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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesLATONIA LATONIA FRIDAY JUNE 4 4TVEATIIER TVEATIIER CLOUDY TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions 98887 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1926 62186 IS FIRST INDEX OF JUNE JUNERacing Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 200 Superior mud runner x Good mud runner runnerJc Jc Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice Apprenticeallowance allowance The following ablireriations arc lined to designate designatetracks tracks at which time records shown in entries entrieswere were made Akron Akn King Edward KE KEAqueduct Aqueduct Aqu Lagoon Lag LagAurora Aurora Aur Latonia Lat LatBelmont Belmont Park Bel Laurel Lrl LrlBlue Blue Bonnets BB Loxingtnn Lex LexBlue Blue Grass BG Lex Colored FairLF FairLFBowie Bowie Bow Long Branch LB LBBrooklyn Brooklyn Bkn Maple Heights MH MHChurchill Churchill Downs CD Marlboro Mar MarClarksburg Clarksburg Cla Miami Mia MiaColumbus Columbus Col Mobile Mob MobColwood Colwood Park Clw KouLt Royal MR MRConey Coney Island CI Niagara Falls NF NFConnanght Connanght Park CP Orlando Or OrDade Dade Park DP Omaha Oma OmaDelorimier Delorimier Park Del Phoenix Phx PhxDevonshire Devonshire Dev Pimlico Pirn PirnDorval Dorval Dor Raceland Rac RacDufferin Dufferin Park Duf Reno Pno PnoEmpire Empire Emp Salt Lake SL SLErlanger Erlanger Erl Saratoga Sar SarFair Fair Grounds FG Tampa Tam TamFairmonnt Fairmonnt ParkFP Tanforan Tan TanFort Fort Erie FE Thistledown Tdn TdnHamilton Hamilton Ham Thorncliffo Thf ThfHavre Havre de Grace HdG Tijuana Tij TijHavana Havana Hav Timonium Ti TiHawthorne Hawthorne Haw Toledo Tol TolHuntington Huntington Htn United Hunts TSH TSHJamaica Jamaica Jam Wheeling Whe WheJefferson Jefferson Park JP Willows Park WP WPJuarez Juarez Jua Windsor Win WinKempton Kempton Park KP Woodbine Wdb WdbKenilworth Kenilworth Ken Youngstown Ygn YgnLatonia Latonia Mile Track First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1300 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 20 1924 109 3 107 107Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind norseiPostPos AVt Uec AWtUan 01543 Clonaslee 4 CI 103 111 4 97X730 02177 Valley Light 7CI 109 112 107X725 021771 Hats Up 17 Tij 11C 113 5 107X720 97970 1etie 8 CI 104 112 7102X713 016931 Faddist 10 4 102X715 00448 Medina i JP 107 114 5 97X715 01502 Macbeth 14Lat 107 114B 6107X710 02131 Mee 1 CI 101 113 4 102X710 01710 Hullo 18 Hav 108 114 8102X705 02178 Watchful 2 Lat 112 113 5 107X703 02173 John Hagerl2Oma 103 112 5 102X705 02019 Ijiwless 1 CI 105 l12Vi 4 102X700 02173 Lucky Drift 3CI IOC 112 4 108X700 02022 Antiquarian 5 CI 98 111 4 102X703 97446 Sasper C MU 103 113 5 102X700 01505 High Ilollef M 11 Hav 112 11854 4 107 700 02137 Buz Fuz M 13 4 107 700 01505 Bother 1C 4 97X700 Second Race 58 Mile MileAValton AValton Purxe Purse 51400 2ycarolds Killiec Maidens MaidensTrack Track record June 23 1923 59 2 110 01241 Marlon ElizabethS 115X725 02085 Bourbuu Girl 3 CT 113 101 115 02085 = Jliml Helen 4 CD 115 101 li 111 7K 02085 Mary lane lM 115 l02 = i 115 710 01908 Mandolitte 5 CD 100 102 115 70 02085 Thistle Peppy 2 CD 113 103 115 70 01709 Melting Star 7 113 700 01960 Mary Beverly CD 109 103 115 700 01551 Selfish 115 700 700My My Pet 10 115 Third Race 1 116 Miles Purse lriOO 3yearolds and upward upwardFillies Fillies and Mares Claiming Track record Oct C 1924 142 3 113 01912 Blabbermouth 10 3 97 T 02172 Vivandiere 2 4 103 720 72092443s 92443s Nulli Secundus 9 Lat 107 147 6 1070715 01776 Waterflag GCI 91 144 4 104x710 02086 Spanish Hose ILat 103 145 5 102X705 01772 Kexounpfnl 3CD 102 148 3 93 703 02178 Lady Myra SCI 107 150 C 104X700 01907 Midnifht K Kse se 7 CI 92145 4 lOn X 700 02172 Tribal M 1 3 89 700 86043 Sympathy 5 C 100X700 100X700Fourth Fourth Race 34 Kile KilePurse Purse 1500 2yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 23 1923 f9 2 110 11002174s 02174s Irene Italian 2CD 106 l01s 104 723 018761 tWen C CD 112 102 101 720 72001433s 01433s Amv A 1 101 715 71501245s 01245s Jessie Helle 4 107 710 02085 Kosetta StoneM 5 CI 113 102 103 703 99960 Jimniio Shannon ShannonM M 3 97 700 700Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile MileGrand Grand Hotel Purse PursePurse Purse 1700 3yearolds Allowance Track record June 20 1924 109 3 107 01740 llarcolo 6 CD 100 114 105 7 ° 01740 Malcolm li Jr 4 108X720 01775 Allechan 3 Lat 123 113 108X715 01649 Champ De Mars 2 1088710 02024 Mayfair 5 CD 101 113 103 70S 01959 Drone M lLat 110 113 102 700 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsWalnut Walnut Hills Pnrs PnrsPurse Purse 1800 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Nov 3 1917 141 3 120 02023 LAVBBN 6 CI 102 142 5 98 735 02175 ICotherinel 4 Lot 105 142 4 98X729 01878 Overall 1 HdG UO 143 4110X72O 02134 Panic 7 41037l5i 41037l5i01878s 01878s President 2 JP 108 143 C 103X710 01959 ISill Strap 3 4 103 705 02175 Scamp M 5 CD 110 147 7 103 700 700Seventh Seventh Race 1 118 Kites KitesPurse Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Oct 6 I 020841 Uusscll Cave 020S8 Grand King 11 Mia 94 140 3 100 720 72002038s 02038s Iongport 5 CD 100 148 S 103X715 02133 Itoys llelicve Me 1 8 6103X7161 99085 Promising Tom t i KG 110 149 8105X705 02086 Lord Meise 13 3 95 705 01546 The Leopard 12 1 Lex 108146 9103X705 01331 6105X70001909s Stoncace 4 Lex 111 1434 6105X700 01909s Seths Premium 7 A 93X700 97459 Flank Attack M iy5j 1 4 S 99XTOOJ 02082 Oseda M 2 74 8 95X705 02133 Myrrh 3 Lex 201 1 0 8 I0070d1 02178 Uroad Axe 10OD 1O2 liijfr JL03JU04