untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-04


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INIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIillWIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIII illlllWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH illlllWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHTURF TURF MESSENGER DQQQQQE3DQQQDQDQQBQDDDQQDDDQQDDQDQ DQQQQQE3DQQQDQDQQBQDDDQQDDDQQDDQDQDAILY DAILY MESSAGE PRICE 200 200SOLD SOLD EVERY DAY BY LEADING NEWSDEALERS YESTERDAY WE FILED WITH THIS PAPER AND BRANCH MANAGERS MANAGERSBewithus Bewithus 600 Won Iron Mask II 750 Won On Sale Chicago Friday Night Other Cities Saturday Morning MorningAN AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PLAYER FROM THE PUBLISHER SSi j Dear Mr Player S CONNECTJONS PUBLISHERlication I ave done my Part now want you to do yours together we will make this pub PUBLISHER lication a big success The connections that I have secured have proved by their filings to me this paper and my branch managers who are the leading and most re = = = liable newsdealers in your locality that they can produce the WINNERS = Now I ask you to do the following Go to the branch managers listed below and subscribe for an entire week I will give you seven days = S service for only 1000 To buy this publication every day would cost you 1400 for seven days = 5 as On top of all this I have made arrangements to obtain a wellknown 100000 special This will be wired to you Monday June 7th Horses as 5 name will be given codes will not be used for this special = = s I want only 200 subscribers Of this amount I already have 60 I want only 140 more 5 5 Take advantage of this opportunity and subscribe today = = as A little horse sense for the player ss ssss ss You are not doing business with a flybynight tipster but with the following men who are my direct representatives and know who I am ss DETROIT KICH THE BAGLEY NEWSSTAND Corner Woodward and Monroe On the Cam OMAHA NEB ¬ Meyers Newsstore 1411 Farnum St The only newcstore in Omaha The pub pus This stand has been in business for over five years and is known for being the agent lisher has never met Mr Meyer Coren but he knows all about his reputation and ¬ fcr the leading turf dailies that have been advertising in this paper for the last few years great confidence in him Meyers word is his bond bondLOUISVILLE places Thar havo always ciTen the player a square deal Do you need any more assurance BT LOUIS KO THE LASER NEWS CO Billy laser Manager The oldest and leading news ¬ LOUISVILLE KY EILERS NEWSSTORE 415 West Jefferson Mr Eiler is the granddaddy dealer in t Louis If ever there existed a more honest man the publisher would like to of all newsdealers and the oldest newsdealer in Louisville He will be my only representative meet him Can there You are all acquainted with Mr Eiler H needs introduction introductionDAYTON you go wrong doing business with a man like this The store is located ao at 713 Market St StCLEVELAND DAYTON OHIO H EUFHBAT 129 S Jefferson Mr Enphrat is tho only newsdealer in Day ¬ CLEVELAND OHIO Oliver C Schroeder 212 East Superior St Mr Scnroeder besides being ton Ohio You must come to him for every racingr publication Besides being a newsdealer the leading newsdealer also owns the leading drug store in Cleveland and is too big a man he is also known as a financial wizard cf a kind in his home town townCHICAGO 1o mislead his customers customersCINCINNATI CHICAGO ILL THE GENERAL MANAGER for all the above dealers has been appointed and CINCINNATI OHIO BAT PIEBCE Corner Fifth and Vine Mr Pierce needs introduction his office is no located at 105 S Dearborn Suite 319 Come and to up speak him it cost to the Cincinnati players He has been in business for twenty years and is well known for you nothing his fair dealings and is a good friend of the publisher CHICAGO BRANCH MANAGERS ARCADE NEWSSTORE 81 W Madison TURF SHOF 72 Vf Van Buren Mr Ury owner of above two stores is the biggest newsdealer in the country countryNow Now about myself All I can say is that I am well known to this paper and by branch managers and I guarantee to give dealingsYour you ionest and square dealings Your servant Arthur V Blackwell publisher publisherNow Now at Fairmount Race Track completing arrangements there Address all communi ¬ cations to m 105 SOUTH DEARBORN ST SUITE 319 CHICAGO ILL P S Cities where I have no branch managers must send subscriptions to above office Specials will be wired t you at noon by full name nameFAIRMOUNT = NEWS DEALER FAIRMOUNT PLAYERS ATTENTION A special edition will be published for that track PLAYER AURORA PLAYERS ATTENTION Free special will be given by phone every day IMIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIllllimillllllW

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926060401/drf1926060401_19_2
Local Identifier: drf1926060401_19_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800