Kempton Park, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-04


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KEMPTON PAKE PAKEMONTREAL MONTREAL QUE THURSDAY JUNE 3 1926 Kcmpton Park 34 Mile First day Manitoba Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 7 dnys Weather clear clearSteward Steward J T Ireland Associate Stewards W W Iyles and A Laberge Presiding Judge K W Rury Associate Judge A Shearer Starter C R Wiiigfield Racing Secretary K W limy limyRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 1301 02295 W WIGW FIBST KACE 58 Mile Sept i WIG 101 H 6 110 Purse 400 3 yearolds and upward Claiming fcet value to winner cOO second 75 third 25 25E E Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straigh 02098 Avion 113 1 = 5 X Fooen 175100 17510002033Miss 02033Miss Lesgo 107 23 R McCrann 1030100 01972Star Court 11 Z D Fisher 260100 260100020352Silver 020352Silver Maid 10S 4 J Josiah 1000100 90143 Bissell 108 6 D Pribla 2360103 02034 Pamllno 110 fi H Chappelle CGi100 02036 Gold Bond II 105 71 A Prcrass 2740100 88360Lord Kamea 111 S F Seremba 713100 Time 112 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Avion rr 0 straight 310 place 2 r show Miss Leggo GoO place 420 show Star Court 245 show showDiuivalent Diuivalent booking odds Avion 175 to 101 straight 70 to 100 place 32 4 to 100 show Miss Leggo 225 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Star Court 22 to 100 show showWinner Winner W C Campbells b g 10 by Aeronaut Princess Chic by Potomac trained by W G Campbell bred by Mr E II Cassatt CassattWent Went to post at 241 At post 4 minutes Start pood and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingScratihedM2034sIlack ScratihedM2034sIlack Ruler 112 01857 Sun ¬ dew 110 07257 May Raster 111 111Overweights Overweights Rissell 1 pound Lord Kames 1 02296 SECOND RACE 58 Mile Sept I 1916 101 A 6 110 Purse 400 4 ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 75 third 25 25Eq OddsInd Eq Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 02102 Freemason 112 In J Josiah 102J100 01890Sugamore 102J10001890Sugamore III 2 W Hinphy 575100 01449 Ormzleigh 111 3n D Fisher 4893100 48931000197fisFroth 0197fisFroth 114 4 P Seremba 473100 473100019753OrphelIn 019753OrphelIn 111 5 1 Dolin 1003100 1003100I I 01924 County Times 115 fii D Prible Cfi101 Cfi101OSOSOiStar OSOSOiStar Man 114 71 G Bond 1730100 173010001S27 01S27 Ambulance 109 S R McCrann 293100 293100Time Time 114 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Freemason 405 straight 325 place 281 show Sagamore 390 place 310 show Ormzleigh 710 show showBiuivalent Biuivalent booking odds Freemason 1021 to 100 straight fKIi to 100 place 42 to 100 show Sagamore 5 to 100 place CO to 100 show Ormz ¬ leigh 2tiO to 100 show showWinner Winner Mrs W H Dpnhams ch g 4 by The Manager Riscayne by Rensselaer trained by W H Denham bred by Mr W C Ooodloe OoodloeWent Went to post at 310 At post 3 minutes Start fair and slow Won driving second and third the same 02297 THIRD RACE 58 Mile Sept 1 1916 101 6 110 Purse 400 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 75 third 25 25E E I Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wr Fin Jockey Straight 02098 Ceres 100 1 A Prgrass S42J100 02151Bodanzky S42J10002151Bodanzky 107 22 J Josiah 545100 02097 Gleaner 111 L Gray 425100 96434 Topmost 110 4 X Brown 19CT103 19CT10302l45JGood 02l45JGood Kail 111 a N Foaen 120103 01462 Barber Bill 10S Cs D Prible 1170100 02096 Dependence 109 7 J Dolin 1120100 01889 Golden Floss 112 BdnG Bond 2290103 Time 11214 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Ceres 1885 straight 720 place 420 show Rodanzky 495 place 300 show Cleaner 4 00 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Ceres 8421 to 100 straight 200 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Rodanzky 14711 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Meaner 100 to 100 show Winner Mrs L Campbells blk f 3 by Eternal Ilelle Jardiniere by Faucher trained hy L Campbell bred by Xalapa Farm FarmWent Went to post at 347 At pon 2 minutes Start gcod and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 02039 Fairy fiift 102 95030 Goia 102 H529tf Miss Holland Ill 019273Elm 116 116Overweights Overweights Rodanzky 2 pounds Good Kail 5 Barber Rill 4 Golden Floss 2 02298 J OQ FOURTH RACE 58 Mile Sept 1 1916 l01J4 6 110 Purse 400 3 ycarolds Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 75 third 25 