untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-05-09


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HBNJBU PRESS c , mArfv 145 WLS1 LVm STREET BBWM Diilil NtW VOKk Hi k H I VI I I I " I ■ New, Handsomely Illustrated 13-lagu Edition, "touilug Winners" — All Stands La b B 9 I m I LB H H I H Important Cities Throughout the World— Price, 15 Cents F 0 BLe« 0 I T I I M ILb Lh ■ CONTAINS THE FAMOUS GEORGE W. LAWTON RATINGS— SUPREME FOR 28 YEARS WOW! WHAT A CLEAN UP! Some of the ablest turf writers— J ohu I. Day, Vincent Treauoi -"MS Roanier, Vernou Sanders, Clem McCarthy, are weekly contributors to its mf *k*~ rKt-lli. PRFPt rrvLIL.. FRFF Wa scintillating columns. In addition thereto, this publication has some of Saturdays two free horses: the foremost dockers of the day on its weekly payroll. Beginning Monday, May 9 Ruckus The New York Press "Service de Luxe" 4l*0 1 C* T A TWO-HORSE PARLAY DAILY 51.*, Won RESUMED BY POPULAR DEMAND AND REQUEST AND AWAY HTVTV* Vn"*l*On 1 1 THE NEW YORK PRESS SERVIVE DE LUXE was established May _ _ _ 24, 1925; nearly eight years ago. It consisted, then, as now, of two horses yl? *j % # V daily — never more — and for the nomiinal charge of daily. DUt 9 TTi ▼ ▼ Ji * This service is fraught with tremendous possibilities. It is under the immediate w supervision and direction of one of the most capable and trustworthy turf specialist and T published these two horses 34 hours in advance ABSOLUTELY FREE of charge America and released after word has been received from I handicapper in is daily and ana ursenuy urireaLlv advised aavisea each eacn ana and everv every reader reader to to go eo the uie limit nmiL to lo win win oiu. onlv. THE NEW YORK PRESS CLOCKERS AND CORRESPONDENTS STATIONED AT | THE VARIOUS RACE TRACKS. EVERY HORSE SENT INTO THIS OFFICE MUST Here Is a Reproduction of My Ad Which Appeared in Saturdays faper: rRATE" OR FIGURE BEFORE IT IS RELEASED BY THE TURF DEPARTMENT. __ mmm . _____ NO HAPHAZARD GUESSING; THE MATTER OF SELECTING "PROBABLE" WIN- coctr. cocc NERS IS UNDERTAKEN IN A THOROUGH, SYSTEMATIC, SCIENTIFIC, PRAC- hKfcfc. PKtt. In subscribing to the SERVICE DE LUXE you are risking your play in the hands 1 UjVloJtiKiliAU ** irst Churchill of reliable and trustworthy parties, even then the risk or hazard in racing is very great PRFF1MTRFF FMTRY a»**rhnsJ fhiii r»K ll unless you are a good sport, prepared to take the bitter with the sweet, our advice is to JXVCjILi1 I IVCiL *- L * IV I , OCCOHU HUrvillJ.1 keep away from temptation. Racing is no place for a bellyacher or a cry-baby. And Bet to Win Only one of the fundamentals of the sport is to accept defeat with a smile. See advertisement in tomorrows paper for sensational announcement. "GO HOME AND TELL YOUR MOTHER" OWNER-TRAINER S. L. M. that you dont belong to the full-blooded, rugged, healthy type of men that play the races mma_mmmmi mmtm tmmt __ _ unless you can accept defeat with the same grace that vou welcome victory. In the vears gone by, the "SERVICE DE LUXE" has had many long shot winners, fKT WHO I» » 1 1VI ARFY? ""3BE including OIL QUEEN, 8.60; TIVERTON, 0.10; OUR GRIEF, 7.20, FUSINA, 6.00; * "llv **- *■* *■" ***■*"****-• * • *N MONDE, 7.20; STOP GAP, 4.00; SMOLDERING, 6.80, etc. j any of the old timers. They will tell you. I have owned and trained horses for mil ■ nrrrnn 17/1I