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THISTLE DOWN PARK CLEVELAND OHIO SATURDAY JUNE 7 1930 Thistle Down Park 1 Mile Tenth day Thistle Down Jockey Club Summer meeting of 28 days Weather rainy Presiding Steward J A Murphy Associate Stewards II P Conkling and W S Longee Judges E W Bury C McLennan and S Brown Starter J Milton Racing Secretary E AV Bury Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance 5Q FIRST RACE 58 Mile Banter Aug 4 1925 100 5 117 Purso 800 2year 4QK 2yearOOOO OOOO olds Allowances Net value to winner 650 second 100 third 50 50Junc730Tiln Junc730Tiln Index Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48 11C JUST BELIEVE w 110 51 I3 1s I1 1 = F Doherty Justa Farm Stable 50100 5010048348COUS1N 48348COUS1N JO w 107 4 3 3 2 2 ° 2 = D Bryant C Xuckols 540100 48348 ANTHRO WB 108 2 5 5s 57 510 Si W Cooler J X Camden 1510100 48348 = MISS DINWIDDIE w 103 62 2 3 3i 43 C Frock Mrs R H Heighe 440100 47823 RISING STAR WE 107 34 4 = 4l 4nt 5 ° M Rose H A Creevy 2515100 47933 OURNAN w 109 1 6 6 G G 6 J Dell D D Canfield 3360100 3360100Time Time 23 48 101 Track muddy 2 DONATIONS PAID EQUIVALENT BOOKING JUST BELIEVE 300 260 240 50 100 30 100 20 100 100COUSIN COUSIN JO 340 320 70 100 60 100 100ANTHRO ANTHRO 520 160 100 100Winner Winner B f by Campfire Better Believe by Helmet trained by W G Merion bred by Mr A B Hancock HancockWENT WENT TO POST 200 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same sameJUST JUST BELIEVE opened up an easy early lead and was never threatened COUSIN JO came through next to the inner rail on the far turn disposed of the others with little effort and finished fast ANTHRO gained steadily in the stretch and outlasted the tiring MISS DINWIDDIE The latter displayed a flash of early speed but tired badly RISING STAR had no mishaps mishapsOverweight Overweight Rising Star 2 pounds 4QK QC SECOND RACE 34 Mile Baffling July 25 1926 112 4 118 Purse 800 3 OtJGJJj yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 650 second 100 third thirdJllllC730Tln JllllC730Tln 50 Claiming price 2500 if for less 3 pounds allowed for each 250 to 2000 Index Horses J4 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48302MRS FOSTER w 3 99 7 1 lnk I1 Ill1 R Reeves Est C T Worthington 230100 4C357 FRNK PODESTA ivu 3 96 6 G 5 4 = 2 = 2 J W Frye A P Canale G30100 48302 PRANCING STEP WB 4 107 2 5 31 3 31 31 F Doherty Lakewooa Stud Sta CBO1CO 48302 = CAPTAIN J S wn 4 107 1 3 2i 2 4 = 45 D Bryant ICnebelkamp Morris 130100 47836 BOLD ROBIN w 3 102 4 4 41 51 53 5 = 1 AV Cooler J B Respess 2030100 44187 RED LEATHER w G 112 52 6 ° G 6s Cs J Congore Denver Stable S10100 S10100481GG 481GG WOODMONT IVB 5 10G 3 7 7 7 7 7 R Ross G Jasper 5060100 5060100Time Time 24 48 115 Track muddy 2 DONATIONS PAID EQUIVALENT BOOKING MRS FOSTER 700 380 300 250 100 90 100 50 100 100FRANK FRANK PODESTA 700 380 250 100 90 100 100PRANCING PRANCING STEP 360 80 100 100Winner Winner CIi f by St Henry Bit o Luck by Star Shoot trained by E Louden bred by Audley Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 234 AT POST i minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingMRS MRS FOSTER shook