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LEXINGTON LEXINGTON. KY.. TUESDAY. MAY 4. 1926. 1 Mile. Ninth day. Kentucky Association. Spring meeting of 10 days. Weather clear. Judges. W. H. Shelley, I*. C. Bradley and J. J. irady. Starter, W. Hamilton. Racing Secretary, , W. H. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, :.:00 ■ . in. W indicates whip, S spurs, 15 blinkers. Fig ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance. fk~i OOI FIRST RACE— Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Nov. 21. 1925 — 1:084and— 2 , Vr XMOJL — 127. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming;. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. , _ , _ . . — — — — _ .— J Index norses AWtlISt 4 Kj Str Fin Joeki-ys Owners Bquiv. Odds Str t , 01133 WATONOCA w 4 110 11 lh 11 || A ■ Igerc ■ B YVheeler — M0 1 01104*CR[TAI, MOMENTS :t 9110 I ■ 2- 1" 24 ■ Benhani I I.affoon 270-10H 01104 MKIlDI.C, MATTIEw 5 105 | 3 V V - P 1 Krogttc Mrs I, M Holmes 2»»-1K. I ; 01205FAST MAID w 4 115 7 X 9= CI and 41 ■ Bool .1 S hreiner ;.80-10«l 01 131 •IICON IINK wb 5 105 5 I 51 41 41 P F Marniile T H Bernhardt 1120-KMi 01171 BROAD AXK «B|Msl 4 4 51 a1 fi J McCoy J YY Bell 570 100 1 974RO QUMflBM ACNKS w 4 100 I 10 10 11 7 71 D Ncal C B Dailey 34C70-10 971«2*I.ON IIORT wb .1 100.* :. 7 71 £ 8 8= J Ryan ■ J Holland 8470-10 M 165*C.ll.MOKK «k!I M : I P 7 9= 9 C IhiUips Mrs M Kieser 11931-100 97430* BTHKL K. w 4 100 4 5 S» 9= 10 10 L licbor. Q Watts 3810-KK Time. :23Vand. :4835. 1:01%. 1:11. Track good. mutuels paid Waponoca. 5.00 straight, .00 place. .20 show: Critical Moment. .00 pla.e. .00 show; Meddling Mattie. .40 sliow. Equivalent booking odds— Vu|miihm 11. t;80 to 100 straight. 2S0 to 100 pla.c. 110 to 100 show; Critical Moment. 150 to 100 pla.c. .V to 100 show: Meddling Mattie. 70 to 100 sh.w. Winner- Ch. g, by I ltinms — Sweet Day. by 1ccp o Day trained by V. E. Suggs; bred by Mr. Hal Pri. •«■ Headlcv . Went to |K st at 1:5*. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and tliird the same. WAIONOCA Iwgan fast and. taking the lead at once, held it well through the stretch drive and outstayed CKIT1CAI. MOMKNT. The latter also raced well and was in closest and game pursuit for the entire rare. MKDDMNC MATTIK was taken back and raied wide all through the last quarter, costing her much ground. FAST MAIL closed a big gap from a sluw beginning. 11CON PINE began tiring in the stretch. Overweights Itioad Axe. 1 Vj pounds: I.ongport. 1%, , "~ — : £-4 9QO SECOND RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. May 11. 1911— :53%— 2— 115. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. 1 J M-£tO£i Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt, -.. -, Str Fin Joe... is Owners Euuiv. Odds Strt . 01200 IKK.M-; KOHAN w 107 2 2 DJ 1«§ V J Heupel R I.evine NMH ll029-i:.MItHVO w 110 4 4 21 21 I Krogtte Iaiadis I Farm Stable 400-100 91075 VKVKY w 110 :t 3 31 31 3* K Bool J N Camden 1110-lOn 91132 lllSY DAY WHO 7 I 42 41 4 I, Moniery P I.afloon 1570-100 1 01075DARK ANCK1. w 102 5 6 6- 62 51 I, Bichon O C Hughes 2040-100 ! MONTK ROSA w 110 1 1 P P fi2 S Griffin H Oots 4500-1O1 ] 91245 MAYOR BBHRMAN w 118 9 9 9 72 73 J H Burk.- T H Bernhardt t;70-lKl KICK I. K w 110 8 8 8K 85 8" V Swansn Callahor and Combs M9-MI RISHKK w 111 •; 7 72 9 9 ■ I.egere Y S Payne 470-100 Time. :23%. 48%. :55%. Track good. mutuels paid Irene Rohan, 0. SO straight. place, .20 show; Embryo, .20 place. .40 -show : Yeev. 20 show. Equivalent looking odds Irci.c Kohan. 