Mount Royal Park, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-28


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MOUNT BOYALPARK BOYALPARKMONTREAL MONTREAL due Tuesday May 27 1930 MountRoyal Park 1 mile Tliird day Back River Jockey Club Summer meeting of 7 days Weather WeatherPresiding Presiding Steward C W Primrose Associate Stewards E C St Pere E II Garrison and A Laberge Presiding Judge II D Monroe Associate Judges Capt B Hayes M M Sill II Diskin and T OBrien Starter T Rowe Racing Secretary II D Monroe MonroeRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m mA A F7Tk C FIRST RACE 34 Mile Charley fcfl t tOO OO J S July 30 1929 112 Msiy273COI15 4 115 Purse 500 3year olds and upward Claiming Foalaed in Canada Net value to winner 400 second GO third 25 fourth 15 15Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 47892 3Pcace Rock OS 15 C Brown 503100 47892 Storm Queen 10G 2i R Moore 1223100 41803 Davenport 111 3J M Mitchell 653100 41803 Haplitc 114 4 If Gibson 400100 4 7802 Clearing 111 5 H Grenberg 2973100 17942 = Balsam Lake 112 C10 L Graver 75100 41747 BcUa ScoU 35 7 R Cooper 2015100 2015100Time Time 127 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Peace Rock 1390 straight JG05 place 315 show Storm Queen 855 place 525 show Davenport 400 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Peace Rock 595 to 100 straight 202 to 100 place 97 to 100 show Storm Queen 327 to 100 place 102 to 100 show Daven ¬ port 100 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner F II Englishs ch f 3 by Rockville Pax by Red Fox II trained by F II English bred by Mr II S AAilson AVinner entered to be claimed for 000 000Went Went to post 241 Off at once onceStart Start good and slow AVon easily second and third the same sameOverweights Overweights Peace Rock 1 pound Storm Queen 2 Bella Scott 1 flFFtf S3i SECOND RACE 34 Mile 4fc d iO fi Charley J S July 30 1929 3fny2730Oril 112 4 115 Purso 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 60 third 25 fourth 15 15Eq Eq Odua OduaInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight47943Thc 47943Thc Code 111 I2 F Kiniry 1371100 42882 Sonata 103 2 ° L Graver 22CO100 47897 Mulgans Son 111 3J R Holland 31SO100 43057 Muskallonge 1CS 4i M Mitchell 1200100 47321 Lure of Gold 109 5 = E Fator 255100 38897 Venizelos IDS C5 W Primrose 303100 4 089 7 Commiscr DeelOO 71 F AVhittakcr 3003100 Sun Dix 103 85 H Clements 900100 42579 Secrecy 11C 9 R Cooper 1013100 1013100Time Time 124 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid The Code 475 straight 320 place 295 show Sonata 835 place 570 show Mulligans Son 400 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds The Code 1371 to 100 straight CO to 100 place 471 to 109 show Sonata 3171 to 100 place 185 to 100 show Mulligans Son 100 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Mrs H Lockwards b g G by The Porter Cypher Code by Disguise trained by II lockward bred by Mr E B McLean AVinner entered to be claimed for 700 700Went Went to post 320 At post 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow AVon easily second and tliird the same sameScratched Scratched 15S9G Bobs Best 108 47S932Wander ing Times IOC IOCOverweights Overweights Lure of Gold C pounds Sun Dix 4 d7 feQK THIRD RACE 34 Mile Char tdOOD ley J S July 30 1929 112 112iMay2730OIil iMay2730OIil 4 115 Purso 500 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second CO third 25 fourth 15 15Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Straight 47897 Pongo 100 1J R Moore 455883Brahman 113 2 J Gwynnc 4730Gi KaiLo 110 3J L Graver 47897 King Charles 114 4J E T Moore C03100 4G903Ruthio 104 53 S Grnberg 1 47897 Farceur 104 Ci R AVatson IOS510C IOS510C4G935 4G935 Nicaragua 10S 73 AV Clevcrley 503100 47278 AVatson 100 S R Holland 33G510C 47408 Agitation 111 0 G Seabo 2275100 40953 Enticement OG 101 R Cooper G21S100 42124 Silvermiro 10S 11 AV Primrose 1480100 1480100tMtituel tMtituel field fieldTime Time 124 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Pongo field M50 straight 3SO place 290 show Brahman 285 place 265 show KaiLo 430 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Pongo field G25 to 100 straight 90 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Brahman 421 to 100 place 321 to 100 show KaiLo 115 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner G E Prices br R 3 by Tea Caddy French Lick by Luke McLnke trained by F C AVilliams bred by Ilimyar Stud AVinner entered to be claimed for SOO SOOWent Went to post 352 At post 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow AVon easily second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 200S4 Philo ICG ICGOverweights Overweights Iongo 5 pounds KaiLo 1 Ruthie 5 Farceur 1 AVatson 1 flf7OQ J FOURTH RACE 34 Mile ± 4 t7Oq Charley J S July 30 1929 3ray2730Oril 112 4 115 Purse 500 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to win ¬ ner 400 second 60 third 25 fourth 15 15Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 47895 Spanish Jack 100 ln F Whittaker 200100 45854 Eugene S Ill 2J J Gwynno 153100 43G11 Jonah 112 3 = AV Barr 715100 71510011C 47325 Grierson 11C 43 R Holland 1400100 41748 Two Sixty 108 5s E Lomas 2210100 41874 Lily Cup 100 C R Ball DSO100 47149Vigor 103 73 J OHara 14SO100 42183 Enjoyment 109 8 E T Moore 3110100 Time 125 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Spanish Jack 600 straight 3 CO place 285 show Eugene S 320 place 205 show Jonah 270 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Spanish Jack 200 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 42 to 100 show Eugene S CO to 100 place 321 to 100 show Jonah 35 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner L M Sliapoffs b c 3 by Jack Hare Jr Sophia Marie by Spanish Prince II trained by J Kocller bred by Mr T M Bolts AVinner entered to be claimed for 800 800Went Went to post 426 At post 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow AVon driving second and third easily easilyScratched Scratched ir913Frostilla Girl 109 47893 Joe McCord 101 47177 Declare 108 108Overweights Overweights Jonah 1 pound Lily Cup 5 En ¬ joyment 1 A P7 fe Q f7 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Char S 4 OO 4 ley J S July 30 1929 112 1123Iay2730OIil 3Iay2730OIil 4 115 St Laurent Purse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 60 third 25 fourth 15 15Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight47895s 47895s Photograph 113 13 J D Collins 130100 47710 Staccato 101 2 L Graver S03100 45180 AVillrain 102 35 G Seabo COO100 42571 First Edition 112 4h AV Ban 333100 33310045G14 45G14 Miss Angon 103 53 M Mitchell C15100 C1510047897Laguna 47897Laguna 101 C5 S Grecnbcrg 900100 900100425G7 425G7 Lcn Sweep 100 7 AV Clevcrley 5110100 5110100May May Dorsey 110 8 E T Mooro 2S351CO 2S351COTime Time 124 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Photograph 500 straight 380 place 290 show Staccato 985 place 385 show AAillrain 325 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Photograph 150 to 100 straight 90 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Staccato 3921 to 100 place 92 to 100 show AVillrain 62 to 100 show showAVimier AVimier Mrs J Diebolds br f 4 by Chattcrton Photoplay by Atheling II trained by J Diebold bred by Mr AV C AVeant AVinner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200Went Went to post 503 At post 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow AVon driving second and third easily easilyScratched Scratched 12CS5 Pottery 104 47945 Fire Watch 114 47S95 Little Imp 101 101Overweights Overweights AAillraih 3 pounds Miss Angon 4 Lnguna 5 May Dorscy 1 A TO Q Q SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Courser CourserTt Tt 4 J7C5O July 14 1927 l391i 6 98 3ray2730Olil 983ray2730Olil Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 403 sec ¬ ond 60 third 25 fourth 15 15Eq OddsInd Eq Odds Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Straight 47898 = Manager Evers309 I3 R Cooper 137J100 47171 Instant 100 2 = L Cravcr 13C3100 47898 Brown Leaf 100 3 = G Seabo 003100 47898 Lady Herbert 107 44 AV Cleverley J03100 47892 King AAavo IOC 5 A Tryon 010100 42878 Dr Jiggs 11C G AV Primrose t t4G892 4G892 Tandover 00 7 J OHara 33CO100 33CO100tG933 tG933 = AVoathervanc 110 S3 M Mitchell lOCO100 47893 Durberville 100 Oi L Laurin C210100 1741C Dalila 107 10J J Thomas 1C30100 47943 Hobson 11C 11 E Lomas 2003100 2003100IMutuel IMutuel field fieldTime Time 153 Track sloppy f2 sloppyf2 mutuels paid Manager Evers 175 straight 3GO place 255 show Instant 1035 place 800 show Brown Leaf 410 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Manager Evers 137 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place 271 to 100 show In ¬ stant 417 to ICO place 300 to 100 show Brown Leaf 105 to 100 show showAVinncr AVinncr O Proulx b g 4 by Manager AValtc Affable by Hastings trained by AV II Dcnham bred by Mr T C McDowell AVinner entered to be claimed for 500 500AVent AVent to post 541 Off at once onceStart Start poor and slow AVon easily second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 17944 Blue Flag 112 4C070 Gay Isa bcau 104 47898 Beaumont 109 47947 Nine Sixty 109 109Overweights Overweights Instant 1 pound King Wave 2 2flYffQCR flYffQCR SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile t 4 OOO Courser July 14 1927 139 1393Iay2730Orll 3Iay2730Orll 6 98 Purse 500 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second S60 third 25 fourth 15 15Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 47894 AmcnRa 115 I3 J Gwynno 102MOO 102MOO4G092 4G092 Okay 109 2s M Mitchell 1023100 47898 Bill Hare 100 33 E Fator 10101CO 42573 Duckling 114 43 AV Barr 21CO100 21CO1004G704 4G704 Queen Gorin 101 53 F AVhittaker f20S3100 47914 Rockland Boy 110 C5 AV Primrose 73100 47894 Bubbling On 100 71 F Kiniry 723100 47323 Ida Leo lot S10 L Craver 1G13100 474 OG Lady Sting 07 fl3 R Cooper 1005100 47149 Baby Blimp 104 10s S Grnberg t 41 GO Denizen 110 11 A Tryon 40SO100 40SO100tMutuel tMutuel field fieldTime Time 158 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid AmonRa 405 straight 320 place 330 show Okay 680 place 450 show Bill Hare 350 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds AmenRa 102 to 100 straight GO to 100 place G5 to 100 show Okay 210 to 100 place 125 to 100 show Bill Hare 75 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Highland Stables br h G by Rireaux Larmcs Incognita by Disguise trained by C Fer raro bred by Messrs Morris AValdcn AVinncr entered to be claimed for 500 500Went Went to post 615 At post 2 minutes minutesStart Start good AVon easily second and third the same Scratched 4GSG2 Cano 109 47944Lanoil 109 41752 Booster 11C 11COverweights Overweights Queen Gorin 4 pounds Baby Blimp 4

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1930052801_13_1
Library of Congress Record: