Long Branch, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-15

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LONG BRANCH TORONTO. Ont.. Monday. June 14. 1926. — Long Branch 1 Milei. fifth day. I-ong Branch Racine, Association. Sprint: meeting of 7 dsy~. Weather raining. Presiding Steward. W. It. Norvell. Judges. E. ■v: to;.- and P. R alien. Starter, B. Palmer Racing Secretary. W. It. Norvell. Raring starts at 2::t0 p. in. Chicago time. l.lOl noQ7C FIRST RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs June U40U 8 115. Purse n 1926 — 108 — — ,000. C-year -olds and upward Claiming Net value t winner 00: second. 75. third 5; fourth. 0. R.| Odd-Tn.l Horse. Wt. Pin. Jockey Straight, j 027r»7*nulcy Lou 106 V T. Ray 193-100 02S 16 Jimmy lirown 99 -- H Fisher fil."»-1» »»72fi*riio Squaw 1041 k I» Rurney Ht-M 02754 lltoval flag 10" 4 C McCrosson 7*1-100 027.17 Armorer V- I* V Horn 2000-100 02301 Warwick M 61 GMorto.i IZM-M M1M Kirk La.lv 105 71 J Mann 57J-101 02092 Muz: Saw 110 S- It McCrann 4.7.0»-IOO 9532J CaMa Kmmv 105 I I Logan C270-1O 027j.- JTtevan li3 LeftO Cinp-r 60C-100 Time. 1:12 5. Track muddy. miituels paid Ruby Ion. . SO straight. .!M1 pluce. 45 show: Jimmy Rroivn. |RJt place. .30 blow; The Spiaw. 25 show. Equivalent lKx king odds I;il.v Lou. 10O to 100 straight. 05 to 10O pla e. 72i to 100 show: Jimmy P.ro.vn. 175 to 100 place. 115 to 100 show: The Kqtiaw. 212 to 10O stiow. Winuir Missouri Stable-* ch. f. 4. by Colonel A.iinie ludaunted. by Star Shoot trained by O. Johnson; bred by Mr. Jerome B Respessi. Went to post at 2ol. At post • minute. Start pi d and slow. Won easily, second and third driving. Scratched 02750 Gambling Tony 105: 02298-Lsdy Chilton. 107: KIM Mala, 105: 02SH" War Idol. 107. 027.O Kd McOafee, 105 Overweight The Squaw, Sj pounds. 09R77 SECOND RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. June ■•■■ 11, 1986— 1:0« — 8— 115. PuTse ,090. 3-yeaj-olds and upward. Claiming. Net vilue ta winner 00; second. 75. third. 5: fourth. 0. 1*1 lds tai Horse. Wt. fin. Jwkey. Straight. , 02091 iTioic.l 101 li B Ray 10274 10-1 02754 oTrigg.-r M -- L Scbaefer 12*1-100 M6IS Put: fall 111 3 F Horn 120-b» 02691 ITInillTrS US V A Abe. RV Ml 02015 M ntain hieflOO 51 »i Morton M3»M | 9.5203 «R.-giopolis MS H C MC Ysen tOTO b l 02816 Mexican Pete 101 ■ .1 Lo«M _1» 1» MTM Flea 9S t; .1 Walkr t WIUTlllKI 107 ".• 11 Fisli-r MUM MRU UolU Day lOTJlOJ It Mcrann f MM1 I iger Tim 10. 11 .1 Mann SM-M 0275:: H. norion 10" L. tMer.D fneyiOW-ltW j tMutUei Held. Timj. l:12«s. Track muddy. niiineU paid Iniueii. 2.55 straight. X0 ptatse, .80 slio« : OTrigger. .25 iilace. .05 slow: Puff Ball. .75 show. Equivalent booking odds Primed. 10271.. to 100 I .night. MR to 100 place. M to 100 show: OTrig- : K-r. .:12j to lOO place. 132; t.» 10O show. Puff Rail ::7.. to 100 show. Winner E. .1. Morrows b. g. .".. by lovetie Prcs.-nt Ann . by .igantcuin itraiued by f. Hig-gin- bred by Mr*. L A. Livingston I. Wen: to post at :::0t». At i ost 7 minute.- Start BMal and slow. Won driving; second and third the same Scratched 71..I0 Court View, 105; 02315 Islander. MO MOM Ednmr. MR Overweights Mexican Pete 1 pound Holly Hay. o i:. fl9R78 THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. June 11 192€ UZ.OIO _i:02-s— 2— 105.i Purse ,000. 2-y ■ .i .»id., Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner. $.00. second. . third 5: fourth. 0 F.| o.bK ted Horse Wt Kin. Jockey Straight. MMCRaiSh Shot WT 1- D Hum.-. tO ■ h I MMIfl h-r.-. i .loan Ml 23 It Ha Ms-MlJ «*788 Qaaaaa IM ■. 1 Scha.-fer MMM MMMITtaH Ha ID 4 A Al el u |M O.I440,lailv fort.-: in. :, C Mc rs-n UW-M 02208 Tou luluw.-i 10S t;ti T Thrailkii: Moo-10" Mcrnlla MC 7 J Logan MM IM 02511 Roman Sn.la! 11 | B McAlaliev MM-M tOuiitted from entric. Time. 1.04V Track muddy. minuet paid Heigh Shot. ; v. straight. $.:.4 place. .45 show: Theresa Joan. 00 place. $;..10 slijw. Ofinan. 75 show. Equivalent booking odds Reigh Slmt. 227V. to 100 straight. 70 to 10O pla e. 22 »o 100 show; Ihereaa Joan, KtO to 100 place. 55 to 100 show. Oxuian. 37Vi to 100 show. Winner II Haymakers ch. f. by Kiinreigh Magi. Shot, by Magic II trained by C. E. Eusor; bed li Mr Willis Sharp.- Kilmer i. Went to post at .!:48. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. Scratched 02752=C.allops. 117: 00342 Tenacity. 107. Overweights- Touchdown, 1 pound: Roman Sandal. 5. 09R7Q FOURTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. June 16. viui0 1926—1:16—4—106. Purse ,000. 