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St F airiUOUnt pursc 5300 3ycarolds and upward Claiming My Dandy 34 Mile Scl t 7 1928 lll s 106 106IfOTE IfOTE Claiming price 1250 If for 81000 allowed 2 pounds 3yearolds and upward which have not won since May 9 3yearolds 108 pounds older 118 pounds Xonwin iicrs since April 1 allowed 3 pounds in 1930 C pounds PP Horse Wt Rec Rec7Bhie 7Bhie lloodTij 105 112 13 CasIi PlayAl 105 112 9 Post Mistress liar 101 112 1124Ansel 4Ansel Bright FP 10G11C 10G11CllPatti llPatti LouiseLF 107 114 Illoward Lee AG 111 114 5Plii UeltaHav 105 113 2Clear Moou M FP 103 117 Ind PP Horse Wt Pec AWtHan 48338 S Pita M M FP 100 122 3 102 COO 48114 CPhiIomath M FP 103 lnVs 3 102 CCO CCO4771G 4771G SMyslery Ballot FG 110 110 4 IOC 090 48103 10 Avarice MLF 100 113 3 100 COO 47719 11 Cherry Blaze BlazeM M FP 108 119 3 105 COO COO4S152 4S152 12Black Klin Mia 103 115 5 IOC GOO The past performances 01 the hortes entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Dste Crs DisTlme Tr Odds WtSt StrFln Jockey PPSU Best Company Class of Bace Blue Blood 1 1 C3l m 5 rolymellan Susie by lochryan lochryanLast Last work 144 38 3Gf t Trainer W Phillips Ownir W Phillips PhillipsOcL3l29Aur OcL3l29Aur CJ f lllm 11 103 1 G Gsi Gi CimerakG 312 Cobra lOGPobina Scth 104 Kanawha 111 C OcL2S29Aur 2 lllgdSO18 107 2 2 Sl 9 1 CimerakG 12 Niiiottel05JHrtacIiellOIlpso lyAnu 107 C OcL2129 = Aur 2 1W m 95 104 2 3 3 1 2i Martini 8 WiIdrakel01EtIielSlockl07LadylgcllO C OctlS Aur 2 113 ft 12 103 4 7 SU 8 ° LeylandJ 12 LtleAsbtoslOSColUgclllLyPtgelOS C Octl429Aur 2 ll i hy 245 103 2 5 Ei 3i MayT 9 LleAsbstosllSDkAnjjel 110GoAwayl02 C Octl229IIaw 2 116 hy4910 107 2 1 31 7 MartinL 9 OldBill 10SUomewdll2AWdliffe 109 C OcL 3295Haw 2 IlotsSl 215 110 4 3 2J 2 ButlerT 11 UkAngel 110AxWoouliffell3Uitterll3 C CStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won oa Last year 28 384 384Cash 4090 Cash IMay 1 ffi 1 Br c 4 by My Play Lady Scattercash II by Santol Last ffiLast work 153 T41lC ft 1 U Trainer C E Anderson Owner P 0 Anderson Jun 430 ° FP 2 l14Vift 51 106 8 2 4U GoodrichE 10 FLeafl05iobinaSethl01EdLelimanll5 C JIay2430FP 3 l14ft 17 113 7 3 4 G10 HanforUB 11 Forecterll3Bmoneyll3KingHalma 113 C MayieSOFP 16305FP 3 lllVSft 30 117 7 G 912 9123 = 3 PicrceW1S29 PicrceW5 12 MyBaautyllOFallenLeafn5ICgBankll2 C OcLlS29 1S29 FP 3 l13 ft 2710 109 S 3 2 3 PevicJ PevicJ1629FP 11 KgllaluialOSLkySwplOlUncleBootllC C OcL1629FP 1629FP 2 l13ft 5 111 G 2 2 2l 4i PevicJ 9 ThePadre 109Chiclero 104HSmith 109 C OcLll23 1123 FP 2 l17 m 76 113 8 2 21 1 1 evicJ 12 Owl 114 Athcy 105 Parisette 103 C Woii Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd a r rLast Last year 21 3 4 1 5 3027 This year 3 3S Cn t Master Robert Dispatch by byltjrl Blarney or Sweeper B iwTfflBH gg S 1 I fG rv