Daily Racing Form Charts: Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1932-05-09

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CHURCHILL DOWNS LOUISVILLE, KY., SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1932.— Churchill Downs 1 mile. Eighth day. Churchill Downs, Inc. Spring meeting of 19 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Stewards Charles F. Price, T. C. Bradley, C. B. Head and Elijah Hogg. Judges, W. H. Shelley, S. H. McMcekin and 5. Goodpaster. Starter, William Hamilton. Racing Secretary, W. H. Shelley. Racing starts at 1:45 p. m. Chicago time, 2:45 p. m.l. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures In parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried, indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds: ***10 pounds. 704C»7 FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Don Leon. May 19, 1931—1:11—3—105. Purse ,000. 3-• V„ r r." year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, S75; May-7-3Z-C.P fourth, 5. Claiming price. .000. Indei How Egt A WtPFSt »4 jj Str Kin .loekeyg Owners Kguiv. Olios sirt 701753TOMBKRKAU wb 5 115 1 3 l1 Is l3 ll ChvettaF Peconic Stable 237-100 70258BEST MAN wb 5 115 7 5 3* 2i 24 2,k AllenCE H M Woolf 78100 S6M3TNCI.F. MATT w 5 115 6 2 21 34 31 3i MorsonR Devereaux Bros 914 100 70149 BALDERDASH «i 3 110 5 1 5* 42 41 41 FischerR P H Krick L Son 8507 100 70209 SON O SWEEP wb 4 115 3 4 6k 51 51 51 EllswhW E G Drake 5561100 70308 ANITA ORMONT w 3 103 8 6 8 8 6J 6 YailS AV F Axton 9232-100 70263 GIBBYS CHOICE w 5 115 4 8 7J 7i 8 7* ClellandO F C McAtee 3198 100 70144 MADELON m 4 110 2 7 4k 62 71 8 CorbettC F L B Stable 1104 100 Time, :23. :46ts. 1:122. Track, fast. , MTJTUEIS PAID v , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . TOMBEREAU .74 .80 .54 237—100 40—100 27—100 BEST MAN 2.50 2.40 25—100 20—100 UNCLE MATT 3.34 67—100 Winner— B. g, by Polymelia". — Dustpan II., by Sweeper trained by E. Hayward; bred by Hinvyar Stud. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:00. AT POST— 1. minute. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. TOMBEREAU raced under restraint for half a mile, bore out under pressure in the stretch, but was not seriously threatened. BEST MAN lost ground early, went to the inside in the stretch and withstood the drive gamely. UNCLE MATT hecan fast, bore out on the turn, but finished fastest of all. BALDERDASH had no mishaps. SON O SWEEP was under urging throughout. Overweieht — Balderdash, 2 pounds. rTA/l KC SECOND RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Miss Joy, May 21, 1921— :52%— 2— 110. Crescent • ""*«-*0 Hill Purse. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. Net value to May-7-32-C.D winner S700; second. 00: third. S75: fourth. 5. Imlex Horses E.jt A Wt IT St % Sir Kin Jfhejl Owners Himiv. Oriils Str t 69863 RUCKUS v.b lib 5 4 21 V P RileHR Green tree Stable 99b-100 NORTH MILL w 116 8 8 51 32 22 GarnerW Shandon Farm Stable 1801-100 70069-SPARTAN LADY w 113 7 5 4k 42 3a McCrsnC Dixiana 180 100 70307 MANITOBIAN wb 116 6 10 8 5l 42 McDottL P Reilly +1812 100 WISE MONA w 113 11 l4 21 5» HeupelJ . Southland Stable 608 100 OCEAN FLIGHT w 113 3 3 31 7" 6" CorbettC * F L B Stable 2293 100 70207 SIR ANTHONY wb 116 9 7 6i 6l 7 ChvettaF Peconic Stable + 70207 FRANK K. w 116 4 6 71 8* 81 KcmW W H Whitehouse 2295 100 LILAC BLOOM w 113 10 11 104 10« 91 GoolerW J B Respess + DOCTOR KLEIN w 116 12 9 94 9k 10* RoseM J Marsch 3103 100 FLYING DS w 116 11 12 11« ll4 ll2 FronkW Three Ds Stock Farm Sta 543 100 ONSIDE wb 116 2 2 12 12 12 ElstonG W E Smith 418 100 fMutuol field. Time, :2Z%. :48. :543£. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , r — OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS RUCKUS 1.92 | 8.52 .32 996—100 326—100 116—100 NORTH MILL 16.46 7.00 723—100 250—100 SPARTAN LADY 3.06 53—100 Winner — Ch. c. by Upset — Yiraeo. by Fair Play trained by J. S. Middleton ; bred by Greentree Stable. WENT TO POST— 2:45. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily : second and third driving. RUCKUS, lucky to escape the crowding on the far turn, lost ground entering the stretch, but wore down WISE MONA and won well in hand. NORTH MILL met interference, raced wide, but closed fast. SPARTAN LADY saved much ground in the late stages. MANITOBIAN improved his position. SIR ANTHONY was forced wide. DOCTOR KLEIN began slowly. ONSIDE, away fast, was racing in second position when he bolted on the turn, causing much crowding. Scratched— 70357 Catwalk, 116; 70307 Anxious, 116; In High, 116; 70174 Ondott, 116; 70307 Palatine, 116; Yamalhon, 116; Lugano, 116; Axtcl, 116. rTA/l KQ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. DorTLeon. May 1»7 1931—1:11—3—105. Purse ,000. sT • "fc«-»*J year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net. value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; May-7-32-C.D fourth, 5. Claiming price. .500: if for more. 1 pound extra for each 00 to .500. Index Horses E«|"l A Wl llSt 4 •_. Sir Kin .le.k.js Owners Eluiv. 0 l ls Strt 69242 SILYERDALE wb 6 120 3 5 33 21 l3 ll GarnerM Mrs M B Price 118 100 70148CHIMNEY SWEEP wb 5 115 1 1 2i 34 36 2l ElstonG C V Whitney 236 100 70177BAY ANGON uu 3 115 6 4 1" 1* 2" 3" CorbettC E A lgleheart 390 100 70148MONKS FIRST wb3 110 2 3 51 5" 54 41 HauptJ W F Axton 2629 100 69951 BACK LOG wb4 121 5 2 4l 41 4X 5" LaidleyO A B Gallaher 1365 100 62049 SCOTLANDS GLORY wb 4 122 4 6 6 6 6 6 LandoltC C W Hav 1987100 Time. :235. :462s. 1:113s. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SILVERDALE .36 S 3.36 .38 118—100 68—100 19—100 CHIMNEY SWEEP 3.00 2.44 50—100 22—100 BAY ANGON 2.48 24—100 Winner — Ch. h, by The Porter — Manraret Ogden. by Ogden trained by F. P. Lctellier; bred by Mr. E. B. McLean. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:27. AT POST— 2J minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. SILYERDALE, never far back and under restraint early, reached the lead on the outside entering the stretch and, drawing clear loafed, winning under brisk urging. CHIMNEY SWEEP began fast, saved ground early and, nuiiiu to the outside in the stretch, outlasted BAY ANGON. The latter showed good speed, saved ground in the final five-sixteenths and tired in the final drive. MONKS FIRST bad no mishaps. BACK LOG was done early. TiVdURrt FOURTH RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Mss Jay, May ». 1921— :5235— 2— 110. Fountain • ""*"" Ferry Park Purse. Purse S1.000. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner May-7-32-C.D 00: second. S200: third. S75 : fourth, 5. Index Horses Egt A Wt PP St ; Str Kin Jo. kes Owners Btpiiv. Odds Sir t 70166L1QUKUR w h 108 4 4 34 35 ll HeupelJ H P Headley 387 100 70210BILLIES ORPHAN w 112 2 1 V ll 2"S ClellandO F C McAtee 82-100 70309 HASTY PETER w 112 6 3 21 2" 32 McCrsnC Dixiana 397-100 70259 BOSTON WATERS v. 112 5 5 54 5 41 FronkW Young Bros 1271 100 70098 COAST PATROL wb 112 1 2 4i 4» 5" HorvthK T Piatt 1804 100 TELAMON wb 108 3 6 6 6 6 MorsonR Shandon Farm Stable 2934 100 Time, :2325. :4735, :54. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LIQUEUR .74 .96 .70 387—100 98—100 35—100 BILLIES ORPHAN 2.90 2.28 45—100 14—100 HASTY PETER 2.52 26—100 Winner— B. g, by Suprenius — Trial* Sec, by Zeltiner trained by D. A. Headlev ; bred by Mr. H. P. Headlev. WENT TO POST— 4:10|. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good out of machine. Won easily ; second and third driving. LIQUEUR, close to the pace from the start, lost ground on the stretch turn, easily wore down BILLIES ORPHAN and won in hand. The latter showed her best speed, bore out slightly entering the stretch and, while no nialch for the winner, held the others safe. HASTY PETER, under pressure from the start, tired in the final sixteenth. BOSTON WATERS was racing gamely in the final stages. COAST PATROL quit. Scratched— 70259Chuck B., 115. IfAAtand.l FIFTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. Twenty Grand? May It, 1931 — 2:0145— 3— 126. Fifty-eighth 4 J-k3 J. Running KENTUCKY DERBY. S50.000 added. 3-year-olds". Net value to winner 2,- May-7-32-C.D 359 and gold trophy; second, SC.flOO: third, ,000; fourth, ,000. Index Horses B|*t A WtlTSt tt % 1 Sir Kin Jo.kejs Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 69982:BURGOO KING w 126 13 4 3l 32 23 l4 l5 JamesE E R Bradlev J562 100 70162-ECONOM1C wb 126 10 2 l2 ll 1" 21 2" HornF J H Louchheim 1692 100 70169-STEPENFETCHIT wb126 412 91 5l 4i 4l 31 KnsorL Mrs J H Whitney §323 100 70162 BRANDON MINT wb12611 3 21 2k 31 3k 4- EllisG Brandon Stable +668100 701692OYER TIME v.b 126 5 13 13" 82 63 5k 5" SandeE Mrs J H Whitney § 70091-T1CK ON wb 126 6 14 12 102 52 6« 64 WallsP Loma Stable 184 100 70261 OUR FANCY wb126 3 1 4 71 82 7* 7 AllenCE J B Respess f 70261 GALLANT SIR wb 126 19 18 111 6" 7* 82 82 W0..I1G Northw ay Stable + 70359HOOPS wb 126 8 9 142 ll2 104 9 91 FischerR W F Knebelkamp 2862 100 70261COLD CHECK v b 126 12 5 71 4" 9 10= 10J GarnerW J W Pariish * 4588 100 70261 ADOBE POST wb126 7 20 161 15" lb" 131 11 LandoltC Knebelkamp and Morris 2852 100 70261 CRYSTAL PRINCE v. 126 1 8 20 14* 12" 121 VSf CorbettC P C Thompson + 70310 OSCILLATION v. 121 2 7 6l 9" 11 ll" 152 NealF. I.oncridze Stable + 70261-PRINCE HOTSPUR wb 12b 17 16 18l 16 172 162 14! AnrsonA J Lciter Estate 7837 100 70261 EE TEE v. 126 14 11 15 18* 15k 15 15* McCrsnC Dixiana + 70177 CATHOP w 126 20 19 19 17113s 17- 161 PichonL R M Eastman + 70134LUCKY TOM wb 126 16 17 8h 13= 14 14 IT8 PascmaA J J Robinson 1064 100 70311 THISTLE ACE wb126 9 1010119 19 ll 13* EbteaG G Collins + 69982BROTHER JOE w 126 13 6 5" 12" 13 18" 19 FatorL E R Bradley 63982,I.IBERTY LIMITED v.b 126 15 15 IT* Broke doe. 11. GarnerM Three Ds Stock Farm Stable t tMutucl field. JCoupIed as E. R. Bradlev entrv ; »Mr . J. H. Whitnev cntrv. Time, :24 5. :485- 1:13. 1:38, 2:05 5. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS - E. R. BRADLEY ENTRY 3.24 .08 .00 562—100 154—100 100—100 ECONOMIC 15.62 8.54 681—100 327—100 MRS. J. H. WHITNEY ENTRY 3.52 76—100 Winner— B. c, by Bubbling Over— Minawand, by Lonauand trained by H. J. Thompson; bred by Mr. H. N. D.nis and Idle Hour Stack Farm. WENT TO POST— 5:04. AT POST— 15J minutes. M.nt cood out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. BURGOO KING, away fast and well rated, followed the pace closely unlil reaching the final three eighths, where he easily wore down ECONOMIC and. drawing into decisive command, won easily. ECONOMIC, taken into the lead, set the pace under good ratimr, was no match for the winner, but held on well, outlasting STEPENFETCHIT. The latter saved considerable ground in the early stages, was under restraint until reaching the closing half-mile, rallied mildly when taken to the outside in the stretch and was wearing down ECONOMIC. BRANDON MINT moved up fast on the stretch turn and, despite lack of room, was going boldly in the final stages. OVER TIME held on stubbornly in a good performance. TICK ON, much used at the post and in close quarters most of the way, could not reach the leaders when clear and was under hard pressure in the final quarter. OUR FANCY had no mishaps. GALLANT SIR quit. ADOBE POST had a lough rate. LIBERTY LIMITED fell badly lam© aud was pulled up. rTA/l* SIXTH RACE-3-4 Mile. Don Leon. May 19. 1931-1:11-3-105. Purse ! SI .000. 3-year-4 J-±3+i 0ids and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5, May-7-32-C.D fourth, 5. Claiming price. S2.000. Index Horses EJM A WtlTSt ■« Sir Ki.i J-keys Owners H|inv. Q«U1» StCt 70175-GRAND PRINCE wb 6 115 14 31 21 lh V, GarnerW Shandon Farm Stable oJ° 70308 ELKHART wb 3 108 5 6 62 52 41 2 BakerFJ R C Thatcher "J2x 70208 PAT C. w-3108 2 3 2= 4i 3" 3*1 RileyHR E J and O J S F Stable 300/100 0907DLOVE OFFERING wb3104 6 5 VI 31 and 4 T*WrryC C E Hamilton 70358 FIREFLASH w 3 105 7 2 11 I* 22 9 HbwV* J H Gaines 70146THE SPANIARD wb4 115 3 8 8 71 T 61 Pi.l.onL F A Carreaud 825 -1UU 70308 ELKAY W w 3 103 4 7 51 6- 6" 7" ElstonG W H Whitehouse 2624-100 70146 WISE SELLER w 3 108 8 1 74 8 8 8 JaacsE B S Michell 1906100 Time, :2335. :47. 1:133. Track fast. A-S2 MUTUELS PAID- -, r OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GRAND PRINCE .50 S 3.16 .64 75—100 58-100 32-100 EIKHART 11-92 6.52 496-100 226-100 pat c :...:::::.:".:.!..".".!.... 7.68 234-100 Winner— B. g, by Baby Grand— Slim Princes-, by Sempionius trained by J. J. Greely ; bred by Mr. D. Cullen. Winner entered to be claimed for S2.000. WENT TO POST— 6:09. AT POST— 2J minutes. Start cood out of machine. Won easily; second and thud «hiing. GRAND PRINCE, kept close up, came throush between PAT C. and LOVE OFFERING approaching the stretch, wore down FIREFLASH slowly and. drawiptg clear, u..s s.,fe from ELKHART. The fatter, allowed to remain out of it, saved much ground at the stretch, stead the drive resolutely, but did not threaten the winner PAT C. displayed speed from the start, dropped bach slightly entering the stretch, and held on fairly well in the drive. LOVE OFFERING raced wide. FIREFLASH weakened after showing speed for five eighths. Overweight— Love Offering. 1 pound; Rrelhsfc, 3. j_ 74ACt* SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Dr. Clark. Oct. 20, 1921—1:49—4—119. Purse ,000. 4 U4Dt 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third. May-7-32-CT 5; fourth. 5. Claiming price. S2.00C. Index Horses EqtAWtPlSt ».i Vi »4 Str Y n .l.".--Uyg Owners K.|iiiv. Odda Sir t 70263ROYAL SPORT wb 5 113 4 3 T 11 l1 1" 1" BakerFJ A J Stallings 1681 100 70262 KING PIN w 5 113 6 1 21 21 2l 31 2"1 CorbettC F L B Stable 3026100 70178-MOURNKYS END w 4 103 8 8 6J 31 31 2» 3" ElstonG F A Wehle 218-100 70209 ULLODEN wb 5 113 3 2 31 41 61 4 4" AllenCE H M Woolf 239100 702121 ADY GIBSON w 4 106 5 9 81 81 8J 51 5" HauptJ V B Young 2314100 70178ROY wb611310 7 71 7 5h 61 C F««vWrG J W Parrish 815 100 70209 CHUM wb7113 7 5 4" 51 41 " 7" ClellandO H C Hopper 1565 100 69243BLAST wb 4 113 1 10 9" 10 .71 8J 8 JsmcsE Mrs C Porter 884 100 70100MIIEGRETTO w 4 113 2 4 10 91 91 9" 9" MorsonR Shandon Farm Stable 5693100 70313 I ION HEARTED w 6 113 9 6 5" V 10 10 10 K«scM J P Musgrave 1078100 Time, :2444, :49" 5. 1:1425. 1:40. 1:5335. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID-- , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , ROYAL SPORT 5.62 S14.60 .88 1681—100 630—100 194—100 KING PIN 23.70 9.88 1085—100 394— 1*» JOURNEYS END 3.14 67—100 Winner— B. h, by Sporting Blood— La Rovale. by Alcantara II. I trained by F. P. Letelhei ; bred by Mr. F. P. Letellier. Winner entered to he claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 6:46 J. AT POST— minute. Start good out of machine. Won driving : second :,m third the same. ROYAL SPORT, rated under snug restraint the first three quarter* anj saving ground throughout. « v.vf severe pressure gamely and stood off KING PIN in an extended drive. The latter forced the early p..e* under steadying reserve, held on with fine courage under strong -handling and just failed to get up. JOURNEYS END Was forced to lose some ground anil, probably best, moved up stoutly approaching the last eighth, but weakened near the end. CULLODEN, close up the first hall iiile. dropped back at the stretch turn, but came again strongly in the late stages. LADY GIBSON raced well. ROY lost much ground. BLAST began slowlv. LION HEARTED dronped out of it after three -quarters. Scratched— 70213 Sis Esther, 103. . OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT CHURCHILL DOWNS Saturday— 3 Races, 9.62; 5 Races. 73.72; 7 Races. 01.96 — — ■ m :

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932050901/drf1932050901_21_1
Local Identifier: drf1932050901_21_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800