nrk/ma TVin A n.T»nir over fifteen years and if I cant make you win, nobody can. I gave out the great clean- WILL STEER YOU FROM DISASTER - ~ Kv1I IA *//./V, 70 WON SERVICE DE LUXE WILL TRY TO STEER YOU FROM THE PITFALLS "J THAT BESET THE AVERACE HORSE PLAYER THE ROLL CALL, 1.70, WON Beginning Monday, this week looks big and promising. LOUISVILLE and PIMLICO. Over 00,000 was won by all readers of the Racing Form when Ruckus arm Tom. Bight now appears to be the happy time to get back from your old layer what he has bereau won. been taking away from you in the past. Remember, the fee is daily, two horses daily yOU MUST HAVE INSIDE INFORMATION TO BEAT THE RACES Telegraph your subscription now and start Monday. All business in the turf department Is strictly by telegraph. Western Union or Postal Telegraph money orders made out to Horses do not always run according to form. You cannot stab, handicap or play "SERVICE DE LUXE," THE NEW YORK PRESS, 145 West 45th Street, New York City, horses according to system. Horsemen are n this game to make money. The following regulations governing the turf department of THE NEW YORK ANOTHER DOUBLE WIN GOES MONDAY" PRESS will be adhered to religiously and any one subscribing to the SERVICE DE LUXE can go to sleep on what is here set forth I have trained horses for some of the most prominent stables now racing, and there SERVICE* is not a thinS m* friends such *» owners, trainers and jockeys would not do for me. FIRST: Every subscriber to the DE LUXE will receive only two horses daily. These horses will be telegraphed before 12 oclock New York Time daily. Your 50-1 LIMIT WIN PARLAY name will be held in strict confidence. ... __. _ _. . . ,. .. After Saturdays two horses wk, WON, my * friends • arranged to put over another cleanup ot-.z-tvtt ciTirvvT twtt- t t t v t- • 1 1 4. j i • * u. a i SECOND; SERVICE DE LUXE will not deal in favorites. As a rule you can expect py Monday horses to pay 4 to 1 or better. | *** j THIRD: Service starts immediately subscription is received in this office. You EXTRAORDINARY TERMS: can have the horses wired to you daily collect or you can phone in any time after mid- j»o PCT TLJIC | I j/||T A/IrI PARI AY fourth: Under no circumstances will you ever receive more than the regular No Waiting — Service Wired Immediately. Dont Fail to Get These Two two-horse daily parlay. No extra specials or calling on telephone to annoy customers. ■ ■ •. Aiinn«»r i We in service of Limit Winners are amply paid our charge daily. FIFTH; The horses that the SERVICE DE LUXE subscribers have wired to them Wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph and I will immediately wire you will be the horses you see advertised the next day, win, lose or draw. No phoney balogna Mondays parlay, business in this office. A fair shake, rattle and roll is what you will get here. - _ _ .. wyr-r- SIXTH: Race fans subscribing to this service for the first time are respectfully re- O. L. JYlA15lli I quested to make inquiry of "SERVICE DE LUXE" as to any particulars regarding their *.-. pip-i-i. AWFK1MC ISiPA/ YODK fMTV contemplated operations. As a rule, it is a good plan when playing a parlay to play ■"■" ■" AvtnlUC, rMCW YCvKrN. L»l I Y each horse separately as well, as misfortune or bad luck may cause one of the parlay horses to be defeated. SEVENTH: Practical and successful horsemen or trainers who are getting ready , «m m , s—. _ to win with a good thing are respectfully invited to communicate with the SERVICE DE nJI 1/ M fin .