Daily Racing Form Charts, Daily Racing Form, 1930-04-01

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P - ha agAIL"ACTga FORM I turn I - " "aGUACMJENTE . ... J 1; AGUA CALIENTE. MEXICO. SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1930. Agua Caliente 1 Mile. Eighty-first and last 46 day. Agua Caliente Jockey Club. Inaugural meeting of 81 days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. G. AV. Schilling and J. It. Campbell. Judges, 4 C. AV. Schilling and Francis Dunne. Starter, Marshall Cassidy. Racing Secretary, J. 11. Campbell. 4f : 4 Racing starts at 1:00 p. in. Chicago time, 3:00 p. m.. AV indicates whip, S spurs, IS blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance. xAf.AA TIHBT RACE 4 1-2 Furlongs. Justice, March 23, 1930 :53ys 2 111. Purse 00. rtUxiAl 2-year-olds. Allowances, Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, 5; 3Har.-30..tO-A.C fourth, 5. , bi Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ;4G311 JUSTICE w 115 5 2 3 S 2.1 1 J Parmlee Baron Long 90-10tf " 46180 FLYIXG ACE av 112 6 1 lh lh l1 2s D Hurlbrt I N AVomach SS0-100 4 01 80 JUDGE AUSTIN- av 103 9 4 5 5 31 3 C McIIugh Jones and Siena 820-100 si 46414 3 CROSSED AVIRES w 102 10 5 4h 4 J 5"4"k R Warren .WRecs Jr 2260-100 ui 46393 MY MACITATA w 109 7 3 2 2s 4 D1 G De Peso AUen and Bamberger 720-100 4C414 SHASTA MELODY vr 101 2 6 6 G G3 6 T B.omano A T Sansonc 2560-100 , DEL BORGIA 107 1. 7 7: 7" 7s 7s F Catrone S Fertig 12120-100 J SHASTA TIGER 116 4 8 8 S 8 8 J Crgmylc Brn Ssta Sfk Fm Sta 210-100 A , DEL, McGREGOR 102 3 9 9999c Corbett S Fertis t SHASTA CHARMER 110 S 10 Bolted. D Lyons Brn Shsta Sfk Fm Sta t 31 f Coupled as S. Fertis entry; tIJrown Shasta Stock Farm Stable entry. y Time, :23. :47. :53. Track fast. 1 S MUTUELS PAID . EQUTVALNT BOOKING ODDS - JUSTICE $ 3.80 $ 2.80 $ 2.20 90100 40100 10 1and0 4 JTLYING ACE 4.00 2.60 100100 30100 4i JUDGE AUSTIN 3.40 70100 4 Winner Br. f, by Hand Grenade Blind Beauty, by Helmet trained by W. Fenwick; bred by Mr. . Baron Long. WENT TO POST 1:00. AT POST J minute. Start poor ud slow. AVon easily; .second and third driving. JUSTICE came fast in the stretch lo catch FLYING ACE and won easily. The latter displayed the most early spjed, but was tiring at the end. JUDGE AUSTIN closed gamely. CROSSED WIRES raced veil up and finislted gamely. SHASTA CHARMER broke slowly and bolted to the inside soon after the E Start. DEI. BORGIA, DEL McGREGOR and SHASTA TIGER seemed green and were slow to start. s Overweights Shasta Melody, 2 pounds; Del l.orgia, 5: Shas.a Tiger, 1. G AtAA Q SECOND RACE 1 Mile. Seths Hope, March 28, 1930 1:38 6 112. Purso 00. TfcB jtfirO 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, JIar.-30-oO-A.C 0; fourth. 5. Claiming price, 00; if for less, 3 pounds allowed for each 00 to 00. ; ai Index norses AAYtPPSt. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt G . . ei 4G370DAN D. wb 4 103 G 2 2" li 1 11 V G De Peso W H Davis 1350-100 l 4G308 HOXG KING iv 6 109 1 1 li 3 21 23 2 W Clevley T R Stone 150-100 4630G COXCILLVTIOXT avb 7 112 4 5 71 2 3l 4 S1 C McIIugh A L Jones 220-100 46308XAMA avb G 101 5 7 5l 4U 41 3l 4 T Romano J McXamara 650-100 40438 COXTIXGEXT wn 3 93 11 4 3l 5l 5 5s 53 II Riley F Walker 2560-100 l. 4G10CMILLARD C. av 5 106 1 3 41 7U Gi G- 65 J Mooney E Blackburn t?640-100 3 4C308SArODILLA avb 6 101 S 10 lC 9 S! S 7 1 E Level Aristirtes