740 to 100 straight. 230 to 100 pla.c. 110 to 100 show; Em bryo. 100 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show ; Yevey, 210 to 100 show. | Winner — Ch. f. by Sweep On -Long Ago, by Previous trained by W. Perkins; bred by Mr. 1.. A. 1 Mosclcyl. Wont t post at 2:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and sh.w. Won easily: second and third driving. IKKNK KOHAN began last and showed the most s|M-ed for the entire ra«e and was going fast al the end. KMl.UK raced prominently from the start, but began tiring in the last sixteenth and barely lasted to save second place. YEYEY licgan slowly anil rai d wide, but came with a rush in the -last sixteenth. BUM DAY was ridden wide on the turns. HaVTOI DKHKMAN was far back from the Hart. Smirked OIL41 I.clla. 107. ] Overweights Vevcy. 3 pounds; Fickle. .". : Rtishec, 1. ] £~-t OCO THIRD RACE — Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile . Nov. 21. 1925 — 1:08% VJLiMOu 2 — 127.1 Pui-o 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. ■ Index Horses AWtlISt 4 |f Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ] " 9||9» KKKGAN B 5 110 S 2 l« I* I] l| D Frogtte ; I. Kak.-i 420-liM . 01240 MY HKSTINY w 4 105 lo 1 gj 41 21 P .1 M. Coy At Andrews BfiO-lOoi1 Ml 131 -*BATT1.K ON w 4 105 I i P l | .".- I* I. li lion C W Moore IHW-IOC « 97449I.ITTI.K COOK ■» 1 *• I I 41 3 4 J 4- K B.nhai.i I.air .V; Iarrish BO-Mtl1 01133 BKOWN BETTY w 4 105 :; 7 fi1 fi1 5l 51 .1 Heupel , Al Jacobus :-fii-1M. niNTUPLIR WB 3 91 I 8 21 2J fi fil D Dubois A W Younj, 870-10O 0ll33r,lCE wb 4 1ft". 1 f. 10 9- 81 7i D N»:,l J I.owo 890-101 01104 BA8IUCTTB w 3 % 7 3 7 7l 71 81 C PbiUlps W F 1olson 11210-KK. 01070 ATI. A w 3 108 4 10 9 I 8- 9« 9° S C.riffm H Oots MfN-Nlj 9C0791HBY wb 4 100 fi 4 8- 1" 10 10 J Bvan 1 C MeAtM 7440 100 1 Time. :22%. 47%. 1:01%. 1:10%. Track good. mutuels paid Keegan, 0.40 straight. . HO pla.c, .00 show: Aly Destinv. .20 place, 40 show: Haiti. On. .00 show. Equivalent booking otlds Kc.g:in. 420 to 1H straight. I!t0 to 100 pla -e, 130 to 100 show; AIj Destiny. BM to ion place, 170 to 100 show Battle tin. iko to km. show. Winner H. g, bj lto.-k Yiew Fran.i M . |. Filigran. drained by J. H. Haker; bred by Mr S K Nichols 1. Went to post at 3:00. At post 7 minutes, start good and slow. YYon driving; second and thirtl j the same. KKKtiAN began fast and showed the most s|mm I from the start, lwut liegan tiring in Hie last sixteenth and had to be. ridden out t tstaj HI DKSTINY. Ihe latter was forced to come wide on the turn, but came fast in the slret.h and was r:i. -nig ganul hi the end. I.ATTI.E ON finished , fast after making a slow beginning. 1.1TTI.F. t OOK tired. UKttW N l.iriTY and ICE were far back 1 ■ II the Mf, . Snatched 01133 Marquette. 105. Ow-rweight Alia. 2 pounds. * g-t OQ 4 FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and ".0 Yards. Sept. 11. 1916— 1 42%— 3— 102. Purse 00. 3- . VAOA year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50. second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtlISt , % --;4 Str Fin Jock, ys Equi . Odds Strt ■ ■ . i «120I«SAAK w 4 11.1 7 10 8 7i 51 4» 1 J ||eup.-l T M Bolts MB-MI 1 0llfi7#CHri.A VISTA wb 4 108 2 1 .: 21 :. 21 2- D Neal Airs J I. Brannon BB-MI 91165 THOMAS PIATT sraB 4 11: • 3 1- l1 I* lu ■■ F Merim Hisl- Bros 405O-1" 01 l37,CIIKK-l"OKr UK w 4 108 10 C 22 31 2 $• 4« C Phillips A Hill IMMM 01201HAItBISTKR w 5 108 | 4 91 i M p 5 C San In/. !