•tfV ~"Tfc» LUXE, and a fee of 00 will be paid by SERVICE DE LUXE for a winner. This depart- IVI 4* ITllfl ly 1 AlT || The Social Regnter roi Horse* j | ment is at all times in the market for good things, but the goods must be delivered. IVI Jk | 1 j | lf ■ "lyi If WFZC i TW Ml IHBHI "Jut Money will be deposited in any reputable hands, pending the outcome of this race. This JLf -M.CJI / 1 1 1 1 1 W JmJL ¥ rCEM * M PwV * offer is wide open to all reputable owners and trainers. —w" "~w J fjfll if I I f CrJ • T#T#i fc. EIGHTH. Remember, there are no "sure winners" in racing. Where you have the LQBB * *- fV ~M I i, J i "Players Friends"— MEN WHO KNOW opportunity of immediate gain there is also going hand and hand with that opportunity 35c— AT ALL NEWSSTANOS— 35c the risk or hazard that attaches to all speculative ventures. SERVICE DE LUXE will gqr* AGAIN WE $ CLEANED UP $ ! ""*■ PAYS FOR 7 ISSUES £2 % give you real, live information, direct from the feed box and on the day on which the nd as a prenuUin you Recede "stable" is wagering. The ramifications of this service reach to some of the highest and SATURDAYS PARLAY: VRSOLUTELY FREE lowest barns in the country, but any time you "play the races" do not lose sight of the f?RIN P*0 RRATH o di met otao oocrr Ai 01 fact that your principal is in jeopardy. Our suggestion is to start with modest capital dlYIl KXKJ DIvHUn j oLUt oTAR bPcCIALSI and, with any kind of luck at all, this service should show you real, substantial results 2 "0 ArON SATURDAYS BLUE "-TR spfcXTL- almost immediately. VERITY BALLOT, S18.34. WON l/coiTV DAI I AT — THREE DOLLARS DAILY VERITY BALLOT Fridays blue star special: tlQC/l I/niVI BUZZY BOO, 06, WON This is a get acquainted offer for the purpose of obtaining new clients for the SER- «4 1 0.Ofr, Wvll THURSDAYS BLUE TAR SPECIAL- VICE DE LUXE. The ramifications which make this service possible to you at this And our advice was to GO THE LIMIT— WIN MOUTHPD3CE. SS.50 WON nominal price, if disclosed to you, would cause great surprise, as some of the best known OiNLY-THIS PARLAY PAID THE LIMIT." HnrnMrcnTvw; ranTT sources of information are open to this service by virtue of services rendered in the past tuntsuAi a blii, rii-p t»r mak m-rlial: and to be rendered in the future. "You scratch my back and I scratch yours" is our Three "Limit" Parlays Won This Week STROLL ALONG, S7.50, WON policy. Do not expect too much too quickly and, as noted above, "keep sweet" at all Week Before Four Parlays Won, Two Lost Vbove ecials were ?iven FREE t0 a11 subscribes. f. . Pout wait for tomorrow. Send vour subscription ».„»», RE LEAD3ER— ■..rnn Parlays .» Pay „. B»g * Money $ today and you too wlll rac4HV FREE wiNNLNG JkM 1 J f+ 1 TPl • !S N*J ~ LRPKISE to get this kind of WIN- SPECIALS. IVI O flO A V VlOOn -* » M. nit17 NEKS when you do business with ONE WHO Dan McCann, foremost turf commissioner, now r«- *T* "****** " tAUlO KNOWS. You just CANNOT LOSE. leasing one horse a day exclusively tor Blue Book, in "SERVICE DE LUXE" has come into possession, through its dockers and ramifica- fand- andia ••SURPRISE" MOND-kY "*• CJ ie tions, of "two good things" which will go to the post