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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXTTT. NUMBER 112 Entered as Hcon.l flaw matter. April 2. 1800, at the |KM t -office at Clilcaco. Illinois, tinder Act of »l:ir.l: 3. 1S79. W. J. McMurray, Publisher and General Manage! Daily During Winter Months. Iaily Except Snndaj I Halance of the Tear. A daiijr reflection of tlie American tnrf by telegraph. DAILY RACIN- FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COUKT CHICAGO. ILL 157 lot EAST 32nd ST.. HEW YORK CITY. H. Y 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT. 305 307 DECATUR STREET. NEW ORLEANS. LA. 2014 2016 MIAMI COURT. N. W. MIAMI. FLA. TRLBTIIONR 2087 II AltltlSON. For iMixliiCKa and circulation purposes onlv. Tim telephone has no connci lion with the newa or editorial depart inputs and cannot be osed to on -niiuiK :ite with them. SIlisritllTION liT FIRST-CLASS MAIL: May to Norcniltcr, inclusive .00 per month Den-in I. r to April, inelimive .00 per month r.W.Mtl.K IN ADVANCE-. HACK N IM It KK8 BY MAIL. 13 CENTS EACH. To lie . onsidered nixl answered, all queries t« Daily i:.i iiie Form riikI he sent over the full name ami with the address of writer. The names a ik. vdatMBBSM are subject to a local and foreign direriorv te*t. 10083 is first index of 1927