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LONG BEANCH TORONTO ONT FRIDAY JUNE 6 1930 Long Branch 1 Mile Third day Long Branch Racing Association Summer meeting of 7 days Weather clear Stewards AV R Xorvell J II Evans M N MeFarlane and AV A Hewitt Presiding Judge P E Gallon Starter G It Palmer Racing Secretary AV R Norvell Racing starts at 2jO p jn Chicago time 130 p m AV indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse rricd Indicates apprentice allowance O FIRST RACE 34 Mile Dick Whittingtcn Sept 5 1927 113 5 106 Purso 4QETg Oo3JLjbd 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 700 second secondJuncG30LB JuncG30LB 175 third S5 fourth 40 Claiming price 1250 if for 1000 allowed 4 4pounds pounds Index Horses AAVtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48423 SERGNT MAJOR w 3 30G 31 1 41 Gi 5h lnk F Russell Mrs AV Russell C43100 48217AENAROCK w 3 100 12 2 24G521AAAXDEG 1 I1 lh 2 G Riley M V Hartley HartleySI CM100 4G521AAAXDEG GOLD w3 93 10 7 SI 51 C 31 A Adams J AV Bean Bean5nt t3GO00 484233BILLY BOZO wn 4 111 43 5nt oij ni 4U v Smith L Haymaker HaymakerCI 410100 46811 AXXE BOLEYN WB 3 103 7 G CI 3 4h 5i AV Clcvley C AV Brown 310100 48342 SINASTE VB 5 111 G 4 4w 4i 3 G2 A Snider H Tremble TrembleHi 1330100 4S1G2THEOX13 w 3 102J 8 9 9w Hi 31 51 7t T Romano A T Sansone SOO100 45231 BRANCH w 3 101 3 12 12w 12 32 II2 Sl N Godfrey F Leslie 5330100 48014 SINGLESTICK w 1 111 1 15 5 5w 3 T1 91 9 = F Mann AV C Hanna t 48423 ALICE IIERX w 4 109 2 210 10 10w 10 111 101 10 = GHorn C Boyle 4370100 46147 3JEAXNINE w 3 101 9 98 8 7h h T II2 L Canfield J D Stevens t 48215 SURFACE WB 4 111 5 511 11 92 10 12 12 X Foden F McCoy 2 2tMutuel tMutuel field Time 25 51 118 Track slow 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSSERGEANT SERGEANT MAJOR 1490 645 440 645 100 2221 100 120 100 100VENAROCK VENAROCK 805 525 3021 100 162J 100 100WANDERING WANDERING GOLD Field 440 120 100 100AVinner AVinner Br h by Gauntley Lady Catharine by Anmer trained by W Russell bred by Mr J P AVhite AVinner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 231 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVon driving second and third the same sameSERGEANT SERGEANT MAJOR away well dropped back came to the outside for the stretch run and out gamed AENAROCK at the end The latter went to the front in the first eighth saved ground and though holding on well was not good enough AVANUERING GOLD outrun early closed an immense gap BILLY BOZO raced well ANNE BOLEYN began moving up on the back stretch came to the outside for the stretch drive but failed to respond to hard urging TIIEONE away slowly lacked speed SINASTE showed early speed speedScratched Scratched 4S057Noirette 309 481C73Danbaum 114 4S343 Rosswin 09 481G75Dream Daddy ill illOverweights Overweights Sergeant Major 1 pound Thcone 2 Q SECOND RACE 53 Mile Philosophy June 15 19 7 101 2 103 Brantford 4QEf OtJAt Purse Pursa SI 000 2yearolds Madens Allowances Net value to winner winnerJuncGSOLB JuncGSOLB 700 second 175 third 85 fourth 10 Index Horses AAVtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 477963SUSTAIN w 112 10 7 41 3 = 2J l t AV Cannon B OF Randolph 330100 3301004S1053TRICE 4S1053TRICE WE 112 44 21 21 lh 2 R Haines G L Stryker 10CO100 10CO1004821G 4821G IMAGINARY w 109 7 S G1 7i 42 3 F Mann W J Salmon t370100 48293 AT KANDOM w 112 5 10 30 10 S i F Dainty O Yzquierdo 1110100 11101004797G 4797G = HAYLOFT w 10G 9 5 S1 Sl 51 52 A Snider H Deimlor 1030100 48216 BABOO w 109 12 31 4nk 7i Gi A Adams J AV Bean t t4797G 4797G FESS WB 1011 89 9 9J 91 7l T Aimers Thorncliffe Stable 30SO300 47843 CLEARWING WB 309 33 51 51 G Si V Smith Elmtree Stable 33001CO 33001COSPANISH SPANISH INDIAN w 109 G G 71 G3 10 92 T Burns P T Chinn 2270100 22701004797G3CAXDY 4797G3CAXDY MAN AVD 102 21 1 l i 3U10 G Horn Mrs II McLeod 2300100 2300100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 24 50 104 Track slow 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSSUSTAIN SUSTAIN 460 S 375 2C5 130 100 S7i 100 32J 100 100TRICE TRICE 700 435 250 100 117J ICO ICOIMAGINARY IMAGINARY Field 300 50 100 100AVinner AVinner Ch c by Gnome Maintain by Maintcnant trained by E Williams bred by Mr B OF Randolph RandolphWENT WENT TO POST 307 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVon driving second and third the same sameSUSTAIN SUSTAIN moved up fast rounding the turn continued gamely in the stretch and outlasted TRICE The latter raced to the front on the stretch turn fought it out stubbornly but barely lasted to hold IMAGINARY The latter finished fastest of all on the outside after being slow to settle into her best stride AT RANDOM closed an immense gap in the last quarter mile HAYLOFT finished with gameness in the stretch CANDY MAN quit badly badlyScratched Scratched 18210 Dancing Mack 112 47877 Bold 102 4G703 Pretty Boy 309 Fair Speed 109 109Overweights Overweights Hayloft 4 pounds Fess 2J ACLtZt A THIRD RACE 78 Mile Cross Word Aug 22 1929 l271i 5 102 Purse 1000 ytOtJJLJb 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 7CO second 175 175JuiicG30LB JuiicG30LB third 85 fourth 40 Claiming price 1750 if for less 4 pounds allowed for foreach each 250 to 1000 iA Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 4829I MILESTOXE w 4 103 G 3 2i lk I1 I2 Il N Godfrey C S Mitchell 390100 39010047284SUX 47284SUX ROCK WB G 99 3 G 51 5h 3t 2h 2 J Boucher J Hoskins 310100 40740 HELEN HANDSEL w 5 102 5 2 41 31 21 3s 3 C Phillips D A McCarthy SOO100 SOO10048425PLUCKY 48425PLUCKY PAL WB 5 10G 4 7 7 7 7 51 43 AV Reed M R Pons 2910100 48291 XOOX w C 110 2 4 3 G2 51 41 5nk F Mann AV E Bulmcr 440100 42809 DUSHKA w 5 100 7 1 lnk 43 Ci G2 G5 F Madelcy J C Fletcher 990300 48343 RECOGNITION WB 4 112 1 5 C 2i 41 7 7 R McCrnn J AAilson C20100 C20100Time Time 2G 52 118 133 Track slow 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSMILESTONE MILESTONE 580 320 275 190 100 GO ICO 371 100 100SUN SUN ROCK 380 295 90 100 471 100 100HELEN HELEN HANDSEL 400 100 100 100AVinner AVinner Br f by Roselyon or AVIgstonc French Miss liy Malainont trained by S AVhite bred by Mr C Robson Winner entered to be claimed for 100 100WENT WENT TO POST 345 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVon easily second and third driving drivingMILESTONE MILESTONE went to the front on the hack stretch opened up a good lead and was never menaced thereafter SUN ROCK improved his position steadily came wide into the stretch and finished well HELEN HANDSEL unseated her rider going to the post moved up on the turn but tired in the final drive PLUCKY PAL made up ground in the last quarter mile RECOGNITION in close quarters tired when the real racing began DUSIIKA unruly at the post showed a flash of early speed speedScratched Scratched 18 1G7 AVatklnson 101 4S421 Billy AVarren 101 4G3C9 Fcnlight 110 41519 Rhyme and Reason 104 T FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Dick Whittington Sept 5 1927 113 5 106 Purso 40jriJ O yJL 3 1200 3yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Claiming Net value to win winJuncC30JjB JuncC30JjB ner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Claiming price 2250 if for forless less 3 pounds allowed for each 250 to 1750 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 4S298FAIR OIL w 4 1041 4 2 21 23 2s 11 T Aimers Thorncliffe Stable 48I263PANDORUS WB 3 109 G 3 lnk I2 11 2s F Mann Seagram Stable 48159 PLAGUEIl WB 5 104 25 41 31 32 3 T Romano J Judge 42878 ASSAIL v410S 3 1 6 51 4k 41 F Russell Mrs W Russell 48231 MAGNITA TVB 4 107 9 6 72 73 62 5 = i F Dainty C II Staljlo Staljlo5l 42754 FINE LADY VB 4 105 S 1 5l 4h 72 61 F Madclcy J C Fletcher 48045 TTY ONE SHILGSw 3 101 