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6th FairmOimt prse SOO Sycarolds and upward Claiming Helens 1 116 Miles Babe Jull ° 16 1928 1 5 111 OTE Claiming price 1250 if for 1000 allowed 3 pounds 3yearolds and upward which have not won two races in 1930 3yearolds 112 pounds older 118 pounds yon winners since 3Iay 9 allowed 3 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rec Rec4788G AWtIlan 4788G lBilly DoranBbg 110 147 5 113X725 47941 GOcean Current FP 10G 147 8 1130720 47718 8Aspin LakeLat 109 150 4 107X715 47852 5MarcclIa Agnes FG 102 148 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec Rec4GS97 4GS97 T Sporting Vein Tij 104 148 1 3 Tidy American FG 302 1513 3 101 700 J Chiz MLat 105 150 4 102 C95 44320 4 Merrick MLF 113 l4S3 5 110 COO The past performances or the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racins record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFln Jocfeey 1PSts Best Company Class ot Race Billy Doran 11 Cht B 5 by Malalnoilt Evelyn Han by Hanbridge Last work 131 12 49 ft JJO Trainer W Mitchell Owner J H Edwards Edwards3fcy24303FP 3fcy24303FP 1145 ft 9 105 2 2 in 1 HanfordB 8 AJexWoodliffe 110Classyll3ElfraG105 C CMv2130FP Mv2130FP 1 ° l4Sft 91 108 8 7 7iJG MeyersME 8 TkvCnel 112RobinaSctlilOiAaVitalOO C CMaylG303FP MaylG303FP lfe l4Sft 37 112 1 5 4 4 GoodrichE4 S Bunthorne 112 Bearcry 100 Coy 315 0 1230 FP 15156 ft 5 112 3 5 5 ° 5 WhitkcrR1 R1 7 Salutafnll2EthelGalger 102Melita 110 0 0clS3Q5StJ clS3Q5StJ 1 151 ft SO 115 12 12 12 = 12 BolleroJ 12 Mockery lOoBeaumontllOAristocrat 110 O OMatll30StJ Matll30StJ 1J l57ft 9 112 7 6 G5i 7si RoseM1 7 VowdVngncelllPrincclyl07Finnic lllC lllCMar Mar 3303Hav 2 l14ft 15 112 8 7 7ci G ° LongL3 8 Hoatzin 114Chester 114Timekeeper 114 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won x Last year 44 10 7 3 8385 This year 14 1 0 1 720 720Ocean Ocean Current I 1 Q Br S 8 by Sea King Maidenhair by Trap Rock RockLast Last work 140 12 n7hyLJ Trainer R B Stelle Owner C C Wright WrightMaj2G30FP Maj2G30FP lSl55ft 11 110 4 2 21 11 HanfordB 11 Melitall5MatIIterllOIIassChoice 113 0 0Majr24303FP Majr24303FP 1 145 ft 7 110 3 8 S = S DuboisD3 S BillyDornl05AlexWdliffellOClassyll3 C CMaj21303FP Maj21303FP l l47ft 7 108 2 4 5J 4 = 1 MeyersME 9 WarNph lOlMelita lOSTheCossack 113 C Majl530FP l4Sft GO 115 7 8 8 = 8 BerryB S XursyRhyinesllSBalromalOSLcms 111 0 Octl929FP 1J 2OG ft 8 102 6 7 7 6 SwigertT 8 Florenda 100 Firth ofTay 111 Athens 97 G GOctl629 Octl629 FP l lg g l47ft 81 106 12 9 7J 11 CimerakG M2 Muhle King 100 Torcher lllTecate 111 C COctl429FP Octl429FP 1J