3rd Belmont, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-09

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3rd Belmont Main course Purse 1200 3yearolds Fillies Allow 7 Mile anccs lioscbcn Oct 16 190G 122 5 12G Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 47131 Black 5Iammy 119f25 47192 Iatrouess 112 720 47917 Keep On Bel 111 I3l7ss 112X715 48309 Knid Bow 101 127 112X710 48110 Spellbound Bel 113J128 112 705 Bobbles M 102 700 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 47351 Red Cross Sister 51 102 003 0034S440 4S440 Pious Bel 113 120 110 695 47917 First Lady Bel 113 1308 112 090 47917 Valenciennes Bow 105 123 107 COO The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Black Mammy MammyLtist 1 1 Q Q50ft Blk f 3 by Black Servant Hyperbole by Jack Atkin Ltist work 150 12 50ft Trainer J Hastings Owner Ramapo Stabls cllSvigd 2 114 4 4 4 i 3 FatorLJ 5 tiscEgg llGThcSpare HSSwpOut 122 H He e 113 gd 3 11710 7 55i 33 FatorL3 10 Spellbd 103Escutn 105lrishlolly 114 A 1140 si 12 11411 8 7 = S10 BarrettW1 32 Snowflake llGDustemall 11MliirFy 114 S 3113 ft G 103 5 4 3J 2 BarrcttW2 7 Mordine 121 Keep On 105 Infinitus 113 A Apr2SSOJam 3 l12ft G 111 2 2 2 3 BarrettW 10 llilaria 105Chalice 109Vlcnciennes 111 A Aj XoTSO29Bow j l15Vift 15 109 5 S 12 J13SJ WallsP 15 SnowflakelOSStStimtlHIrkylIaylOS S XoT2529Bow 3 l12ft ll20e 113 4 3 2 2nk Walls WallsP 8 CurtseylOSWildWatrsl08BanrBritl04 A AStarts Starts 1st 2nd ird Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 This year 5 Patroness Ch f 3 by Lucullitc Gratuity by Whisk Eroom II 5303Jam 2 l12ft 41 109 3 3 23 3i FatorL1 I SrcepOutll4Mordine 1191atroness 109 A JnnlO293Waa g l00ft 2 109 3 2 2 21 CatroneF s 9 LtAgnsll20trirrbrlOSStSrimtl08 A f 51 lift 1710 115 5 4 32 1 CatoneF G StPrisca HSLostAgnes 115Martis 112 A Sl02 ft 51 10G 5 2 Ill5 CatroneF S Aziz 100 Tabby Cat 107 Pro Tern 113 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 3 2 1 0 5 2000 This year 1 0 0 1 100 liCCl Ull I I I O V Ch f 3 by y Friar triar Rock HOCK SomsMore om3More by oy Polymelian roiymenan roiymenanLast Last work 158 S 34 l14ft JJ Trainer B Creech Owner W R Coe CoeMaj2G30Bcl Maj2G30Bcl 1 l2S sl G 111 310 93 Sc InzelonoJ 11 Enid 111 Flossine 111 Nicotine IOC A Jlarl3303Jam 2112ft l12ft 4 111 2 3 43i 4 InzcloncJ3 5 DunsanyllGQtionnairellCTuskegee 125 A JIaj S30JJam 3 l13 ft 1320 120 2 2 21 1 FatorL 13 McmsDcarl20Esctcheonl20Trysail 120 A May 230Jam 2 113 ft 5 105 2 2 23 33 SchcnkA1 7 Mordinel21BckMammylOSInfinits 113 A Apn21SOJam 2 114 ft 3 108 1 2 23 2 RoseG3 7 Okaybce 122Allcge 112SaraBurdon 112 A ADct3029iLrl Dct3029iLrl 2 21llsl lllsl 95 110 2 1 1 2 = InzeloneJ 7 Valenciennes HODoritallOLuscinia 113 M MEcp3029 Ecp3029 Aqu i 57 57ft ft 40 114 3 3 6 ° G InzeloneJ STBeasel llOTheSpare 120RedRig 11G S 6epC29cAnu S 100 ft 10 107 6 10 10510 SchenkA 11 BudBroomllGBrdMdowsllSChalicellO A JuL 4293Aqu i l02ft 135e 1C9 4 10 5s 4 GarnerW Ml TheSpare 112MkyCloud 122MadKissllO S 1 