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WEEKLY RACING GUIDE "THE PINK SHEET" A PICTORIAL OF THE TURE All That the Name Implies — A Guide to the Races PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY WEEKLY RACING GUIDE is sold strictly on its merits as a publication that picks the winners. Its regular features include HORSES READY TO WIN, SELECTIONS, CLOCKERS SPECIALS, BEST WORKOUTS, TIMELY PICTURES, DAILY CODE SERVICE and other valuable data for race followers. FREE CODE SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY: BOWIE — Timer-Handily-Spurs ORLANDO — Handieapper-Show-Saddle TIJUANA — Secretary-Paddock-Saddle For code buy this weeks issue of WEEKLY RACING GUIDE I 25 Cents a Copy ON SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS SUBSCRIPTION BY FIRST CLASS MAIL, .25 PER MONTH DAILY RACING CHART, Inc., Publishers 157 East 32nd Street, New York, N. Y. T. STEVENS 35 South Dearborn, Room 708, Chicago, III. TERMS— 0.00 WEEKLY— TWO HORSE PARLAY DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES EACH DAY— NEVER MORE BIG WIN PARLAY TODAY Today i» the day our connections have been waiting for. Both horses should win in the easiest fashion. Real big odds should be paid on these two horses. YESTERDAYS PARLAY— Lost. TUESDAYS PARLAY— Try Again, .70, Won; Mungo, 3.80. Won. MONDAYS PARLAY— Titina. .00, Won; Johnny Jewell, 1.80. Won SATURDAY S PARLAY— Gayly, .30, Won; Senator Norris, .90, Won FRIDAY S PARLAY— Cliff, 3.80, Won; Jacques, .10, Won Subscribe immediately for todays parlay. We do not promise 100 per cent winners, but we do promise a good percentage of win parlays during the week. A fair and square deal is assured to everybody. Our terms are 0.00 weekly. Strictly two horses each day released to everybody immediately. No waiting. No delay. Prompt and courteous service to all — out of town and city clients alike — no exceptions. Call in person or remit via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Office open. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. T. STEVENS, 35 SOUTH DEARBORN. ROOM 708. CHICAGO, ILL. New York Office: 206 Fultoa Stieet W ■ i » ■-* Bv /m/m blV ™ t™ SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY S FREE CODES: Bowje — July -18-6-13 13s, Orlando— Jan -14-1-20 22 Today — Big Super-Supreme Occasional Goes — Today We have the official word on this big special and onnections advise "should win and win to a certainty end pay at Irabt -1. This is a wonderful opportunity to all v Lo subscribe to this service today. Wire fc-r this Super -Occasional. City clients, call at this office. SUPREME PUB. 00., 799 Broadway, New Yoik Citj-i NOTICE ! I would liko to make immediate connections with a few persons of integrity who will take advantage ! of some unusual and valuable information I have on a horse that is scheduled to start at Bov ie FRIDAY, APRIL 9 This horse has been propped for this race especially and should win by a big margin. To gain your confidence. I will Wire this horse to any one-who wire* me his name and correct street address and agrees to wire me the winnings of ten dollars straight play day after horso has won. W. TAYLOR 9112 ll2iL Street Richmond Hill, N. Y. PARLAY JOE YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST, NOW TRY THE BEST! A SERVICE THAT LIVES UP TO ALL GUARANTEES. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. YES. I AM PROUD TO BOAST OF THIS. HONESTY IS THE ONLY WAY TO SUCCESS. SUCCESSFUL MEN IN ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS ARE THOSE WHO SPECULATE. The result of yesterdays parlay again proves the accuracy of my information. I advised all my clients to wager the limit to win only, as I was quite sure of the result. You can now see how well my clients were rewarded on this advertisement. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: Nat Evens, 0.30, Won Blacksmith $ 8.10, Won There Are Only a Few More Days Left for This Great Offering to the Racing Public My 5.00 daily service at your disposal for ths small sum of 0 for ten wincing days. Losers, skeptics and Doubting Thomases, grasp this opportunity, as an opportunity like this on3 comes but once in a lifetima. Do not allow a ten dollar bill to prevent you from cleaning up a fortune. READ THE PROPOSITION: I release two horses daily, and during my special feature week, of which we have only three more days left for race players to subscribe, I will release two horses a day for ten consecutive days for the nominal sum of 0.00, information to be rcloasel immediately upon receipt of your ten dollars. During this feature week cf ten days spscial servica you must win SI. 000. In other words, you must win an average of 00 daily for tan days, playing 510.00 to win on each of my parlays released to you. AFTER I have shown you a net profit of ,000. Ill expsct all clients to remit 15.00 One hundred fifteen dollars, tha balance of my weekly terms, or I will positively refuse renewal of subscription from those who have failed to live up to this agreement. Subscriptions must be in my office at 12:30 p. m., if you desire todays information. Below are a series of releases that should be convincing evidence of my ability. TUESDAYS PARLAY: MUNGO 3.80, Won CARE FREE 1.90, Won MONDAY S PARLAY * JOHNNY JEWELL .1.10, Won TITINA $ 9.00, Won SATURDAYS PARLAY: ATOMIN 2.20, Won JULIE 4.10, Won FRIDAYS PARLAY: CLIFF 3.80, Won NIGHTSHADE ....$ 7.80, Won THURSDAYS PARLAY: HOT PEPPER 5.20, Won CARE FREE $ 7.80, Won WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: NORTHERN STAR, 1.20, Won ATOSSA $ 8.20, Won TUESDAYS PARLAY: LITTLE TOKALON, 6.60, Won LARDI 1.40, Won MONDAY S PARLAY: DR. CARDENAS . . .1.80, Won BROWN BETTY . . 7.10, Won If you are interested, rush your subscription of ten dollars 0.00 for ten days »«rviee. by West-en Union or Postal Telegraph, with correct name and address. " Parlay Joe r 151 West Forty-Second Street, Suite 1218 New York, N. Y. | THE PINK SHEET" PRICE TEN CENTS I o ♦ jj SELECTIONS— BY REGREN— BEST BETS ♦ J[ SPECIAL LONG SHOTS f ♦ BRUNETH 0.00-, Won ♦ || Sweeping Ann, Care Free, Columbia II., Kink, Froth, Sergeant J h Seth, Hayseed, Hilarity, Kirk Lady, Floy Lillie, Dustproof — * o all won Tuesday ♦ o ♦ ° Guide Special Long Shot: ? o TRY AGAIN .70-, Won * l FREE— TELEPHONE SPECIALS— FREE J TUESDAY, APRIL 6 2 WINNERS 1 o MONDAY, APRIL 5 1 SECOND; 1 LOSER ♦ o SATURDAY, APRIL 3 2 WINNERS I :i FRIDAY, APRIL 2 2 WINNERS t J THURSDAY, APRIL 1 2 WINNERS ♦ FREE! FREE!! FREE!!! TWO LAST-MINUTE TELEPHONE SPECIALS DAILY X [ BUY DAILY RACING GUIDE FOR CODE, AND CALL | ♦ CHICAGO, ILL WABASH 5187-5188 t o ST. LOUIS, MO. . . . r GARFIELD 5610 ♦ j; CINCINNATI, OHIO MAIN 3300 I " LOUISVILLE, KY MAIN 2524 ♦ o ELGIN, ILL ELGIN 313 ♦ ! AURORA, ILL AURORA 5290 ♦ o ♦ o Subscription Rates: .00 per Month, by First-Class Mail ♦ o ♦ Daily Racing Guide I [ 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, 111. t ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦tf TRY AGAIN. *0.70. won: COLOMBIA II.. .60. won: ST. VALENTINE, 2nd: INVICTUS. 2nd. were giver. Tuesday. One Best. Next Best and a Parlay to you by ovornight mail: for 6 days. TURF EXPERT. Temple Court Bid*., Chicago. Ill DAILY RACING GUIDE HAS THE WINNERS Order Your Form Book Now. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY RACING FORM