Monday. Barring accident, both j_. ,_ . , .. #«mm -» SATURDAYS McCANN RELEASE: these horses should win as they have been especially prepped and the stable will be down .. xwu f** *T Inerj*, ,,*W7A . v rarlay i » HLCRl S, 1.02. WON for a gob. This service is sincere in saying that all subscribers should start off on vel- , s s/r- f nVt SI,, pay Mon" FRIDAYS McUU"* McCAVN RELEASE- da and UKGL U-DON T vet. The resumption of this service has been especially timed with this end in view. One "e MISS IT. ETiWAND4u s «j«L VVOV of these horses belongs in stake company, yet he is being run away below where he be- OFJbTCE OPEN TODAY— SUNDAY MONDAYS McCANN KELFAsE- longs. The trainer expects to pull off a good wager here and he is dropping this horse AURORA— B 29 17 32 6 in again Thursday where he expects to do the trick over again but after the first race J*" Terms, a Day ~W F0R DAN MtCAVN KEU;a3E, SEK PAGE 13 the horses form will have been disclosed and the same fat mutuel will not be likely on ,_. . . - ccdwic 01 avcdc unTirr„ oadi av the second occasion. The second horse prom ise3 even better than the one before men- T, lhilauo PLAYtHb. "NOTICE " AKLAY otKVIt tioned. Has been " "" can * come our off.ee phone RANDOLPH SEE PAGE SIX. BLUE BOOK running out of his class recently with the thought in mind of con- 0 |° dltioning for this particular event. Both these horses should win with an even break, f701 7 w« «jl1 *** you Monday s parlay in SATURDAYS PARLAY: and a 0 FLAT PLAY AND PARLAY might win a hatfull. Whatever you do, dont miss *e,aJ"dI.„envel,ope V1£, "ie"enger. OUT-OF-TOWN WISE COUNT, S10.40, WON this big parlay Monday. REMEMBER! PLALRs telegraph 53 and we wiU wire you imme lUMBEKEAl, $ 6.74, WON dUteli* 0PEN SUNDAY %4Z £t%n T* ly r wyrt £• #V* |y%i% * M0 •■ ■ * TKY MAXIM 6 GAY All clients subscribing .-;:j.jjv to any service wul ro- ■ U 170 JL CLjf and V JL V/1XV * ClJL iCl V ** W. Randolph St., Suite 1010 Chicago, III. c,,,vy Mmmiagt infuruidiion. Call and have a talk * I . ..•; us. Our motto is courtesy and a square deal "WIN WITH SERVICE DE LUXE" TTT mm*ZZ*m Strike while the iron is hot! Get in action at oncetodayl Telegraph L i I. « Tk . . O 3 : i T] 1? FORD-Riiey-27-3-47-7. , youi- remittance immediately— at once! The individual who habitually worlds finest racing publication pcc££2SfcS I procrastinates never gets anywhere. Be a live one! Join the DK LUXE at all newsstands-25 cents AUR0RA-SanQe-3-«M7-22 SERVICE NOW! FREEI TUNE INI FREE "*■ w v" ,d Race ,.,. for rOR CODE code parlay 1AKL.AY, skb bKE I page AGE 5 l/lir STATION WIBO 560 KILOi , 6:4 P. M. DAILY Wesien 1 l-ouis Wire or Mail All £ubscr»Mtions to Ilnnn MmiflllT RIM Ml ViII/H PI/hVV ,lilt:e . .aS ,,n 64 W. RAM OLl*H SX, ltOOM 713 ITLVV lUuiV riVIlijij rv. siixi-? atyif,1;ereoii .Staff Reports. Article* by ri!crt3. Jockejr TtaUuK.-. *~1«CAGOl - -. CrD7irT TVC f f lA/TJI Duitiis of other featurea, ■ , OEjKVIUEj L/ta LUAL WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLE COPY FREE— 100 TO 1 145 WEST 45TH STREET NEW YORK "™ ■ Room m A- Po" Bl c°- »""■" ■ t »T ■- ■ . .- jmmm Telephone Bryant 9-2761 i Advertise in Daily Racing Form ",uua- i1! Vwoom. dq. m, urb..

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932050901/drf1932050901_30_1
Local Identifier: drf1932050901_30_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800