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AT LONG BRANCH BRANCHTIRST TIRST RAC 58 Mile Parkdale Purse 2year olds Allowances Purse 1000 130 P M Uorse Wt Code Horse Wt Code CodeComfortable Comfortable 104 1 Loire 101 4 4Vice Vice 108 AVandering Jim 104 Footmark 111 3 Mental 108 G GSECOND SECOND RACE 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming Purse 1000 200 P M MGeorge George Stack 105 1 Black Pride 103 7 7Isostasy Isostasy 100 2 Support 335 8 8Promandale Promandale 105 3 Jean Bond 107 9 9Laftar Laftar 112 4 Coolebar 103 10 10Glee Glee Club 10S 5 Cabellsdale 105 11 Dublin Show 109 C CTHIRD THIRD RACE 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming Purse 1000 2 30 P M MSaints Saints Fancy 107 1 Plain Dealer 103 7 7Lieutenant Lieutenant II 105 2 Dolly Sctli 110 8 8Daric Daric 105 3 Amy A 303 Colonel Seth 115 4 High Skip 105 10 10Fair Fair Gold 310 fl Aster 105 11 11Great Great Rock 109 G FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds 3yearoldsand and upward Foaled in Canada Claiming ClaimingPurso Purso 1200 300 P M MVarsity Varsity 101 1 Wee Baloo 98 Mad Mullah 100 2 Blue Quartz 101 G GSea Sea Kale 105 3 Bloomtip 108 7 7Granite Granite Rock 101 4 Sphere of Beauty 90 S SFIFTH FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles Royal York Hotel HotelHandicap Handicap 3 year olds and upward Purse 2500 330 P M MButter Butter John 107 1 Eager Play 107 1 1Bu Bu of the West 105 2 Shorclint 99 C CSir Sir Harry 117 3 Montanaro 107 7 7Black Black Diamond 111 4 4SIXTH SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles 4yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming Purse 1000 400 P M MBrtte Brtte Preferred 302 1 Maxie 309 8 8Keydet Keydet 312 2 Lady Viola 310 Homelike 314 3 Referendum 309 10 10Whcatstick Whcatstick 309 4 Alloy 309 31 31Prairie Prairie Girl 102 5 Signola 102 12 12Cudgcller Cudgcller 115 G Rundalc 112 13 13Paula Paula L 107 7 7SEVENTH SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3ysarolds 3ysaroldsand and upward Claiming Purco 1200 430 P M MPlayabit Playabit 30C 1 Shasta Pebble 315 5 5Blue Blue Darter 113 2 Nick Cullop 312 G GFair Fair Folly 98 3 Little Gyp 110 7 7Woolorac Woolorac 117 4