Stable 3260-100 - 40301 DOXA ROCK. av 3 97 3 0 C1 10s 9 9 8 C Owen B J Bagley t 40373 HRY M: PHELPS wb G 114 7 11 91 81 73 7l 9 J Parmlee E E Watson 3110-100 4 4C391GLEXCARSE avb 3 93 9 9 12 12 11 10s 10" R Bertschy II Xancolas 4 46351RUXXYTIXE wn 3 101 10 12 S G 103 11s 11 11 Warren Mrs X Cheatham 7SO-100 4 4G412 XATARA w 3 101 12 S 11 11 12 12 12 D Hurlbrt Powell and Knapp 8210-100 4 tMutuel field. Time, :25. -AS, l:Ws, 1:41. Track fast. . , MUTUE1S PAID -EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS DAN D 9.00 ? 7.80 $ 3.80 1350100 290100 90 1C0 HONG KING 3.60 2.60 80100 30100 CONCILIATION 2.80 40100 Winner Clt. g, by Witticism Jean Melville, by Taicines trained by AV. Davis; bred by Mr. G. W. Crippen. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 1:21. AT POST 3 minutes. v Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. DAN D. went to the front on the back stretch and. racing well, held sway to the end. HOXG KIXG raced well up from the start, but was not good enough for the winner. CONCILIATION had no excuses. XATARA raced evenly. CONTINGENT tired after racing into contention. Scratched 46440Howard Lee, 10!i: 46371 Trinket.-100; 40208 Last Cent, 10S; 1C051 Maid o the Storm, 101; 40100 Ring Man, 103; 40373 Sailor Maid. 107. Overweights Nama, 3 pounds; Runnytine, 2; Natara, 4; Dona Rock, 2; narry M. Phelps, 3; Glen- r carse. 1. Corrected weight Natara, 100. A tf5 fl A A IHIRD RACE 1 1-4 M.les. Victorian, March 23, 1930 2:03 5 126. Purse S6C0. Tb55Tc4fi:yb 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 425; second, 00; third, jIar.-30-30-A.C 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, 900; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 100 to ?600. Index Horses AWtPPSt 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eipiiv. Odds Strt 4C3953FLAT FOOT w 4 103 S 1 2i Vh VI li l1 D Hurlbrt Fairway Stable 870-100 40395 TIX SOLDIER ivb 4 104 1 2 4i 3 21 2l 2i C Corbett A A Baroni 720-100 " 4C3083MOSES ivb 7 103 3 9 5H 4h 41 3 31 J Mooney AY C Morris 2SO-100 1 40392 AAHISKEY RUX wb G 101 7 3 l1 2 31 4 41 T Romano F Grace C5O-lO0j 40219 L1TTLE MAX wb 7 103 10 10 GJ G1 5i 5i GJ W Clevley G E Slater 520-100 46392POXIMOI av 9 99 2 11 lli 3 7 6 6 G De Peso F S Poole 910-100 ". " 4C392ROCKBOMB av 7 103 11 7 V1 7i Gi 71 7 It Warren L T AAhitehill 1S40-1O0 403r5BRXIE SMILE wb S 106 3 8 S1 S1 9 Ss 85 J Redding C E Davison 10SO-100 40418SWEEPIXG RAY wb 5 110 G G 31 D S1! 9 9s D Lyons M Armstrong 24CO-100 4C392AAAR SALAM w G 100 4 4 10i 10 10s 10 10i V AAhismn W E Hall tW-100 46395 SUPERVISOR avb 8 104 12 3 7IH1 111 ll11 ll1 C E Owen Mrs D Dennison t ; 10309 AUROUS av 6 108 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 S Snodgrs C H Vollmar t fMututl field. Time, :245, :49. 1:144. 1:404. 2:07. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID- r-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, PLAT FOOT 9.40 14.60 $ 7.00 870100 630100 250100 - TIN SOLDIER 9.00 5.40 350 100 170 100 MOSES 3.80 90 100 AVinner B. g, by AVitticisni Miss Dellie. by Delhi trained by G. Billerman; bred by Mr. M. L. Allen. AVinner entered to be claimed for CO. WENT TO POST 1:45. AT POST 71 minutes. Start good and slow. AVou easily; second and third driving. FLAT FOOT broke quickly and. heading AVIIISKEY RUN after going a quarter, raced fast at the end. 1 TIN SOLDIER Avas close to the pacemakers in the early racing and displayed unexpected ganieness in the final drive. MOSES was in close quarters on the inside approaching the stretcli turn, Avas then : taken to the outside of the leaders and finished Avell. AVIIISKEY RUN tired in the final drive. LITTLE MAN was nut run. Scratched 40441Caravan, 100; 4G282 Open nand. 104. Overweights Flat Foot, 1 pound: AVhiskey Run. 2; Little Man. 2; Brownie Smile. 