5 8 8 S 71 J Boucher C AV Brown 48104 = ARCHIPELAGO w 3 102 1 8 31 CU 5 = 8 G Phillips W II Wright 48042 JUBILEE STAR w 3 1021 7 Left at post W Clevley Mrs C Hagan S240100 S240100Time Time 24 50 117 Track slow 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSFAIR FAIR OIL S 740 S 345 305 270 100 72J 100 52J 100 100PANDORUS PANDORUS 410 320 105 100 60 100 100PLAGUER PLAGUER 340 70 100 100Winner Winner Cli t by Oil Man Fair Annie by Hawlsswick trained by F Schclkc bred by Tliorncliffe Stable AVinner entered to be claimed for 1750 1750WENT WENT TO POST 422 AT POST 1 minute Start good for all but Jubilee Star out of machine Won driving second and tliird tlie same sameFAIR FAIR OIL rated in close attendance of PAXDORUS came through on the inside of tliu latter in the stretch and was going away at the end PANDOUUS opened up a good lead on the turn but tired in tlie stretch PLAGUER close up all the way was not able to get to the first two ASSAIL raced evenly ARCHIPELAGO began slowly moved up fast near the halfmile post but dropped back and tired badly in the last quarter JUBILEE STAR stood at tlie sate and refused to start startOverweights Overweights Fair Oil 2i pounds randoms 2 Jubilee Star 1J t QK CJ FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles King Basil Sept 5 1927 145 3 107 Purso 1200 TCOO JLO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 200 third thirdJllllCG30Llt JllllCG30Llt 100 fourth 50 Claiming price 3000 if for 2500 allowed 5 pounds Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 V StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48108 BLAZING CINCH w 4 110 1 7 41 41 31 1 1 R McCrann G W Campbell 3S33100 3S3310048221LOMMERN 48221LOMMERN vn411S 2 1 23 2 21 2i 2i G Horn D Boyle 560100 5601004834G3JGE 4834G3JGE BARTLETT w 5 113 3 4 C1 5 Gt 41 33 W Cannon R Iendinpr 140100 14010048109FAIR 48109FAIR THORN WB 4 1091 G 3 1 I3 1 3 41 T Burns J E Smallman 7CO100 7CO1004834G 4834G FAIR ORB w 3 103 S C 31 SK 41 62 5 C Phillips E M Doumaul 2100100 210010048343LETALONE 48343LETALONE w 4 113 7 5 51 C2 C 51 C3 F Mann C R Flcischmann 2SO100 48310 REJUVENATION wn 7 113 4 2 S 7 = 1 7 7 71 V Smith T Coffey 1230100 12301003S940 3S940 FAIR MAN WB C IIS 5 S 71 S S 8 8 T Romano J T Bussey ISIOIOO ISIOIOOTime Time 24 49 11554 144 151 Track slow 52 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSBLAZING BLAZING CINCH 7910 2255 1020 3855 100 10271 100 410 100 100LOMMERN LOMMERN 565 360 182J 100 80 100 100JUDGE JUDGE BARTLETT 260 30 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Blazes Flora Finch by Transvaal trained by G AV Campbell bred by Mr A It Hancock Winner entered to lie claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 456 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine Won handily second and third driving drivingBLAZIXG BLAZIXG CINCH reserved hack of tlie early pace came with a rush in the final quarter and was going away at the end LOMMEUN forced the pace all the way and held on determinedly but was no match for the winner JUDGE BARTLETT slow to settle into his best stride came to the outside for the stretch drive Lut failed to respond to his riders urging FAIR TIIOItN set a good pace but tired Avlien the real racing began LETALOXE was always outrun FAIR OU15 showed early speed speedOverweight Overweight Fair Thorn 1J pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Fair Man 118 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Nealon Kay Sept 5 1928 139 4 103 Purse 1000 3yearclds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 175 third JuncGrOLlJ 85 fourth 40 Claiming price 1800 if for less 3 pounds allowed for each 200 to 1400 AWtPPStJ4 StrFin Jockeys 48293 JUSTA FLAPPER w 3 100 2 C 1 2 21 2h I2 G Horn G B Foley 4 834 7 UPPITY wr 4 102J 3 5 41 41 3 = 32 2l T Romano J Bedamo 48221 FAIR FOLLY WB 3 103 5 1 2 