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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXn" NTTMBEK 107 Kn tired flu second -class matter, April 2. 1890. at the past-office at Cliicaco. Illinois, under Act of March 3. 1S7». W. J. McMurray, Publisher and General Manager. Daily Purins Winter Months. Pailv Except Sunday* Balance of the Year. A dailv reflection of the American turf by telegraph. nUraORI 20S7 HARRISON. For business and circulation purposes only. This telephone has no cennection with the news •r editorial departments and cannot be uaed to torn in ii r.ii ate with them. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PT YMOTTTH COTTST • CHICAGO. ILL. 157-P9 FAST 32nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY. U. X. SO RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT SfO EAST THTRD STREET. CINCINNATI OhIO 305-307 DECATUR STREET. NEW ORLEANS. LA ■II— HII HOW I!Y FIRST-CLASS MAIL: Iav to November, inclusive 00 per month H-ceiulKT to April, inch sive $"00 per month PAYAI.I.rc IN ADVANTB. RACK NVMI.EIiS BT MAIL. 1". CENTS BACIT. To be considered aid answered, all queries *J Daily I5a ine Form must be sent over the fui MMM and with the address of writer. The name* unci riddresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. 98087 is first index of 1926