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HAMILTON, OHIO HAMILTON OHIO. MONDAY. MAY 14. 1928— 1-2 Mile. First day. Hamilton Jockey Club. Spring nieeiiig of 18 da s. Weather clear. Prciiiing Stewaid. J. T. Ireland. Associate stewards. H. D. Shepard and W. Dangn:an. Presiding Judge, W. It. Hooker. Associate Judge, C. Stands. Starter, G. Wiugfield. Racing Secretary, T. J. Brown. Racing starts a 2:15 p. in. Chicago time, 2:15 p. in. I. W indicates whip, S spurs. B blinkers. Figures in inrenthcses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. O/J/i 0"| FIRST RACE— About 5-8 Mile. Donation 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to A-llOJl winner "5; second. 5; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt S4BMBET*Y BROWNINGw 113 3 1 l" 1» 1» lJ L Aron R F Cop-page 210-100 24348 MALTA S. w 10 4 2 2" 2« 2i 23 J Congore F Walker 440-100 24267 PERALTA wit 105 5 5 41 3i 3J 3i T Malley J M Bakery 750-100 24099 WHITE NOSE wb 3d 1 4 5 5 5- 4» N Coltoff Mrs W V Reeves 1470-100 23744 JACK OLBBM w 109 7 I 3l 41 4h 5 C S Phils Blue Ribbon Stable 600-100 24348 1 . i I wUO 2 6 7 7 61 6« R Zcchini K G Marlman 24W-100 17886 TITTER w HI 6 7 61 C 7 7 W Pmrose L B Underwood 280-100 Time. 1:01%. Track fast. -52 SURPLUS REFUND- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , BETTY BROWNING .20 .80 .20 210—100 140—100 110—100 MALLY S 4.40 3.60 120—100 80—100 PERALTA 4.40 120—100 Winner— .h. f. by Seth— Joyce Huffman, by Prince llermis trained by 0. Johnson; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. JoaeeJ. Winner entered to he claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 2 26. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Von handily; becoiul and third the same. BBTTT BBOWNLNG took the lead quickly, saved grovnd where possible and held the race safe through the Ia*t half. MALLY S.. was always in closest pursuit and raD a good race. PERALTA saved ground on the first turn and finished well. -WHITE NOSE finished gamely. JACK OLEEN was bumped and ran very wide on the first turn, but ran a good race. Scrat -bed— Ls aparatc, 100. Overweights Peralta, 4 pounds: Don T., 3. O/l /iQ* SECOND RACE— About 5-8 Mile. Donation 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net -±-±0 valuo to winner S375; second, 5; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 24351 CLTDELLA wClffl I 2 2 1" 1= PftJ levic S Gratton co-100 23073 BLACK CYCLONE w 4 110 4 4 4» 41 4l 2J T Malley Cyclone Stable 500-100 24104 BONNIE Ll/./.li: W 7 103 3 7 71 51 5» 31 J Congora F -Walker 150-100 84318*MARGARETTA K. w 0 100 I 1 31 3» 3» 4J W Bonner M Grant 4"60-100 24146 WHY w 6 110 8 3 11 2» 2 5« R Zcchini F Wood 590-100 24021 HIRAM WILHT wn 3 97 1 5 5h 6» 61 6« N Coltoff WP Carroll 4510-100 23912* HAUL POOL wn 7 102 5 C 6* 71 71 7nk K Gleed W H Hoist 1G" 0-100 18766. NKV.T wb 4 107 7 8 8 8 8 8 C S Phils Woodson and Doolittle 2I60-1M Time. 1:01. Track fast. - SURPLUS REFUND-, , EQUIVALENT BOOKING . CLYDELLA .20 .80 .20 60—100 40—100 10—100 BLACK CYCLONE 3.60 3.20 80—100 60—100 BONNIE LIZZIE 3.20 60-100 Winner h. m. by The Manager— Dorothy Denn, by Marchinont II. trained by S. Gratton- bred by Me— rs. Van Dsjeen and Fuller. Winner entered to be claimed for 100 WENT TO POST— 2:52. AT POST— J minute. Start good and slo.v. Won ejutt] : BaeWsi and third the same. CLYDELLA he 0 f the others midway of the back streeh and held the race safe all throu-h the last juaiter BLACK Y I ONE came fast through the stretch and easily eatfhUshefl the others BONNIE I.17.Z1U began slowly, but made up ground rapully in the last euarter and finished gainelv MABGABBTTA F.. and WHY tired after ra-ing pn.minently to the stretch. Sorat.le -d 2::*J40 Leonard G., 107; 23o54 Little, il.;; oJ;i-0 ioxy pe.ter ]02- 22958 Trium-ih 110. Overweights— Clydella. 1 pound; Rlack Cyclone. 3; Why, 5. Corrected weigh; — Why. 105. * /| A QQ THIRD RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Donation 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming Net AV~t1uO value to winner 75: second, 5: third, S50. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt % Str Fin Joel eyt Owners Equiv. Rook. Strt 24354i*KKNl»ALL w 8 108 2 1 l°k 1* 1J 1J T Malley WRliall 1VM0O :?4269 IVY 7 111 1 2 2« 21 2 2« W Pmrose P Hinphy 1340 m £J?i2*I™DAT„ was 113 8 7 6* 4 3» 3« W McCray Jerry Bronnonberg; J.10-IOO O7100 EARL JR. w 5 113 C 5 71 7* 5« 4* J levic L B Underwood iuoioo ***•• Mli 1iAH. - w 4 108 3 3 0 6 P 6" F Burke 0 H Everitt 4620-100 »Xi£ .m-Jc,1.1011 WJli:t 5 U 4 5,i71 7iR «•«*« T Shearn 10*-1M Z3863 OINM SACK W5 1U44 88 8 8K Gleed H G Smith 990-100 Time, 1:25. Track fast. • «.«t,.tt ~%Z SURPLUS REFUND- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , KENDALL $ 5.6O .40 .00 180—100 130—100 50—100 SGL-i 920 4.20 360—100 110—100 MIDDAY 2.8O 40—100 Winner R. g. by Treviaco— Flounce, by Plaudit trained by C. W. Hall: bred by Mr Kenneth 1 . Ale.-unierl. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3::-0. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third the same. KRNDALL showed the most speed throughout and was never threatened. IVY was always in closest pursuit and finished better than usual. MIDDAY raced in close quarters next to the inner rail much of the way and suffered from interference, but finished gamely. EARL JR. closed a gap. MARK AlRF.I ■ tired. Scratched— 24437 Illinois King, 113; 0-1235 Missouri Boy. 113; 23529 Old Tom, 113; 24145 Gencul * Withers. KJ. ~ — 1 2J.J.S1 FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Donation 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net ArfTiTiOTt value to winner 50; secand, 5100; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt M4M*PAKOREL w 7 103 4 2 1 l1 Ill- I1 T Malley Aldrich and Win.ins lSO-100 24354 GRASS MAID w I 100 I 4 4"* 3 3 3 2 L Aron R F Coppaec 520-100 843*4 SALVAGE w 6 108 3 5 2 21 21 2» 31 W Pmrose Guciardo Bros 1150-100 24108-PAVMAN w 7 97 1 7 6 6" 7i Kj 4 W Ketnpf P Lacassin 390-100 24187 BTONEAGE W 8 112 2 8 7 75 44 41 5 R Zcchini W A Baumgartner 500-100 24144 ANGELPLANE w 5 106 6 6 51 51 5 6= 6! J Congore J T Looney 1040-100 24187 BRUNELL wn 8 105 8 1 8 8 8 71 7» N Coltoff Mrs W V Reeves 1140-100 24082 GRANGE w4 112 733h4-618 8 OS Phils Blue Ribbon Stable 1720-100 Time. 1:60. Track fast. 42 SURPLUS REFUND, , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , PAN0REL .60 .60 .60 183—100 80—100 30—100 »ETASS MAID 4.40 2.60 120—100 30-100 SALVAGE 4.20 110—100 Winner— l!i. g. by El Oro or Panacea— Sis 7.., by Hastings trained by J. Winans; bred by Mr. W. II. Crunden. Winner entered to be claimed for ,900. WENT TO POST— 3:46- AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PANOREL set a good pace nearly throughout and drew away decisively in the stretch. GRASS MAID c.une fast in the final sixteenth and outfinished SALVAGE. The latter had no mishaps and ran .1 good race. PAYMAN was crowded back when going to the first turn and had to overcome considerable interference, but finished well. STONEAGB suffered from esrly interference and was forced to race on the outside most of the way. Overweight — Brunell, 3 pounds. Corrected weight — Salvage, 108. 9izlzlS FIFTH RACE— About 3-4 Mile. Donation 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net MllOU value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt K % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 18604FLYIXG LI LA w G 111 12 21 1"" Bj * J Tevic J S Baldwin 390-IOO 24223= •SOTTTN PACIFIC w 7 108 4 1 11 2 i F 21 W Kempf C H Morrison 120-100 24100 PADLOCK wb 6 113 3 3 3i 3- 31 3 W McCray C R Hammatt 1120-100 24182fSTARGO w 7 113 6 4 5 5" 41 41 K Gleed R H Wesselman 630-100 19551 BONFIRE wb 8 113 5 7 61 6« fi» P T Malley Q A Stirnkorb 690-100 21027 LARDI w 4 113 8 6 4 4 51 6111 W Pmrose P Dolan 1680-100 BOBBY" K. wb I 113 7 3 8 8 8 7J W Bonner W H Hatchett and Co 4280-100 „„« « 92270 TRUST OIlTCILwi. 10 113 2 5 71 7= 7» 8 N Coltoff Mrs C Meyers 1 MO 100 tSent out in entries as Star Gold. Time. 1:25. Track fast. . r-W SURPLUS REFUND-, , EQUIVALENT BOOKING—. FLYING r„ m LULA .80 .40 .80 390—100 70—100 40—100 SOUTHERN PACIFIC 2.80 2.60 40—100 30—100 PADLOCK 3.40 70—100 Winner— B. m, by Libyan Sands— Flyaway, by King William trained by J. S. Baldwin- bred by Mr. O. A. P.ianchi. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:19. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FLYING LP LA raced forwardly from the start and came again In the last seventy yards and finished gamely under energetic riding. SOUTHERN PACIFIC took the lead and drew clear while rounding the stretch turn and appeared the winner a few strides from the end, but was outfinished. PADLOCK raced close up throughout and finished gamely. STARGO closed up some ground after racial in close quarters in the early running. BONFIRE raced on the outside most of the way. LARDI tired. Scratched — 24433; Northern Star, 113; 24147 Bantam. 113; 24317 Pilly OTIare, 108; 24223 Pat Hampson. 113. 94J.Sft SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Donation 56C0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. +d-X J9 Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vi % Str Fin Jockey* Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 23379 HANK MONK w 5 119 1 1 1= 1* 1« F ]j v McCray Cyclone Stable 4:!0-i,H 24270 BLUB CADDIS w 5 109 8 3 4» 2« 2* 2« 2- T Malley Mrs W Heath 400-100 •4182 TOM HAYES wn 3 103 5 4 3" 4i 3"* 3» 3» N Coltoff W P Carroll 1K20-100 24318" SUBTLE w 6 109 3 6 5U 5 1 5 4J 4« J Congore M Grant 590-100 24353 FORECLOSE w 4 112 7 2 2 3 1 4 5* 5 J L Aron R F Coppage 180-100 23993 FEDERALIST wis 6 119 6 8 7i Tl 8 7 6» W Pmrose K V. Carver -.10-100 243541 MASON TOWLE wsb 7 116 4 5 6 61 6i 6 71 J Pevic M H Jordan F40-100 24350 VASQUEZ w 6 114 2 7 8 8 71 8 8 K Gleed W II Hoist 760-100 Time. 149zi. Track fast. - SURPLUS REFUND- . EQUIVALENT BOOKING v HANK MONK 0.60 .80 .30 430—100 140—100 90—100 BLUE CADDIE 4.80 4.00 140—100 100—100 TOM HAYES 7.00 250Z10O Whw — Ch. c. by Star Master— Minnow, by Miuoru trained by G. R. Allen: bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:47. AT POST— i minute. Sta.t good and slow. Won ridden out: second and third driving. HANK MONK showed the most speed throughout, but was tiring and swerving out in the stretch. BLUE CADDIE raced close up throughout and finished fast next to the inner rail. TOM HAYES out-finished StBTLK in the final drive. The latter was crowded back sharply on the first turn losing much ground. FORECLOSE tired. FEDERALIST finished with a belated rush. MASON TOWI.H rufcei over to the inside while going to the first turn, causing a jam, and VASQlKZ was all but knocked ilown. Scratched— 24187 Rahattits Maid. 109; 24109 Sunsprite, 109; 23884 Richelieu, 116. Overweight— Tom Hayes. 4 pounds. — a ZizlftT SEVENTH BACE— 1 Milo and 70 Yards. Donation 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claim-*"«-"T«:0 9 ing. Net vr.lve to winner S450 ; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt V4 Va % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 24319FLRIDA CASTLBw 3 101 G 3 31 Bj V T- 1»* K Gleed H G Smith 170100 S3t«3 EQUITY w 7 116 4 12 1"* 1« H 2* C S Phils Miss I, Donahue "40-100 21299 ARDEN W 4 114 3 2 1"" 2J 21 2 3 J Pevic .J S Baldwin 1160-100 21348 MISS HOG AN wb 3 94 1 5 P 5J 4" 4 4 N Coltoff B I.utz MO-lOO 24320 TRANSFER wb I 111 5 4 0 6s 6» 51 5* T Malley W V Casey 16*0-100 23889 BOAZ w I 119 7 6 4 41 51 6» G* W McCray F Wood -80-100 1C427 GRANDSON w 9 111 2 7 7 7 7 7 7 F Burke II Richardson ~990-100 Time. IM%. Track fast. ,- SURPLUS REFUND- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING . FLORIDA CASTLE .40 .20 .40 170—100 60—100 20— 100 E"J 3.40 3.20 70-100 60-100 ARDEN 3.C0 80—100 Winner— B. f. by Sporting Blood— Jurisdiction, by Martinet trained bv C. P. Smith- bred by Mr K. P. Shipp. Winner entered to be claimed for ,010. WENT TO POST— 5:14. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FLORIDA CASTLE followed the leaders closely to the stretch and, under a game finish got up to win in the final strides. EQLITY set a good pace aud raced ARDEN into defeat but failed to withstand the winners challenge. ARDEN" tired in the last sixteenth. MISS HOGAN raced on the outside most of the way and ran a fairly good race. Scratched— 24.«5 Hardman. Ill: 24110-I?ear Crass. Ill; 2373G Jasouette, 112; 24193 Randel 111 Overweights — Florida Castle, 4 pounds Miss Hogan, 2. Corrected weights — Equity, 11G: Miss Hogan, 92.