 00599 • lean 4 MXM , 00497 Thor Au 110 1 41 5 101 . 709