off CAPTAIN J S approaching the stretch turn then drew away into a clear lead and held the race safe in the last eighth FRANK PODESTA came fast on the outside on the turn for home and easily disposed of the others PRANCING STEP was close up throughout and outgamed CAPTAIN J S in the final drive The latter displayed early speed and had no mishaps The others were outrun outrunScratched Scratched 473G02Backbone 107 4S302slrfaneh 111 48419 Bright Flash 95 4845S = Noble Charge 112 47107 Doncru 97 48419 Bunyora 99 48419 Bootee 97 47407 Sam Cole 97 97Overweights Overweights Mrs Foster 1 pound Praucing Step 1 Red Leather 5 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Baffling July 25 1925 112 4 118 Ohio Handicap i v Purso 1200 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 850 second 200 200Jnne730Tln Jnne730Tln third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses J2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48171 BRK OF DAWN w 4 110 2 5 k I1 1 1 J Mooney C E Davison 48351 TADDYWAWA w 4 10S 5 1 313 2 = 23 M Rose Jones Stock Farm Sta 450100 48351 RETORT w 6 101 3 32 2 2482113EASR 43 43 43 33 D Bryant AV Reed 710100 710100482113EASR 482113EASR STOCKGS w 5 122 4 3 5 5 5 4 H Schuttc Audicy Farm Stable 1SO100 48351 HIGH SCORE WB 4 114 14 1 2 31 5 C Meyer A P Canale 2SO100 2SO100Time Time 233 48 114 Track muddy 2 DONATIONS PAID EQUIVALENT BOOKING BREAK OF DAAVN 1000 400 280 400 100 100 100 40 100 100TADDYWAWA TADDYWAWA 400 260 100 100 30 100 100RETORT RETORT 280 40 100 100Winner Winner Br c by Leonardo II Gcrbe dOr by Verdun trained by C E Davison bred by Xalapa Farm FarmWENT WENT TO POST 311 AT POST 8 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third the same sameBKEAK BKEAK OF DAAVN saved ground rounding the far turn took the lead while rounding the turn for home and drew away into a decisive lead in the stretch TADDY WAAVA closed courageously on the outside entering the stretch and easily disposed of the others when straightened out RKTORT ran nn even race and outlasted the others EASTEU STOCKINGS could not get up and had no mishaps HIGH SCOPK quit in the stretch Scratched 47C12 Andromeda 102 I Overweight Retort 5 pounds ri QtZr7 l rOUHTH HACK 1 116 Miles long Point July 25 1925 144 4 114 Purse TCOtf 4 JL 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net valua to winner 725 second secondJunc780Tdn Junc780Tdn 200 third 75 Claiming price 1200 if for 1000 allowed 3 pounds Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 481721LUCKY DRIFT AV S 104 8 3 31 2i Ill 1 = J Mooney AV Mikcl Son 48511 = HAPPY IIANLY AV 4 113 10 10481G2ASHBURNE 1 21 31 3 = 2 2 = 1 J Berry Berryw C W Mooro MooroGl 481G2ASHBURNE w 5 103 G 8 S Snk Gl 4 = 33 R Ross RossSVB E M Curtis 48421 = JASONETTE WB G IDS 4 4 5 = 4 4 Ci 4 = 1 F Dohe Dohew Doherty C Drake 48350 DINGO w 9 107 5 11 I1 21 51 51 D Frog FrogAV Frogtte C Adams 48353 = KUBLAI KHAN AV S 1061 1 5 4 k 5 5 C1 Gnt J Futrcl J Allgcyer 4 7803 CHECKMATE AVB 4 102 2 9 9 = T 71 71 74 R Reeves Mrs A R Smith 2460100 48422 DYNAMO AV 6 107 9 7 7 = Gl S3 S5 S6 AV Carroll J McShano 40CO100 47412 COURIER AV 4 107 7 7481C9FORLUCIC G 10 10 10 93 9 M Rose