Daily Racing Form Charts: Aurora, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-07


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AURORA ILL TUESDAY May C 1930 1 Mile Fifth day Exposition Park Jockey Club Spring meeting of 21 days Weather cloudy Stewards M Natlianson C L Trimble and C Henry Judges A Blanchard P 1 Dunne anil C J McLenuan Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary C P Henry Racing starts nt 215 p m Chicago time 115 p in AV indicates vvliip S spurs 15 blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance f7 OC FIRST RACE 34 Mile Queen Towton May 21 1929 111 7 111 Purso 800 rt A tQj J 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 3IayC30Alir fourth3IayC30Alir 25 Claiming price 1600 if for less 1 pound allowed for each 100 to 1000 Index Horses 11 Vi Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 55 iii m A Colvin L Rosenberg is o 2l P Keiser Mrs F Farrar 47157BIRDIEAArRACK AV 112 1 3 21 3J 3 R Ross J C Ellis 1201100 47110 GREY GULL AV 112 7 G 41 4 41 45 R Buckley Superior Stablo 312100 31210040113PATSY 40113PATSY LEAVIS AV 101 38 9 71 5 51 J Boucher LcAvis Kemp 3G10100 3G1010045357FIRE 45357FIRE KING AVB 103 G 10 10ilO1 G G J Necl Lyda Mae Stock Fm Sta t 47157 RINCON AVB 113 9 9 S1 9 9 7 P Rennio C D Pryor t 47118GRANITE DUST AV 10G 10 2 G S1 Sh S1 E Level AV M Ingram 280G100 280G10047157AVINGO 47157AVINGO AV 117 85 5 31 7 9 E AArarden T P Hayes 610100 42321 GRACIOUS ME AV 103 411 11 11 11 103 J AV Fryo Sheffner Bray 4G02100 4G0210040351CALCITE 40351CALCITE AV 1CS 5 4 33 ff 103 11 AV Moran Mrs T Crano 519100 519100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 24 50 117 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSBEEKEEPER BEEKEEPER 1326 478 436 563 100 139 100 118 100 100SOLUS SOLUS 396 330 98 100 65 100 100BIRDIE BIRDIE WRACK 770 285 100 100AVinner AVinner Ch g by Star Master Honey Pot by Sir Martin trained by B Mclntirc bred by Mr B B Jones AVinner entered to be claimed for 1400 1400WENT WENT TO POST 218 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start poor out of machine AVon driving second and third the same sameBEEKEElEll BEEKEElEll moved up fast approaching the stretch turn and saving ground out finished SOLUS The latter showed good speed from the ptart and held on gamely BIRDIEAVRACK broke quickly and Avas in the first flight throughout GREY GULL met with interference but made up ground GRACIOUS ME and FIRE KING broke badly CALCITE and GRANITE DUST Avere shut off on the far turn AVINGO tired tiredScratched Scratched 4G82CSureway 110 4G898 Jean 107 47073Bright Flash 112 40413Theoue 105 4707l5lSnnyora 110 4G3 Smithers 111 Barbara Jane 104 104Overweight Overweight Rincon 3 pounds A r7S e r7 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Queen Towton May 21 1929 111 7 111 Pursa 800 TC 6 A 4ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 13750 BIayG30Aur 13750BIayG30Aur third 75 fourth 25 Claiming price 2000 if for less 1 pound allowed for foreach each 100 to 1200 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt V Str Pin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt J4G885 PRKLY HEAT AVB 7 110 31 31 31 3J 1 = 1 O Cooper Miss B Watson 47073 PETER RUFF w 4 110 G 3 li 1 1 2 1 J Leyland Lewis Kemp 471153 SADDLE SKIRTSwc 4 97 5 6 G C 4s 31 J W Fryo S Polk 4157 = WOODFACE ws 4 97 4 2 21 2J1 2 4 W Mo ran C B Irwin 40757 PROSPECT wn 6 103 25 4s 4J 51 5 = 1 J Mooney J Lee 47074 GEO GROOM wn 8 113 1 4 5H 5 = 6 G II Jones Mrs T Crano Time 24V4 49 116 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS TRICKLY HEAT 520 364 258 160 100 82 100 29 100 PETER RUFF 488 284 144 100 42 100 SADDLE SKIRTS 250 25 100 Winner Ch g by China Cock Chrysalis II by Marajax trained by J K Schuster bred by Mr G Watson Winner entered to l e claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 244 AT POST 5 J minutes minutesStart Start drivingIUICKLY good for all but Saddle Skirts out of machine Won easily second and third driving IUICKLY HEAT under restraint in the early stages came fast in the last eighth and passing PETEU HUFF near the finish won going away The latter opened up a long lead in the early stages but tired badly in the last sixteenth SADDLE SKIUTS began slowly but made up much ground and was going gamely at the end WOODFACH tired PROSPECT and GEO GHOOM were outrun all the way Scratched wayScratched 171I8 = Sandy Hatch 105 47157 Gibbons 102 47118 The Abbot 105 47119 1avorit II 115 Overweight 115Overweight eo Groom 3 pounds l la a OO THIRD RACE 4 12 Furlongs Peggy May 5 1928 53 2 108 Pursa 900 TC 4 JOO 2yearolds Maidens Net value to winner 650 second 150 third 75 fourth lMayG30Aur fourthlMayG30Aur 25 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 40285 DOWNPOUR we 115 GO 1 = I3 1 1s L Coving Valley Lake Stablo 411100 r 112 4 2 2 2 2 2 G Collins Mrs J Dreyer 1312100 T 112 23 41 3J 3U 33 M Wimer Mrs L Gibson 200G100 47117 RED TAM wit 112 910 9l 5 51 4 P Remilrd W W Finn 410G100 40291 BLAK STOCKINGS w 115 S 7 5J G1 4 51 R Ross J C Ellis 1203100 47159VALEDICTORY 120310047159VALEDICTORY w 113 1 1 10 9 G G5 R Ayraud Estate of I E Clark C81100 47117 = MISS JOAN w 112 3 4 S1 Sh Si 7 ° W Moran C B Invin 4S2100 40710 CAROLYN BARKERwB 113 55 3 4 71 SJ J Pevic A Smitha 5SOG100 40377 SORRY w 112 78 7 9 9 J D Mney G Terry 1410100 46705 CARACALLA w 115 10 9 7 10 10 10 J Leyland J Heclan 230100 230100Time Time 25 49 56 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID v EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSDOWNPOUR DOWNPOUR 10782 546 470 441 100 173 100 135 100 100GIBBYS WIGROSE 1408 944 604 100 372 100 GIBBYS LILLIAN 768 284 100 Winner 100Winner B c by Thunderstorm Lather by Trompe la Mort trained by A E Brown bred by Mr J McKcon WENT TO POST 311 AT POST 8 minutes minutesStart Start drivingDOWNPOUR good out of machine Won easily second and third driving DOWNPOUR acted badly at the barrier but began well and getting to the front soon after the start opened up a long lead and won easily WIGltOSE was always close up and was easily best of the others GIBBYS LILLIAN displayed good early speed but tired KEI TAM made up much ground VALEDICTORY also closed a big gap CAROLYN BA11KEK tired after showing early speed SORRY was never dangerous CARACALLA could not extend himself and was badly outrun Scratched outrunScratched 40181 Chehalis 115 115Overweight Overweight Carolyn Barker 1 pound HAiMi 31 Mile Queen Towton May 21 1929 111 7 111 Purse 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 JIayG30Aur third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 2000 if for less 1 pound allowed for foreach each 100 to 1200 14 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 47110SIR JOHN 1C AVB G 103 2 2 I1 1 = I1 1 J W Fryo Wheaton Stable StableCh 105100 105100R 40760ROODLES AV 4 110 S G Ch h 21 2l W Moran R Peterncll G32100 G32100M 4G4303HIGH PLAYER AVB 4 113 4 8 7 4 3 = 3 E T Mooro M Gold Gold4h 742100 742100Arsonia J47074 WOLFY iv G 112 5 5 5147130MILARIA 4h 5 G 4J R Ayraud Arsonia Stable Stable5S 481100 481100Miller 147130MILARIA w 5 103 3 4 5S 7 51 5 = T Homano Miller Johnson 