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cller course Eighteenth Jliinning National Stallion States 5000 Added 2ycarolds Distraction June 4 1927 562125 Ind Horse IV t Hec AWtHan 47932 EQUIPOISE Bel 125 59 12 J8323 Zelide 11 481373 Polydorus 12 1248323s 48323s Baba Kenny 119 730 48 100 Aknahton Bel 100 100 117 725 Ind Horse Wt llec llec4SUS12 4SUS12 Fervor M 4S277 Blue Law 481371 = Boys Howdy M 48277 Mad Career Koau Antelope The past performances ot the horses entered Jn this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt 4 StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Bace Equipoise 1 O O Ch c 2 by Pennant Swinging by Broomstick BroomstickLast Last work 157 38 38ft JL 1 Trainer T J Healey Owner H P Whitney WhitneyMaj2730Bel Maj2730Bel g we 59 gd 23e 125 4 3 3J lnk WknianR1 7 IIpyScotl22Panastell4lIcliantuus 122 II HaTl30JBel 4Jfwc 52sl 35 122 2 3 2h I2 WkmaiiU2 5 HappyScotl22Avariosll7JIadCarecr 122 s MalOSOJam g 39ft 31 117 2 1 I1 lf Wkmanll1 8 VandcrPool H 5Clioirtel25Westcriicrll7 S May 2305Pim 4J f 53ft 83 122 2 Lrider WknianR S Happy Scot 122 Up 122 St Agnes 119 S Apr2330 = HdG 4J f 53 ft 215c 122 9 5 3 = 1 3 RobtsonA1 10 Vander Posl 122 Up 117 Siskin 119 S Apnl530 = HdG 4i f 34ft 910 US 2 1 Il 1i RobtsnA1 15 Sclioonerll2UnclcSamll2JustBelicvcll2 A Ap 730Bow J 4SKliy2110 111 4 1 lnk 1 RobtsnA 11 GlideliallODrydockll2BrandonSaintlll A AtDisqualified tDisqualified Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 7401 25725 25725Zelide Zelide 1 1 Q B f 2 by Mad Hatter Wendy by Peter Pan PanLast Last work 133 38 3Cft I Trainer T J Healey Owner H P Whitney WhitneyJan Jan 330JBel 4Jfwc 32ft 35e 119 G 2 lnk li WknianR9 11 SnyLassiell9BabaKnyll9Panasettell4 S JIajlG305Bel 4Jfwc 5S in 75e 113 8 1 1 1i WkmanR1 12 Panasettc 115 Firetop 115 Ladana 115 il Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von VonThis This year 2200 7500 7500PoIjdortlS PoIjdortlS J O O B c 2 by Friar Eock Polyanthus by Polymelian PolymelianLast Last work 135 58 l03ft J Trainer B Creech Owner W E Coe CoeJIajr30307Bel JIajr30307Bel 4Jfwc 35hy 63 117 2 1 I1 1 InzeloncJ1 10 Bojsnowdyll7lrncipioll7IroiiCladll7 M JLij23305Bel 4ifwc 32ft 3 117 5 2 2 = 2 InzeloneJ10 14 Avariciousll7PrincJpIoll7Percepn 117 51 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 1 1 0 000 000Bill Bill Kenny 1 1 Q Br f 2 ty Black Servant Betty Beall by North Star HI HILast Last work j57 38 34ft J J t Trainer H J Thompson Owner E R Bradley Jua 330Bsl 41fwc 52ft 5 119 1 4 4 3 LegereE 11 Zelide 119SunnyLassie 119Panasette 114 S JIajr3130JBel 4Jfwc 33 gd 3J 11G 1 1 1 1 LegereE1 24 Friaress HCUigh Spade llGCliicsu 11C JI Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2101 1000 Almahton Ch c 2 ty Stimulus Scarab by Wrack Jm 430 = Eel 100 ft 95 110 2 2 li 1 ThurberH 7 Up 122 Ironclad 110 Condescend 110 A JI j2S305Bel 4Jfwc 52 ft 7 117 3 4 35 2J ThurberH 19 BIarIIterll7Bepentancell7Gtury 117 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 1 1 0 1100 1100Fervor Fervor OO B c 2 M by Broomstick Rapture by Chicle ChicleLast Last work 153 58 l03ft J Jj j Trainer T J Healey Owner H P Whitney WhitneyJlajriSSCBel JlajriSSCBel 4Jfwc 34 hy 27e 114 2 3 2 2 WkmanR2 S KideawayllSPrcePeterll3BlueLawll5 A JIajl730 Bel 4Jfwc Msl 35e 116 3 9 3i 3 WkmanR3 11 lUdeawayllCChicleafllGJIineswer 110 JI Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 0 1 1 300 Blue Law 1 1 7 Br c 2 by St Germans Prudish by Peter Pan PanLast Last work 15C 12 50ft Trainer T W Murphy Owner Greentree Stable Jun 2305Bel 4Jfwc 32 4ft 15 117 7 G 45 1 WkmanR3 15 BarUunterl20Repncell3MadCareerll7 A JlajCOSO Bcl 4jUwc 51hy 8 115 4 8 5T 471 KelsayW KelsayWWijlO303Jam 8 Hideaway 118Fervorll4PrincePeter 113 A WijlO303Jam i 39 ft 20 117 7 8 7 G16 McAteeL 8 Efiuipoisell7VanderPool 125Chouettel25 S aj G303Jam g l00ft 1G5 118 7 7 7 Gl JIcAteeL8 JIcAteeL8JIV 9 Moronge 118 Westerner 118 Traitor 118 A JIV lS05Jam g l01ft 13 116 3 2 2 1s McAteeL1 McAteeL1Starts 4 Chicleaf llGKosePetal H3GeneralAllC A AStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 5 2 0 0 1400 1400B BOJS Howdy 117 B c 2 M by Bubbling Over Batter Cake by Buckwheat BuckwheatTrainer Last work 157 38 34ft L I Train Trainer H J Thompson Owner E R Bradley Maj30307Bel 4Jfwc 53hy 3 117 1 5 2h h 2 LesereE3 10 Polydorusll7Principoll7IronClad 117 M MWon i Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 10 1 0 200 3fad Career 1 OO ° 2 y Ma Hater Cicuta by Nassovian NassovianLast Last work 130 58 l01ft L Trrinor P F Dvycr Owner W J Salmon Jun 2305Bel 4Jfwc 52iift 12 117 11 4 3i 41 SchacferL 15 BlueLawll7BarHiinterl20Repance 113 A Hi17303Bel 4jfwc 32sl 30 122 5 5 5CJ 412 SchaeferL5 5 Equipoisel22HappyScotl22Avarius 117 S JIaj G303Jam g l00ft 10 3 118 4 5 4 GarnerM 9 Jloronge IIS Westerner 118 Traitor 118 A Apt24305Jam S l02 ft 85 113 5 2 21 1i MaibenJ1 7 BubblingOutllu Concordll5 ThcGenllo M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von This year 4 1 0 0 700 Boail Antelope 1 O cll c 2 M y Man ° ar Garristown by Roi Herode 155 58 l01ft JL Trainer C Buxton Owner Mapleton Stud Stable Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won