• I.afloon MI0-100 OII-1ASK HIM wsB ?. 1051 4 5 fi* 51 4" fi1 P D J D Oram MRVM l to OI205*TKIi|:K BOTH wb t. 10S K 2. 51 4 fi 7 7»k 1. Inhoii M,s |t M.Carvey 410-10H I «M7I*I I. A I/KNTHAI.W :: 99 ., s 71. v 7 8 8" S Steele | || Cabin: OBMM ] KA.IABA WB 3 104 1 9 10 in ,* BSS fM . i:ob*s..n It .,,ts WB-M9 01171 UAOOIBOO w 3 104 fi 7 U|9N 10 10 C Hw..::li T I HajraH Vt "0 kki . Time. :23%. :47%. 1:14«5. 141%. 1:45%. Track good. mutuels asJi S;iar. .00 straighl. $:. 20 atats, I2.BI show; Cltula Vista. N place :211 s|„,w s •iliomas Fialt. JIO.O show. j Baaivalent liooking ...Ids saar. 130 to 10$ straight. M t.. MM pstc. . 4 i to 100 show; Chula Yista :too I to MM place. :MU t« 100 khow . Thomas Piatt. 410 to loo show. , , , , J , 1 I ; 1 YVinner Blk. c. by I,ight Rrigade Lorraine, by Bnjbh trained by T. Al. Holts; bred by Mr. Johnson N. Camden. YVent to post at 3:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. SAAR was taken back soon after the start and raced wide for a half mile, then was taken back sharply again just liefore reaching the stretch, but saved much ground by racing close to the inner rail and. coming fast when ridden hard, won going away. CHII.A YISTA ran a good race and finished well. THOMAS PIATT set a fast pace, hat tired badly. CIIEF-1 OKI Y HE had 110 mishaps. Scratched 01201 The Spa. 113: 01072 Charcoal, 113; 01205 Acdry, 104. Overweight Ask Him, 1 pounds. 1 f~i * GRI FIFTH RACE— Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Nov. 21. 1925— 1 :08%— 2— "JLOtf 127. Winchester Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtlISt 4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt •IBM* HUNTSMAN w 3 98 6 6 5l 2;1 11 D D Dubois A Pelleteri 450-100 ! 00998 Al A KY O. w 3 97 5 4 4» 4» 3i 2J L Pichon J C Milam - 110-UM I 90730 STARBKCK w 5 IIS 2 3 l«k ll 21 P S Oriffin J I.owe 770-10O I 01039 KI BlRKK w 3 100 8 7 7 ° «i P 4- L Canfiel.l S K Nichols 2130-100 I 01 108 RPBAIi ROCTK wb 4 107 1 1 :!h 3h 41 5- C HwortU H P Headlev K70-1K 0l205;iISTY MART wb 5 103 7 I 6 J 51 fi S»| D Neal J H Downing 1390-HO 97432 LONOCHAAIPS wb 4 110 4 8 8 8 71 7» ■ Pool J T Dooney 11890 100 99952 JCDOE PRYOR w S 112 :; 2 2 7» 8 8 U Fcogtte R lj Baker 1350-100 Time. :22%, :48, 1:01%. 1:10%. Track good. mutuels paid Huntsman. 1 00 straight. .00 place. .80 show; Mary O., .00 place. .00 show: Starbeck. .80 show. Equivalent Isxiking odds Huntsman. 450 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 40" to 100 show; Alary O.. 50 to 100 place. 30 lo 100 show; Starbeck. 140 to 100 show. Winner P.. c, by .lohron Sylvan, by Disguise drained by Al. J. Beatihamp: bred by Air. Harry Payne Whitney. Went to post at 4:10. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. HINTSAIAN made up ground rapidly and. coming fast through the stretch, took the lead and won going away. MARY t. raced dose up from the start and made a fast finish. STAKHKCK set 11 fast early pace and tired. ED I.IKKK dosed a big gap. BUBAL BOCTB tired. The others rau poorly. Overweights -Alary ., 2 pounds: Longdianips, 2. |"K -g OOO SIXTH RACE— Futurity Course 110 feet less than 3-4 mile. Nov. 21. 1923—1:08%— UlilOU 2 — 127. Georgetown Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Net value to to winner 50; socond. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % %. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odils Strt 0ll04BOBBY w 106 9 2 1*14 II 1- J McCoy W B Hupp 940-100 91168DARK PHANTOA1 w 110 4 3 2l 2and 24 2» E Pool J N Camden 90-100 01073 LADY STONE w 101 5 7 3" 31 "1 3 E Canfield R S Clark t260-100 I 96927rPABCO w 109 S C 4» 5 5- 4" E Legere A B Hancock t 97327 BKNKFICKNT w 101 7 4 71 71 fil 51 L Craver Idle Hour Sfk Fm Sta ".960 -100 99913 THDBB SHOWER w 10S 1 1 fi1 41 4» fi1 L Pichon Mrs T J R?gan 4370-100 00998 W1EDWOOD w 108 3 8 9 61 71 71 N Barrett YY N Kins 750-100 SUE BERRY w 108 2 « 81 S1 S 8s S Oriffin H Oots 4G20-100 99953 SMOKY DAY w 105? fi 9 P t » t D Frojjtte T P Feeley 18110-100 tCoupled as R. S. Clark and A. B. Hancock entry. Time, :22%. :47, 1:00%. 1:09%. Track good. mutuels paid Bobby. 0.80 straight. .40 pacc. .00 show; Dark Phantom. .00 place. .20 show: R. S. Clark and A. P.. Hancock entry. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Bobby. 040 U. 100 straight. 170 to 100 place. 50 to lot show: Dark Phantom. 50 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show: K. S. lark and A. P.. Hancock entry. 20 to KM show. Winner -Ch. f, by High Time — Photo, by l.langwm trained by K. C. Frakes; bred by Mr. W. E. Hupp. Went to | ost at 4:45. At ]Mtst 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. HOBBY liegan fast and, setting a fast pace for the entire race, finished gamely and won going away. DAKK PHANTOM followed BOBBY dosest all the way. but was easily outf inished. EADY STONE raced well ami had no mishaps. PAKCO was ridden wide on the turns. Wll.DWOOD tired. SIK BERRY raced green and will improves Scratched 01240aAIusic Shop, 104. I Overweights — Parco, 5 Hiunds: Smoky Day, 1 Mj. » -rk-g OQrW SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. May 5, 1920— 2:02%— 7— 106. Purse 00. 3-year-olds J JLalO 4 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtlISt U % 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt B1SBB**THB EEOPARDwsB 9 102 7 5 Ill3 1= l« 1J D Dubois J Eowo 200-100 01 I07SHADII WB S 110 6 8 7« 61 2J 23 210 N Barrett C E Durnell 420-100 0ll371*RESONANCE w4 97 3 4 6« 51 4 i 4i ?. I, Pichon Mrs T J Regan 580-Kn: 01165 VBNTNOR w 3 100 8 6 51 7" 61 51 41 J Ryan E J Holland 8780-100 Oil KDRICHEUEU wsb 9 102 4 3 43 2" 3- 31 5l C Sanchez Wr A Baumgartn-r 5440-100 01167 TICKEKR w 5 1 7 5 7 8 8 8 t* 61 I. Canfiel.l A J Heffernan 6180-100 01 110-♦BROWN LEAK wb3 90 2 1 3 4l 7« 7 73 FJ Benhani C E Eenahan 220-100 01110»OI.D TOA1 TV 3 96 1 2 2» 33 5» 8 8 R Finnrty R L Baker 1530-100 Time. :24. :47%. 1:12%. 1:40%. 2:07%. Track good. mutuels paid Tic Ixopard, .00 straight, .20 place, . SO show; Halu, .00 place, .20 show; Resonance. .20 show. Equivalent booking The leopard. 200 to 100 straight, GO to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Halu, 100 to KKI place, 60 lo 100 show; R.sonance. CO to I0O show. Winner th. g, by Yon Tromp Ruth W., by Kings Counsel trained by J. I.owe; bred by Mr. Edward C-ebrian. Went to i ost at 510. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. YYon easily: second and third driving. THE UMMfABD raced into the lead soon after the start and easily held sway for the entire race 1IA1.P was far back for a half mile, then began moving up rapidly and finished well. RESONANCE .ann- fast after going three quarters. YKNTNOR was also going fast at th id. RICHEUKI began tiring just before reaching the stretch. BROWN LEAF suffered from interference soon after the start. OLD TOM quit. Overweight — Yentnor. 5 pounds.