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• .ifH «.«-*x, fVraCG fi •- Furloiijrs. 1-year-olds and upward. Chinning. Nov. 17, 1924 — 1:11— «— Its. Index. Courae. Diat. Time. Track. MtMB, II Str. Fin. Jockey. Started Order of Fmiah. DREAM OF THE VALLEY.bli.g.9 108 Bv Watervalo— Dream Girl, by Yotar. Trainer, W. R. Midgley. Owner. W. R. Midgley. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 004O4 Bowie 6.J f l:247shvy 7 11111 9 5; 5: V Stott 12 Care Free. Theliollt all. Joella J. 99643 Miami I IS 1 :.".41fcfast 13-5 114 5 3 3-J 33 E Ambr se i MwaajR r. Vulnad. Payman 98946 Miami 1 1 -8 1 :aS%t ast 31 WS 1 3 U 1 E Ambrse 6 N. Breeze. Winnipeg. i;aFgSho s 98800 Miami 1 1-16 1 :47 andgood 2 109 9 7 P f E Ambrse ft Curland. Mintstick. rosswise Mlw Miami 11-10 1:47 fast 11 109 6 5 6° 5J3 E Ambrse C LaiK-er, Heir at -Law, Wrangler 98510 Miami 3 4 1 12-ifast 14 109 7 C S7 6«1 E Ambrse S Everglade. Contract. Odd Seth SCORCHER, ch. c. 4 112 By Frlule — Sena Lamplighter, by Lamplighter. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner. Mrs. A. Swenke. Breeder. Glen Helen Stud. 99791 Miami .".i f 1 :0C=«tfast 61 115 9 S 7;i f.:3 B Thpson ft Wildane. Barmw. BuddieBn.w n 98681 Mami B| f LOSVimud 17-10 119 4 7 75 7:" H Stutts 7 Mungo. Begal Toy. Maclean 98597 Miami 3-4 1:13 fast I 11C 7 1 1 lj II Stutts I Made 11. Klsa-s. 1apa Blinks 98508 Miami 3-4 l:0%0aat 3-5 112 4 1 1- 1» B Thpson 8 Hr at -Law, Elsass. W.KnosMe 98455 Miami 3-4 l:11*ifast 7G 100 10 9 8i i:sJ B Thpsonll Siiusard. A.Mronell.. Mainmast 97539 Bowio 3-4 l:12%fast 38 97 6 6 PJ i;! W Munden 6 StniKing. Glister. SenatorNorris 97189 Bowie HfflMVjteBl 66 105 8 8 Pit1* A Lacaste S An.Mronell.. Sen Nors. S.King MISS ROSEDALE. b. m 5 107 By Tony Bonero — Rose Pompom, by Royal Flush III. Trainer. A. J. Plack. Owner. J. V. Lewis. Breeder. H. Field. 99831 Miami 1 1-16 1 :47Hfast 47-10 M 3 C f.l Zl E Benham 8 Payman. Claudius. Winnipeg 99535 Miami 1 1-lfi 1 :45Vifast 21 110 1 8 6* 6« E Bobbins 8 Carol. Sandrae. Bed Wingfi. Id 99118 Miami 7 1-16 1 :46sgood 11-5 106 2 1 l2»tE Benham 8 Treasurer. N.Breere. F.Victoria 98913 Miami 1 1-16 l:46fast 33-10 102 3 1 1JU C McC sonll Luison. Margaret St. L.. Atossa 98857 Miami 3-4 1 :12 £fasi 6 106 6 8 C« B*| G Fields 11 Sandy Hatch. Canister. Maclean 97965 Jefferson 3-4 1:13 fast 19 103 3 1 l»t 1" I. Pichon 8 Leatlu rwood. Geo. Groom. Eager 97905 Jefferson 3-4 1:lC,fcllaW 21 lit 4 6 4«J 4* L Pichon 7 Geo.Grm. I. therw d. Por deOro 97000 Jefferson 1 1.10 fast 19-5 102 3 3 34 11 L Pichon 6 My Destiny, Yool.oo. Insulate INSULATE, br. m. 6 102 By Black Jester— Electric Fuse, by Henry the First. Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. Owner. C. P. Winfrey. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 982.71 F.Orwda 1 1-K l:B*JJBaat 9 M 7 7 7J3 7,: W Harvey 7 Racket. Quotation 97606 Jefferson 11:40 fast 31 110 5 5 4i 4-J W Harvey I MissR dale. Mv Destiny. Yaafeaa 97454 Bowie 7-S l:27T,fast 20 108 6 6 6" 6" H Gotrup I A.Marron. II. . ilist. r. Chrysalis 97387 Iimliio 1 3-1K 2:0l5good 8 103 1 7 73 6" W Harveyll CapfnMartin. Boje.-tn, Malaprt 97278 Pbaliea I 1-lC l:4tUCaat 13 99 2 6 7"! CT II Gotrup 8 Flying Clond. Peddler. Rejection 96641 Empire laaHf l:4C*ifast 8 US 7 7 7» 6» W Harvey 7 Thimbl •. Ilmcon tte. All in All 92430 Euijiire laatt* l:16Hfast 11-20 113 1 2 2i 1»- W Harvey 4 Humor te. C.Nillonlihan. Galatia ELENENTAL. b. g. 7 108 By Ultimus— Xarco. by G. W. Johnson. Trainer. M. Hackett. Owner. H. Haymaker. Breeder. Headley and Miller. 00531 Bowie q f l:2lsfast 22 1U". 9 11 12«11"0 Brown 13 JohjJewl. Mu-k longe. S.Kajiih 7487 Bowio Q f l:2tfefast 17 102 3 4 6"i 6r V Stott 13 Bannister. Ten Sivtv. LcaaarttB. 974 10 Bowie CJ f 1 :22 slow 31 112 5 I 9%f C McCrsnlS Uupei , Al Boyd. Coonoan 97200 II. ulah 3-4 1:2". hvy 41 115 4 2 4T P.up.E Hman 7 Mona, nobson. Julia Lee MSM Beulah bl f 3:17%mud 7-5 115 2 11 V E llileman 5 Carabossp. tCcoMavers. Atlntida 9C470 Beulah 3-4 1:21 hvy 17 10 114 2 1 li 11 E llileman 6 Fifty-Fifty. M nal.oa. Expr sive 96317 Akron K| f l:119shvy 1 115 4 3 2« 2* E llileman 9 Panorel. I.tleSiuile. Beglanlon 96013 Akron CJ f 1 :27Vandmud 1-2 113 2 t 1» V H Callahn C Shine On. Beg Pardon. B.u k TOD RENESOR. blk. c, 4 108 By Star Master— Katrine, by Disguise. lisiner. J. Ai thur. Owner. J. Arthur. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 99116 Miami Tl f 1:07 good 19 111 9 7 STJ 6« C McCson ft Barrow. Ooapcataaa, Wildlane 98082 Miami 3-4 1:13 mud 12 107 1 1 1 U C McCtsn 9 W.Know sSI.-. N.oIove. YgApril 98569 Miami f I f 1 56 108 7 7 o-l Ol C McC sonll Barrow. Chtcrbrook. Wellfinder 98242 F.Grnds lm70y 1 M4»hy 41-10 S4 1 2 5: 5« G Johnson « GgeDeMnr. HuonPine. OpenFire 98197 F.Grnds 3-4 1:18 mud 10 105 3 7 " 74 C McCrsnl2 Meddling Mattie. Bother. Komp 98070 Jefferson 3-4 LKihvy 9 106 3 4 C~ i C McCrsnlO MarCtte. P..OFInn. L therw. .d HARRISII. br. g. 5 M 108 Xj Santoi— Lily of Ghent, by John c Gaunt. J. F. Richardson. Owner. J. F. Richardson. Bred in England by K. Kerr. 00554 Bowio 61 f 1:21 alow 7!t 1-910 6 64 C- E Beach li Care Free. St. Valine. MkMa-t.r 00444 Bowie 7 S 1 :29 fast 114 101 6 6 6" C" II Goterup I Everglade. Goi w fa, Kanduit 97543 Bowie 13-16 2:05 fast lit 103 14 7 6J ?. J Leylandl4 DenirSou. Moruliiia. MarvCon v 197409 Bowie 1 1-4 2:12 fast CO 107 8 » 7" 5»1 J Logan 10 Drumbeat, lx.ughniit. M.Ctrarv 197487 Bowie CI f 1:20 Vast 5f MV J2 I22l12-* D Fisher 13 Bannister. TenSixlv. Leonard! ;. 96768 Empire 1 1-4 2:10 fast 20 111 10 10 10"10" F Catrone 10 Skirmish. Doughnut. Fleetwood 96597 Empire Im70y 1:48 fast 4 115 6 6 5" »• J Kellum ti, Kumonin. Mons Meg 96501 Empire 1 1-16 l:49Vast 20 110 5 7 ~ " J Kellum 8 Skirmish. Spugs. Hot Dog