m by y Last work ltjrl l22ft LUD Trainer W R Hall Owner C W Hall Bcp21295KP fcl12 ft 10 109 95 SheltonJ 9 lntLomal09BtyBinanl05Perrielionlll C Aig 829Bbg 2 l12ft 2S 10S 1 4 41 6 J LoumanH 12 Lilafi lOGClayPigcon HSStCecelia 113 C JuL2729Bbg 2 l13ft 16 10G 4 4 4J 4 = J WallaceJ 12 Shorty 110 Buchon 110 Partake 109 C JuL 529 RP fcl12ft 275 106 7 WimmerM 8 VkolsBoyl02LesLucklOIBdalbnelll C JuL 229 229sRP RP re l Ovigd 2710 103 23 OBrienR 8 LoiiMckllOBdyShipilOlShshdBayllO C Jun2729 RP fcl13 hy 33 103 21 JenkinsB 7 SinionKcntonlOSCrittalI104SpingAnnl07 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 23 2 G 4 4Angel 2010 2010it Angel Bright it Qy B f 3 by Sweep On Bright Angel by St Amant Amanti4fs Last work 140 i4fs TQ 58105ft n ut J Trainer B B Eico Owner B B Eice Jun 530FP 2 l14ft 9 10G1 3 6 3s 3 MeyerM GgeVaiiS105OrnSune HOSoudPal 103 C Haj2330JFP 2 l13ft 25 105 9 10 10I 10S DuboisD 10 W ruPVcssl07Mnrtanall2Kg atAs 117 C OctlS235FP 1141 ft 225 99 3 9 8ts S1 CimerakG s 9 rmerHillsllOCurtairCall OGMyLava 09 C OctlO29FP 2 I15hy2310 109 5 6 710 7 BurasT 7 UlttcVotelC9I5irdassal01EvengSky 100 C OcL 429 = FP 2 llCsl 2 112 4 1 11 HBurnsT zll MorngBmsll2LadyEmmll2LyScthll2 C CStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 25 6 2 1 1Patti 4700 This year 2 0 0 1 50 Patti Louise 1 1 f 9 B f 3 by On Watch Boja by Handsel Last work 14G Gi2 12 12Jun 49ft Lvy J Trainer W J Pottsr Owner Mrs W J Potter Jun 430 FP 2 114 Vsft VsftJLv2330TFP 12 105 4 8 Ssl G2 CimcrakGs 10 FLcifl05UobinaSethl01KdLelimanll5 C JLv2330TFP 1 l44ft l44ft3Iay2130JFP 37 10T 5 2 2 3 CimerakG1 10 WarXymnh 103 PotFull 109 BceJay 97 C 3Iay2130JFP 1 l474 ft ftJIayl9307FP 16 103 G G G G CimeraltG 9 WarNph lOlMelita 108llieCossack 113 C JIayl9307FP l lj l j l53li l53liy 21 10317 G G 7 CimerakG1 9 StgeSfkllSReMcCnllSSwecpXet 103 C Majl430FP 1 l4Sft 24 105 C 3 4 4i 4 CimcrakG 7 WfrFwlllOAlmaVitallOTtleSpy 115 C CWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 021 021Howard 550 This year 14 1 0 1 800 Howard Lee 1 f fLast s y ir ° n Johnson Miss Dannie by Marathon MarathonTrainer Last work 15G 58103 58103sft = sft i J Trainer C Irby Owner C Irby Mv2930 = FP 2 11 ft 75 105 2 4 = 1 9 HanfordB 9 JneAdelel03QnWhimsl01Aftergwll3 C jra23305FP 2 l144ft 10 111 5 2 2i 2U CimerakG1 CimerakG1JlaylGSOFP 8 KingsportlllLouisvillellGUceBoot 111 C JIaylG30FP 1V l4Sft 15 112 8 4 5 5 5s 6 HanfordB1 HanfordB1Kar29307AC 8 Bunthornc 112 Bearcry 100 Coy llo C Kar29307AC I lCGft 3310 116 1 1 1JS Ill 1 KeiserP KeiserPMic2230AC 10 UedPltimel09IToldYoiillOGreenIIilisllO C Mic2230AC 2 113 ft 3 111 7 4 3i 2 KeiserPs KeiserPsMac 12 PlataUealllOlmitatorllSPlnggSun 111 C Mac 830AC 2 127 ft 75 114 12 3 4 ° J G G11 KeiserP KeiserPJul2929Bbs 12 I5adIoyl09JkDempseyll9Kingman 103 C Jul2929Bbs 1 ° l45sl 6 113 5 2 SJ 9 96i i KciserP