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Big Bargain Offer Attracts Flock Of Weekly Subscribers Seven Days of Gregory and Small-woods Wire for Price of Six. Our office has been swamped with subscriptions from horse players in ail parts of the Middle West since we announced our special introductory bargain offer. This offer provides that all weekly subscribers, whose remittances reach this office today or who subscribe through their newsdealers before that time, shall receive todays wire absolutely free in addition to service for all six days next week. This offer includes the big subscribers special, details regarding which are given in another column. Gregory and Smallwood made such a hit last year with their winning information that they are sure that all their old subscribers will return at once, but they are anxious to introduce their information to a wider public and this is the reason for the big bargain offer. Gregory and Smallwood both rode with conspicuous success several years ago and they have maintained their close friendships with jockeys and trainers since leaving the turf. They thus have access to information which could not be bought at any price, and the horses that come to them from their friends are always well meant. Those who purchased Gregory and Small-woods Two-Horse Wire last year discovered that plenty of winners at juicy prices came to them from this source. Both boys are confident that their information this year will be of an oven higher grade. Last season both were now at the information business. Experience counts, and this year will be even better.