C R Hood 19SO100 19SO100481G9FORLUCK 481C9FORLUCIC AV 4 100 3 10 Cl 9 9 10 10 C Cogan A Bowers 4030100 4030100Time Time 24 49J4 110 144 150 Track muddy 2 DONATIONS PAID EQUIVALENT BOOKING LUCKY DRIFT S 460 380 360 130 100 90 100 80 HAPPY HANLY 460 380 130 100 90 ICO ICOASHBURNE ASHBURNE G40 220 100 100AVinner AVinner Ch in by Iluon Drift by Pataud trained by J D Mikel bred by Mr J L Rives Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 351 AT POST 1J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow AVon easily second and tliird the same sameLUCKY LUCKY DKIFT closed up on tlie outside rounding the far turn took command quickly and lield the race safe all through the stretch HAPPY IIANLY keen factor throughout held the balanca safe during the stretch run ASHBURNE steadily improved his position after going the first half and came strongly on the outside in the stretch run JASONETTE ran an even race but finished tiring DINGO set the early pace but tired rapidly in the last quarter The others were always outrun outrunSera Sera tclied 4S421Sinon 116 4S1IC Dare Devil 107 47G14 Hill Phillips 107 4S013Rock Queen 102 474123Sunset 102 48117 Yorktown 102 48309AIcinan 102 102Overweights Overweights Lucky Drift 1 pound Kublai Khan 4 4QETf7O FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles Long Point July 25 1925 144 4 114 Purso secondOunc730Tln OtP a aA 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 725 second Ounc730Tln 200 third 75 Claiming price 1200 if for 1000 allowed 3 pounds Index Horses AAVtPPSt M Sir Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48114 BABY DELHI AVB 4 109 4 S S Gk 21 Il I1 J Dell Carran Bros BrosAVB 481721 JUNIOR C AVB 4 1031 7 4 Gl 51 3 21 2 J Futrell C R Miller Milleriv 48228COQUINA AV S 103 2 7 5 71 C Cl 5 = Ch L Cunham C E Davison Davisoniv 48421 LADY BASIL iv 5 102 1 G 3 3i 41 4 4484G3PANOREL 4 4 AV Carroll Basil Manor Stixblo StixbloAV SCO100 SCO100484G3PANOREL 484G3PANOREL AV 9 107 S 2 1i I1 T 11 3 31 5 E Level Aldrich AAMnans 380100 J8172JST MATTHEWS w 5 102 G 5 4 S 51 GJ Gnk D Bryant Knebelkamp Morris 290100 48350TORRENCE w G 101 5 3 21 2nk 71 7 7h J Pregun S R Utterbaclc 2440100 244010048223RIIUBARB 48223RIIUBARB AV 5 102 3 1 71 S S 8 8 C Cogaii L E Ruff 5020100 5020100Time Time 24 49 116 144 151 Track muddy 2 DONATIONS PAID EQUIVALENT BOOKING BABY DELHI 580 400 320 190 100 100 100 60 100 100JUNIOR JUNIOR C 1180 540 490 100 170 100 COQUINA 100COQUINA 600 200 100 100Winner Winner Br t by Colonel Aennic Lady Delhi by Delhi trained by G D Marlman bred by Mr J 15 Respess Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200AVENT AVENT TO POST 423 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow AVon handily second and third the same sameBABY BABY DELHI moved up fast on the outside after rounding the far tnrn overhauled the leaders when straightened out in the stretch and drew away into an easy lead JUNIOR 0 came fast on the inside in the final drive and finished gamely COQUINA closed with a rush in the stretch and finished fast LADY BASIL ran an even race PANOREL quit badly after leading to the head of the stretch The others tired tiredScratched