3- year -olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; so;ond. 75: third. 5 . fourth. 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. fin. Jockey. Straight. 02693 -;.. ck tlolf 11:; l" C. Cooper SO-100 02094 Martial Wand 115 2" D Rurney 225 100 99391 Burnt 108 M. J Mann M 100 Mineralogist 101 4T J Logan " MM-M 02815 The Cocoon 110 5 A Abel 420-100 Tims. 1:20. Track muddy. mutuels paid— Clock OfltC, tit straight. .45 place, $•_ ;to show: Martial Wand. .50 place. .30 show. Burnt. .0O show Equivalent liooking odds- Clock Coif. 80 to 100 straight. 221 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; Martial Wand. 25 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Burnt. MS to 100 show. Winner Mrs. W. J. Giblins b. c. by Argos — Lawn Dance, by Common trained by R. E. Potts; I. red in fiigland by Sir T. Dixon I Went to post at 4:22. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Wou easily; second and third driving. Scratched 02K17 Ijjng Syne, 112; 00677 Overlook, 115; 02513 fly Book. 113. 09 V-.UUU 880 FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June u 1926 8 Purse — l:08*s — — 115. ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 00; fourth. 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 02616 fmibrage 105 In I Rurney 407J-1OO 02616 •Tauitlunc 104 2J O McCrosson 170-100 02616*.hta Allen 99 3- .1 Mann 2S4O-100 02757 Note o Love 107 4 C. too[er 750 100 026l.r»5Weliouse:nan 110 5-1 N l-oden 425-101 02817:*Revelry 96 6 J Walker 3 -100 Tims. 1:11 Vs. Track muddy. S2 mutuels paid Ombrage. 0.15 straight. 70 place. $:t.70 show; Taudlaue. .;0 place, .90 -how; Alita Allen. 1926.sh.8-5 show. Equivalent booking odds Ombrage. 407V. to 100 straight. 135 to 100 place. 85 to 100 show; Taudlaue. !.". to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Alita Alleu. 242*-j to 10l» show. Winner K. Kurtis b. m. 5. by Campfire — shadow, by Charles Edward trained by E. Armstrong: bred by Mrs H. O. Herringl. Went to p .st at 4:57. At l ost 1 minute. Start rood and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 02817 Nayarit. 104: 02791 Cliff. 107. 02881 SIXTH RACE— 1 3-16 Miles. No track record. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 75: third. 5; fourth. 0 Eq Odds Ind Horse. Wt. fin Jockey. Straight. 02696 -My Contrary 95 1« .1 Walker LM-100 •MM**R*aa Smith 101 21 B Ray 460 100 MMMMMM MM 103 ;.i C McCrossoi SJ-100 •2813 Sandpile 10* 4;= A Abel GSO-100 02757*1 Qtarton 97 5 J Logan MM 100 Tims. 2:10V Track muddy. miitiieK paid Mary ontrary. .t»o straight. .»UI place. 10 show; Sam Smith. .15 place. 30 show. Betsy Bacon. .30 show Equivalent booking odds -Mary Contrary. 100 to lMI straight. .JO to UM plac... | to 100 show: Sam Smith. 57;. to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; Betsy Bacon. IS to ICO show. Winner .1. J. Cor.-orans ch. m, 5, by Ballot — Mar Car.v. by Sam drained by H. L. Snyder; bred by Mr. II. Berry man;. W.-nt to post at 5.;t2. At post 1 jninute. Start good and slow. Wou easily: secoud and third driving. S. rat.h.-d 02618 Simoon. 108; 02095 Polly Leigh-ton. Ml; 020!.". Vakiina. 102. 02882 Ufluua SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile aad 70 Yards. June 9. 1926—1:48—4—107. Purse 000. 4-year-elds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 700; second. 75: third, 5; fourth. 0. El. Odd Ind Horse. Wt. Pin. Jockey. Straight. 02;;i»,.;ayly 109 |l C McCrosson 175-100 026J« * Shanghai iDf, J Walker 7S!-!00 02757 ■•Transplant 101 :i« .1 Logan 590-100 1017 Iiougbnut 112 4- ; •„,, per ,,9-liXi 02757 l.lew.llvii H3 5!i I Mann MMM 02816 lady lone 10S 6* T Jrenhow 4-590 100 02018 Admirer 103 7 H Fisher 575 100 Time. 1:54V Track muddy. mutuels psid Jayly. .50 straight, .35 place. 00 show: Shanghai, .20 place, .55 show ; Transplant. .55 show. Eipiivalent iHwkiug odds -Cayly. 175 to 100 straight, 67* to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Shanghai. ICO to 100 place. 771 to 100 show; Transplant, 77,i to 100 show. Winner It. V. Haymakers ch. h. 5, by Transvaal Airey. by Itryn Mawr trainer by L. Haymaker: bred by Mr. Thomas Clyde. Went to post at 0:00. At | ost 1 minute. Start _ood and fast. Wou handily; second and third driving. Scratched— 02819 Pete Foy. 100.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926061501/drf1926061501_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1926061501_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800