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EMPIRE CITY BOOKS OUT Dates for Running of Rich Stakes at Yonkers Course Made Public by the Association. NEW YOBK. N. Y., June 25.— Horsemen are a unit in praising the program book of the Empire City Bating Association, distributed within the past few days by racing secretary Ceorge W. Call, and the outlook for the coming meeting at the Yonkers course is exceedingly bright. The meeting o| en.s on Wednesday. July 7, and concludes on Thursday, July 29. Sixteen stakes are on the card. These have received generous patronage from the most prominent owners in the Fast. The overnight races have been arranged with a view to bringing out the best horses in training. Many of these races are so framed that they furnish the best sort of a preliminary for the various stake races, and several have an added value of $ 1.500. They are at all distances from five and a half furlongs to a mile and a quarter. As usual, the Empire City Handicap for three-year-olds and over at a mile and a quarter, wit $.",000 added, is the feature of the opening day. On Thursday, July 8, the Demoiselle Stakes, ..0 M added, for two-year-old fillies at five and a half furlongs, will be decided. The race closed with ninety-nine nominations. On Saturday. July 10. the Whirl Stakes, of , 500. at five and a half furlongs, will be a feature. The nominations include the pick of the two-year-olds, both colls and fillies. Rivaling it in Interest is the Mount Vernon I Handicap, for three-year-olds and jjver, ,000 added, at one mile and seventy yards, i n the following Tuesday, the Frivolity Claiming Stakes of ,000, for two-year-olds at five and a half furlongs, will l»e the feature. On Thursday. July 15, the Tarry-town Stakes, a claiming event of 3,000. for three-year-olds at a mtte and seventy yards, will bring out a strong field. Perhaps the banner day of the entire Empire City meeting will be Saturday. July 17. when the Empire City Derby, tor three-year-old fillies and entire colts. ,000 added at a mile and a quarter, and tic 0,000 East View Stakes, for two-year-old-;, at about three-quarters mile, will be card d. On the following Tuesday, July 20, the 1 Arrow Stakes. f3.M§. ;,r three -yenr-elde and over at about three-quarters mile is down • for decision. The Wakefield Handicap of | ,000 for two-year-olds at five and a half furlongs is the feature of the program for Wednesday. July 21. On Thursday, July 22, the Knickerbocker Handicap for three-year-olds. ,000 added, at one mile and a sixteenth, will be the feature. It closed with sixty-five nominations. On Saturday, July 24, the Yonkers Handicap, .0u0 added for three-year-olds and over, at one mile and a sixteenth, and the Sprightful Stakes. ,000 for two-year-olds, at about three-quarters mile, are down for decision. Each has received a liberal and high class entry. The Mount Kisco Stakes. ,000 added, for fillies, mares and entire colts. three-year-olds and over, at one mile and seventy yards, will have its running on Tuesday, [July -7 The race closed with fifty-two nomi-nations. Wednesdays program will be starred by the Melrose Stakes claiming of a value of ,000, over the one mile and a sixteenth route. The meeting will come to iLs close on i Thursday, July 20, with the running of the j Kleetwing Handicap, .nii added, for thrce-j year-olds and over, at about three-quarters.