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JOCKEY owar Gregory 7 j Terms 5 Daily Two Horses Daily 1iaro ridden huudrcds of horses for some of the most prominent I horsemen now racing their stables I am back again to aid my fol II lowers and give them the benefit of my experience Follow my two horses daily Let me bo yonr personal adviser I SATURDAYS TWO HORSES CAYUGA 464 Won WonHYMAN HYMAN 772 614 2nd 2ndMONDAY MONDAY AT WASHINGTON PARK MONDAY Straight Parlay Should Pay 300 for 5 5Here Here arc two horses that come to mo from a source that seldom make any mistakes and Monday is the day they will bet their money on these good things I want each and every reader to positively obtain this advice Dont fail Subscribe at once onceADVERTISED ADVERTISED PARLAY RELEASED TO ALL ALLAll All Horses Advertised Regardless of Result You Receive Service Immediately Upon Receipt of Subscription City clients call at office I would like to interview as many of my clients as I can personally Outoftown clients remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph Address HOWARD GREGORY 31 EAST CONGRESS STHEET SUITE 404 CHICAGO ILL