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f J 37 17 Jf ° For Official Race Results Loded ResultsLoded mines phone wabash 7000 As a reader of Daily Jtncng Form you arc entiled to receive free official race results Results are given by a number which corresponds to that appearing opposite name of horse in the following coded entries The approximate post time Chicago time for each race Is given below and readers arc requested net to call until at least five minutes after this time in order to obtain the OFFICIAL results and prices On Saturdays and holidays It Is best to allow an additional five minutes to elapse before seeking results AT WASHINGTON PARK PARKFIRST FIRST RACE 78 Milo out of chute 3yearolds and upward Claiming Purse 1300 215 P M Horse Wt Cude Horse Wt Code CodeSuprysp Suprysp 103 1 Lillian Tobin 105 9 9Moderation Moderation lltt 2 Valdosta 112 10 10Nealon Nealon Kay 118 3 Hernan Cortes 110 11 11Ruane Ruane 111 4 Zublena 105 12 12Ths Ths Okali 110 5 Honl Soit 110 13 13Hy Hy Schneider 110 C Broomshot 100 14 14Typhoon Typhoon 111 7 Shift 118 15 15Lieut Lieut Russell 11C S SSECOND SECOND RACE 58 Mile Burr Oak Purse 2 yearolds Madsns Allowances Purse 1200 245 P M Silver Lake 11C 1 Brussels 110 9 9Bobs Bobs Play 11G 2 Foreign Exehge 11010 Spar 110 3 Rest Easy 113 11 11Spring Spring Cleaning 113 4 Brown Hills 110 12 12Portcodine Portcodine 110 fi Hymnn 11C 33 33Scguro Scguro 110 C Stone Martin 11C14 11C14Westys Westys Broom 113 7 Pangolin 130 35 35Charmer Charmer 33C 8 Nisia 333 1C 1CTHIRD THIRD RACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingPurse Purse 1200 315 P M MTheo Theo Red 112 1 Semper Felix 112 7 7Miss Miss Maryland 112 2 Azov 112 8 8Far Far Away 112 3 David L 112 9 9John John T D 112 4 Royal Charge 115 10 10Seths Seths Ballot 335 5 Helene M 112 11 11Faddy Faddy 112 C CFOURTH FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3year olds and upward Claiming Purse 1400 345 P M MKllngstone Kllngstone 112 1 Suitor 113 Leueite 118 2 Equation 110 C CBuddy Buddy Basil 118 3 Portmanteau 113 7 7First First Mission 115 4 4FIFTH FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Thomas Curran CurranMemorial Memorial Stakes 2i yearolds Colts and andGsldlngs Gsldlngs 5030 Added 415 P M MJay Jay AValker 114 1 Dandy Dan 110 9 9Bill Bill Morris 119 2 Chief John 114 30 30Pleasure Pleasure Bound 314 3 Schooner 119 11 11Foreign Foreign Exchange 114 4 Norias 114 12 12Mark Mark Anthony 114 5 Harry Frank 114 13 13Hyman Hyman 114 G Seguro 114 14 14Trycobel Trycobel 114 7 Charmer 114 15 15lusco lusco 110 S Shining 11C 1C 1CSIXTH SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Riverdale Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Purse 1800 443 P M MNusakan Nusakan 338 1 Cayuga 311 5 5Tippy Tippy Toe 102 2 Morsun 103 C CBrown Brown Wisdom 128 3 Club House IOC 7 7Silverdale Silverdale 107 4 4SEVENTH SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming Purse 1200 515 P M MEleven Eleven Sixty 112 1 Cabildo 108 7 7Blandris Blandris 313 2 Overfire 112 8 8Pride 8Pride Pride 108 3 Black Bart 112 9 9Black Black on White 112 4 Theorist Jane 307 10 10Jovial Jovial Friar 105 3 Dubric 320 11 Mat Mahoney 103 G