25T E Odds T Ind OddsInd Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight02146Captn 02146Captn Guard 113 1 J L Gray 1571100 02146Lady 157110002146Lady Chilton 111 2i X Foden 180103 02101 Summons 115 3 K Noe 403100 02146 Lop Fire infl 4 C Phillips 953100 99262 Dry SOOfOOTime Joo lit 5 P Hanell SOOfOO Time lll i Track heavy 2 inutuels paid Captain Guard 515 straight 275 place 225 show Lady Chilton 200 place 225 show Summons 245 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Captain Guard 157 to 100 straight 37i to 100 place 12 to 100 show Lady Chilton to 100 place 12 to 100 show Summons 22 to 100 show showWinner Winner P W Stivers b g by Sir John John ¬ son Eulogy by Fair Play trained by A Hill bred by Mr E G Drake DrakeWent Went to post at 419 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingOverweights Overweights Summons 3 pounds Dry Joe 2 02299 FrFTH HACE 34 Mile Sept 1 1916 11314 3107 Purse 500 3 3yearolds yearolds and rpward Allowances Net value to towinner winner 375 second 90 third 35 35T Eq Odds OddsInd T Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 02149 Bruneth 113 lh K Xoe 762J100 762J10002101Whouseman 02101Whouseman 114 2 1C Foden 180100 01975 Fast Boy 111 S D Prible 2S65100 02148CMos 2S6510002148CMos Enriquelll 43 W McCabe C5j100 02147Fch C5j10002147Fch Canadn 117 5 F SeremDa 343100 02148 Lure of Gold 107 G J Dolin 623100 021483Fer 623100021483Fer Damien 1U X Fisher 2205100 220510002101ItScntiment 02101ItScntiment 108 S R McCrann 920100 fOmitted 920100fOmitted from entries entriesTime Time 122 J Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Rrunetli 1725 straight 795 place 500 show Warehouseman 375 place 2SO show Fast Roy 505 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Bruneth 7C2K to 100 straight 297 to 100 place 150 to 10 0 show Wanhouseman 87A to 100 place 40 to 100 show Fast Boy 182 i to 100 show showWinner Winner U Haymonds br f 4 by Bard of Hope Madge Wildfire by Bourlion trained bv G R Carlock HerringWent bred by Messrs T G C G Herring Went to i ost at 452 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 018S3 Arendal Ill 02037 Stroller 117 Overweights 117Overweights Bruiietli 5 pounds Sentiment 1 02300 SIXTH HACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3 V S1 1 16l4 5 3104 Purse 400 4yearoldt and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 75 third 25 25Eq OddsInd Eq Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 02100 Snub 113 1 D Fisher 103100 01922 Leprechaun 110 2 H Chappelle 1320100 01972 B J Beo IOC 3 A Pergrass 430100 4301000203iLady 0203iLady Ildemanlll 4 J Josiah G1C10G 02034 Sand Queen 113 5 C Taylor 1215100 02033 Ameran SoldrllS 6 G Bond 4S3103 4S3103Tim Tim = 200 Track heavy 2 miiluels paid Snub 410 straigit 300 place J2uj show Leprechaun 870 place 375 show lre Bee 105 show showEquivalent Equivalent looking odds Snub 105 to 100 straight iO to 100 place 15 to 100 show Lepre ¬ chaun T15 to IfiO place 871 to 100 show Ree Bee 52 to 1 K show showWinner Winner W C Westmorelands b e 4 by Bard of Hope Telie Ik by Cycludes trained by W C Westmoreland bred by Mr W I Burch BurchWent Went to post tt 525 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 02039 The Peruvian 120 Overweights Leprechaun 4 pounds Sand Queen V40VJ 02301 SEVENTH RACE 1 11G Miles Sept 23 19281514 7 110 Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Claimuur Net value to winner 300 second 75 third 25 25Eq OddsInd Eq Odds Straight02102IWida Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 02102IWida 112 1 D Fisher 2721IW 02lOOsTrajanus 2721IW02lOOsTrajanus 113 2 W McCabo 155100 02149 Dr Huff 115 2 O Bond tOC100 020391Frnk Fogarty 113 4 C Taylor 2S51CO 02150 Lord Wrack 101 5 X Brown 1630100 1630100Time Time 207 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid WIda 745 straight 320 place 245 show Trajanus 320 place 240 show Dr Huff 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Wida 272i to 190 straight CO to 100 place 22 to 100 thow Tra Janus GO to 100 place 20 to 100 show Dr Huff 50 to 100 show showWinner Winner U K Crists br g 6 by Dick Finnell Lost Le f by Kilkerran trained by L K Crist bred by Mr Theodore E Mueller MuellerWent Went to post at 557 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won eavily ect d am thinl driving Scratched 0214S Woodlake 112

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Local Identifier: drf1926060401_17_4
Library of Congress Record: