6th Race [6th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-08

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TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES Continued from thirteenth pnee Oth RcLCC •* I,le 3-Jrar-olds and upward. Claiming. Feb. 19, 19*5—1:10%— Index. Conn*. D«t. Time. Track. Oddi.Wt. St. »i Str.Fin Jockey. Started. Order of Finish. JULIA LEE. ch. f. 4 108 3y Ed Crump— Woodland Nymph, by AlIana-DaU Trainer. A. Powell. Owner. B. E. Neal. 9ft tT J A. Buchanan. 00518 Tlj— ■■ 1 l:41*ifast 2 110 1 2 P " I Neal ■ CreatKinislicr. Sea Wrack. Tislit 00.97 Tijuana 1 : fast C 101 9 1 P 1 I Neal H Imlislia. CiealKimslier. gentelM 00348 Tijuana ?. I l:tt%fkat 8 10S 10 10 6;l C D Neal 11 Hr sl.anel. Lt of Style. KlMirsl 998*» Tijuana "-4 1 15Vr.hvy 11 107. 9 8 S-S-D Neal !l PorterElln. I.Abbott. I founder 9U6G7 Tijuana H-4 l:16H«low ei M T 4 ?.H o» U Neal 7 Jack 1-jhIi. Itnizos. Or. Corbett 9»." C1 Tijuana 3-1 l:I3Hiast 81 106 7 S S1" 8°J D Neal 8 IorterKlla. eloldcnUed. OurHoj WHIFF, ch. m. 5 101 3y Colonel Vennie— Ethelda. by Ethelbert. Trainer. H. C. McConneM. 0"-T «r. H. C. McConnell. 3reeder. J. B. Resoess. 00515 Tijuana 3 1 1:14sfust 23 10 108 12 2 2« It Creese S Pennon. Cancellation. Rroncotrl 00401 Tijuana ll:4rHiast 7 M 3 1 1 i 6* ■ Creese 8 Sain-a. Hallim. Al Kripp 00073 Tijuana 5J f 1 :07 fast S 106 I I 5" 4" II West 0 Hilarity. Querulous. Vilna 90895 Tijuana lni70y 1 :l|ifcfast 30 104 -J 1 3| 4*1 Q Philpot 9 Xebrnskal.ad. Trapnet. Wrklane- t 996: C Tijuana 7-8 1 :2S ifast 71 101 9 8 9" 9" P. Creese 9 St. Marlins. The Caff, Keala 99374 Tijuana 7-S 1 :2SV*fast 7 102 2 1 21 1*1 ■ West 8 Woodlake. Itreechloadcr. Sunbow 9925-J Tijuana 3-4 l:14Vifast 3 112 2 4 4s 5*111 West 6JuliaI.ee. Antiquity. Queen Bess , QUEEN BESS. ch. m 5 110 Bv Great Britain— English Esther, by Lord Eitarline Trainer. W. Billir.rs. Owner. Fo-t fiarrv Stabie. Breeder. H. Black. 00580 Tijuana 5J f 1 :ii7«~slop 9 110 7 8 8" 7" W Kcnn s TheCafi". I.caKeKins. Uotnrian Will Tijuana 61 f 1 :07 fast 3 H« 7 C 6~ 4*1 A Prerrass 7 MissCaltha, VenoShot. KoaeMint 00371 Tijuana f.J f 1 OTSifast 19 M 7 4 65J 4 A Prgrass 7 Kosman. PoloStr. Iinis;ioriosu 00217 Tijuana ;". S 1 :0»=5fast 2S 110 4 0 43 l1 A Prgrass 8 Maryllear. 1-aP.ellc. PorterKlla 00119 Tijuana 3 4 1:13 fast 71 105 4 G 6517"0 I,aidley 8 CrnSpring. J.E.Ilrown, TbtCeff 99252 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14sfast 4 110 4 2 2- " O Lairtlev 6 Julial-e*. Antiepiity. PolIyAtwell j 99214 Tijuana 7-S 1 :28--,fast 10 103 8 3 4" : i O Laidley 10 Il.-i-ids Ip. St. imp Jr.. ilna 99025 Tijuana 3 4 1:16 slop 41 Ml 2 3 4»1 _•» U Creese I CornWoiiKc Y.x u eMe. r.rcoC 98938 Tijuana 3 I 1 :13 .fast 22 101 3 3 6-J 6* I. Wilson f Tailtennn. Subtle. Miss Nantura 98818 Tijuana 3-1 1:13tss1ov 91 104 1 3 4T1 6"J T Hexham! MissNanttira. Querulous. P.KIla 98721 Tijuana All 1 l:37«islop 13 102 2 2 i»l 5- I. Whifcre 9 Soiline. Wood I.ady, Bright Idea FINIS GL0RI0SUS. ch. m. 5 100 By Ballot — Masque, by Disguise. Trainer. C. B. Irwin. Owner. C. Sawyer. Breeder Miss E. Daingerfield 00529 Tijuana .. f 1 :072sfast 9 Ml 3 2 4i H J Sylvia H MissCaltlia. Kotari.in. PorterF.Ila 004 X Tijuana 51 f 1:07 fast 5 109 3 3 3". I*| M Kelwils 7 MissCaltha. VenoShot. HoseMint 00371 Tijuana f.» f 1 :07V-fast 46-3 10". 