Scratched 47020 Flying Torch 102 4S418Igor 107 4S3523Kentucky Babe 103 48330Everlasting 10S 48459 Purple Light 107 484G3 Cavalry 107 48510 Otto 105 48508 Pretty Run 102 102Overweights Overweights Baby Delhi 3 pounds Junior C li Coquina 3 Panorel 5 Torrence 1 I Corrected weight Lady Basil 102 4 43erTO 3erTO SIXTH RACE 1 14 Miles Vitamin Aug 3 1925 207 6 107 First Running O L 4 O CLEVELAND DERBY 15000 Added 3yearoIds Allowances Net value to Junc730Tdn winner 12875 second 2000 third 1000 fourth 500 Index Horses AWtPPSt 1 StrFin Jockoys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48150DIXIE LAD AV 114 1 S 71 Gi 3 = 3 I1 C Meyer A B Letelller 48190 MAYA w 119 7 1 I1 I1 lnt lnk 2 J Inzelone AV R Coe CoeWE 48171 DARK SEA WE 114 3 6 4nk 31 21 2 3r F Colletti AV S Kilmer Kilmerw 477423CESARE w 114 55 3 51 5k 4JS 43 J Redding AV R Coe 47889 = REArEILLE BOY AVB 123 2 7 S 71 G 52 M Rose 47889 GALNT KNIGHT AVB 123 6 2 G H Schutte Audley Farm Stable 48351 SYDNEY IVB 123 4 4 5i 4H G = 74 7 J Dell J N Camden 24SO100 24SO10048171tRAIN 48171tRAIN OR SHINE AVB 119 S 3 G3 71 8 8 S J AV Frye R J Mooro 3960100 3960100iAdded iAdded starter Coupled as W R Coe entry entryTims Tims 23 48 114 142 208 Track muddy 2 DONATIONS PAID EQUIVALENT BOOKING DIXIE LAD 3000 800 460 1400 100 300 100 130 100 100AV AV R COE ENTRY 440 340 120 100 70 100 100DARK DARK SEA 560 180 100 100Winner Winner B g by Sporting Blood Miss Mint by Mint trained by A Thomas bred by Mr J L Carrick CarrickAVENT AVENT TO POST 502 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third the same sameDIXIE DIXIE LAD steadily improved his position came fast on the outside entering the stretch over ¬ hauled the leaders a sixteenth out and Avon going away MAYA set the pace until midway of the stretch Avithstood determined challenges from DARK SEA in the last quarter but failed to withstand the chal ¬ lenge of the AVinner DARK SEA saAed ground in the last half mile but tired in the final driAe CESARE outstayed the others REVEILLE BOY could not get up GALLANT KNIGHT was interfered AAith by MAYA on the turn into the back stretch and carried Avide on the farturn but quit badly in tuetlnst quarter SYDNEY also quit quitScratched Scratched 18407sPlucky Play 114 479G2 Miss Bess 104 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Long Point July 25 1925 144 4 114 Purso 4QKF7i Oe5 9 Jt 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 725 second secondJiine730Tdn Jiine730Tdn 200 third 75 Claiming price 1500 Index Horses AAVtPPSt l Strain Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 4830G HEAD PIN WB 3 99 5 S 8 71 3h 1J I AV Carroll Kelly Dean 900100 48115 MARY McCLAINw 4 10S 3 2 31 21 2k 21 2h E Level AV Mikel Son 230100 23010048304INTEKIOR 48304INTEKIOR WB 3 1011 S 7 71 31 41 31 3 D Frogttc C Carr G10100 48227 BUMPKIN AV 7 110 G 6 6 8 73 7s 4 J Mooney M Kelleher 330100 33010047754TAYSTEE 47754TAYSTEE AVSB 3 91 4 3 1 Ill1 4 = 5 J AV Frye D D Canfield 26SO100 48115 = KAMUELA w 4 110 1 5 53 Cl G1 G1 61 D Bryant J AV Johnson 550100 55010048417FULL 48417FULL SPEED AVB 5 113 2 1 41 4 5 51 75 P Haines J Gagliardo 1240100 48304 PREANDER w 3 99 7 4 21 5 k 8 8 8 R Reeves AV Reed 2540100 2540100Time Time 24 49 116 143 150 Track muddy 2 DONATIONS PAID EQUIVALENT BOOKING HEAD PIN 2000 900 520 900 100 350 100 160 100 100MARY MARY 100INTERIOR McCLAIN 400 360 100 100 80 100 INTERIOR ICOAVinner 580 190 ICO AVinner Ch c by Pindar Peel Lamplight by Hanbridge trained by F A Kelly bred by Mr D D Canfield Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 AVENT TO POST 533 AT POST h minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingHEAD HEAD PIN finished fast and gamely on the outside approaching the stretch turn and overhauling the leaders drew away handily in the final eighth MARY McCLAIN was a factor throughout failed to withstand the winners challenge but outgamed INTERIOR The latter moved up fast on the back stretch tiredScratched BUMPKIN came from far back in the last quarter and finished fast TAYSTEE tired Scratched 4S220 NaniHawaii 108 48114 Boyish Bob 104 4S22G = DarFur 104 47128 Copper King 99 4S45J3Entlmsiastic Edward 110 4S4202Shorty O 107 4S113 Shakitup 109 48172J3Era 110 Overweights 110Overweights Interior 4J pounds Preander 5 EIGHTH RACE 1 116 Miles Long Point July 25 1925 144 4 114 Purse I 6 tj t 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 725 second 200 Junc730Tdn third 75 Claiming price 3000 if for less 3 pounds allowed for each 250 to 2000 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners 48351BOB ROGERS wr G 112 7 4 I1 1i I3 1 I1 J Mooney Mrs J Lee 510100 51010048305COCKRILL 48305COCKRILL AV 7 10G C 1 3 31 3 33 2 E Level Jones Stock Farm Sta 310100 S119SPANFLOAV AV 3 100 10 5 21 21 21 21 3 = R Ross Jones Keating 2140100 47902 MISS BESS AV 3 99 3 S 81 5 41 4 = 43 AV Carroll AV S Dudley C90100 C90100483q53BRIDEGROOM 483q53BRIDEGROOM AVB 3 lit 899 9 1 61 61 5 = J W Frye Mrs J AV Smith 750100 48300 DARK SABRE AVB 3 100 1 7 7J Gl 5U 51 G = M Schaler AV S Kilmer 1190100 48051 = AIME GOLDSMH AV 3 102 5 3 41 4 = 73 7 73 W Cooler A P Canalo 710100 7101004G949 4G949 KINGBIRD AV 4 113 91010 10 9 S 81 P Haines B Hall 410100 40007 SPORTING GRIT AV 4 111 4 G Gi 71 S1 Si 9 D Frogtte F Harrington 5000100 500010047313FULL 47313FULL MEASURE AV 3 107 225 Si 10 10 10 F Doherty Mrs S Clcary 3060100 3060100Time Time 24 49 115 142 149 Track muddy 2 DONATIONS PAID EQUIVALENT BOOKING BOB ROGERS 1220 520 420 510 100 160 100 110 100 100COCKRILL COCKRILL 460 340 130 100 70 100 100SPANFLOAV SPANFLOAV 100Winner 900 350 100 Winner Ch g by Under Fire Silvey Shapiro by Bannockburn trained by G Owens bred by Mr P Dunne Winner entered to be claimed for 3000 3000AVENT AVENT TO POST 602 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start pood and slow AVon handily second and third the same sameBOB BOB ROGERS was rushed into the lead in the first quarter set his own pace and held the race safe in the stretch COCKRILL moAcd up fast on the outside Avhile on the turn for home and finished Avith good courage in the stretch SlANlLOW displayed good speed until midway of the stretch but tired MISS BESS gained some ground AIMEE GOLDSMITH tired early The others Avere always outrun Scratched outrunScratched IS20G Aacation 109 109Overweights Overweights Spanflow 1 pound Kingbird 1