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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesAURORA AURORA FRIDAY JUNE 4 4AYISATIIER AYISATIIER CLOUDY TIIACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the hest time of each horse at the distance sinca January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or rood track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions 9SftS7 IS FIRST IXDEX OF 1926 C21S IS KIKST IXDEX OF JUXE JUXERacing Racing starts at 213 m Chicago daylight avings time 0 Suiwrior mini runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens ApprentKe ApprentKeallowance allowance allowanceThe The following abbreviations arc used to designate designatetracts tracts at which time records shown in entries entrieswere were made madeAkron Akron Akn Kins Edward KE KEAqueduct Aqueduct Aqu Lagoon Lag LagAurora Aurora Aar Latonia Lat LatBelmont Belmont Fark Bel Laurel Lrl LrlBine Bine Bonnets BB Lexington Lex LexBine Bine Grass BG Lex Colored Fair LF LFBowie Bowie Bow Long Branch LE LEBrooklyn Brooklyn Bkn Maple Heights MH MHChurchill Churchill Downs CD Marlboro Mar MarClarksburg Clarksburg Cla Miami Mia MiaColumbus Columbus Col Mobile Mob MobCclwood Cclwood Fark Clw Mount Boyal MR MRConey Coney Island CT Niagara Falls NF NFConnaught Connaught Fark CF Orlando Orl OrlBade Bade Fark DF Omaha Oma OmaBelorimier Belorimier Fark Del Phoenix Fhx FhxDevonshire Devonshire Dev Fimlico Fim FimDorval Dorval Dor Baceland Bao BaoDuff Duff or in Fark Duf Bono Rflo RfloEmpire Empire Emp Salt Lake SL SLErlancer Erlancer Erl Saratoga Bar BarFair Fair Grounds FG Tampa Tan TanFainniunt Fainniunt Fark FF Tanforan Tan TanFort Fort Erie FE Thistledown Tdr TdrHamilton Hamilton Ham Thorccliffe Thf ThfHavre Havre de Grace HdG Tijnara Tij TijHavana Havana Hav Timonium Ti TiHawthorne Hawthorne Haw Toledo Tol TolHuntington Huntington Htn United Hunts TTH TTHJamaica Jamaica Ja Wheeling Whe WheJefferson Jefferson Fark JF Willows Fark WF WFJuarez Juarez Jua Windsor Win WinKempton Kempton Fark KP Woodbine Wdb WdbKenilworth Kenilworth Ken Youngstown Tgn TgnAurora Aurora Mile Track TrackFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongsrnr rnr o SSOO 3yearoliJs anil upward Claiming Track record Sept 22 1925 103 1112 Ind Ilorsorosllos AVt Kcc A A02118s 02118s P T Harnum 5 DP 112 l0fi l0fis s 8 8r5s r5s Ink Aur 100 107 5 02118 Realize 7 OI H5 1075 4 401868s 01868s Our Untidy in 12 Jam 117 105 4 95320 Boomerang 13MII HIS IK5s 5 501948s 01948s Itazon 0 Aur 10 l09 = i 7 02077 Dr Ilickman FG 100 108 9 900366s 00366s Adele llI5li 103 lOSi 3 00750 Pompous 1 96684 Achievable M 2 5 02118 Patrick Sarsfield 4 Tr 107 lOS = i 4 4SS086 114X S5 SS086 Manna Ioa 8 8 11SX 85 02014 Parncll lad 10 Oma 90 l S s 4 115x S 90363 Sanguine M 14 3 105 085 02050s High Card M M1C 1C Aur 100 lOS i 3 3OC075 OC075 Filibuster M 1 ur 100 l00 = i r 86864 Aoorgold 17 5 5Second Second Race 58 Mile Pur e SOO 2yearolds Maidens Track record June 22 1925 ST 1 02194s Queen of Slielia 14 02076s Mavor Behrman 4 021941 Lady Lura 13 02194 Flying High i 02076 Tlie Hovel SC1 111 li 3 02194 Biddv Slinii 17 02194 Polvfena 1 99852 Dad AVIIfon 2 01949 Jane ElizalKth 12 01097 McDonoiigh 3 01803 liidy Eleanor 10 02194 Stutts II 02013 Smile Awlile IS Venture 5 115 Undertow 7 H