4 2 21 3 I Neal 7 Kosinan. Polo Slar. Queen Bess 00217 Tijuana .".-S 1 :00?ifast 9 11a 1 1 21 S-! M Kdwrds 8 Queen Hess, Mary Dear. I .a He lie 00138 Tijuana 41 f :54£fast 16 111 4 3 4T 6« M Kdwds 8 Hill McCloy. Kosman. I.a Belle 00119 Tijuana 3 J 1:13 fast 19 109 2 1 4-J C° D Neal 8 CrnSpring. J.E.Rrown. TheCaff 99921 Tijuana 41 f :04%fast 36 110 3 4 4« 5» M Edwrds 0 I.alionton, Serena. Ego 99668 Tijuana 0 S 1 Olrisiow 8 Ml 1 2 Cl 6" W Munden . .. . . ...h.. instse, Friend Joe ROSE MINT. b. m. 5 110 By Mint— Marion Rose II.. by Bearcatcher Trainer. 3. Dowell. Owner. H. H. Crowell. Breeder S. H. Velie. 00436 Tijuana il f 1 07 fast fi IK. 4 5 4* 3 R Creese 7 MissCaltha. VenoSht, QnnRea 00139 Tijuana 1 l:l«V.fast 3 104 4 2 7»J V R Peternel I Trapiiet. Rrehloader. Supervisor 00079 Tijuana 3-1 1 :12*ifast 10 M4 f. 3 3S1 3 R Peternel 7 Sleiveeonard. Notfield. Traproe 99563 Tijuana Al 1 lanfclut 8 107 1 3 3-1 3- II White S Knllim. JsR .P.rown. St. Martins 98790 Tijuana lm70y l:4Shvy 10 107 4 6 S" 84 W Renn 8 Perhaps. Sorline. Wedd.nPnnee 9872! Tijuana Ab 1 l:.:7*6slop 41 102 5 5 4» 6" R Pternell 9 Sorline, Wood lady. Bright Idea BRIGHT IDEA. b. f. 4 113 By Jim Gaffney— Jane Straitb. by Dalhouaie. Trainer. J. Eckert. Owner. J. Eckert. Fre»H«-- a. B. Hancock. 005291 Tijuana 1 1-4 2:07Vandfast 10 13 4 2 3« 4« H White 8 Ualliin. Do M. Mahon. Nebkalid 00279 Tijuana 1 1 16 l:4 Vifast 27-10 107 4 3 6 6JA T Burns I I o MeMahon. Vilna. Hyanpom 999421 Tijuana ll:ll%fast 14 105 8 5 6 21 T Burns S PolIyAtwell. Poppina. MyDaddy 99598 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :48Mifast 71 104 3 6 613 fi« T Burns 6 Cunsight. Vilna. Yosiiimi 99179 Tijuana 1 116 1 : J0%s.ow 11-5 96 3 3 6"1 V1 .1 Sylvia 6 Perhaps. Hyanpom. Wed Prince 98993 Tijuana 7-8 l:29»ifast 7-5 110 5 7 l*| ft C Ksinger 8 Fi oKnn. WalterDeB.. Trapnet 98764 Tijuana lmTOy 1:17 mud ol 101 3 4 7» 7" R Creese 9 Letter Six. Isaman. iunsmlit 98721 Tijuana Ab 1 1:37Abs1op 9-5 103 3 3 3" 3* R Creese 9 Sorline. WdLady. LyI-ongridge PRETTY MALLT. ch. m. .1 106 By Boota and Saddle— Rustic Lata, by Collar. Trainer, R. Lowis. Owner. California Ctable. Breeder. T. M. Murony. 99559 Tijuana lmTOy l:4f%|Ht 31-10 111 7 3 2i 21 J Smith 8 Anti«iuit.v. Queereek. Fin. astle 89485 Tijuana 7-8 1:28 fast 20 109 7 4 f.6 •*§ J Smith I MyBaddy. TheCaff. Breechloader 98644 Tijuana 11:43 fast 23-10 107 5 4 31 1" J Smith 8 Zealot. Hxeuse Me. onfluente 98449 Tijuana r.l f 1 :06S.fast 6 11113 11 » 71 C CoiT.ett 14 Serena. BoseBoyle. ByMalo-iey 98130 Tijuana 41 f 54V.slov C5 113 7 8 87J 8«J C Corbett S »;ood Times. Ege. Little Shasta 94039 P.. ulah lm70y 1 :47%fast 31-10 105 2 2 3!i 3* C Corbett .". Coffi-ld. Ieil CM, Perhaps 93860 /leu.ah 3-4 1:16 fast 91 102 6 5 4*1 V C Corbett 7 Finday. J. A.S.otl.Ir.. FollowMc 93540 Beulah 3-4 l:15%fast 76 102 2 7 Ti 31 C Corbett 8 JohnA.Sct.Ir.. Sunbrae. Perhaps 92365 Baceland 3-4 1 n.fast 14 105 7 9 9«iS"C Corl.ett 12 FlPullet. Ambalika. TedsPIum 91121 Akron lm70y l:4:i.slow 7-5 116 2 1 1 1» A McDaid 6 Waukeaf. OnsCirl. PrssAhmed

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926040801/drf1926040801_14_1
Local Identifier: drf1926040801_14_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800