untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-05-09


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T. M. FERGUSON RELEASING BONA FIDE, LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION Strictly Two Horses a Day — Prompt and Courteous Service to All Out-of-Town Subscribers — No Waiting READ! SENSATIONAL TERMS! READ! SUBSCRIBE! W PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE -» You Must Receive Four Win Parlays Out of Six, Otherwise You Receive Another Six Days Service Absolutely Free! ! ! The two horses you are to receive are positively the horses advertised. Everybody receives the same two horse3 the very same day they subscribe. No exceptions. No partiality. SATURDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: Verity Ballot, $ 1 8.34, Won Erin Go Bragh, 2.30, Won WIN OR LOSE, PRICES BIG OR SMALL, MY TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED EVERY DAY. Everybody receives the same two horses the same day they subscribe. No waiting. No delay. SWT TODAY— MONDAY— 0 TO WIN PARLAY ~«B Advertised Parlay Wired All Clients Immediately. No Waiting. No Delay. No Suspense. Office Open Sunday All Day. Subscribe Today. ReceM Prompt Service. Subscribe for Mondays Big Parlay. Two Winners. Dont Let Stop You From Winning a Big Bet Monday. Get Mondays Big Parlay. Win a Real Bet. Subscribe. Subscribe Today. Do Not Miss Mondays Parlay We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, securing prompt attention. Out-of-town subscribers receive the advertised two horses. Subscribe! today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. Out of -town subscribers, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. New York office open every day from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Prompt and courteous service to everybody, T. M. FERGUSON, 1452 Broadway, New York, N. Y. HHHHHBIHMHIMHigH Not Best Because the Biggest, But Biggest Because the Best | |rl r wS wk andF* BELIEVE IT OR NOT -« 9 ft ™ ■ ■ M WM ft " ■ ■ U A TWO-DOLLAR PARLAY ON S. R. KINGS 21 CONSECUTIVB B If ▼ w-v - At . TT m WINNERS WOULD have paid mM ■ • • ml/M Ml I II 3,072,201,333,240,484,557.26 m L Mmmmmmm I M BH K A. ATPEARING IN 257 NEWSPAPERS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD ON andSJg!3fSnEmmW MAY 30 AND june 2, 1930 iVjmimwmnWSm s. r.king ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•i utojrvl Vg-BELlEVE IT OR NOT PLAY FILED EVERY NOON WITH DAILY RACING FORM flBCandjSKS DOLLAR PARLAV 4££andb. Wlllflllilftl FREE— THE COMPLETE NEW SALARY SYSTEM— FREE mVuSiNQi R*0 L5J| II! Start this play at once and put the next ,675 in jour own pocket. The New Salary System will con- mWajyMr "A *V ING/S TWENTY- ONE TT," V**ytli tinuc to win in the future, just as it has won in the pa t. Starting Jan. 2, 1932. play of this method has mrs Sr CONSECUTIVE J HBjiJ been filed with the Daily Racing Form every noon. Over ,675 was won during this period of 17 weeks, an |p«TW** W i-a l»nfcc~ MhTMS?: I Rush your name and address, BUT NO MONEY, for a FREE copy of this clever, practical method that La ™%iw U/ R«™5£SP jlIftflfiB fe?iM really wins. Amazing new angle. All plays to win only: no place or show bets. At or away from track. r*3*0?p -»n. ...... ?jnilfftSc nfvvl s,feRS V~ Jl *M 1 if, K CUf.Os70jwrHAnO-v I TH H lvK Sr £ Three to five horses daily. Never more than one horse In same race. Small or large capital. With this w h i» /////?/§MALl-EST IjiH 79 FK 3 just like-asalary System will be mailed the personal advice of a successful race operator called E/MJfiJSJ* M«. /tf///andP4and AJjr u?*iFflYfflll TRIPLE STOP-LOSS CAUTION" f ■■"■■ jttfflqfr »*;o 4Q IBBaMliiilMlBWlllH Contains sensational advice that should save thousands for race fans. QUIT LOSING. Get this FREE SATURDAYS TWO HORSES: «■«#**■ document and avoid the pitfalls that defeat fourteen out of fifteen. Write or wire at once. Send no money. EjIvIIN ViCJ PmC fw% Mm Jbl.Ovlj VY/iN Both Salary System and Stop-Loss Caution are free for limited time. The copies mailed to you will be exactly ¥ I/"frf |""V 1 1 A DH Qtt 7tVi Alirrtra the same as those on file with the Daily Racing Form and other publications. There will be no obligation * I on your part. You pay nothing now or later. We do not send you any wires. If given a chance we can ALL KING CLIENTS, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE show you how profit CAN be made in racing if business like methods are used. Write your name and ad- In view of the fact that all my releases are LONG SHOTS, I STRICTLY ADVISE A SEPARATE PLAY HORSE ln additi°n t0 the PARLAY Pla YoU *« "nd dress on the margin of this page if you wish. °?CH this method very profitable. I » *i CI i H Vf J il i I »1 1 1 j 1 1 H TMJ WtmiJIlf MM -VH1 *J2* PAYS F0R MY advertised ilJO 1 J 1 1 a /a ■ A »H H 1 1 k LMJliffiirW ritiBlntfM *po daily parlay *po "--— ******** «» m kWmmWZmm THE HORSES YOU RECEIVE ARE THE HORSES ADVERTISED i Come in TODAY and allow me to explain. If you cannot see me personally, Just " telegraph or telephone my office. Winners are what you want. I have plenty of them, STnrrFTZrrWffFF CLOCKFRS RFVIFW NO BUNK— NO DELAY— NO RED TAPE— NO FICTION **-.*%» **-. ▼ in ■ T f vfc Ml Mm Wkfm m n 11 MY ADVERTISEMENT appears |yri lllil*lMl*IJki ZSZenisalZTm%unis sir- 365 days each year m BaBESRBandaSBBBi there must be a reason OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY— 10 A. M. to 4 P.M. MONDAYS FREE CODES: MONDAYS FREE CODE: -. • CHURCHILL: Cord-Canal-Petard-Jewel-Nexus. CHURCHILL— Gray-18-35. Aa Clients Subscribing Sunday Will Receive Mondays Advertised Two Horses pimlico: Reed-Brace-Nexus-Hasty-Fiora. For Key to Code, See Page 2, ciockers Review. For the Convenience of Western Clients I Have Established Also parlay both WIN and SHOW. | MONDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: an Office in Chicago m— _ . _ PIMLICO— Corn-1 1-8. All those desiring to get in on the smartest information available to the racing pub- % M # I Is ready to step down an easy winner. For Col. Matt "C may wire money via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. CITY CLIENTS UNABLE 1/1/ fn f VO|f% I Bradys Specials, see page 11, Ciockers Review. TO CALL IN PERSON MAY PHONE ▼ ¥ Ull nClllll SATURDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: FRANKLIN 6725 K3F BUBOLA, .20, WON and I will send you parlay by messenger. Out-of-town clients, telegraph and I will SATURDAYS OCCASIONAL: wire fast SATURDAYS bA1UKUA" part FAKLAY ay- your parlay by telegraph. Tfc ¥ T/1I7I in BUCKUS, 1.92, WON ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO 1/1 II It IV WISE COUNT, 0.40, WON S. R. KING IVU VlVUlJ« sue tebryFRIDAYS PARLAY: 4.12, won 10 NORTH CLARK STREET, 7TH FLOOR, CHICACO, ILL. • .™" 7 BUZZY BOO, 4.96, WON B BIG LIMIT PARLAY MONDAY— TERMS, j-%mwm xi jl j-«. jt_ You Can Wire * for Mondays Par,ay* l 0 1 HO II7~ vg J f I W / W llTl CLOCKERS KEVIEW PUBLISHING CO. Sw?f --CHICAGQ- / TM ITT1 k/i/j uj *zF Wyll|/y« If Ull 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York Citj lliTf %f I l" V W1# VV A TbTW This the advertised Occasional and again we MY" rllNMU PIMAI PI rLtM PA I kW Xa I I • B H H.I B B B B Lm mWt B B ATiUJU A M MmmJ MkJMhmJmmW MMmkm mML |A%rT*r« • As previously announced in these columns, I am in _,_ l . ■ «Q» Ql n p «c 11 J J i a position to produce winners at Aurora. The service 1 I1C .T lllK OllCGL * FICCj 1and VCHlS U i m rSiSH °f lT 1 three. "orses a "cek" TTT SERGT. DONALDSON, Regren Pimlico Special, 1.90, -»■ WON HM I / through my intimate acquaintance with several stables ° r » IVlnTri/tV quartered there. This information is not public prop PARTIES, Regren Sportsmans Park Standout, 8.88, WON "*"1»"W-J O erty, neither is it the result of handicapping, guess- DARK SECRET, Regren Jamaica Standout, 3-2, WON work or the "brain chi,d" of some thusiast. it is Ravenna WON g • i SWEEPSTAKES, Regren Standout, 4.80, UCCaSIOnal »- — "ZfZZZZZ HAPPY ANNE, Regren Pimlico Pay-Off, 3.70, WON V V of this caIiber My terms are not publbhed for the MONDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: V -m £* reason that I must choose my clients and protect AURORA Ray-5-13-23. A«| Ill I VrtAf* connections. Clients must be reliable, responsible and CHURCHILL DOWNS— Jack-6 25-12. | If"" 1 LJm1J absolutely trustworthy. If you can qualify, it will be *™~,—™™,™"~~",~,~ to your advantage to get in touch with me. References TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH Will probably pay better than 10-1. This colt will cxchanged. ruirandrrt HAM V TCI rrDADU WAKE UP Monday. Has had a MIGHTY CAREFUL j. r# BALDWIN UniflUU UAILT I CLtUKAril PREP and everything is ready for a galloping win. For 3339 Hollywood Ave. Chicago, HI. *H PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ELI* this one ask your newsdealer for the ______==== per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mall Master dockers Occasional raw WWPW — — , , [Jl . MilDirCtMl COL. C. ROY BREWSTER FOR 2, SUMMERS, MAY TO DECEMBER, fandmlZTZy!** you will h HMl DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES EACH DAY I have made to $." 00 roomlily with the horses. So B rewardecl with a free copy of JBH Everybody Receives the Advertised Parlay Daily. No Exceptions. No Partiality am you if you have . Write, enclosing io cents M "THE SECRET OF BEATING ■ Saturdays Two Horses: VERITY BALT, 8.34, Won ERIN GO BRAGH, 2.30, Won p a Boxie P"ru DAYTON, kt. §§| the races M MONDAY— 50-1 LIMIT-WIN-PARLAY— MONDAY - gW| *• K. WILLIS Bfltf WIRE YOUR IMMEDIATELY FOR MONDAYS ADVERTISED TWO HORSES: Advertise in Daily Racing Form U 5i2aN.w. win Ave., Miami. Fia.p| f COL. C. ROY BREWSTER, 1476 Broadway, New York City

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932050901/drf1932050901_31_1
Local Identifier: drf1932050901_31_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800