3; War Salam, 1. A H A A K. FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Flag T.me, March 14, 193C 1:05 3108. Purse fcO jt43 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 50; second, 150; 3Iar.-30-30-A.C third, 5; fourth, 5. Claiming price, i500. Index Oorses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4639CBETH HOGAX avb 3 93 3 1 li 1 1 V G De Peso Mrs J N Crofton 290-100 40416 BRUD avb 3 107 5 4 45 2i 2 23 F Catrone Mrs JACobura 1GO-100 40281 SHASTA PEAR av 4 10G 4 2 2 4l 4 3 R Warren L T AAhitehill 2G0-100 46439SIMOXY w 7 10S G 6 5J 3i 31 43" II Cox Mrs C C Emmert 1070-100 46415 AVOODFACE avs 4 106 2 5 G 6 S1 51 J Redding F AYalter 890-100 4C410BROWX BAXIC wb 4 109 1 3 31 5 6 G D Lyons C Dietz 1320-100 1 Time, :23, :4G, :59. 1:05J. Track fast. , 2 MUTUELS PAID , -EQUTVALNT BOOKING ODDS BETH HOGAN $ 7.80 3.40 2.40 290100 70 1C0 20100 1 BRUD 3.20 2.40 60100 20100 1 SHASTA PEAR 2.80 40100 1 AVinner Blk. f, by AVesty Hogan Elizabeth II., by Marta Santa trained by R. Emrie; bred by Mr. AV. S. Payne. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 2:152. AT POST i minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. BETH HOGAN Avent to the front at once and, after racing fast, led all the way. BRUD was easily second best, but did not threaten the AVinner. SHASTA PEAR ran below her true form and Avas neA-er a dangerous contender. SIMONY finished fairly Avell. BROAVN BANK and AVOODFACE Avcre outrun 1 all the way. Scratched 10112 Miss Lester. 99. Overweight AVoodface, 3 pounds. : A G. A Ad. PLFTH RACE 1 Mile. Seths Hope, March 28, 1930 1:38 6 112. Purse 00. 4Dt:tcD 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, 3Iar.-30-30-A.C 5; fourth, 5. Claiming price, 2,000; if for ,800, allowed 3 pounds. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 46313 AOLT METER av 3 100 CIS" 7i 4h lu 1" C Corbett A A Baroni 670-100 46352PLATA REAL av G Hi 8 8 3 3H 2l 2s 2 G AAroolf L T AVhitehill 200-100 46305 TORCII av 7 109 1 2 9 9 9 9 S1 T Romano A T Sansone 720-100 4633PL IIIRTSTEIX wb 4 107 3 5 1 1 l1 4 41 W Clevley J S Smith 2G10-100 46260 BLACK SPOT av 5 107 7 2 4U G3 5l 3 5l S Baird La Brae Stable 4G0-10O 4C319LAMKIX avb 4 107 4 G 71 8 7 7 G G De Peso F Wright G20-100 46416GLAD EFFORT av 4 110 9 9 51 5 G4 5i 71 AV Zeek G Drumliollor 1290-100 4031 JBAPTISTE av 4 102 2 1 2" 2" S" G1 81 V AAliismn AV E Hall 11S0-100 46373IOTIIELLO avb 4 101 3 7 Gs 41 S S"1 9 C McIIugh J T Johnson 1090-100 Time, :24. :48. 1:13. 1:38. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID r-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, vat t HTFTFR 5.40 $ 5.60 $ 4.60 670100 180100 130100 SSIII::::::::::........... jg - AVinner B." "g." liy Volta Dutch Lady, by Dcutsehland trained by A. A. Baroni; bred by University of Nevada. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,800. WENT TO POST 2:43. AT POST 4 minutes. Stirt ood nnd slow AVon driving; second and third the same. VOI TMFTFR came to the outside of the leaders on the stretch turn and, after heading TLATA REAL iu the stretch, lasted to Aviu. PLATA REAL closed with rare courage on the inside ami would ha I turn 1; 46 4 4f 4 bi " si ui A 31 1 - 4 4i 4 . E s G ai G ei l l. 3 - 4 4 4 4 . v r " 1 ". " ; - 1 : 1 1 1 : have Avon in another stride. TOUCn A-as far back in the early racing and closed with a belated rnsh. PAUL HIRTENSTEIN Set the pace, but tired in the final drive. OTHELLO was shut off on the first and was in close quarters again on the far turn. Scratched 16375 Smiling Princess, 102. Overweight Glad Effort, 2 pounds. AAAF7 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. Seths Hope, March 28, 1930 1:38 6 112. Pursa 00. ixJlx 6 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 150; third, Slar.-SO-30-A.C 75; fourth, 5. Claiming price, 2,000; if for 1,800, allowed 3 pounds. Index Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt IC319CLAUDE C. w 4 101 9 6 25 lh lh ll ll T Romano R Peternell 1200-100 10313 UMBRN PRCESS av 3 93 5 8 S G 31 21 C McIIugh Cabman Slablo 400-100 1C375BIDE O T. WIXDw 7 99 6 5 4l 3 2 23 31 II Riley Mrs C R Allen 1240-100 1G39STAR PRIXCE w 4 107 2 9 9 9 9 G 4" S Snodgrs Pope and Sebum 10G0-100 40397 TED IIEALEY av 5 106 4 7 G1 71 51 5J 5 R AVarren L T AVhitehill SS0-100 40355 ICTUCKY BABE w 5 104 3 2 71 4h 33 4 6 G De Peso J Lee 1GO-100 4G419SENORA w 3 SS 8 4 ll 2U 4h 73 7s M IlayAvrd F AValker C10-100 40304 KIT CARSOX avs S 101 7 3 31 5J 8 81 8 J Redding Leslie Stable 1690-100 1C441ETHL SHERLCIC av 5 104 1 1 51 6 7 9 9 AV Clevley J S Smith " 17SO-100 Time, :24, :47i. 1:12, 1:39. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , r-EO.UTVALNT BOOKING 0DDS- CLAUDE C 26.00 10.40 5.80 1200100 420100 190100 UMBRIAN PRINCESS 6.00 4.00 200100 100100 BRIDE O THE WIND 6.60 230100 AVinner Ch. g. by Sir John Johnson Grace Navarre, by Henry of Navarre trained by K. Peternell; bred by Estate of D. AV. Scott. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,800. WENT TO POST 3:12. AT POST 1 J minutes. Start good and slow. AVon handily; second nnd third driving. CLAlDB C. dashed up to the leaders Avhen rounding the first turn nnd, racing SENORA into defeat, took a good lrad and lasted to bold UJIRRIAN PRINCESS safe. The latter saved ground in the last Miartcr and finished fastest of all. BRIDE O THE AVIND Avas Avell up throughout and held on gamely. STAR PRINCE, badly outrun in the early racing, closed an immense gap. KENTICKY BABE Avas under restraint in the early running, but failed to respond- when called upon. SENORA quit badly. Scratched 40413Theone, 93; 40137 Celyane, 83. OverAAeight Kit Carson, 2 pounds. Correcled Aveights Kit Carson. 102; Ethel Sherlock, 104 G. A A 6 SEVENTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Hey Diddlo Diddle. Feb. 16. 1930 1:10 107. Adios tcOItiO Handicap. Purse 1.200. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50; sec Mar.-30-r.O-A.C ond. 25; third. 100; fourth, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 46390 ERAAST av 4 112 5 4 3l 2 2l 11 F Catrone Baron Long 300-100 4639G3SIIASTA BULLET avGIIG 3 1 11 li lh 2i II Philpot Alio Carrotllo Stable 390-100 46417 GOOD AXD HOT av 3 107 4 2 5 3 3l 31 D Lyons Meadowbroolc Stable 1020-100 16303THE DAGO wb 6 101 6 3 4i 5 45 4 C Corbett J McXamara 660-100 46396MY DAXDY av 3 132 2 6 6 G 51 ff1 J Parmlee AV C and E AV Reichert 200-100 4C417 AXDROMEDA w 4 103 1 5 21 4h G G J Redding B Creech 530-100 Tims, :23, :46. 