Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-08


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Entries and Past Performances TIJUANA THURSDAY, APRIL 8 WKATHKIl I.Ol DV; TKAIK 311 »I Y. The figures under tne heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was maae on otner than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions, l * 5n«7 IS FIRST TVPFX OF 1»S«. 00403 IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL ■aetata; starts at 1:40 p. m. Chicago time 3:40. ® Superior mud runner. XC.ood rand runner. H- Fair mud runner. Ml Maidens. •Apprentice illowance. The followinc abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: • Akron Ak iKirr Edward K Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park Lr Aurora As ?Lansdowne Park ...LP Belmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Lu Blue Grass BO Lexington Lx Bowie Bo tLonr Branch IB Brighouse Park Bs Maple Heights MH tBrooklyn Park Br tMarlhoro Mb Churchill Downs.... CD Miami MJ tCoiumbua Ca Mobile Mo Coney Island CI Mount Royal MP. Connaugbt Park CP tNiagara Falls NI tDufferin Park Du Omaha Om ♦ Connea ut Lake CL Orlando Or Dade Park DP • Phoenix Pb tDelorimiar Dl Pimlico Pm Devonshire ..Do Raceland Ttd Dorral Do Reno Re Empire Em Salt Lake SL Fair Grounds PO Saratoga 8a Fairmount Park FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th -Hastings Park ....HP Tijuana Ti Havre de Grace HO tTimanitrm Tm Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv United Hunta TTH Huntington Hn tWheeline .Wh Jamaica Ja i Willows Paik WP Jefferaon Park JP Windsor Wl Kempton Park KP Woodbine Wo Kenil worth Ke tToungstown To Uj« uiiaies half-mile track. Tijuana Kile Track. First Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Fnre 00. .!-year-old« and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 23. 1924— :." .3i— 2— 118. Todays In.1. norseandPostros. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 00521" Swift Lady, 8. .Ti 99 M» S 97*725 004691 Bigwig, 9 Ti 104 -M% 5 110.. 720 00242- Sky Lark. 7 Ti Ktt :.V5r. 7 110.. 715 00242 Lamstedt. 11 ..Ti 108 :56V. I 110x710 99W7 Old Red. 12 . . .Ti 110 :55*i 9 108x705 00573 Star Plana ML 10 Ti 91 :57 I 91. .700 00469 Angela. 1 Ti 105 :5.V»f. 7 108XU95 00470 Creen Cold. .t..Ti 105 M% 1 *»»X«BB 00432 *Japidee M. 1 1 99.. 685 00132 MeMioir, 6 Ti 107 :59m 8 108*680 00605 Covering ML 5Ti 105 1:00; 3 94. .675 98231 Freda Kripp iMi, 4 I 94.. 670 Second Race — 1 Mile. l*ur«e 00. .-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Tra.k reeord : Jan. 20, 1924 1:37-5 -90. 00133 Silver State, 7... • 92*725 00604 "Alajah, 3 Ti 108 1 Ao*i 8 102x720 00605 Mack Ledi, 4 ..Ti 113 l:4B% -8 104x715 00516 Cancellation, 8 Om 107 1:41% 5 111x710 00514 •Kinetic, 6 8 108x705 00518 Is. 5 Til08 1:4243 5 113.700 00276 •Siioqiialmie. 2 ... I 92. .095 00513 Hump. 9 Ti MB 1:4S% 4 104. .690 00519- Mr. Rat, 1 Ti 109 1:43-Vi 4 109. .685 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Iurse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 19, 1921 — 1:04 V 4—106. 00515 Damar. 1 Ti 90 1:07*i 4 109x725 00515 Cadmus. 2 Ti IDS 1 :08 I 111X720 00522 Rlue Dale, 6 . Hv 109 l*R% 6 111x715 00437 Rlue Miss. 5 . .Ti 109 1 :08:l5 5 109x710 00602 Captain Kiunar- ney, 4 DP 108 IM% 5 109x705 00575 Laura ;affney. I Ti 109 1 :0S~ 6 109 X 700 00575 Miss Emma •:., 7 Ti 113 1:07 7 109. .695 00313 Rose Doyle. 9 Ti 98 1:07 S 99.090 00522 Douglass 11. Johnston. 8 Ti 111 1:08- 4 111X685 99856 Sly Fox. 11 . .Ti 119 1:OS 6 111x680 00134 Cuba, 10 Ti 110 1:085 9 109X675 Fourth Rice — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-ohls and upward. laiming. Track record: Jan. 19, 1924-1:04-4 100. 00574 Hard Dealer, 3 Ti 10S l:0S--,sy I 104X725 00243 Waldout, 5 ...Ti 103 lrBBfi 8 106x720 00046 Excuse Me, 9 . .Ti 100 1 :07*r. 7 114X715 00573 Full Moon, 7..Hv 102 1:08-. 8 109x710 00515 Mayor House, lOTi-110 1 :08:l5 10 114X705 00437 Dare. 1 Ti 111 1:08 7 111X700 C0245 Lady Longridge, 2 B 109X695 00602 Yorkist. 6 11 106x690 00437 Haby Doll, 8 ..Ti BBS lsSttj I 99.. 685 00605 Lasses White, 4Ti 10S 1 :0S=S 5 111x6*0 Fifth Race — I Mile and 70 Yards. Rusedale Claiming Handicap. Puree ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Track record: AprU 4, UBS— 1:41*5- 5-120. 00527= Deep Thought. 5Ti 100 1:43 5 106x725 003163 Creat Luck, 2 Ti 98 l:43i 6 100x720 00316 Pathan. 1 Ti 104 1:44-. 5 103x715 00368s Kingman. 3 . .Ti 108 1:43..-, 4 106.. 710 00278 Melachrino, 4 Ti 122 1 :4.»:,i 6 100x705 00186 Letter Six, 7 . .Ti 105 1:463 I 94x700 00400 Hester Ann, 6 ... 4 95. 695 Sixth. Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds anil upward. Claiming. .Track record: Feb. 19, 1SSB— l:tt%- 4 -120 00518 MlLIA UBS, l.MH 103 1:111a 4 102x735 00516- *Whiff. 2 An 110 1:13:-. 5 101x725 00580 Queen Ress. 4..Ui 103 1:12% 5 110x720 00529 Finis »;ioriosiis. c, Ti 113 1 :1S% 5 106X 715 0043C3 Rose Mint, 5...Ti 104 1:13-.-, 5 110*710 0O529J Bright Idea. 7. .Ti 95 1:14 4 113x705 99559- Pretty Mally, BM 105 1:M% ■ lOfi- 7 » Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olils and upward. Ilainiiii. Track record: April 4, MSB— 1:41%— 3 120 00578- *Setlis Memory, 6 Ti MS 1:44% B aSSXTSS 00609 Polo Star. 7 ...Ti 10S 1 :4»i*r.s 4 aSTXlSB 00609 •Trapnet. 8 TI 116 1 :44-r. 5 107x715 00579- •Clermont Jr.. 5.Ti 1N. 1:49% B 97x710 00315 *Ierhaps, 1 ...MH 114 1:44% B 104x705 00525 «K1 id, 4 Ti 10.1:45!.. 4 104-700 005783 Hands Df», 2 . Ti MB 1:444r. B M4XSSB 00473 •Stump Jr., 3 ..Ti 115 1:45|3 6 107 690

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926040801/drf1926040801_11_3
Local Identifier: drf1926040801_11_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800