Starzella 0 115 Lynrose IT 112 1at Field 10 11 Third Bace 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1003 3yearolds and npwanl Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 23 1925 112 3 108 02119 KATIULDE KATIULDESETII SETII 0 Aur 93 111 3 9SX725 02119s Idle Thoughts 3 Tij 105 l13s 5 107X715 02159 Bonnie Uzzie 1 Tdn 10S 113 T 109X710 109X71000375s 00375s Young Anril 9Bel 103 1123 4 I07X70T 02012 Lady Allen 5 Aur 103 115 = 3 100X700 02221 Dust Flower 12 FC Ill 113 = 5 fi 104 095 02015 Aas iuez 11 Tij 105 112 4 112 fiO 00624 Boo Boo 4 DP 101 l13f 4107K90 02192 Que Mi Bess 14Tij 109 l Si 5 101XC90 02080 Sally dOr M 2 CI 110 11C 3 84 585 02012 Shuffle 7 JP 98 115 3 100X085 02119 Income S Aur 100 114 = 3 103 085 02221 Shindy 10 Hav 112 l13i r 117x085 117x08502198s 02198s Battle ShotlSHav 102 115 5 109X085 02118s My Mary M 15 Haw 110 115 4 102 085 085Fourth Fourth Bace 58 Mile Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 22 1925 5S7i 4 115 01950 Jedburgh Abbey 2 4 115x7 02158 Rocket 5 7 105 720 02159 Norcross 12 Tij 102 100 = = 3 103X715 00337 May Buddy 15 Aur 115 59iJ 0 108X710 108X71002015s 02015s Finday 1 fi 110X705 01902 Rosamond 3 Hav ia 100 4 107X700 01764 His Queen CHam 102 1035 310lx 5 02014 Little Blaze 4Aqn 102 1003 3 105 090 02220 McCrimmon 10 Mia 109 lOOJi 4 110 C90 01901 Woody 13 4 115XC90 99597 Pest 7 Aur 115 59 5 110X085 02221 = Flight 8 108fiS5 02222 Despard 9 5 115XOS5 02196 Lady in Cold 14 4 110X085 110X085Floating Floating Ballot 11 3 100 Fifth Bace Exposition Course 150 feet less than 6 12 furlongs furlongsPurse Purse 1200 3yearolds and umvard Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 3 1920 117 6 110 02223 Chink 4 4 113X72T 113X72T02015s 02015s Variation 3 5 10SX720J 01284 Tender Setli 1 0111X715J 0111X715J02196s 02196s Miss UoMdale 0 5 111X710 00805 Clfos Rochester 2 3 107X705 02196 Marjorie C 5 4 108X700 01954 Colden SwVcp 7 3 103X095 103X09502161s 02161s Pure Dee S 11SX090 11SX090Sixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles PurM 1000 4 yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track rceord May 31 1920 145 3 101 10102224s 02224s Masquerado 4HdC 102148 7 108X725 108X72501954s 01954s Crosswise 7 nun 110 14S 4 111 720 02225 Darin r Tij 98 1475 4 10S715 02164 Dorothy Adams 2 Haw 101 l4S f 4 103X710 103X710C2224 C2224 Illinois King 3 Tdn 109 l49i 5 98X705 02164 Resonance lLex 99149 4103X700 02122 John Finn OLat 98 l4t m 7 105X095 Seventh Bace 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPnrse Pnrse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 11 1925 144 0 111 11102195s 02195s Invigorator 5Hav 104 147 7 115 725 02195 Slanderer 4 Haw KMi l4Cf 0 11772 i 02262 Molincro 15 CI 97 l44 i S 110X715 02195 Louis A 14 Aur 113 l40 i 110X710 01906 Captain Adams13 Hav 110 147H C 110 705 02261 Gen Cadorua 10 Aur 105 l47 i 9 115X703 02197 Rumiuoi 2 Tdn 110 148 S 110X095 02195s Diistproof 3 Aur 109 149 0 117X090 117X09002075s 02075s Uarlxrry 0 r 110 090 00829 Solimente 12 Tij SS 145 4 110 090 02123 Star Sweeper 1 Aur 100 144 4 115XOS5 02197 Padlock 7 Dev 991152 4 112X085 01799 ClieMiut Oirl S Htn 99 1 5m 5 105X085 01624 Illustrator 9 Hav 102 145 5 110 085 02197 Fairlight 10 Jam 112 140 51150S5 C2192 Greek Friar M 11 4 115 OS5 02193 Towtons Choice ChoiceM M 17 3 101 055