KciserPJuL2123 10 StyStella 104NtliBrzel09rHawleyll3 C JuL2123 Bbg 1J 153 ft 95 103 4 3 3l 3J1 KeiserP 9 Sniper 109 Fair Catch 103 Don T 109 C CWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 031 031Phi 700 This year G 1 2 0 625 Phi Delta 1 C H R ch m 6 by Flittergold Mint Drop by Irish Lad ± JUO JJ Trainer H Hcrdel Owner J T Ireland l45V ft 63 101 7 8 S 8 GoodrhE 8 TirieSpyl03HassCcellOPbsLastl07 C 0 l47ft 17 103 7 8 8 7 = EdwardsC 9 WarNph lOlMelita lOSThcCossack 113 C fl23 ft 16 107 9 5 5 1 4JJ LoganL 9 Blazoner 107 Lang 102StarryDawn 103 C Cf f 123 ft 26 106 7 7 Gi 73J LoganL 10 KyColol lllClavPignUCLastChgellS C 2 l19sy 7 103 9 6 5J 3 = 2 LoganL 9 IfbertaL 102nlBells lOOUkQun 113 C fl25m 41 103 3 2 21 2 LoganL1 10 SwiftCurt991ibel08ABBensinger 113 C Ctarts tarts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last yoarl 13 3 2 2 1355 This year 17 2 3 1 1625 1625Qy Clear Moon Qy B f 3 M by Guy Fortune Claire de Luno by Theo Cook i Trainer L M Holmes Owner Mrs L M Holmes Jun 430 FP 2 l13 ft 51 103 5 S 911 9 McyersME1 9 llagabald 109Gideon HSKindWorda 114 C JtanlSSOJP 2 118 m 165 100 11 0 111510 FryeJW6 12 GngsKhanllSMilanolOCWestnLitlOo C Mac2430JP 2 llSsl 17 111 4 1 I1 2KcllumJ 10 IyBnvillell DnTinkyllGFlygPal 11C M JUclS30JP 2 l2Chy 51 111 9 3 51 41 KcllumJ 12 PccBoyllGSwtChancellCStevenB 110 A Atarts tarts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 0 1 0 100 Kita 31 31Jun YankeeJLU 1 rvo Br f 3 M by Captain Alcock Dulcinea II by Yankee JLU JLUJ J Trainer J D Larkin Owner J Goedecke Jr Jr2113ft Jun 3305FP 2113ft 50 97 G G 8 85 CallahanC1 8 CelticPrinccl02JudgcDixonl09Skibo 101 A JIa2930rFP 2 l13ft 36 93 8 G G1 S DayW 8 Iniieratorll2TheMajorl08StrayPortllO C llajlGSOFP 2 lir ft ISf 106 4 12 12S12 Scurlockll 12 TheMoonl01CmgLadyl07KatArinsll2 C Bep 529DP g l02sl 13 104 5 4 4Jll1 EdwardsC 12 GseStepl09Dcltal09AimceGldsmUhl01 C Sep 320 DP g 101 ft lOf 112 4 1 3 G EdwardsC 12 L tleSpiedll2Jeanninell2MnryMvinll2 A Lnj3029 29DP DP S gl01 ItOBift 23 100 5 5 7SJ S HuttonH 12 LtleBirkalOOGoseStcplOSMyDella 107 Starts 1st 2nl 2nlLast 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 3 This year 3 Philomath t p Ch g 3 M by Freebooter India by Belhl BelhlXU XU J Trainer E E Watson Owner E E Watson Jun 430eFP 2 l14Vift 199 103 10 10 10510ls FelixC1 10 FLoafl05KobinaSctlil01EdLehmanll5 C JIaj2930JFP 2 l13ft 105 104 10 0 9 9 FelixC4 10 WrnP ccssl07Mortanall2Kg atAs 117 C C5i OcL 929FP 2 IG ICVtsl l 27 115 10 S 7 5i FordJ 11 Lavason llTMIdMint 112AlmaVlta 112 C Con Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won on Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis Last year 1 1Mystery This year 2 2Ch Mystery Ballot 1 1Last Ch e 4p by Ballot Mai7 Cary ° y Sain Last work 149 12 Slgd J Trainer J Chesney Owner Mrs J Chesney l l5154hy 32 107 1 2 21 2 DayW1 7 Pimkie HOUkyWay HOBbyBasil 112 C JlajlGSOFP 41 112 7 9 1011 = 5 CimerakG1 12 TlieMoonl01CmjLadyl07KatArnisll2 C JLu2930TJP 200sl G4 108 1 S 1211 = LandG11 12 TroyMiBslOSFreuvell HSMysterious 103 C JLicigSO P e 204V hy 42 10G 9 5 5l 7 ° 2 McysME 12 LtleMinistrlllGndmaGlOlCnblt 111 C H30SJP J 156 ft 43 107 6 5 G 8 FryeJW 12 TbleArious 110 Bozo 110 ChickDp 107 C Jlae 130 FG l516hy lOf 11112 G 5J1 G = J MartinL8 12 FlapddIell4Cprsne 114SthldKgl05 C CItarts Itarts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 21 0 1 3 S 432 This year 7 0 1 0 11D 11Dt Avarice t r B t 3 M by Bondage Greed by McGee AvariceLast LUU McCuan Owner E McCuan Last work 142 ° 1m l44 = ft Trainer E l43ift 52J 95 4 4 G11 G55 GreenC1 8 ThleSpylOSHassCcellOPbsLastlO C JLj2730FP l41ft 40 96 9 8 S1S 8 ° GreenC1 9 Parnell HOJHigbLife H3OncleBoot 107 C JlajlGSOFP 2 l15V6ft 18f 100 12 11 lli105 HanfordB 12 TheMbonl04CmgLadyl07KatArmsll2 C 2 115 ft 46 106 G 8 7 9 HanfordB 11 Vagrantl03ThleJeanlOSTkyClonel 110 C OcL1629 = FP 2 116 ft 245 106 2 4 6 45 CramerR 7 PplenobelOCLillyWrklOlLawsonWlin C OcLlt29 = FP 2 l13sl G 107 4 5 4 31 KnightM 8 MyLava 107PurpleKobel07AlmaVital07 C Starts f = 1st 2nJ 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won List year 19 This year 4 Cherry Blaze 1 AFC B f 3 M to Blazes Cherry Bloom T y Cherry Pit PitLast Last work 153 14119ft J O Trainer E T MUler Ownor Mrs A K Miller Mar2030 FP 3119 hy 123 11010 9 10 = ° 9 CramcrK1 19 BtyBrwglllTlielmaL105Empbc 1110 Ma 1530 = FP 2 115 ft G 103 10 10 10 8 = RootT 10 Travado 112CelticPrlncell2MidMintl07 A JL12COFP 2 l14Vsft 8S 10S 8 911 FoxvlerG1 11 Nelson llSFigLeaf lOSThtleMarty 105 0 JuL 49TRav al 5S ft 1S5 107 4 i OMalleyJ T Ormonita llOIuliePIe 107BtyBelIe 111 A Jun2S29Rav a g 103 m 3 103 2J AronL 7 GayPock llSBcttyBellc 112TomI5oy 112 C Jual99Bbg g l01ft IGf 99 11 12 12 J12 i MycrsME 12 Elfish H2AdaElce 112IittleSpied 105 M MJunl729JBbg Junl729JBbg g l02Vfcsl 63 106 6 5 S 8J WeismanE 9 FairAlIan lOOWhiteKnee 109Tackle 109 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 0 1 0 50 This year 3 3Black Black Elm 1 fi Blk 6 Eternal Elmaha ty OjJen OjJenLast Last work 154 3S 38ft LUO Trainer 1 Kindle Ownr W M Cain CainJLv JLv M20 IM 2 115 ft Zt 10G 10 11 12 11 PeggC 12 Siirgeonl05KingUaliuall3ByBriii 108 0 0JuL JuL 329Rav 2 l17ttft 43 113 552 SmithD 8 FaceCrmlOGFastWindll31ctuality 101 O OJuL JuL l29 = Rav a 5 57ft 21 111 CJ SmithD 10 LRSmilclllFaceCrm 107UoscSfrk 104 0 0Jua28iyiUav Jua28iyiUav 3 l20m 6 113 811 SmithD S FoxmrelCSJnSlilrloy HlIndnCorn 111 C CJun2729nav Jun2729nav ai 38sl 71 109 41 LongoJ 10 MkAurelplllSilvcrQn lOOLiborio 111 O O3L3029Bbg 3L3029Bbg 2 114 ft 15 102 4 4 D5 5 SmithD 7 lied Scot 110 Macbeth 102 Buclion 109 O OStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won