untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-26


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ASSOCIATED TURF BUREAU two horses daily 0 a day 0.00 WEEKLY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY ¥ 1 T f*** M£" 1 A W% W% ¥ O jT TJ . Subscribe to a bureau that is composed of honest and reliable men. We release strictly twe hones to all out of town and city suubscribers. The same two — ~— — aa_--____________________ . horses released to everybody. These two horses advertised regardless of whether they _., ... . . . win or lose. Honest advertising. Prompt and courteous service. The WONd S premier tUTT information distributor. Tu rf information of supreme quality -.. .«•_,,.-_ tt i„ a • e*_: « n. m F.iday s Stnctly Two Horses: ■ Thursday s Strictly Two Horses: T n J IIFNIIY SO MM Kits .-.-3.20, Won MACKS KABV 4Jf«, Won i HKI.I.F FAY $ 17.80. Won SlKBKItKY .-.. .0.30-,- Won »miAiin/niriix a ..../m .a. «ri.r»i-r ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Wednesdays Strictly Two Horses: Tuesdays Strictly Two Horses: MTCV£-V. 2.ri1 1 IMS S°" 5?w,T,TA-i!5TONE S !?*5«* «°n r Uke S*6*4 Pie""* »n announcing to race players that I am again established to serve raco players mJkwwmmm flfc.OO, Won Kl I llltASIA 6.30, tt on with the caliber of information I have previously served them. After an absence of one year. I have Mondays 8trictly Two Horses: Saturdays Strictly Two Horses: returned and am prepired to brer.k the worlds record of twenty-seven wia parlays that I have es- 1SLAND FA1KY fli.20. Won KNOT .KASS 9.30, Won ; tabHshed in Detroit. Michiga*. in the year 1923. from which city I have been ordered to leave for ItKAP $ 6.H0, Won SIXTY ?2."i.60. Won ! creating- too much commotion. I am better equipped to beat that record than at any time in my career, , , for r have made connections with a group of turfmen WHOSE OPERATIONS CANNOT HE EXCELLED. r» -„n „.,, •armwz.a TrtTi»ir m TWO BIG WINNERS TODAY— 50-1 00-1— Tbjs is what T released and filed yesterday: limit odds will be released to all those who subscribe Two winners at "good Two today. today OOC r*t IcniTO DAni/O Akin Al ■ T-l_l rr "u icmtc i i_i a r rK% K»s things which should romp home easily. Remember, folks, that all statements made sare are based ULItlM lO AIMU ALL I Mt t/LltN IO I HAL UN MY BUUIV-O on facts.. No mis i si nine statements. No guesswork. Subscribe to an honest and legitimate turf bureau. . RECEIVED City clients may call in person. New York office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Out of town clients, remit ten dollars via Western Union or Postal Telegraph service. _._ YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: I PITCHFORK 8.40, Won ASSOCIATED AccriATrn TURF tiidc BUREAU riidcaii JUt iof Pimm RUDOLPH pu . . . 6u£0, *« on w™ Won 1476 Brcadway corner 42nd Street. Room 502 New York City - - -- -r - | | am on my nonstop winning stride. I sent a k ■ m **TlTiTV7f?