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workouts -wfcandSMt -tifefandtiMt -iNyr I Date at left of horses name is last workout of horse. Letters following time , Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; u, eased up; . , 1 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 FAIR GROUNDS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2-24 Black Squaw :37h 2-20 Olive A :36h 2-11 Beggar Lady. :38 h Ottie M :36h 2-23 Bd Meadows :37h 2-18 Opean Hrth :37h 2-10 Bos. Waters. :36h 2-18 Peace Buddy :39 h 2-10 Back Kick.. :38b 2-10 Plumage ... :39b 2-24Bertjohn ... :36h 2-13 Pr. Pebbles. :36h 2-20 Crazy Coot.. :36h 2-20 Rita Ann .. :36h 2-23 Chim. Sweep :36h 2-24 Shakitup . . . :37h 2-23 Ed Lark.... :40h 2-12 Sammy tuck . :37h 1-27 Kay Frances. :38b 2-19 Spanish Play :37b 1- 11 Major Gomez :37 h 2-24Sazerac :36 h 2- 5 Monks Bela. :41 b 2-22 Village Vamp :36 h One-Half Mile. 2-17 Blck Tyrone :49h 2-24 Pr. Farthing :49h 2-21 Curtsey .... :49andh 2-20 Sir Kendal. . :49 h -14 Cousin Judy. :49 h 2-22 Springsteel . :49 h 2-19Drury :48d 2-23 Underdun .. :54b 2-13 Happy Lad.. :52h 2-16 Violet Crown :52h 2-21 Kenny Boy. :51-h 2-23 War Tide... :49h 2-17Pietro :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-13Albazano ...1:03 h 2-23 Ly Messgerl:06 h 2-23 Big Blue ..1:04 h 2-17 Monde l:02h 2-19 Black Lula..l:05 h 1-25 Peace Jimmyl:02h 2-23 Dick Morris.l:02 h 2-23 Uncon Goldl:02h 2-18 Dixie Lad... 1:09 b 2-20 Wise Money. 1:03 h 2-12 Kt Commerl:CSh 2-24 Wild Child.. l:03b Three-Quarters Mile. 2-6 Aviator ....l:25b 2-16 Half Day. ...l:18h 2-20 Bad Habits.. 1:20 h 2-25 Judan .1:18 h 2-23 B. Charlton. 1:19 b 12-30 Joemma ....l:16h 2-20 Bunting Ladl:17 h 2-18 K. Russell. .l:164ih 2-22Captn Jack.l:16d 2-18 Monks Fox.. 1:15 d 2-25 Checkbry .1:17 h 2-23 Prince Reno.l:20b 2-12Escoba Landl:18h 2-20 Rejuvtion .l:18h 2-24 Finland ....1:21 h 2-19 Stop Gap...l:22b 2-12 Feu Follet..l:21 h 2-23 Tombereau .l:17h 2-23 F. Auerbach.l:14d 2-19 Verda 1:18 b 2-23 Gold Bet.... 1:17 d 2-25 Zaila l:18h 2-23Huraway ...1:21 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 12-30 Aunt Deb... 1:35 h 2-23 Glria Sharpel:31h 2-21 Burnt Brownl:37 b 2-23 On Sir l:30h 2-24Dextro 1:31 b 2-23 Song Hit. . ..l:30h One Mile. 2-23 Bar Hunter.l:42h 2-23 Stronghoart l:52b 2-25 Brains l:48b 2-22 Surpass ....l:454,h 2-20 Bob Kernan.l:48 h 2-19 Storm 1:57 b 2-17Efjaybe ....l:45d 2-22 The Duke. . .l:45h 2-22 Gaillardia ..l:45b 2-6 Titus l:46h 2-20 Guide Left..l:47b 2-24 Wise Seller.l:47b 2-20 Jnne Wachsl:48b 2-19 White Flame.l:48h One and One-Eighth Miles. 2-23Hayes Chce2:01 b JEFFERSON PARK. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 2-19Aregal :38 b 2-24 Na Zdar.... :39 b 2-22 Blue Hawaii. :39 b 2-11 R. Laycock. :38b 2-19 Catch Him.. :38 b 2-17 Sunview .... :38 b 2-20 Henado . . . . :38 b 2-21 Southld Boy :42 b 2-22 Miss Heson :39 b 2-25 Tin Hat..... :33h 2-21 Newburger ..:38 b One-Half Mile. 8-24 Charbuel ... :52 h 2-24 Thos. Patrick :57b 2-24Forate Mann :514ib Five-Eighths Mile. 2-23 Bonnie L....l:07h 2-23 Rugartine ..l:05h 2-24 Hel. Virginial:07 b 2-19 Tufinuf ....1:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 1- 17 Dick Price.. 1:18 h 2-24 Miss N.Clanl:17h 2- 25 Hid; Thghtsl:18h 2-21 Round Up. .l:18d 2-25 Louisville ..1:24 b 2-21 Wolfy ...... l:ldh Seven-Eighths Mile. 2-20 B. Bourbon.. 1:38 b One Mile. 2-25 Bill Lutz. . .1:50 b 2-25 Travelair . . .1:45 d 2-23 Dar-Fur ....1:48 d 2-24 Uncle Charliel:46 d 2-20 Jack Berry. .1:45 h 2-24 Yarrow ....1:44 d 2-16 Nell Khlmnl:50 b One and One-Eighth Miles. 2-19 Big Gun....l:59h Newburger showed speed in his work, going the first quarter in :23, eased up the last eighth. Louisville was not extended. Nell Kuhlman and Bill Lutz went together. Yarrow and Travelair worked a splendid mile together, breaking at the stand both driving very hard, Yarrow was best. HAVANA. Weather clear; track muddy One-Quarter Mile. 2-18 All Told 28 2-23 Foolish One.. :25 2-19 Algol :26 2-17 Knee Glader.. -25 2-22 Adelaide N... . :28 2-23 Little Wing... -25 10-14 All Blue :25 2-24 Meal Money.. :28 2-21 Bright Spangle :27 2-21 Preferred .... :25 2-25 Chummy :26 2-10 Rudbeckia ... :25 2-11 Donday ...... :25 2-23 Thunderhead -.25 2-25 Fair Glow.... :26 Three-Eighths Mile. 2-20Billycoo :37 2-25 La Golondrina :38 2-17 Benson Oront :39 2-17 Lerack :39 2-24 Cabama :40 2-22 Matins Mster :43 2-23 Camp Parole. :40 2-17 Miss. Steinhaus :39 2-23 Everytime ... :40 2-22 .Nelson :37 . 2-17 Ever Faithful. :40 2-25 Old William.. :39 2-24Espoir :39 2-23 Princess Ma.. :39 1- 26 Frank Light.. :39 2-24 Red Likker... :41 2- 17 Haramzada . .. :44 2-24 Royal Charer :39 2-17 High Life.... :41 2-14 Staracene ... :41 2-18 Hold :36 1-27 Shirley Grey. :39 One-Half Mile. 2-23 Carnival :51 -2-25 Skibo :57 2-24Gayola :53 2-11 Sniper :54 2-13 Miss Pandora. :54 2-23 Trappy ...... :57 2-19 My Lt Honey :54 2-6 Thatcher .... :54 2-22 Poor Rube. . . :55 2-20 Walter H :51 2-19 Queen Towton. :50 Five-Eighths Mile. 2-7 Captain J. S..l:06 2-25 Justiciary ...1:15 2-5 Dais 1:08 2-14 My Ideal.... .1:11 Three-Quarters Mile. 2-25 Blue Day.... 1:19 2-21 Monkey Shinel:21 2-23Carideo 120 2-7 Out Bound.. .1:19 2-13 Dr. Bidencopel:19 2-22 Port o Play.124 2-23 First Mission. 125 2-25 Scapegoat ...1:20 2-19 Liberty Ace. .1:21 Seven-Eighths Mile. 2-14 Water Port... 1:36 One Mile. 2-24 Dark Dawn.. 1:50 2-17 King Booter..l:53 2-24.Isostasy. ....1:46 HIALEAH PARK. Weather clear; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. 2-17 Bill Moore. .. :39h 2-17 Meclona .... :38h 2-22 Bay Angon. . :39h 2-22 Mbrden . .... :37h 2-23Drago :38 h 2-4 Nealon Kay.. :37h Drastic Rose. :38h 2-23 Please :38h - 2-24 Evening .... :36h 2-19 Silvery ..... :40 h 2-15 Full Dress... :41 b 2-19 War Saint... :40 h 2-1 Lady Zini.... :38h One-Half Mile. 2-2lBosafabo ... :53 b 2-20 Mike Carey. . :50h 2-9 Double Heart :50h 2-22 Panetian . . . . :50h 2-23.Ham Scarum :52 h 2-23 Spanfair .... :52h 2-23 Kingrow .... :51 h 2-12 Scot Free. ... :53 h 2-23 Lady Legs... :52 h 2-23 Southco :49h 2-13 Monocle .... :53 h 2-20 Thursday ... :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 2:25 Battling On.. l:07h 2-18 Prince Sweepl:10 b 2-23 Bounder ....l:05h 2-9 Reservation .1:05 h 2-23 Pk Callahanl:05h 2-14 Tack ......1:08 h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-23 Chatink ....121 h 2-23 Flag Bearer.. 1:20 h 2-25 Chatford ....1:21 b 2-23 Inferno Lad.. l:15h 2-23 Corporal ....1:23 h 2-20 Kyar l:21h 2-22 Dear Duff. .120 h 2-21 Kitty Gravesl:26h 2-4 Essie 1:19 h 2-5 Vacation ...1:20 h One Mile. 2-23 Newgro 1:50 h TROPICAL PARK. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 2-23 Invidious ... :39h 2-23 Observation :39h 2-18 Lucille K... :37 h 2-24 Tom Ormont :39h One-Half Mile. 2-16 Big Bo :54h 2-21 Little Turkey :50h 2-22 Fauquiers Pe :52 h 1-10 Marabou ... :54 h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-18 Clarinda . . .-.1:05 h. 2-23 Haytime ,. , . .l:04h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-22Chianti l:18h 2-10 M. Avondalel:18h: 2-22 May Alton... l:18h One Mile. 2-25 Bird of Preyl:48h 2-22 L. Broadcast 1:45 h 2-21 Jge Caverlyl:50 h 2-16 Pass in Rwl:46 h AGTJA CALEENTE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 1- 30 Bay Lad :36 h Linden Tree. :36 h 2- 24 C. B. Hadley :38b 2-4 Mager Seth :374ih 2-20 Chief Almgn :36h 1-28 Pelaika . . . . . :38 c 2-llCIarabel A... :33 b Plain Clothes :35h 2-10Campdore .. :36 h 2-20,Parawick ... :37b 2-20 Dark Ayr... :36 h 2-21 Parade Rest. :35h 2-23Gaylene C... :35h 2-6 Santonette . :35h 2-12Gden Effort :36h 1-21 Veruzza . . . . :36h One-Half Mile. Barbadoes . . :49 h 2-21 Merrigan . . ;52 b 2-12 Big Bl Thn :50h 2-20 Nacho . :48h 2-24 Chat Eagle. . :51 b 2-20 Poitou ..... -:49h 2-11 Dant Star. . :51b 2-20 Sister Mary. :50 e 2-5 Gene Oliver. :51 b -Spsh Lassie. :51 e 2-2lHarshaw :52 b 2-18 Skipsea .... :51b 2-4 Lord Algy. . ., :52 b 2-5 Unkn Woen :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 1- 13 Anaconda ..1:06 b 2-23 Raucona . ..l:01d 2- 22 Baby Blue.. 1:04 b 2-25 Super Fellowl:01d 2-23Carilina ....1:02 h 2-24 Sedgie l2h 2-21 Cash Play... l:03h 1-27 Spy Charlie.l:04 b 2-4 Bud Broom.l:02 h 2-23 Texas Lgrnl:05 b 2-2lMaryetta ...l:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-24 Alice Catalanl:16h 2-24 Ervast . ... .l:13h 2-6 Ethel Sherkl:18 e 2-23. Peace ,Johnyl:Rb 2-21 Eager PolIy.l:l6 h 2-18 Voltear ....l:164ih Seven-Eighths Mile. 2-5 Irfaneh ....1:32 h 2-24 Panda 1:31 h. . 2-19 Marine .....125h . - One Miie. 2-24 Dr. Freelandl:39h . 2-13 Sure Hills. . .1:44 h 2-15 Coat o Maill:51 b 2-24 Seths Hope.l:42h