1:11. Track fast. , 2 MUTUELS PAID , ,-EQTJTVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, ERVAST ? 8:00 3.60 3.20 300 100 80100 60100 SHASTA BULLET 4.00 3.00 100100 50100 GOOD AND HOT 3.80 90100 AVinner B. g, by Paicines Blind Beauty, by Helmet trained by W. Fenwick; bred by Mr. Baron Long. WENT TO POST 3:38. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow for all but My Dandy. AVon ridden out: second and. third driving. ERAAST, Avell rated in the early racing, came gamely in the last quarter to catch SHASTA BULLET and Avon under mild urging. The latter bfgan fast and set a good pace, but could not hold the AVinner. GOOD AND HOT was off quickly and raced avcII up all the Avay. THE DAGO met Avith much interference and had little chance to show his best. MY DANDY dwelt at the start and Avas off several lengths behind the others. Scratched 1G439 La Belotte, 92. OverAveiglit Good and Hot. D pounds. A A A f EIGHTH RACE 2 Miles. Aurous. March 23. 1930 3:33 6 102. First Running 4I:J34s:4I:t7 AGUA CALIENTE CUP HANDICAP. 10,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Mar.-30-30-A.C Jlst value to winner ,550 and cup; second, 1,500; third, 1,000; fourth, 500. Index Horses AAAtPPSt 11 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4C317ALEXR PAXTESwb 5 107 7 2 2 1G l3 l1 Is G AAoolf Alio Carrodlo Stablo 210-100 40317 SCIMITAR av G 109 1 3 3 21 2s 23 2J F Catrone Agua Caliente Stable 180-100 40317 AVIT G. BOAVMXwsn 5 100 6 6 6 51 3 3 33 C Corbett A A Baroni 1520-100 40317 TRIEZE av 5 101 5 5 5 6 4" 4 4 AV Clevley Lewis and Kemp 810-100 46375 GOLDEX SWEEP w 7 90 4 4 4 1 4 5 5,s 5s G De Peso R Peternell 1090-100 46317 XAISIIAPUR avb 4 114 2 1 l1 31 6 6 G J Maiben Wilshire Stable 330-100 Time, :25, :49, 1:14, 1:40, 2:07. 2:33, 2:58. 3:25 ueAV track record. Track fast. MUTUELS PAID , EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS-, ALEXANDER PANTAGES $ 6.20 2.40 2.40 210100 20100 20100 SCIMITAR 2.40 2.40 20 100 20 100 WIRT G. EOWMAN 3.20 60100 AVinner Br. h. by Bon Homme Peggy Martin, by Martinet trained by W. B. Finnegan; bred by Meadowbronk Farm. WENT TO POST 4:14. AT POST 2 mnutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; secoud and third driving. ALEXANDER PANTAGES. under a good ride. saAed ground wherever possible and, opening up a good lead after going three-quarters. Avas never a danger thereafter. SCIMITAR, hard held in the early running, followed the pace closely throughout, but did not ha-e the necessary closing spsed to overtake the Avinner. AAIRT G. BOWMAN finished well and Avas best of the others. TRIEZE appeared outclassed and Avas never dangerous. GOLDEN SAVEEP Avas Avell up for one and a half miles, then quit badly. NAISI1APLTR raced close up for a mile, but had nothing left Avhen called upon and Avas badly beaten in the last quarter Avhen be Avas eased up. J A t?fk NINTH RACE 1 Mile. Seths Hope, March 28, 1930 1:38 6 112. Purse 1,000. sJ-JbOLP 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 30; second, 175; third, 3Iar.-30-30-A.C 100; fourth." 25. Claiming price, ,000; if for more, 3 pounds extra for each additional 5C0. Index Horses A WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 46439BOB ROGERS WB 6 113 G G ll 23 23 l 1 G AAoolf J Lee fl20-10O 4G439LADY SETII av 3 99 5 3 2 l1! I1 2s 2T H Riley J A Parsons 410-100 40376ARCADIAX FLAG wb 3 102 4 4 3 33 3 31 3 AV Cleley G D Cameron 350-100 46376 TAXIST w 6 10S 1 1 41 41 5 43 4 J Redding B Creech 400-100 46313 MICL MOXAHAXav 3 91 3 2 6 51 4h 51! 