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THISTLE DOWN PARK ENTRIES Racing starts at 200 p in Chicago time 200 P in inFirst First Race 58 Kile Purse 800 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record recordBanter Banter Aug 4 1925 100 5 117 117Iml Iml PI Ilorso Vt Rcc AWtHan 18110 5 JUST BELIEVE Ttln 113 101 110 723 72348348s 48348s C Miss DimviiWie T ln 105 102 105 715 7151S318 1S318 4 Cousin Jo Tdn 102 101 107 710 71048H4S 48H4S 2 Antliro MCD 11C 102 308 705 47823 3 Rising Star 105 700 47033 1 Ournan MCl 107 l01m 105 C05 C05Second Second Race 34 Mils MilsPurse Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordPaf Paf fling July 25 1025 112 4 118 47300 = llBackbone Bbg 123 111 8 107X725 48302 13Irfaneh Iev 108 112 5 111 720 7204S119 4S119 12 13right Flash Pom 108 113 3 05X715 05X7154S302 4S302 14Mrs Foster Tdn 107 114 3 98X710 48302 = 1Cnpiain J SWas 113 112 4 107X705 48302 2 Prancing Step Aqu 112 112 4 100 700 44187 C Tied LeatherMia 108 113 C 107XG95 4C357 10 Frank Podesta FG 108 115 3 90 095 48438 = 15 Noble Charg Tdn 114 114 4 112 093 47107 3 Doncru Hav 95114 3 97 090 0904S1CG 4S1CG 4 Woodmont Bbg 115 114 5 10GC90 47830 5 Bold Robin M Lat 113 l18m 3 102XC90 48419 7 Bunyora Aur 109 114 3 99 090 0904C419 4C419 8 Bootee MTdn 110 115 3 97 TOO 47407 9Sam ColeAP 113 113 3 97 090 090Third Third Race 34 Mile MileOhio Ohio Handicap Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Baffling July 25 1925 112 1 118 1184S351 4S351 2 High Score Lat 107 111 4 114X750 48351 3 Taddywawa Tij 107 111 4 10S0743 48171 4 Break of Dawn AC 312 112 4 110X740 47012 1 Andromeda Tij 90 111 4 102X735 48351 5 Bctort Dcv 112 110 C 90X730 90X7304S2113 4S2113 C Easter Stockings CD 108 111 5 122X725 122X725C C E Davison entry Andromeda Break of Dawn DawnFourth Fourth Racs 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1COO 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordLong Long Point July 25 1925 144 1 114 48172 14Lucky DriftBbg IOC 147 8 103X725 48121 ii Sinon Tdn 112 147 5 110 720 48110 7 Dare Devil FG 110 l51s 4 107X715 4S511 17 Happy Hanly FG 114 l50m 4 113X710 113X71047C14 47C14 33 Bill Phillips Aur 101 147 4 107X705 48353 = 1Kublai Khan CD 107 150 8102X700 8102X7004S013 4S013 4 Rock Queen Mia 111 149 4 102 095 48121 = C Jasonette Mia 111 147 C 108X095 474123 SSunset JP 111 13GU 4102X095 48150 10 Dingo Bbg 308 148 9 107C95 107C9547SC3 47SC3 2 Cheekinate LF 104 117 4 102 090 48109 3 Forluck M 4 100X090 4S117 9Yorktown M Mia 307 147 4 302 090 4S4C2 31Ashlurne FG 105 149 47412 32 Courier Bbg 97 148 48309 15AIcman Lex 112 147 4S422 1C Dynamo Tdn 112 149 Fifth Racs 1 116 Miles Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record recordLong Long Point July 25 1923 144 47029 9Flying TorchFP 110 149 5 102 725 48114 CBaby Delhi Iat 101147 4 10GX720 48118 = S Igor LF 114 147 14748332s 5 107c715 48332s llKentucky Babe Tij 104 140 5 103 710 48330 lGEvcrlasting T 108 705 48439 2 Purple Light 5 107 700 48228 3Coquina AC 104 155 8 300X095 48330 7Torrenee Lrl 110 148 C 100X095 48172 10St Matthews Hav 112 147 5 102X095 48172 32Junior C FG 309 148 4 102 095 48121 lLady Basil CD 103 149 5 97 090 48223 4 Uliubarb JP 309 350s Ii 102 090 48403 5 Cavalry Bbg 317 147 7 107X000 481G3 13Panorel Bbg 108 351 9 102X090 48510 14Otto Tdn 10 148 5 103 090 48308 15Pretty Bun Lex 109 148 C 102X090 Sixth Race 1 14 Miles MilesFirst First Running Cleveland Derby 15000 Added 3yearolds 3yearoldsTrack Track record recordVitamin Vitamin Aug 3 1925 207 0 107 47SS9 8 Gallant Knight FP US 201 323X750 323X7504S190 4S190 9 Maya 319X745 319X74547SS93 47SS93 3 Reveille BoyFP US 205 123 740 74048407s 48407s C Plucky Play 114X733 114X73347742s 47742s 7 Cesare 314 730 73048331s 48331s 5 Sydney FP 118 208 323X725 323X72548150s 48150s 1 Dixie Lad 314X720 47902 2 Miss Bess M 301 715 48171 4 Dark Sea 114 715 715V V R Coe entry Cesare Maya MayaSeventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1COO 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordLong Long Point July 25 1923 144 1 114 48115 4 Mary McClain Hav 113 147 4 108x725 108x7254S227 4S227 9Bumpkin Hav 109 140 7 110X720 4S3C9 14NaniHawaii Lex 107 145 C 10SX715 10SX7154S114 4S114 1C Boyish BobEmp 110 348 5 301X710 301X7104822G3 4822G3 2 IarFur Iat 308 140 7 101X705 48417 3 Full Speed Bbg 112 140 5 115 700 47128 10 Copper King 3 09X095 09X0954S301 4S301 12 Interior 3 100 093 09348159s 48159s 13Eiithusiastic Ed ¬ ward LF 309 347 G 310 095 45115 = l Kamuela AC 114 110 4 110X090 47754 5 Taystec MCD 103 151 3 94 090 48420 = GShorty 0 4 107 090 0904S30C 4S30C 7 Head Pin FG 107 149 3 99X090 48115 8 Shakitup Pirn 101 148 5 3090090 48301 31 Prcandcr Lex 100 151 3 94X090 94X0904S309 4S309 15Era Tdn 103 l49s 4 110 090 090Eighth Eighth Rase 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Long Point July 25 1025 141 4 114 1144S305 4S305 CCoekrill Anr 113 140 7103X725 7103X7254S331 4S331 7Bob Rogers AC 112 140 C 112X720 47313 2 Full Measure 3 107 713 48054 = 3 Aimee Goldsmith FG 102 148 3 102X710 483033 S Bridegroom FG 115 140 3 114X05 114X054S30C 4S30C 1Dark Sabre 3 100 700 40919 9 Kingbird Lrl 103 140 4 114 093 4820G 10 Vacation Mia 112 145 47902 3 Miss Bess M 40C07 4 Sporting Grit Aqu 10114S 48119 llSpanflow M CD 107 147