I2 I1 l ° t3l W Cannon Cannonw H G Bedwell 48221 AVRACKSTER w 3 10G 10 4 G ° t 5 41 41 42 A Snider A Brent 48109 HIGH DELL IVB 3 97 G 2 G2 3 72 52 52 G Riley H C Hatch l 482953HAND1WORKER WB 3 102 7 7 7h I2 5 t S2 G T Aimers Harbor Stable 47712 ISOSTASY w 5 110 S 9 SI 91 Si G t 72 G Xateslo L Haymaker 48048 FIRE GIRL w 3 9SJ11 3 3i G C1 7 = S F Dainty J J Corcoran 482942GUARANY AV 4 102 1 11 10 = 101 11 92 9 = 1 A Adams J Arthur 48125 WEST WIND WB 5 1C9 4 10 11 H 102 10 10l C Phillips AV L Brodie 48342 LEADGOLD VVB 3 103 9 S Sf SI 9 11 11 F Russell Mrs AV Russell tMntucl field Time 25 50 117 144 Track slow 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS JUSTA FLAPPER 920 675 J 355 360 100 237 100 77 100 100UPPITY UPPITY 3515 1155 1657i 100 477J 100 100FAIR FAIR FOLLY 445 122J 100 100AVinncr AVinncr B f by Spanish Prince II Squeezcus by Zeus trained by G B Foley bred by Mr B F Eubank AVinner entered to be claimed for 1800 1800WENT WENT TO POST 534 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVon easily second and third driving drivingJUSTA JUSTA FLAPPER well up all the way disposed of FAIR FOLIA and drew away in the last eighth to win as her rider pleased UPPITY reserved back of the early pace saved ground entering the stretch finished fast but was unable to menace the winner FAIR FOLLY rated along under light restraint tired when the real racing began WRACKSTER ran well HIGH DELL tired in the final drive ISOSTASY was outrun all the way GUAUAXY was away slowly slowlyScratched Scratched lS4242Lieutenant II 101 48205 Star 01 48124 Heigh Shot 104 48342 On Trial 01 01Overweights Overweights Uppity li pounds Fair Folly 3 AVraekster 1 Isostasy 4 Fire Girl ij Lead gold 1 4QK1 O SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles King Basil Sept 5 1927 145 3 107 Purse OtPJLO 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second JunCG30LB secondJunCG30LB allowedfor 175 third 85 fourth 40 Claiming price 1500 if for less 2 pounds allowed for each 100 to 12CO Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48429BILLY BAUGHN w G 103 7 G I3 I2 I2 Ill1 T Romano J D Bussey 3471100 347110048107FAIR 48107FAIR GIRL iv 4 101 5 4 31 31 31 2 2 AV Cannon H G Bedwell 1600100 48295 CORPOSANT w 7 109 4 5 4nk 4i 4l 41 31 T Burns J E Smallman 430100 430100481103DOLAN 481103DOLAN w G 100 9 8 22 2J 2t 3 41 G Rilcy H C Hatch 320100 481072 THYMON w 5 110 3 1 Oi 3 1 51 52 5 R Haines G B Foley 350100 350100481C53SAVEETEST 481C53SAVEETEST SONG w 5 103 2 2 51 7 7s 61 Gl C Phillips AV K Wright 14701CO 14701CO48423JOE 48423JOE ADAMS w 3 101 1 3 S 8 62 71 7 J Boucher Mrs J Burks 1340100 48120 INNKEEPER w 6 109 8 9 7 Ch 8 S S F Dainty C H Stable 3310100 47352 LUCIE ANN w 5 102 G 7 L rider T Aimers J E Bcal 1380100 1380100Time Time 24 49 116 144 151 Track slow 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS BILLY 100FAIR BAUGHN 895 540 360 347J 100 170 100 80 100 FAIR 100CORPOSANT GIRL 1950 845 875 100 322J 100 CORPOSANT 425 112 100 Winner 100Winner B g by Star Hawk Cinderella by Celt trained by R E Potts bred by Messrs R L A Baker AVinner entered to be claimed for 1200 WENT TO POST 612 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVon driving second and third the same BILLY sameBILLY BAUGIIX outran the others to the first turn dominated the race throughout and held FAIR GIRL safe at the end The latter rated back of the early pace finished gamely but was not good enough for the winner CORPOSANT saved ground entering the stretch moved up fast but tired at the end DOLAX forced the pace of the winner and tired in the last quarter THYMON was unable to get to the leaders LUCIE ANN ran up on the heels of horses going to the first turn stumbled and unseated her rider riderScratched Scratched S4243Deronda 109 4S42S Magdalena 102 4S29S Natures Darling 103 Corrected weight Lucie Ann 102