3s C McIIugh J Lee t 46376JEU DE BAR avb 3 93 2 a 5 6 G 6 G G De Peso G OConnell S90-100 Coupled as J. Lee entry. Time, :24, :48. 1:13. 1:385. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID r-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-. J. LEE ENTRY 4.40 2.80 2.20 120100 40100 10100 LADY SETH 3.20 2.40 60 100 20 100 ARCADIAN PL AG 2.40 20100 AVinner Ch. g, by Under Fire Silvey Shapiro, by Bannockburn trained by G. Owens; bred by Mr. P. Dunne. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,000. AVENT TO POST 4:41. AT POST 2J minutes. Start good nnd sIoav. AVon driving: second and third the same. BOB ItOGERS raced to the front on the first turn and, racing gamely after being pressed by LADY SETII on the back stretch. OAertook the latter again and outgamed her in a driving finish. LADY SETH showed a good effort and barely missed. ARCADIAN FLAG raced fairly well to hold the others safe. TAN I ST, JEU DE BAR and MICHAEL MONAUAN Avere shut off oa the first turn and AAere neA-er dangerous thereafter. Scratched 16217Battle Ar, 115. A A TENTH RACE 1 1-4 Miles. Victorian, March 23, 1930 2:03 5 126. Purse 00. TcOarO JL 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 425; second, 100; third, "Alar -30-30-A.C 50; fourth, 25. Claiming price, 000; if for less, 3 pounds allowed for each 100 to 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4G371RUFE McCLAIX wb 4 113 3 4 31 lh lh l3 I5 J TarmMee E E Watson 320-1CO 46282XOSE DIAE avb 11 S3 5 1 l1 2 2 23 2 G De Peso C B Irwin 1310-100 4G419 KAMUELA av 4 117 7 2 2 3 3 3 3 D Lyons J AV Johnson G40-100 40418 HOPELESS av 10 103 4 G 4h 4 41 41 41 G Woolf I, T AAhitehill 330-100 46355FLASHY av 4 10G G 7 8 C1 Gs 5 51 H Riley B Gonter 1160-100 46392WALPOLE avb 5 100 2 8 G1 5" G1 Gs G II Cox Mrs M Jones 5S40-100 46280 BOY FRIEXD av 6 106 S 3 5h 71 71 7 74 C Owen Mrs D Dennison 2420-100 40308 STOXEAGE av 10 101 15 7l 8 88 8 J Mooney L R Pickenpaugh 1190-100 404193 MOXEY"S AA"RTIIwb 4 103 9 Left at post. J Redding Mrs L Hector 260-100 4G435 GALLOPIXG JO av 6 106 10 Left at post. T Romano M M Hoyt 2960-100 . Time, :24, -.49, 1:14, 1:40. 2:07. Track fast. , 2 MUTUELS PAID , -EQUTVALNT BOOKING ODDS RUFE McCLAIN 8.40 $ 5.40 3.60 320100 170100 80100 NOSE DIVE 12.80 5.80 540100 190100 KAMUELA 6.40 220100 AVinner Br. g, by Eliminator or Rouleau Hdicain, by Aulcain trained by E. E. AVatson; bred by Messrs. M. and B. B. Jones. AViuuer entered to be claimed for 900. WENT TO POST 5:07. AT POST 1 minute. Start poor and sIoav. AVon easily; second and third driving. RUFE McCLAIN A-ent to the front after going a quarter and led easily thereafter. NOSE DIAE kept pace Avith the leader to the stretch, but tired and barely lasted to bold KAMUELA safe. The latter closed gamely on the inside. HOPELESS could never get to the leadrs. STONEAGE Avas in close quarters on the far turn. Scratched 16282 Leo Lampe, 99; 40435 Boca, 99. n-erweights Rufe McClain, 5 pounds; AValpole. 1; Stoneage, 5. Corrected Aveishts Kamuela, 117; Hopeless, 108; Galloping Jo, IOC.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930040101/drf1930040101_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1930040101_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800