Pimlico Turf Notes, Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-05


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1 j , 1 . * . i 1 l to I ] . s j I PIMLICO TURF NOTES HAl/riMOUK, Wd„ May 4. Dr. Henry J. McCarthy lias li.-en palled to New York to look over the horses iti the Henry Zeig;lcr stable. Todays arrivals from Delmont Dark in-eluded T. MetYeary with several jum|xrs. Kenneth Karriek ol in with YV. K. Qmi Oaks eandidat. Black Maria and James Fitz-simmnns is expected here tomorow with Aga Khan and others of the Kelair Stud. James Rime, Bff ., sent word that lto was l.rinjrinp the Harry Iayne Whitney lreak-n ss eliitles Color Sergeant and Macaw. Davis Heisman, one of New Yorks leading eoat and suit manufacturers and a let tin lover of the t horoiighbr. d. got in from the metropolis this aai rnitiK- He plans to remain for the remainder of the PtaaUJOO, nu-eting. H. C. Kedwell has signed jockey YV. Yump ride for him this vear. Crump had hist first mount at the meeting when he rode the Kedwell racer Alodo in tlie third rai e leneral manager ML L, Daiger reports that the attendanie at Ptmlioo this spring shows a 21 per cent increase over othet cars and there has been a nomihJjMMMlllH increase in the mutiiel handle. Wi1.11 he retired froaa raetati TltetMui *i |. presented to M. I.. Daiger. manager of the Maryland Jockey Club, a set of turf guides of all racing from ISfl to ]m;:i and these have been placed in the luh library at Iini-lico. K. Barnes came over from N. vv York to ride Mothers Son in the Jennings Handicap. 1. 11. Kaulconer his obtained first .all oat jock.y Chalmers in all of the two-year-old races run at Iimli.o. Chalmers plans to go from here to Toronto at the conclusion of the meeting. J. B, Campbell received a wire fiom Cleveland tbia aftern-.on informing him that the spring meeting at Maple Heights had b. en called off, but that a sumim 1 ni. . ting would he run sonic time during July, the dates ..f whi.h would !*■ announced later. The Pastime Stable has obtain. d first .all "ii jo. -key I-:. Small wood.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926050501/drf1926050501_9_3
Local Identifier: drf1926050501_9_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800