l3Gsl 9 112 9 4 4 33 FowlerG 9 Sniper 107 Punkie HOSrinGoBragh 112 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 22 252 2421 This year 4 1 0 0 G50 G50Aspill Aspill Lake 1 07 Bt c 4 by AsPinwall Lady of the Lake by Macdonald II IILast Last work 143 38 3Sift L Trainer A V Thomas Owner Huntingdon Stable 3Iaj20305FP l l S hy 30 10S 5 G 511 511 IIanfordB = S Fascistell3Kg atArinslOSIIdCovr HOC Feb23SOIIav 1J 157 si 6 108 3 7 5 1 5ci AustinM 9 WhacklOSSarnSlicklOSSirtaGrande 103 C FdUS305Hav 1J 217 hy 710 110 7 4 3 = 1 2i AustinM3 7 SliGrandelOlCatltsbgllOSeanawk 110 C FtU SCOr SCOrHav Hav 1J 204 hy 85 107 3 1 I3 1 AustinM4 7 SliastaGdelC9MyDetlonl07LyEdnallO C J n3030cHav 15 l32 m 5 107 9 G 4 3 AustinM1 9 Fascistell2ScaIIawk 107HndChief 107 C Jan29COIIav 5 f lOSV ft 107 12 12 12511 AustinM 12 Uroadmrll2MyWord lI3Coverwood 112 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdS Last year 5 S 1096 This year 6 I 1 1 Marcella Agnes B f 4 by Boniface Marsand by Marta Santa Last AgnesLast work 147 12 i Trainer E E Major Owner E E Major Maj23303FP lA5itt 15 103 5 4 Si 4Ji AVlmmcrR 9 Billy lOSGaineswood lOSMatlliinter 108 C Jtaj2030FP lo l52hy 22 102 7 5 53i G WimnicrRJ 9 15earcry98IIecll2TwentyFiVLlSixty 107 G Mat2S303JP liV 153 m 29 101 2 5 4 935 Ilanfordli 1 SperFellxlllGst ofIIorl08ColSethll4 C 3Ianl930IP 1iV 204ihy G 1051 3 4 10I3111 QnbushG 12 LtInMinistrlllGndmaG104Cnblt 111 C Mac S30MP 1V l50g11910 105 244 431 FncJW3 8 Cisfield 115 DrFrcd llo Grab Bag 113 C Man 530 JP 1J 151 lift 4710 305 1 3 3 3 = 1 FrycJW3 8 Fire Opal lOlRapida 110 TruelJoy 110 G GFiU24303FG FiU24303FG ll41 sd 13 100 3 2 Ill3 EllswthW3 11 Zeta 1051 iaDcntelle 105 HangOn HOC FiU1930FG l lj j l4S ft 9 104 3 1 23 3i RussellK1 12 Rapida 109 Mulatto 114 Facility 109 C CStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 18 2 1 2 1725 This year 10 1 0 3 950 Sporting Vein 1 1 Br e 6 by Sporting Blood Evil by Rock View Last work 142 lml43ft LL i Trainer H D Cox Owner W Bryan Apr2430 = Who 1J 156 ft 13 106 5 6 511 4 j BernlcrEt 7 Bethleheml09 Ref Vdmlll AcmelOS C Apc2230 = Whe 1ft 151 ft 47 109 G 5 51 5J LoganL1 C Lancer 109 Lnssa 117 Lactarius 109 C JLu27306JP 1ft 150 ft 3910 112 4 1 2s 41 DyerJ 11 ScyPolIy 107ShtstnBally 107Lunaey 90 C C5T1 n21303FG 1ft l49gd 11 112 11 G 5T1 46i DyerJ 12 OneCcnt 112MatMcGoeyll31JimBeU 112 C CIS Kbtl620 AD 2 115 gd 111 11 12 12OctlC29FP IS lSi CongoreJ 1J15 MerryManlllLevulosellSSwpgKay 111 C OctlC29FP 1ft l47ft 61 111 1 1 4J 4 PevicJ J12 Stinspecl02I rospcctlOGMysyBalIIot 100 C C3J 6epLl220 Thf IJ 2OSft 11 101 6 2 3J 4 J AlmersT 9 MIssMylndlOSCrceLeBtislOoTrojis 102 C Sqv 529 BB ij l5Gsl 11 103 1 2 3J 32 AimersT 8 DeposifulOOLucieAnnllSTstleButyllS C CWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 112 720 This year 4 Tidy American 101 Bt f 3 by American Ace Tdyt by The Manager ManagerLast Last work 1 130 12 53ft JV1 V Trainer A J Porshall Owner Blue Star Stable See yesterdays fourth Fairmount Park cliart cliartJLy2130FP JLy2130FP l ° l47 ft 84 97 4 2 2 511 HanauerC 9 WarXph lOlMelita lOSTIeCossack 113 C CAir23303Who Air23303Who g l00ft 4G 100 6 7 7 7SJ GooUrichET 7 DrHickman lllLcnny 101 Iloatzin 108 C CMitlO30TJP MitlO30TJP l l4Sft 64 95 1 8 1115111S GreenC 12 CaptnAplejklMTrpe ofDnlOlCoy 109 C CJm27305FG Jm27305FG 2 l14ft 49f 109 4 G G5 71 McyerC 12 ThasSethllSMcridiancselOGMaoPceW C CJan2130FG Jan2130FG ll53m 94f 103 8 5 1256 CramcrR 12 IleartacliellSQiirauill 10SiobaSetbl03 C CJ Cull30FG J ull30FG ll41 ft IS 100 G 5 G21111 SmithV 12 MaryEIoiselOjMrngBmslOSIgnite 103 C Starfs 1st 2nd 3rd Wen Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 1 01 750 This year 7 109 B f ty Wrack TIie Marchioness by Sain Last work 147 38 3Si ft JVJ Trainer W Covington Owner Parkview Stable irylG30FP lfelKtt 109 103 7 8 7l G = ° SmithD 8 Bunthorne 112 Bearery 100 Coy 115 C 17 100 2 5 3 i 3n CarrollW J12 Asliburne lOTGriffW lOSYorktown 103 C Not G297Lat 1 201 hy SI 110J 8 G 5s 57i AustinM 1 9 HppyHaulyl08Doltairel08Woodgainl07 C Jfot 429 Lat l57liy 61 100 8 7 7o 7 EllswthW 8 WliiskArwl03MissLcell3BabyDelhI 100 C l57liyl5G Oci3129ILat l5G im 41 100 12 11 10 = 810 GoodrihK 12 BillyBasil 1031adona 113JeffONeil 103 C OcL2S29Lat 1 l49hy 10 109 8 10 S S McyerC 12 ArlineConrl09GriffW112IIamillon 102 A OcL2329Lat 1V l53fcm 67 100 1 4 4 3 NcalP 9 LcfcyXenoralOODrahal05RockyCliffllO C C2nd Stirls 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 18 0 0 5 500 This year 1 110 Chf B 5 by Friar Hock Anna M Humphrey by Peter JL JL J Quince Trainer H T Fleming Owner King Bruce Stable 729JP 1 154 ft ftJkcl929JP 13 114 9 8 7 3 711 ParmlceJ 9 BillSetb 114Donnatina 107XicodemusllO C Jkcl929JP 1 l47V4ft l47V4ftDCC1229UP 23 113J 9 7 51 5J ParmleeJ 9 SunRomanllGBabyDelhilOOSprtDrslOJ C DCC1229UP 1J 156 gd gdOcL213Aur 23 114 5 1 3i 3J ParmMecJ 11 Keydct 114Toreher HSAlilaAIlen 111 C OcL213Aur j l12ft l12ftOct 12f 11111 11 10 sJ ParmleeJ 12 Pcraltal05GrdnTiiteai03ESlierrkl02 C Oct 229Haw IJ l53ft l53ft6cp2S29LF 170 IDS 9 9 9 9 ButlerT 9 Harpoon 109 John J S 108 Jeb 108 C CG9 6cp2S29LF 1ft l45ft G9 113 S 1 7 G1 MeyerJ 8 Dearinez 110Mekacbeell2ItedSpider 112 C C2nd 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 0 1 100