Tanforan Summaries, Daily Racing Form, 1932-05-09

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TANFORAN SUMMARIES SAN BRUNO, Calif., May 7.— Following are the summaries of todays races: FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Horse. Wt. Jockey. Pref. Options Sec. Optiefts CHICAROS HALLIE .* 110 Maihen $ 6.00 $ 3.20 CAMPDORE U5 Johns 8.00 SNORKY 118 Jones Time, :545. Track fast. Off: 2:01. Also ran— Dimock, Kate A.. Rapid BelN. Siimble. Disc, Pico Blanco, Good Thoughts. SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Horse. Wt. Jockcv. Pref. Options Sec. Options DEMOISELLE 106 Smith." .50 .60 BIG STIFF 106 Siebff 9.80 BOOTTOP 106 Saunders Time, 1:15. Track fast. Off 2:28. Also ran— Genghis Khan, Lady Conard, Shasta Snow, Nanamay, Privately. Black Spot, Phil K., Fred Wright, One Cent. i THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Horse. Wt Joi I rv. Pref. Options Sec. Opticas GARETH 108 Humphries 2.00 .80 WINDJAMMER 106 Porter 3820 CROFTON Ill Wright Time, 1:15. 5. Track fast. Off 3:00. Also ran— Prancing Step, Pat, Dublin Hills K.:tc Geary, Showers, Morton Caldwell, Recess, Fourteen Sixty.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932050901/drf1932050901_21_3
Local Identifier: drf1932050901_21_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800