Columbus, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-17


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Entries and Past Performances COLUMBUS SATURDAY, APRIL 17 WEATnER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. The figrures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 9M» ;7 IS FIRST INDF.X OF 1926. 00403 IS FIRST INDKX OF APRIL Racing starts at 2:1." p. m. iChirago time, 1:13. ® Superior mud runner. x Hood mud runner. :;:F.iir mud runner. M Maiden. • Apprentice allowance. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at whii-h time records sho vu in entries nere made: I Akron Ak tKins Edward Kl Aqueduct Aq Lagocn Parfc L? Aurora Au tLansdovre Park LP Belmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Lu Blue Grass BG Lexington Lx Bowie Bo tLong Branch LB Brighouse Park Bs Maple Heights MH tBiooklyn Park Br tMarlboro Mb Churchill Downs. CD Miami Mi tCclumbus Co +Mobile Mo Coney Island CI Mount Royal MR Connaught Park CP +Niagara Falli NT tConneaut Lake CL Omiha Om Dade Park DP Orlando Or tDelor:mier Park Dl tPhoenix ?n Devonshire De Pimlico Pm Dorval So Raceland Rd tDufferin Park Du Reno Re Empire Em tSalt Lake SI, Fair Grounds FG Saratoga 8W Fairmount Park FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th tHastings Paik HP Tijuana T1 Havre de Grace HG tTimonium In Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv United Hunts TJH Huntington Ha tWheeling Wh Jamaica Ja tWillows Park WP Jefferson Park JP Windsor Wi tKempton Park KP Woodbine Wo Kenilworth Ke tYoungstown Yo tDi-signati-s b.-ilf-niile track. Beulah Park Half Mile. First Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. PsIM $." 00. 4-vear-olds and upward. riainiinpr. Truck re. ord:" April 23. 1923 1:05;-7 104. Todays Ind llorM-.UostPos. Wt. lie. . A 00340 The Fenian 3 113. .123 96219 Itijr Sapp Au IOC 1 08--s ; 108x720 00504; •GM K 4 108. .713 96946 •Mil Shaffer. Mil N 14H 4 103.710 00083 Ilia, k Mask. ltd 107 1:07 «.-. 3 113.703 00335 Dr. Sisk DP 99 1:074j 4 113 703 93642 «K«-d Weed S M8#7ta 97257 Tea Cosy .1 100 . . "Ml 91047 Itoyal George. .An Km; 1 12-.,m 5 108.. 700 00463 Ialmetto 7 108. .700 Second Rac — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track reeord : April 23. 1923 1:03;, 7 101 I 00163 Comli Whip 4 1 1 1 X 723 97K3 Mainly Ilv 98 110 4 100x720 , 00427 Ila-t Mm 3 101x713 | 00106 P. Moody IIw 110 1:07. 9 113 710 93715 Keeoup To 10S 1:07. C. Ill .70.". 95836 .lark Pot Ilv 107 1 07 .. 7 Ids . 7lO 00476 mark Sand . Ti Ml I : VHir, 4 hi;hi I 00618; S:r Clou An US 1 :07:S 3 100 ■ Tiki 93:95 May Prosper ..IV 119 10S i 0 101 ■ 700 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4 -year-olds ajsi upward Claiming. IT rack reeord: Aug. 7. MM 1:13 I Mat 00501 »Tlie lolon.1 f, 107-7-3 00415 ; Bad Link 4 IttXTM 00504J Cromwell Om 112 1:14*4 10 11Lx713 00345 Voorflor Om M 1:14% 4 109 .« 710 973161 *Illustr:it.r 3 110. .703 99752 Mighty Ilv 98 l:13r. 4 113 703 00645:; Rrcatakt stir . . 1 1 v 110 1:M% « 104 MS 97143 My Lamia* IIMxW 95644 cienn Bv 109 1 14-j WMxM 97520 lea e Pal ...P.o 100 LIS 7 11U07OO Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse MM I year-olds. Allowances. Track reeord: April M, 19l:i — 1:030 7 104 00266 I*-inK Syne . ...IP 113 LOS-. 106.. 725 00309 Traproe Wi MS l.M% 109x720 004841 Oak M IIw 107 l:M%a 101x713 00622 Kebeik DP 112 1:07V. 109. .710 00465 Olib IP 1M» 1 :OS"-r. 109 X 703 00484- Mart Angel . .Ta 93 1:07-, 111x700 00175 Little Manager. JP US 1:08-- 104. 700 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Inaugural Handicap. Purse ,000. 3 year olds and upward. Tra.-k record: Au-. 9. 1924 -1:4*%— T— M7. 00594 nolCH AND HEADY Ilv 119 1 -.49% 3 104X7.13 9864S Koekford Ti 101 1 :44, 3 110x725 00308J Six Pence . .. I 103 1:43-. 107x720 00685: Hunleg An 102 1 :4«S 4 97x715 00063- Outlawed ... JP 1021 400 3 97x710 00686 Hninetli 4 103x7T 5 00458 Creen Woods 3 100. 700 Sixth Rac?— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year olds and upward. Claiming. Track reioid: May 9. 1925 149 4 114 . 1 00401 Spirea MH Mat 1:40- 3 111.725 00437: Son of Tromp. Ilv MS 1:47 4 10L.72O 00487 lielario Mil 113 l:4s*%a M 99x715 00679 Mo. nl. rook ....CI 101 l:M% 4 108:|:710 99536 Wedding Prince. Wi 1031:48- 7 109 705 1 00502 Sir Italph la 107 1 4M0 4 113;, 700 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 10 Yards. I Purse 00. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Tra.k record: Aug. 9. 1924 l:M% — 7 107. 1 00016 Cunny Sai k ..P.o 91 148i 3 101x725 00389 Mark Aurele 4 111-720 1 00452 ; Wilmer the Wizard TIMS 1:44*4 5 111-715 I O0C91 Mercutio Kd KM; 1 :44V. 7 116x710 99693 •Vilmrimiii ...Im 11!» 1:47-, 9 101 705 . 00339 Nereid FG 89jl:4T%i 3 99. 700

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Local Identifier: drf1926041701_6_3
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