[fffTandl 117 t»C ion H out another limit win parlay ■ i lllni Ifl IliliiH Vli fj/fcds itll/« • V I am all started and ready to produce a string of consecutive win paj-liyi that will astound the 111 I ■Mil I ■ » ■ mm I I 1 H I entire racing world. Do not be left beh.nri. Be a Euck Garnscn winning player. Get in on this won- lUllJ I IK*1*!M Nandll * T ¥" dorful information. Subscribe immediat -ly and ndc with Buck Garnscn. t*ie rremier information dis- Irrfffii II |M Wrn 4 mk fWLss4Jfl H in 1 £af"l I l5f7C tnbutor. and you will laugh at your bookmakers, and lor today I am going tj gv? you another demon- ISSSSS! — * *** * H I-/CXjro strat:oi. cf what real information is liie. WEEKLY BOOK. 35 CENTS „, _ • __ _ - I .. — ■■— •— — . at all newsstands IL V VfkYwm MnfhnH Todays 00.00 to .00 win parlay goes DAILY SPECIALS. OCCASION ALS. S2 I IIC Li T CI TY 111 ITICIUUU x, .... . . today— big doings today M T 11 O I lCW YV Ceiiiy V-Jlll WdlCU 1116 WlIinin2[S WOW We are «?oi,V? •» celebrate with one of ths biggest turf events today. The two horses that I am . . Boiaff to release to all my clients today have been prepared under the direction of turfmen wtoo have j m j t •■. t»»it - v a i -« i And Today Is the DAY for the Advert.seu . perfected some of the- biggest events, and they have sent me final word that it is all over but the «,.„„,,, rln! „ t. i toatr*n°? il t» """0n shouting. I am not here to teU you all I know about this wonderful proposition, because you all can t ♦ o* i V *m Ol ■ ■ I riZ, advance lT°m Wlth D.l°™r RACIKG r-now 10RM. u*7 Horses " " alizo that one cannot state anjthing too much, but it should be reasonable for you to understand. Use fl 1 i %fe. i. -. JL j m your own JudKTnent. Ruih vour subscription fees at one. and you will be well rewarded, for I have B g irT and lx"ct amounts t0 Plcc? on each are deadly the goods today. specified. Above winnings for FIVE lll"l kJrJ.jmrL were THURSDAY S TWO HORSES: JB» ■■ m mt *n «» tracks: New York. Laton a. Fairmount. Aurora /LJl/l/- im COA in lAf | and Canada Hamilton. 14th to 16th June: Fort /i~IIUiS. Ur .lU, WOll d* i aa rorr fAnr i ss *9%hjsnrsttand ; macks baby »** w°n 1 IlilllKKPl I II liP TEN IF T0U DE£IRE TODAYS PARLAY. WIRE TEN DOLLARS TO d/lUUI IlLlLl Vl/I/Ll f°iOSr l0 Y01 m BUCK GARRISON, 147 West Forty-second Street, New York City timea vof uS ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS BY WESTERN UNION OR POSTAL TELEGRAPH . , EVERWIN RAC LATONIA — Dayton-Honor-Jewel-Lease-Lament. T t ♦ time, ret a FREE 1ELL copy of the LVEKWIM HALING METHOD. Dont send us a cent. Just ____ _ _«___™________«__i________— — -— 10-1 we expect, primed and cocked, ready to RUN . hurry along- your name and address by letter or FOR A KINGS RAMSON so under NO CONSID- wire. By return mail you will receive a com- ERATION whatever allow this trick to get away piete copy of the system. You will get the real T W| T f W* jk ▼ *BT P *K Tf ircm you. Rush rifht now and get the NEW; sygtem itself, not a sales letter or circular H MS mJt #k lk.1 fl Wm m* WEEKLY, only 35 cents at all newsstands. Also. asking for a fe« or deposit. There are positively ■ B AmmWh. I M I M ■ here are no strongs to this offer. Your copy will be the LA LM B B W A B m m L ™ ™ ™m m mm ~ ma m LAST WEEK WINNERS same as the copies filed with the Racing Form. Golden Lynn 2.00, Won iomii: special termsi— notice;— special terms; Kps Shot 740 Won JlSfiS.s3ij5STrS I p 5.00 for 15 parlays -g I l V,Ol UUVIi Vu,,*v II VM. at noon Collect the next day. Over 500 men . I I A r*A 1Q 10 W/tn1 ViPV.-S EV?2I1LWhil?.i» WM*in* I Room 313, 117 North Drarljorn Strt Chicago, III. „„ above. Get nJ«the?2.439.,0specif.ed UVer Tire. Mj.lU. flCn . your copy , YESTERADYS PARLAY: VfVt mv, yat/.av, vh now and s. ring along while it wins the next $ Won ,,,T HFORK 538.40, Won KUAXKS TICTOR1A 5.00, .1 h $£.000. Wnte at once to . wn| , tf 7 AA ttf ™.i .— — mwimh — — — I fill rOlO. W 1 .Ul/j Tf UII n 1* I"! 1 I* 1 • f* Telegrams sent all out of town clients at 9 a. m. City clients receive the two __ _. _ _ KAIlOnPli rllnllCniTliT I A horse parley when they call. We have a big staff of clerks to handle out of town „_ WllA fflinWC M 1 *U ■Id Willi llClMUltC 1 UUlIOUllIg V»U. cUents so that there is no delay in sending wires. TfUII IT UU IVCOYVo IflC. $ J.1U, 4707 SHERIDAN ROAD CHICAGO. ILL. —M— _ ■ -A — — mem sss , THURSDAY S PARLAY: D/von 7x11 Wnn hick ip 4.20. won sir. kkury HMI Wm IVCdt. O I.OV, II UH WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: . nJ 1 p iA «|t ||AiW ■MkMWg1 A — J — BJII FLORIDA GOLD 4.80, Won Mf I LLOCII .1.40, Won Urk ihsntoni, Ih b.4U, Wen hfl **** * wi* /mk/wk s1|rosetta sk»k 9.30, won kiphrasia 5.30, w«.n L iB uBfl BPI in9 ■ "" I MONDAYS PARLAY: Chula Vista, $ 9.25, Won BSSHSlSSa "GE0" w,*° " s VMStr. KSIA!l ""• """ Y J IrLV"" ** "IMMTjl KNOT GRASS 9.30, Won SIXTY 5.60, Won Beau of the West, $ 6.40, Won II s .„.,. SF3EwLks .„ If realize •»BSS.T,B P«5ftl6o iw« _ .. . 1 1*1 SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS B | 1HURSDAYS PARLAY: finUpil _- RllP S fi?fi „t WAniSDAYSSUrER-SUPREMEOCCASIoSr ■»"» IdNESDAY VIrLay ?X* $ iioiaen nuie, v.lj, fiun S CHUla vista l,Wm sporty mcgee ,CI,,:£j - • *-3..«, mS«S » on tSSu ""«** 0.40, won —- -, Ai//»r IIT LAST SA1TJRDAYS KENTUCKY SPECIAL *V I lflnK Wnil BROOMSTER 6.£0. Won Each and every one of the above horses are legitimate winners. nor. HOW lllCU. I dj, «plV.U«/j II UU AND THE LAYERS SURE APPLIED THEIR ■■ orC 7YSt5ck?LrSeleases 0 TO WIN PARLAY TODAY VnUnn * ?ft Wnn it 5 ou won T UIVOllU, «P m U.tiU, IT UII Today " another Kentucky special goes at Latania — — _ _ — — —_ — —— — — — — — . today. This baby has been tipped off for a good RELEASED TO OUT OF TOWN AND CITY SUBSCRIBERS And other winners too. thing several times, but always went for Sweeney. _ , _ , .. . , -. . - . .. . . , ., Two today. Bona fide information. No guesswork. Subscribe today for these two re-know BE SURE and GET the NEW WEEKLY Tcdlv the wise money will be riding heavy. You , winners limit under consideration. Parlay released to all out of what and leases. Do not miss this big win parlay any that mean,, plenty price tarring m H»v # V T accidents this horse will never leave the result in town and city subscribers. No waiting, no delay. — »« ■" """ " ~~ ■"■ 9 fl ■ ■ ■ Bm M# doubt. Here is -sour opportunity for a heavy I I II I A I SX c7e5nsWcirnBrsLo.o;os PARLAY RELEASED TO EVERYBODY I I I I ■ A ■ getaway special goes today at Fort Erie. Terms. . M M*r A JbV M .00. The crowd handling this proposition seldom go Subscribe to this office. Receive a fair and square deal. Fifteen dollars 5.00 pays for fifteen I wrong. One that you cannot afford to miss. Wire par]ays a losing parlay does not count. Prompt and courteous service to everybody. If in city, call in _ _ j .00 and get both the Kentucky and Canadian person; if out of town, remit 5.00, via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Office open 9 a. :u. to fl 1 • /» I KPecial3- 4 ■ i p. m. A MYI3ChintT I Alt SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. LEE ■*■"■*- Room 31« m or,h Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. * kJlllCidlllll2«k v/vJil. 7** BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY _ Is Sche !uled to GO for the ENTIKL WORKS TTfPrrrr ¥7 ■0PVWlPlVll!Bf9B9IIH9i TfewT ¥! f~ f* "WZ* H~ O1 . WEEKLY ■iiMinwiTtana IN. KUbLKb atri Kace — Latonia riir riurw rMitbi Sfc- mw«" SS r"c"° t u r f w e e k l y j.*and=a ssma git sa5K RALlNb GUIDE £ZS£?ZZ «cma,„c.„ »«*... For this one rush right now to your newsdealer and FnpT FORT ERIE— Tn»rF__QiiA«n Queen -8-b R.B v_.*.j.„- Yesterday s v. Free n Code: j a«k for the A PICTORIAL OF THE TURF __ ._ _ _ -- - PUBLISHED EVEBY FRIDAY AQUEDUCT— Ace-5-10 ft P J d»/» /»A 117 Daily Master Clocker £™ 1;:° a , «_ ;— -* — Y-k ■— . w n second, Jb.bO, Won " " AT ILL NEWSSTANDS EVERYWHERE Eft,*-*"" ICCL1o,ck?r0SRSESSPi5lST° S% Thursdays Free" Code:" WEVE GOT THE INFO rfl 1 J £ • 1 WORKOUTS. TIMELY PICTURES. DAILY CODE THE MISSUS .05, Won Over 20 years on the turf and always on the I Aflnir n itnf**01£r*l SERVICE and other valuable data foi race followers. ESPINO WON scene of action. I I lll/l V N III I /i!llll/sl ON SALE AT AM. I.KADING NEWSSTANDS _ , 1 UUft J O V VVHMiNI FREE CODE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY: RECENT „_.„„.„ WINNING FREE .. CODES: Get new issue No. 121 to decipher todays free * AQUEDUCT — Jockey -Finish -Bit Hillardo .60 Firewater 0.60 code. Comes extra strong. Has been especially LATONIA — Starter-Stand -Barn Disciple 6.60 Cobweb 2.80 PREPPED f«r this race. Under NO consideration FORT ERIE — Socretary- Mile -Spurs Broomstar 8.80 Sandy Hatch .40 Todays ,000 Free Code: whatever FAIL to get this OCCASIONAL. Ask I FAIRMOUNT— Handicapper-Oats-Handily Peach 4.20 LATONIA— Asia-Wood-Brick newsdealer for the your U/1717VI V D A PIM/"1 PITini? ™*Wr l OCCASIONAL SERVICE RELEASED • * « LAST WEEKS WINNERS: • • • Master flnrkpA H2 Occasional If tiiRLl KALlnu uUlllt TOE8DAYS »■■«•** Saturdays wheatstick im won lTldblCI L1ULIVCI 5 UttdMliildl " * "u w*»r«j Florida ,5 an Ooc„ional or sp€Cial terms three gold .co. won For sale at ALL NEWSSTANDS 25 CeiltS a Copy OccasionaU for 0. LATHROP 6.80. Won Bargain Offer— Both Occasional and Sheet nAIIV DAPIMf* PUIADT I TODAY— LIBERTY OCCASIONAL— TODAY CHULA VISTA 25 Won week. 0. UMIL.T KMlslHIU I , II1C. sent one yMMK frora who know 0omes exceptionaiiy itnng men And many more. 440 S. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO. ILL. • • HI.ISIILUN how to ut them over. "" Easl .