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 031 2050 This year 5 111 5 1000 1000Ellld Ellld 119 CIu 3 y Kocfeminister Torque by Collar CollarLast Last work 154 38100ft J J Trainer R A Smith Owner Audley Farm Stable Jnn 433Bel lg 2lS ft 15 114 4 6 5i 51 MannJ 9 Snowflake 121 Red Rag 118 Erin 118 S SHaj2G303Bel Haj2G303Bel l2Ssl S 111 4 2 21 1J MannJo 11 Flossine 111 Nicotine lOGFirst Lady 113 A AJIaj2130lBcl JIaj2130lBcl 2 me 113 gd 10 110 7 6 72 55 MannJ 10 Spellbnd 105Escutcn 103BkMmy 117 A AJIajlo303Bel JIajlo303Bel 1 l39m 12 101 3 2 23 2 RenickS 3 Sim Edwin 119 Lativich 119 A Aiy iy 3SO = Pim 1 145 ft 61 113 10 7 7 = G3 MannJ 10 FlimsyllS HerGracellS Snowflakel21 S 9SOPim 2 l13ift 14 109 2 7 G 44 MannJ 7 HcrGrace 111 StPrisca 109Pnciana 109 A AApr2230 Apr2230 HdG 2 l13 ift 4110 111 5 6 5ci 4 1 MannJ 9 Finita 109 Flossine 111 Panda 114 A AApr Apr 530Bow 1 127 ft 31o 101 2 7 G5 4J RenlckS 8 BtIeshipll4MrDcsmondll2FrumperI04 S Oct2G29lLrl 5 l12 ft 4110 10S 1 3 31 23 FieldsG 8 lago 111 Mint Olga 110 Calome 111 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wcn Last year 17 1 4 2 2225 This year 8110 1400 Spellbound O E f 3 by Chicle Bewitch by Peter Pan PanLast Last work 153 7Sl2Cft LL Trainsr T W Murphy Owner Groentree Stable Jan u30Bel 2nicl252ift 4i 1131 7 S S13 S WkmanR S Okaybse 114Lady Capulet 122Lace 120 H 3lay2130eBcl 2 me 113 gd 30 105 2 2 1 I1 IlebertS1 10 Esciitn lOoBkMmy 117Irishllly 114 A Asi JIajlG303Bel gmcl295m 10 11310 G si 7 EabyJ3 12 Aldershot 118 Milkman 118 Xcnofol 118 S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 10 0 900 Bobbles BobblesLast B f 3 M by Sir Gallahad III Bobolink II by Willonyx Last work Jfcj 1130 430 = Jam 2 l13ft 30 117 6 5 S = 7i AbclA 12 Awakel22MriesDcar 117RylLight 122 M S30Jam 2 l13ift 15 120 11 S 7 2 6s AbelV 13 KecpOnl20MenisDearl20Escoheon 120 A Apr2S30Jam 3 l12 ft 3Je 103 8 7 9 = 9 SteinhtL 10 llilaria 105Chalicc lOOIUkMainray 111 A Apr lSOJam 3 114 ft 15e 10S G 4 5i Okaybce 122 KeepOn 108 Allege 112 A Oct2929Emp US G 5 3 4 = 1 McAffeD M3 Hd to nndll8Misnotll8SaraBrdnll8 K 0 2129013111 g 101 gd 2 US 9 9 7s 5 = j BurkeJH BurkeJHOcLH29Jam 12 MaBellellSHand to HandllSLadala 118 M OcLH29Jam ol t l0oft 30 1091 2 2 3 41 McAffeD McAffeDOcLll 5 ThcBeasel 127RedRagi9Snowflake 111 S OcLll g Jam Pl01 ft 6 113 G 6 G53 5 McAffeD 1C FirstLady HSTrysail 115Calamlty 115 JI Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 0 0 1 S 100 10 This year 4 Red Cross Sister 1 J AO 09 ch f 3 M MI by Man o War Scribble by Ultimus I ist work 158 12 49ft JV7 JLUj i Trainer G C CMay Conway Owner Glen Riddle Farm Stable May 930 = Pim 1JO l4G5ift 41 103J 046 ° G = McCoyJ2 7 SunFalconllOGnomeBoy 10STaiISpinl04 M fti in a ijis ft S 109 2 5 G J GH McCoyJ McCoyJi 9 Finita 109 Flossine 111 Panda 114 A i uu u 5J f lOSm 14 110 5 4 4H 3 McCoyJ4 S IshrollyllSBtyBeau HSPoinciana 113 A 179 = Sar 4 l121Jft 30e 111 15 9 13 = 13 BriceD BriceDAuc 15 GooseEgll5TlieSparel22Snowflake 113 S Auc Cg Sar 51fl03Vihy 20 ll3 9 5 5 4 BriceD lOMarsarctScott 113Faultrsll3GowanllS A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 2 This year 3 0 0 1 125 B f 3 by Dominion Annarella by Doriclcs Last work 158 78 Trainer P Dwyer Owner W J Salmon Salmon5C1 un 530Bel I me l25ft 5C1 77i ScliaefcrL2 S Okaybee 114Lady Capulet 122Lai 2 l12 ft 51 114 7 7 7 7 Sclicafert 9 BuckeyePoet 117SunFalcon 112Skirl 117 3 JCoi 929Pim 2 l13ft 13 103 5 5 3i 1 HebertS 11 BeyePoetlOSPllBndllSSweepric 108 A JToi G293Pim 2 l14ft 1G5 103 4 3 lnt I1 HebertS 9 CliimySwplOGIorphyrylOCFstLdyl05 A Oct2S295Lrl 2 l12Vft 6 103 1 2 4J 5 BarnesE 10 CrossboneslOSNed0115Jimmy5Ioranll2 A AOct Oct 729 Lrl 5 f 106 ft 28 111 1 1 1 I3 LeonardR 7 Curtsey 111 Grey Abbess 114 Jalna 111 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 420 S 4085 This year 1 1First First Lady IIP B f 3 by Whisk Broom II Distinction by The Manager Last work 157 1m l49ft JJ Trainer W J Speirs Ownsr Middleburg Stable Stablejraj29SOMR jraj29SOMR 5 f l19hy 11 117 1 = 1 TryonA 9 BalsamLakellOIIaplitclllMagnita 1190 11903Iar26303Bel 3Iar26303Bel 5128sl 12e 115 G 4 441 481 GarnerM1 11 Enid 111 Flossine 111 Nicotine 100 A Apr2S30Jam 2 l12 ft 4 111 1 3 43 5T1 KsingerC 10 llilaria 103Chalice lOOBlkManimy 111 A Apz2130Jam 2 113 si 41 111 2 4 43J 3 i GarnerM3 15 PolygamsligGoldBrkllSPansuitch 113 A Aprl730UH 2 l12sy 4e 101 3 2 2 2 RoseG8 10 Chianti 111 Perkins 110Polygamousll2 S XoT2929Bow 3 lllft 13 111 4 3 21 8 IrishPollylllMadllattie 113CnrUcy 113 A XoT27293Bow llK ft 13 10S 23 3 35i KsingerC 10 MiIdl07ValencennslOSRylLiglitll2 A K 1929Bow 5i f l07VShy 6 114 9 4 35i 4 GarnerM I M4 Irish Polly 100 Mild 107 Rueful 114 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7 2 0 2 2100 2100Valenciennes This year 4 0 1 1 5 500 Valenciennes 107 Gr f s by s sLnst itefan the Great Duchess lace by Fair Play Lnst work 15R 5S l01ft J J Trainer W Ji JiMaj2C303Bel Cnapp Owner Mrs J D Hertz Maj2C303Bel I l2Ssl 5 111 5 G 7C2 5 1 RoseG0 11 Enid 111 Flossine 111 Nicotine 100 A Mayl730Bel I me l27sl 1S5 10G 9 9 7 = 1 5i RoseG5 15 Charon 117DiiiilinsSon 117Glossin 11G A May 930 = Jam 2 l12ft l12ftApr2S30Jam 12 110 9 7 43i 43i RoscG 13 Conclave 110 Limbus 115 Flossine 110 A Apr2S30Jam 2 l12ft l12ftXoi2S29Bow 4e 111 7 S 5 3 41 RoseG3 10 llilaria 105Clialice 109BlkMammy 111 A Xoi2S29Bow g 3125 125 ft ftNoT27293Bow 12 105 4 6 331 41 RoseG 13 GayPast 10 ° WeDunIt lOSSnowflakellO A NoT27293Bow 2 lllift llliftXor2329 6 108 8 5 4 41 2 RoseG 10 Mildl07Fir8tLndy lOSRoyalLight 112 A Xor2329 = BoW I 126 6l 40 103 4 331 3s RoseG 8 Ned 0 llSPluckyPlay 107ChloBoy 109 A 5jri07Shy 16 114 79 9 5 RoseG 14 Irish Polly 100 Mild 107 Rueful 114 A 2114sl 9 110 G 3 2 1 RoseG 7 Keep On 110 Dorita 110 Luscinia 113 M Stnrts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis irlO 1115 1300 This year 4

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930060901/drf1930060901_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1930060901_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800