1240100 1240100Mrs J4G399 SHNTY TMcCARTY w 4 110 1 3 2 i 3l 4 G M Wimer Mrs J Sharp 2103100 4 0337 WALTER R w 4 110 G 1 3 6i 7J V J Neel Lyda Mae Stk F1 Fm Sta 2000100 2000100C 38833 MASTER ACE wr 5 110 7 7 8 J Ketry C N Freeman 3929100 Time 25 50 116 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS SIR JOHN K 412 316 302 106 100 58 100 51 100 iROODLES 100iROODLES 100HIGH 510 382 155 100 91 100 HIGH PLAYER 368 84 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Sir John Johnson Water K by Waterboy trained by F Veysey bred by Mr D W Scott Winner entered to be claimed for 1800 1800WENT WENT minutesStart TO POST 341 AT POST 1J minutes Start drivingSilt good out of machine Won easily second and third driving Silt JOHN K assumed a good lead after going an eighth and racing fast easily held sway to he end ItOOULES moved up fast on the outside approaching the stretch turn and lasted to hold HIGH 1IAYElt safe The latter saved ground under good riding and was going well at the end iWALTEU It and SHANTY McCAllTY tired MILAUIA met with interference MASTER ACE was lar back all the way wayScratched Scratched 1G031 Irfanch 105 4C783 Meriwick 110 110Overweight Overweight Shanty McCarty 3 pounds Vf 7 l fc FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles Jack Haskell May 22 1929 145 3 104 Purse 900 Tc 4 TCVF 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 650 second 150 third JIayG30Aur thirdJIayG30Aur 75 fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 Index Horses AAV Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt ii4 7102s FADDY AV G 10 10J47078 10S 7 4 Z 3l 4 = S 11 T Romano Mrs R Sullivan Sullivanw 393100 J47078 DONTADOS AV 5 10 108 3 1 31 2l 21 41 2 M Dupuy S T Baxter BaxterVB 1520100 4C385IPAUL REVERE AVB VB 4 il 113 5 5 ES 4J 31 1 3J E T Mooro J Heclan Heclanw 1520100G31100 G31100 1458411 FORMIC AV G 10 103 10 7 Gl 5 55 5 4nk P Keiser W C Morris Morrisvr HOO100 47157 AVENTZ AVB vr 4 10 108 4 2 1 = 1 I3 21 5 ° E Level Mrs J W Smit 11 J3G10100 V1GOC9J M J McNY JRw S 108 11 G 41 G G G ° G1J J Boucher F Nancolas J3G10100G12100 G12100 4C2 9 MAJOE w G 103 1 10 8 7s 7 7 7S J Nccl Lyda Mae Stk Fm Sta 3201100 4 071 9 CHECKMATE WB 4 111 G 3 71 10 9 8 8 E McLalin Mrs A R Smith Smithw 432100 432100J 43499 SAGAMOOIC SAGAMOOICiinOlOINDRA w 12 113 2 11 11 11 11 11 9t J Bollero J W Goode Goodew f iinOlOINDRA w 5 103 8 9 10 91 Sl 9U10 W Moran Mrs F Farrar 4335 1 SPORTY McGEE w 9 10S 9 S 9 SJ 10 10 11 J W Frye Wheaton Stablo 201100 tMutuel 201100tMutuel field Tims 25 50 J 117U 145 151 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ADDY 986 526 390 393 100 i63 100 95 100 DONTADOB 1200 738 500 100 2G9 100 PAUL REVERE 458 129100 Winner 15 g by Olambala Sally N by Josh trained by S S Fountain bred by Mr It T Wil ¬ son Winner entered to be claimed for 1LHXJ 1LHXJWENT WENT minutesStart TO POST 405 AT POST 4 minutes Start good out of machine AVon driving second and third the same PADDY samePADDY never far from the leaders came fast in the center of the track in the Htretch and gelling fto the front in the final strides was slowly drawing away at the ind DONTADOS was always promi tUr ° anicd I AUf 11KVKKK The latter headed the others for an eighth but tired near the end fJOKMIC showed good speed WKNTH tired badly after setting the 1NDUA v pace was badly outrun Scratched lioa Shasta LaJyt I03i 1 A rr A i SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles Jack Haskell May 22 1929 145 3 104 Purso 903 TC 6 l cJL 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 650 second 150 thiJ thiJMayC30Alir MayC30Alir 75 fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 Index Horses AAVtITStyt StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 47102FETCHING AVS G 103 8 4 31 21 11 Il 11 W Moran C B Invln 47 157 MARY McCLAIN w 4 1031 4 A Colvin W Mikel Son 47121ALLOY WD 8 103 2 G 7s G 51 3 3 T Romano A T Sansono 40208 PAT FIELD vn G 10S 5 5 51 5 G10 G 4J J Marcum F Ruttcr 4307100 47157 FLAG LIEUTENT w 8 113 3 3 4i 43 4 1 41 5 J Leyland J McNamara 73100 40120 FOREFATHER w 5 113 1 1 2l 3l 31 51 G11 C Cotton Irrepressible Stablo C812100 17202 REFEREE w 4 113 7 7 8 8 8 7s 7 W W Crs II C McConnell 5900100 59001004C1533AL 4C1533AL LIVINGSTON w 3 103 G 8 ff 7 7l 8 8 L Logan Caimito Stablo 1400100 1400100Time Time 25 5 50 117 1445 152 Track heavy 2 MUIUELS PAID EQUrVALNT BOOKING ODDS FETCHING 1734 56G 400 767 100 183 100 103 100 100MARY MARY McCXAIN 424 324 112 100 62 100 100ALLOY ALLOY v 376 88 100 100Winner Winner B m by Plittcrgold Phenicin by Troutbeek trained by C B Irwin bred by Mr P T Chinn Winner entered to be claimed for 1JOO 1JOOWENT WENT TO POST 431 AT POST 11 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine Won driving second and third the same sameFETCHING FETCHING hard held in the early running followed the pace of MA11Y McCLAIN closely to tho stretch turn then took command and under good riding lasted to win MARY McCIAIN showed good speed in the pacemaking and displayed gamcness in coming again after being headed ALLOY closed gamely on the inside FOUEtATHEU quit badly FLAG LIEUTENANT could never overtake the leaders leadersScratched Scratched 4C3G2Gold Handle 108 4C390 Princely 108 47070 Sue Barker 103 103Overweight Overweight Mary McClain 2 pounds i f7f A f SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Jack Haskell Oct 19 1929 142 3 103 TC 6 d l Purso 900 3yearolds and upward Colts Geldings and Horses Claiming Net Net3IayC30Aur 3IayC30Aur valuo to winner G50 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 4707CMARENGO WB 1 103 1 2 32 21 2 1 lh P Keiser AV C Morris 17103 FINNIC w 4 111 2 1 1 1J I1 2s 2s M Dupuy Mrs R L Rogers 4 7078 LANCER A G Tarn 47121MALCOLM w 5 10S 4 G Ci Ci G1 53 4 W Moran AV Mikel Son 47113PRIVATELY w G 103 G 4 45 31 4 43 5 J Boucher F Nancolas 47073 MAT MAHONEY WB 3 98 78 7s 7 7s 7s G J Nccl Lyda Mac Stock Fm Sta 3110100 45195 RASULT W 7 109 3 S 21 G1 7 AV Rideout Valley Lake Stablo 40347 RU IIARTSTEINwn G 113 878 8 8 8 8 ET Mooro J Heelan 7400100 7400100Time Time 25 49 117 144 148 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVAENT BOOKING ODDS MARENGO 984 494 340 392 100 147 100 70 100 100FINNIC FINNIC 390 310 95 100 55 100 100LANCER LANCER 482 141 100 100AVinner AVinner Ch g by Huon Outlook by Yankee trained by E P Morris bred by Mr B Combs AVinner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 455 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good out of machine Won driving second and third the same sameMARENGO MARENGO passed FINNIC Avhen straightened out in the stretch and racing gamely to the end lasted to win FINNIC set the pace and coming again after being headed held on gamely to the end LANCER Avas outrun early but made up ground RASULI quit badly PRIVATELY also tired tiredScratched Scratched 47121 Bumpkin 111 4707C2Spanish Lay 108 4C80G King Pal 98 44784 Mart Bunch 108 108Overweight Overweight Rasuli 1 pound

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930050701/drf1930050701_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1930050701_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800