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ON FIRM BASIS IN CUBA Racing, as Conducted by Havana-American Jockey Club, Meets With General Approval. COLLINSVILLE, 111., June IS Frank Bacciocco, general manager of the Havana-American Jockey Club of Havana, Cuba, departed for New York today to confer with John McBntee Bowman and Charles Flynnt president and managing director, respectively, of his organization, relative to plans for the coming winter meeting at Havana. Mr. Bacciocco spent several days here the guest of S. S. Gilmartin, in charge of the certificates department at Fairmount Park. Messrs. Bacciocco and Gilmartin have been associated closely in the conduct of the Havana meetings for many years. In discussing the prospects for the racing season at Havana with newspapermen here today, Mr. Bacciocco declared that, with the growing interest among the higher officials and the better citizens of Cuba in racing, as it is conducted by the Havana-American Jockey Club, that the sport- is becoming more firmly established in the Cuban capital. "Under the business management of president Bowman and managing-director Flynn, the affairs of the Havana-American Jockey Club have been so well conducted that the social prestige of the sport of racing has influenced many socially prominent Cubans to become financially interested in the pastime," Mr. Bacciocco said. Regarding the social aspect, Mr. Bacciocco added: "President Machado of Cuba, and others prominent in the social and political affairs of the republic, are regular attendants in the beautiful clubhouse of Oriental Park and the social gatherings on the verandas of the club include the best people of both Cuba and America, "Quite naturally, this increasing interest in racing has effected the personnel of the sport in every way. He have been assured that the class of horses that will race in Cuba this winter will be better than ever before. We will not only have the many prominent owners who have raced with us at previous meetings back with us this coming winter, but assurances have been given Messrs. Bowman and Flynn, as well as myself, that a number of the prominent stables which have not heretofore been represented at the Havana meetings, will send their best horses."