„ 32n 1 S,reet *cw York* N* T getaway confidential special goes at ut nFTROIT—For i kui i ror alp- oaie. Thursdays occasional: F0ET m, T0DAY Triangle Newsstand— Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. FHILFOTO ,MTJ. V*on Family Theater Newsstands— Cadillac Square. | I OTHER WINNING OCCASIONALS: Yes Mr- «*n». today is the day for this one OTHER CITIES FOR SALE: f ¥" JT? WT* f KUBLAI KHAN 5.80. Won to fo and gather the shipping expenses. Orders ST. LOUIS-Wm. Laser. 11 Market Street. T I. Hi Hi I lESSFJ*** *£ In Zll "~° *° make 6ach and CVOry pale a winnin« one- KULE W°D G0LDEN *bOT ST. LOUIS-Foster Book Co.. 410 Washington St. Torm*- *5.00. Wire aU remittances and mention eFrTlFT OF BEATTNr thf par-vc- THK BCin VTWKmm TWKUMCKM. Neb.-Myer Coren. 1411 Famum St. OMAHA. M Romittances to particular service desired. CLEVELAND. 0—0. Schroeder. 212 E. Superior St. * 16-pogo booklet of real inside information, *~ INDIANAFOLIS-Marcus. N. E. Corner Illinois and by » retired turf speculator. No charge. Sim- LIBERTY PUBLISHING COMPANY — - -- ply mail this ad and 4c postage to J. K. I ... ROGERS b.vic~*o PUBLWIwr ruBLSHING m CO. „ -b *~, t ■ t. ■* ■»-,,.. WiUis Bo1 10G6- •» Broadway, Room 406. Dept. R.. New York City 1672 Fort Room HAMILTON. 0.-HalPerin. 338, High Street. La"derdale. Florida. i Broadway, 302 New York City TOLEDO. 0. — St. Clair News, front old Post Office. - -— — — — — —— — — »— i — — KANSAS CITY— Ricksecker. Ninth and Walnut SU. ■ ======— MILWAUKEE— Reid News. 304 Sycamore St. Gaffney 8.00 Woi T -C f * 1 m. 1" /" J R/IV HIA/KI CVOTCIlil AKRON, O-Swartz Newsstand. Porridge 3.00. Won P. of Wales $ 4 43 Won 1 Ufl Llfifht T TCC COCie M 0WN SYSTEM rWIPACO FDR 5AI F were 51Ve" Wednebda - One Best. Next Best and O Mr. Player: Do you want a winning system tiat Vynivyr»v i wr orvi_EL a Parley to you by overnight mail. for C uavs. Go to your nearest newsdealer, get a copy of can be operated with success on all tracks Write ARCADE NEWS STORE— 84 W. Madison St. Turf Expert, Temple Court Bldg.. Chicago. 111. TURF LIGHT now on sale and decipher the fol- today and ask about this wonderful system Frw» TURF SHOP— 72 W. Van Buren St. -= — . ... lowing code. Follow our PICTURE TIPS, also our particulars and special proposition upon ,MnMt NEWSSTAND— Wilson Ave. "L" Station, evenings. TOP LINE HORSES. ..... --__ .. . _, «. *""• DRUG SIORE-Randolph and Clark St.. GARS WEEKLY C*nada-Honest Fourteen SU-Thirteen-Eighteen WALTER H. L0TZ UHMO KILLIXLI * ■ni_i1_n • •• t~J I C HIGH BALL— Newsstand. Quincy and State Sts. Madison TODAYS 0 FREE CODE: All Stands-15 Cents— All Cities 3503 MORGAN STREET NEWSSTANDS— Corners of and Clark Ets. BT. LOUIS MO BRUNO S A MIKES NEWSSTANDS— State and LATONIA— Maine-Rock-Light-Rain. Van Buren. _ * NEWSSTAND— 47th and Indiana Sts. _ . , ., , _ ., _ . - " . . . . and all othhr newsstands Subscribe w Daily Racing Guide! Advertise in Daily Racing Form Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926062601/drf1926062601_19_1
Local Identifier: drf1926062601_19_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800